KillStealling (KS)

stingerx Posts: 3 Arc User
edited March 2009 in Suggestion Box
I'm getting a little tired of the way people just KS you. But to start with, I shall give you my definition of KSing (Kill Stealling) "If you attack the monster first and then someone comes along and kills it at least 5-10 seconds after you first hit it, that is ksing".

Why KSing is bad (other than because it's frustrating).
1. It's hard enough to do quests as it is and if it's too hard people quit.
2. If people quit the game loses money, no matter how it is funded (be it adverts or real money donations).
3. If the game loses money the game will die.
4. If the game dies I have to find something else to occupy my time (lol jk)

What I propose we do about it:
1. Other games I've played have a system, that system is if you attack the monster it is fixed to you such as, I attack a rhinodrake nobody else can attack it.
2. To prevent someone taking all the mobs away at once, I propose that the fixed aggro only works 1 mob at at time, for example if you attack rhinodrake A and don't kill it, and then attack Rhinodrake B, the fixed aggro is no longer on A but rather on B.

I love this game I don't want to quit but this ksing thing is wearing on me.
Programmers for PW I hope you look at this, I love this game and I'd hate to see it die.
Post edited by stingerx on


  • True - Harshlands
    True - Harshlands Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    KSing is annoying, but it exists nonetheless.

    If you join a pvp server and people bother you past level 30, you can always try killing them.

    Otherwise you either deal with it or, like you said, quit. Higher levels yield less KSing in my experience, so it seems a silly thing to quit over. It's true it would be nice with some sort of system, but I find it challenging to out-damage the other person also.
  • stingerx
    stingerx Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Well I'm only 26 but how am I going to get to the higher levels If I can't progress right now I usually play around midnight cuz there are less people on
    and that's not very convienent.
  • True - Harshlands
    True - Harshlands Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    stingerx wrote: »
    Well I'm only 26 but how am I going to get to the higher levels If I can't progress right now I usually play around midnight cuz there are less people on
    and that's not very convienent.

    lol...if you're level 26 then you're right around that whole Broken Bow Bluff and Orchid Temple phase. This is by far the worst area in the entire game. Get passed it, reach 30, you'll be fine.
  • lupinegoddess
    lupinegoddess Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    KSing is irritating and annoying, but keep in mind that mistakes do happen. If my lvl 54 cleric has hit a mob once, and is channeling again, someone may not notice that I'm targeting that mob, and try to get it themselves.

    That being said...

    I have repeatedly asked people to stop KSing me. I've had tons of responses to those requests. They range from, "Sorry - didn't know you had it targeted," to "F*ck you - I kill anything I feel like killing." Unfortunately, I find that the majority of the nasty responses come from the higher level players. I'm not sure why this is, really, it's just been my experience.

    I was actually challenged to a PK duel by a high level player because I lectured a low level player about it being wrong to KS, because it leeches spirit and exp from your kill. The high level player told me that the low level kill thief was "Under my wing, and you don't tell him what to do." I will not mention the faction this high level player was from, but I'd be willing to bet that you can guess...


    The point is that, as the OP pointed out, KSing seems to be getting more prevelant in PW, and I find that sad. It makes the game frustrating for everyone. I too love this game, and I'll never quit it, but sometimes, this just gets out of hand.
  • Blairewitch - Sanctuary
    Blairewitch - Sanctuary Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    how about a button that enables you to accept peoples help?
    so like, if you have it ON people cant attack the same monster but if you have it switched off [fear of dying perhaps?] you can allow others to help you out :)