24 hour Herc?

dawndreamer Posts: 0 Arc User
edited March 2009 in Venomancer
Was talking to some venos because, although I love my little veno, shes not getting my full attention yet. Now I asked them , how long did it take you to get your herc, and she says "a whole night of clicking".

To the best of my knowledge it takes 9999 source of force, which costs a whole lot of in game cash for, so is it possible? Legally speaking and without buying a few hundred gold? [ Not necessarily in 24 hours but in a few weeks or whatever, or your shortest time]
Barbs should have a 50% HP reduction..... Mages should 2X mana cost increase...... BM's shouldn't be allowed to use weapons at all...... Archers should throw shoes and boots at the enemy..... Clerics should only be able to heal npc's.... Veno's should have a minimum of 5 phoenix's at level 1
There, I balanced the game... You can thank me later.

TY Mr_Gripb:chuckle
Post edited by dawndreamer on


  • cybluerr
    cybluerr Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    maybe they went "whole night of clicking" to open up all those battle pet packs.
  • Flauschkatze - Heavens Tear
    Flauschkatze - Heavens Tear Posts: 998 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    when the packs were released there were so many system messages in world chat about people getting theri herc/phoenix in the first few hours after maintenance...

    Thanks to Torhn for coloring!
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    when the packs were released there were so many system messages in world chat about people getting theri herc/phoenix in the first few hours after maintenance...

    I get the impression I'm older than most of the people who play this game. When you're gainfully employed, $200 is really not that much money, especially for a game without a monthly fee. I'm not much of a gamer, but I have friends who spend about $100-$200 a month on new games. If you're making $80k/yr (which is not uncommon in the computer industry), $200 is less than a day's income after taxes. Why spend a hundred hours grinding in the game for a herc/phoenix, when you can afford to buy it for less than 8 hours work in RL?
  • Vinat - Sanctuary
    Vinat - Sanctuary Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Was talking to some venos because, although I love my little veno, shes not getting my full attention yet. Now I asked them , how long did it take you to get your herc, and she says "a whole night of clicking".

    To the best of my knowledge it takes 9999 source of force, which costs a whole lot of in game cash for, so is it possible? Legally speaking and without buying a few hundred gold? [ Not necessarily in 24 hours but in a few weeks or whatever, or your shortest time]

    its only possible if you buy the gold yourself, which is exactly what the veno you asked probably meant.

    i get asked the same thing all the time "how long did it take you to get the herc". the question in itself is flawed, because youre assuming that they saved game coin and bought forces in game from other players.
  • Blade__Queen - Heavens Tear
    Blade__Queen - Heavens Tear Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    well for a bout 2 weeks i have been trying to get SoF by grinding for cash and i got to 2.2k SoF and then decided to keep grinding for a while until i got a lot o cash and get a big buch i will probably beable to get another 1k when i sell up so it can be done without paying just takes time
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Took me about a month to get the money for a herc. Took me 6 days to get the money for the phoenix later on. I spent no real money but to get phoenix money that fast I stole all the money and items from my alts and sold them. Plus got lucky on 2 TT runs.
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • swgs
    swgs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I get the impression I'm older than most of the people who play this game. When you're gainfully employed, $200 is really not that much money, especially for a game without a monthly fee. I'm not much of a gamer, but I have friends who spend about $100-$200 a month on new games. If you're making $80k/yr (which is not uncommon in the computer industry), $200 is less than a day's income after taxes. Why spend a hundred hours grinding in the game for a herc/phoenix, when you can afford to buy it for less than 8 hours work in RL?

    I got your point, what you said does make sense, but I personally do not want to pay real money for a pet. Yes, I have a good job, $200 I not a issue for me, I pay few times more than that each month for movie tickets, ski, travel, bars, eat out and other unnecessary items. But I am playing a game, making money is part of the game. If I charge to buy stuffs I need/want in game, then what I am going to do when I play? I have no more motive to grind for money, I do not need shop around, I do not need to farm for the items I need (I bought them), so what left for me in this game beside PK (which I do not usually do)? But it is a different story for who enjoy PK, they can just charge enough Zen to buy items make them one of the top equipped, they Zhen when they need to level, and use the rest of their play time to PK.
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    swgs wrote: »
    I got your point, what you said does make sense, but I personally do not want to pay real money for a pet. Yes, I have a good job, $200 I not a issue for me, I pay few times more than that each month for movie tickets, ski, travel, bars, eat out and other unnecessary items. But I am playing a game, making money is part of the game. If I charge to buy stuffs I need/want in game, then what I am going to do when I play? I have no more motive to grind for money, I do not need shop around, I do not need to farm for the items I need (I bought them), so what left for me in this game beside PK (which I do not usually do)? But it is a different story for who enjoy PK, they can just charge enough Zen to buy items make them one of the top equipped, they Zhen when they need to level, and use the rest of their play time to PK.

    You sound like the way I do things now. Need a goal to work toward and I want that goal to take time to reach. Pk is dull and pointless so without other goals there is no reason to play.
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • dawndreamer
    dawndreamer Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    So essentially, work really hard and hopefully I can buy one with Sof's from other players in a month, or a few months.

    It probably would be easiest just to buy the packs, but as a single parent, I cant financially commit to taking that much money away from my children. I do however purchase gold in small amounts, so maybe in time that can go towards my SoF. Then again, something being gained easily isn't always the best. I want a herc for boss hunting/grinding for coin. Given why I want one, paying cash for it seems kind of ****.

    Ty all for your input.
    Barbs should have a 50% HP reduction..... Mages should 2X mana cost increase...... BM's shouldn't be allowed to use weapons at all...... Archers should throw shoes and boots at the enemy..... Clerics should only be able to heal npc's.... Veno's should have a minimum of 5 phoenix's at level 1
    There, I balanced the game... You can thank me later.

    TY Mr_Gripb:chuckle
  • Renara - Heavens Tear
    Renara - Heavens Tear Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Need a goal to work toward and I want that goal to take time to reach.

    Exactly! Getting my Herc was a grand, epic quest that I really enjoyed. It wasn't work; it was play!
    "Sorry, we don't need a barbarian. We have a frog."
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    It probably would be easiest just to buy the packs, but as a single parent, I cant financially commit to taking that much money away from my children. I do however purchase gold in small amounts, so maybe in time that can go towards my SoF. Then again, something being gained easily isn't always the best. I want a herc for boss hunting/grinding for coin. Given why I want one, paying cash for it seems kind of ****.

    I certainly don't mean to tell others how to run their life. And I completely understand people who like setting goals in the game to obtain things.

    But my point is that many of us still have an IMHO artificial separation between RL money and in-game money. Personally I find grinding really boring. If I had a choice between grinding for hundreds of hours in the game to get a herc, or getting a part-time second job in RL so I could afford one with about 20 hours of work, I would opt for the second job and pay cash for it.

    OTOH if you enjoy grinding or can't get a second job (e.g. single parent who can't leave kids alone), your decision may differ. All I'm saying is don't take the cash option off the plate just because you don't believe in spending money on a game. The entire entertainment industry is built on the premise of people spending RL money on stuff that isn't real.
  • Iscsarial - Sanctuary
    Iscsarial - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Wow, I honestly didn't that there would be a thread about this.
    Heh, my Wife (RL) made the "A night of clicking" comment without much thought and here we are.

    It's something we thought a few days on before we went ahead and purchased our hercs. But saying that, we obviously had the money avaliable and we wanted to have a more enjoyable experiance so we opted into buying lots of battle packs.

    What many of you might of interest though, is that we did record down our statistics for you.

    In summary.
    1. We purchased a Total of 7x$50 lots. Giving 53 Gold per lot.
    2. Each table is divided into 1 lot, or, 106 Battle packs. (With the exception of the last, we needed 107)
    3. This is for the purchase of 2 herc pets
    4. Appologies for the code break, easiest way for me to drop in the table easily.

    Not enough of this on the forums, or at least, when we looked not much was said on how the stats rounded out. So I hope this helps some of you who are thinking about buying the battle packs.
    Set 1	10 box	20 box	30 box	40 box	50 box	Total
    Force	8	16	12	13	10	1780
    Plume	9	14	9	10	5	1290
    Set 2	10 box	20 box	30 box	40 box	50 box	Total
    Force	8	10	10	12	10	1560
    Plume	14	17	9	7	9	1480
    Set 3	10 box	20 box	30 box	40 box	50 box	Total
    Force	12	8	10	7	8	1260
    Plume	20	14	11	9	7	1520
    Set 4	10 box	20 box	30 box	40 box	50 box	Total
    Force	14	9	12	14	7	1590
    Plume	17	13	9	6	5	1190
    Set 5	10 box	20 box	30 box	40 box	50 box	Total
    Force	22	13	6	7	7	1290
    Plume	14	12	14	9	2	1260
    Set 6	10 box	20 box	30 box	40 box	50 box	Total
    Force	18	8	12	7	6	1280
    Plume	13	9	9	13	11	1650
    Set 7	10 box	20 box	30 box	40 box	50 box	Total
    Force	17	14	13	8	8	1560
    Plume	12	7	12	9	7	1330
  • dawndreamer
    dawndreamer Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    OTOH if you enjoy grinding or can't get a second job (e.g. single parent who can't leave kids alone), your decision may differ. All I'm saying is don't take the cash option off the plate just because you don't believe in spending money on a game. The entire entertainment industry is built on the premise of people spending RL money on stuff that isn't real.
    I personally love this game and don't mind spending spare cash to help the cause. (Actually I've been using my fast food budget to buy gold in game, So no more Mc'Donalds b:chuckle ) After all, someone has to get paid, and I would rather spend $50 or whatever because I want to that Have to.
    Wow, I honestly didn't that there would be a thread about this.
    Heh, my Wife (RL) made the "A night of clicking" comment without much thought and here we are.

    Sorry for immortalizing you and your wife. But I really do appreciate the table you put, it really helps clear up a lot of questions I had that you don't normally have time to ask in game.

    If I take you table into account, and the fact that I too, often detest grinding on my own, it seems I may be able to get my herc in a month or so of grinding + supplemental battle pack purchases.

    Let the quest begin !!

    Thank you all for your input.
    Barbs should have a 50% HP reduction..... Mages should 2X mana cost increase...... BM's shouldn't be allowed to use weapons at all...... Archers should throw shoes and boots at the enemy..... Clerics should only be able to heal npc's.... Veno's should have a minimum of 5 phoenix's at level 1
    There, I balanced the game... You can thank me later.

    TY Mr_Gripb:chuckle
  • Ryiah - Lost City
    Ryiah - Lost City Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Grinding isn't really necessary if you wait till higher levels to get a herc. I have a friend who has been running TT 2-1 solo mode over and over to get the cash and is pretty close to being done. At level 78 even a magmite can tank the bosses in there. It'll just take a little while.
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Grinding isn't really necessary if you wait till higher levels to get a herc. I have a friend who has been running TT 2-1 solo mode over and over to get the cash and is pretty close to being done.
    I'd call that grinding. b:laugh