Drawin too much aggro.......

Heliox - Sanctuary
Heliox - Sanctuary Posts: 13 Arc User
edited March 2009 in Cleric
hi im an attk [not full] cleric ....and i happen to draw too much aggro in a squad..when i attk...or even heal...then all the monsters comes and kill me...
how can i prevent this?

PS...which is the wings that the cleric has in the developers diary 4 winged elves....??

thnx in advance
Post edited by Heliox - Sanctuary on


  • Inna - Heavens Tear
    Inna - Heavens Tear Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    when another player like a barb draws aggro from several enemies becareful in healing them. He needs to damage all the enemies before you can heal, otherwise, the ones where he did not damage will come after you since you healed the barb.

    and for drawing aggro, try to wait a little before attacking. let the barb and the rest of the party smack it for a bit first.
  • Nayethe - Lost City
    Nayethe - Lost City Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Agreed, Inna. Much as you may like to see the Barbarian's health at full, you must not heal him until he attacks all of them, or they will come after you. Being hurt makes the tank's job harder, as he is closer to death. However, if you heal him and the mobs aggro you, he will have to chase them down and aggro them before they get to you! That will make the tank's job even harder.

    You didn't mention your build, Heliox, but if my guess is right, you've got a pure MAG build, and probably don't have much HP. So if that mob gets to you, you're in trouble! And if you die, the squad is in trouble! Therefore, much as you'd like to heal the Barbarian, just wait until he has full control of the situation before healing. It's really the best option in most circumstances.

    Now, if the tank will die if you don't heal him, by all means heal! But cast up a Plume Shell before you do, and chug a HP potion. Then call for help, and have your other squadmates deal with the mobs that just aggroed you.

    If you wait until the mob/boss has lost maybe 20% of its HP, you are probably safe in attacking it. Still, keep your damage under control, or it may decide that you are a better target than the tank! Needless to say, you want to avoid this. If you do accidentally draw aggro from a mob, throw up a Plume Shell and then cast a quick Chromatic Seal to sleep the enemy and let the tank regain aggro. If you draw aggro from a boss, Plume Shell and cast Ironheart Blessing on yourself a few times. A tank who knows what he's doing can probably regain aggro before you die.
    Nayethe - 7x Combat Cleric
  • Nelae - Heavens Tear
    Nelae - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    hi im an attk [not full] cleric ....and i happen to draw too much aggro in a squad..when i attk...or even heal...then all the monsters comes and kill me...
    how can i prevent this?

    PS...which is the wings that the cleric has in the developers diary 4 winged elves....??

    thnx in advance
    As said wait for the tank to take the all aggro, but there is a safer way then just letting him get hit until you can heal.
    Stack 3-4iron hearts before he charges in, that way he wont loose hp and it will be easier on the whole party.
  • Heliox - Sanctuary
    Heliox - Sanctuary Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    thnx all 4 replies...
    so ur sayin that im not supposed to attk much..and heal only when some hp is taken......?
    man.......i choose a cleric so that i can deal cool dmg and heal when required....i.e. total control of the situation.....
    also what abt normal quests when barbs may not be there????
    bms dont hold ne aggro at all......[if im not mistaken]
  • Keyne - Heavens Tear
    Keyne - Heavens Tear Posts: 202 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    BMs can hold aggro. Granted Barbs do it better. Most of your quests you should be able to solo. If you want to be a DD go with Wizard. Then you will not be expected to be the healer. In a party, the role of a cleric is to heal and buff. Now If you are in a duo, like Barb/Cleric or BM/Cleric, pretty much you just need to wait til they hit the mob you are attacking first. After that you can start attacking. At your level, and assuming the other party memeber is the same levelish, you will probably take aggro away. If you are pure MAG, you will most likely kill it befor it gets to you. Other wise, cast Cyclone and let the barb/BM catch up to it. Hope this helps.

    On a side note. If you still want to be a cleric and DD in a duo, personally, I like grouping with a Wiz. With both you attacking the mob will never touch you. Unless your attacking a boss.
  • Faustinna - Heavens Tear
    Faustinna - Heavens Tear Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Ironheart blessing draws very little aggro, but if a mob has been untouched then it will be enough to pull it to you. If you know your group will fight a few mobs, you should pre-load your barb with 3-4 Ironheart blessings then he can charge in. It will give him a good 10-15 seconds where his hp won't move and he can take aggro pretty well.
  • Isaphet - Heavens Tear
    Isaphet - Heavens Tear Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    That is the trick, you stack IH while they are running in, but as soon as they get close to the mobs, you stop, if they mobs start running before they get an attack in and you are healing, its you they are gunning for. As soon as they have attacked every mob you can start to do your thing again. You'll get used to it, it will just take a little time :)

    Something that is very important to remember and is often not realised by clerics till later levels is the following. If you accidentally do steal aggro from the tank, the temptation is to run away and hope the tank can regain aggro, do not do this! If you run away, the tank is going to have a lot of trouble regaining aggro on that mob, and to be honest as a cleric, that mob is probably quicker than you so you wont get away from it anyway. Your best option is, in 99% of situations, to run straight to the tank if you pull aggro, that way the mob will be right near him and he can grab the aggro back. Against particularly strong mobs toss on a plume shell before doing this, against weaker ones you may not need to
  • Niraneth - Heavens Tear
    Niraneth - Heavens Tear Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    always look for the roar swords and keep an eye on the number of enemies.....even tho he roared 15 mobs it doesnt mean he'll hold all 15. unfortunately and luckily ironheart is based of mag att so getting aggro can be unavoidable....liek the others said stack a few times, wait (either for roar or for all mobs to be hit once) then heal away. DD is ok as long as its assisting the tank (no aggro) and yes Isaphet knows the golden rule: RUN TO THE TANK. its hard for a tank to play tag when ur running around frantically trying to escape lol. Bm's with the right statting and aoes will hold aggro, just not as reliable as our barb friends :)
  • DjAligator - Sanctuary
    DjAligator - Sanctuary Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    everytime when you make a fb or something else where is much mobs look if he/she got aggro to all mobs if no don't heal will die and you will escape.
    If you attack never attack first or second wait 10-30 seconds (depend on what lvl you are and the tank) before you attack you will steal aggro and you'll die
  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    if you draw too much aggro(or an elite physical mob that just destroys your hp), use plume shell. odds are, it's enough to save your life.
  • Nayethe - Lost City
    Nayethe - Lost City Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    if you draw too much aggro(or an elite physical mob that just destroys your hp), use plume shell. odds are, it's enough to save your life.

    Agreed. I can't tell you how many times Plume Shell has saved me in FBs. Plus, if you have Chromatic Seal, cast that AFTER Plume Shell, and the mob may never get to you before the tank regains control.
    Nayethe - 7x Combat Cleric