FAC, complete nonsense build?

Isaphet - Heavens Tear
Isaphet - Heavens Tear Posts: 217 Arc User
edited February 2009 in Cleric
I've heard a couple of people speak about their "full attack clerics" on here, though I haven't met one in game yet.

From what I can see of the FAC build, it is just ridiculous, on a spirit basis it just doesnt make any sense to be a full attack cleric at all, and considering you wouldnt have to make any difference to your stat distribution to be a normal cleric there isn't any point there either.

To level IH to level 10 costs approximately 140k spirit
Assuming you are going to get revive and purify as a FAC (I dunno, maybe you aren't?) then it would cost you an additional 145k spirit to acquire BB. So a total of 285k spirit to level all the healing spells you desperately need as a cleric. Compare that to 440k spirit just to get Wield Thunder from level 9 to 10, or even the 2 million spirit to get the demon or sage version of Tempest?

Can a "full attack cleric" please tell me exactly how they justify not spending that 285k spirit on their healing spells?
Post edited by Isaphet - Heavens Tear on


  • LightofNight - Lost City
    LightofNight - Lost City Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Full attack clerics (FACs) are almost completely useless, and I will leave it at that.
    I am Your Light. Without me, You are nothing. Your Fate rests within My hands. Thus, You can never escape Me. So Be It.
  • andracil
    andracil Posts: 2,949 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    One flame post and I'm closing this. We've been over this already.
  • Nelae - Heavens Tear
    Nelae - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    To try to explain something, cause this is getting old.
    You can build you cleric as you please so there are few types.
    Every build has its own lill benefits, but to not prolong this.
    FAC's have iron heart and purify and saying different means that you hold on a thin line thats the name "full attack", well some one gave this build that name but his description wasnt to let go of healing or buffs.
    Having iron heart maxed and purify is a must for any cleric build + spirit's gift and magic shell helps grinding allot.
    Now stat build is irrelevant for this discussion. Only difference are the skills and the priority you take.
    And ofc after having the essentials maxed (iron heart, plume shot, cyclone)
    FAC's go for other attacks that the game developers so gladly gave.
    Its a valid build, and sure isnt useless.
    Calling on situation FAC's can heal or be good dps'rs.

    And later on when your skills eventually max cause you have enuff spirit
    comes the demon/sage. Now question is, are there any difference in Hybrid-Support-Attack?
    I would say yes, cause getting those skills is hard and you wont be getting it all fast, so again what you will get depends on what you find useful and how you want to play.

    So only real set back is that FAC's dont look so cool when they buff (no cool effects of AoE buffs)

    And for thoes who will include res in this.
    I personally wont lv up it never, ppl dont show gratitude even whey the loose only 50% of possible loss. On other hand we have to go to town and save them? we loose all exp and not all buy angels just for that soul purpose.
  • Isaphet - Heavens Tear
    Isaphet - Heavens Tear Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Okay, then maybe I misunderstand what the full attack cleric is generally considered to be, I've seen a few clerics saying that they dont level their healing spells at all, which to me sounds pretty grim.

    I'm certainly more attack minded, having IH maxed and BB with all the aoe buffs, but past that I am fully pumping attack spells, seals etc. I wouldnt say this makes me full attack at all, merely a slightly more attack minded cleric. Considering how poor the rest of our healing spells are though, I'd say that this is the standard cleric build rather than full attack.

    It probably becomes more noticable later in the game when choosing your demon/sage skills as they can of course not all be learnt that quickly. Though in reality just being demon ahead of sage is much more attack minded already.
  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    "full attack" is "full attack". that's the point. your guide writer stated that clearly, he ignored heals. level 1 revive for sticky situations. 1 level of purify for poison aoe grind. your guide writer was an idiot and anybody who follows the build is the same. i have all the attacks and debuffs of a fac and twice the heals, who's more useful?
  • Nelae - Heavens Tear
    Nelae - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Isnt it expected from you at Lv72 to have more skills pumped?
    Yes it is.
    And about that guide, first of all its not his.
    So far that i have been reading, some one probably from PWmy or some other version made it.
    And it was clearly stated that FAC's lean more to the attack side while leaving the heals for later. So purify at lv5? All clerics usually leave it at that and max it later when they have SP/coins.
    On other hand, just cause this guide is sticky doesn't mean it's what ppl should do or listen.

    And for res, its not important, may be if you are the only high lv cleric in your guild then you should have it pumped to make their life easy, but for random players well let them buy guardian angels as i said no gratitude no service.
  • Rillien - Heavens Tear
    Rillien - Heavens Tear Posts: 569 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Every time this topic comes up, there seems to be confusion as to the definitions of "full attack" and "full support" clerics.

    If we are taking FACs to be clerics that only spend spirit on offensive spells, and FSCs to be clerics that only spend spirit on buffs/defensive spells etc., then the truth is that neither is very viable. You cannot solo at all with no attack skills, and you'll be leeching off parties from the very beginning...which isn't too fun--not to mention very difficult to level. FACs, on the other hand, usually won't get invited into parties [no heals] and will find themselves soloing the entire game. Which is fine, I guess, if that's your type of gameplay. But a lot of higher level activities are based on parties, i.e. FBs for lower levels, TT runs for mats, and zhen parties if you care to level quickly.

    However, some people view FACs as clerics who focus on attack spells but also get buffs, and try to carve out their role as an attacker rather than healer. Likewise, FSC clerics take support roles in parties but can also solo on their own, having a few attack skills under their belt. In my opinion, both of these are essentially the same. A cleric is a cleric; if you have both buffs and attacks you are capable of taking both roles. Of course we are going to need plume shot and cyclone for soloing [and clerics can be quite good at soloing], but he fact is that in parties, clerics are expected to heal primarily rather than attack. As long as a FAC knows that he or she is going against traditional role and because of that options for partying may be limited, then it really doesn't matter. Calling yourself an FAC if you use buffs and heals is really not "full" attack anyways.
  • Nelae - Heavens Tear
    Nelae - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    True, but you only stick by the name "full attack" which is so narrow.
    In real life things are named completely different then they really are, would you argue about something like that just cause of the name and nothing else?
    And there is no such thing as a cleric without heals, you get one when you start the game. So accusing on that really gets us now where.
    And what i am trying to say is that some play cleric more support and hang out in parties, and some play solo and for that reason upgrade more attacks to have better dps.
    And when doing TT/FB cleric has his roll heal or if there is another cleric debuff/dps and heal if needed.

    Forget about the names, and look skills and see that there is difference in game styles. *like any other class has his few choice of game play*
  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    whatever his name is that wrote the guide claimed that, in order to remain "full attack", he never leveled his heals, revive, aoe buffs, etc. even at level 86. why? because he likes being useless. do you like being useless? i'd hope not, useless people don't go far.
  • Enina - Heavens Tear
    Enina - Heavens Tear Posts: 263 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    The different definitions of cleric builds are really just based on the order in which you prioritize your skills and spirit-distribution. The stat build doesn't really have much of an effect, as both FACs and FSC can manage just fine in any of the "valid" builds.

    Full Attack Cleric: Will focus primarily on offensive skills, levelling only Ironheart Blessing for own healing. Squad skills such as the multi-person buffs and Chromatic Healing Beam are bypassed entirely.

    Full Support Cleric: Gets the multi-person buffs, increases purify as much as they can, gets revive as one of their first skills, and usually levels two or three heals simultanously. The offensive skills are neglected in favour of the support skills.

    Hybrid: The focus is on a mix of defensive and offensive skills - the most expensive, SP- and coin-wise, build of the three due to the intense demand on skill levelling. The hybrid usually brings a slightly reduced destructive power than the FAC (lower average skill levels), and slightly lower support skills (lower average skills) - but can function as either build when needed.

    Personally? I started out as FSC, or at least the theoretic build for FSC. Then I realise that I could kill the mobs almost faster than the archer or wizard, and switched to FAC (keep in mind, my stat configuration and distribution remained the same). Then I started running out of offensive skills, and now happily go through life as a strange hybrid mix where only my purify isn't up to par with that of FSCs...
  • Nelae - Heavens Tear
    Nelae - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    whatever his name is that wrote the guide claimed that, in order to remain "full attack", he never leveled his heals, revive, aoe buffs, etc. even at level 86. why? because he likes being useless. do you like being useless? i'd hope not, useless people don't go far.
    Yes that guide has fails all over it, but again dont do what ever you read.
  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Hybrid: The focus is on a mix of defensive and offensive skills - the most expensive, SP- and coin-wise, build of the three due to the intense demand on skill levelling. The hybrid usually brings a slightly reduced destructive power than the FAC (lower average skill levels), and slightly lower support skills (lower average skills) - but can function as either build when needed.

    this makes no sense. i have the attack power of an attack cleric and the healing power of a support cleric, nothing is gimped. i don't have a maxed wield thunder to my level, i don't need it very much, but it's slowly making its way up. other than that, the only thing i don't have that attack clerics do is a higher silent/chromatic seal, and those aren't necessary.

    even a support cleric probably wont raise that stream of rejuvenation or soon, the light for a long time. they're both level 1 for me, only got them so i could have bb. what would you classify me as? my skills:

    Level 10 Blessing of the Purehearted
    Level 10 Ironheart Blessing
    Level 10 Wellspring Surge
    Level 10 Revive
    Level 9 Purify
    Level 1 Soon, the Light
    Level 1 Stream of Rejuvenation
    Regeneration Aura
    Heaven's Wrath

    Level 10 Vanguard Spirit
    Greater Protective Aura
    Level 10 Magic Shell
    Exalted Renewal
    Level 10 Celestial Guardian
    Aegis Spirit
    Level 10 Spirit's Gift
    Arcane Empowerment

    Level 10 Plume Shot
    Level 10 Plume Shell
    Level 10 Razor Feathers
    Level 10 Elemental Seal
    Level 9 Dimensional Seal
    Level 1 Seal of Silence
    Level 1 Chromatic Seal

    Level 10 Great Cyclone
    Level 1 Thunderball
    Level 5 Wield Thunder
    Level 1 Tempest

    Level 2 Metal Mastery
  • Raviste - Heavens Tear
    Raviste - Heavens Tear Posts: 288 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I'd classify you as rich, Forp. b:chuckle

    Retired - Radiance
  • LightofNight - Lost City
    LightofNight - Lost City Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    andracil wrote: »
    One flame post and I'm closing this. We've been over this already.

    b:cryb:cry Sry Im just stating my opinion.b:shutupb:surrender
    I am Your Light. Without me, You are nothing. Your Fate rests within My hands. Thus, You can never escape Me. So Be It.
  • Enina - Heavens Tear
    Enina - Heavens Tear Posts: 263 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Forp - please keep in mind that I said USUALLY, the hybrid cleric is weaker than a "pure" build. I'm one of those too, who can run around with both (useful) heals and attacks at the max level I can get them. b:laugh
  • Mirathyl - Sanctuary
    Mirathyl - Sanctuary Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Isn't FAC/FSC/Hybrid essentially moot at high levels (being like mid 60's as a start perhaps or more like 70's)? From what I've read so far, the three classifications deal primarily more to how you initial build the cleric then end game. Of course, the end game mind set does play into it as well.

    Here's how I've seen it.

    FSC - low/mid levels get primarily healing/buffs and get more attack in higher levels
    FAC - get primarily attack related skills and enough support to solo and then fill out in later levels
    Hybrid - a mixture of both so that neither is as focused

    I realize that I'm more or less repeating what Enina said above but wanted to focus how each differentiates in progression, not how they are at end game.

    But once people get enough spirit for all their skills then don't they just meld together anyways and only have the personal mindset to differentiate them?

    Forp, you're kind of my case in point in that at your level now you're starting to have a lot of the skills that are lacking in one build or the other. What was your skill tree at say lvl 30?
    "We don't know what we're going to do when we get there, but we're not going to die without good reason."
    - Heero Yuy, Gundam Wing
    ~ Mirathyl
  • Nayethe - Lost City
    Nayethe - Lost City Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Forp - please keep in mind that I said USUALLY, the hybrid cleric is weaker than a "pure" build. I'm one of those too, who can run around with both (useful) heals and attacks at the max level I can get them. b:laugh

    I'm the same way, Enina. I have Ironheart Blessing maxed, and I even bought Blue Bubble. That's enough supporting skill to get by in 95% of circumstances. But I solo a lot, so I need my attack skills at high levels. Great Cyclone and Plume Shot are maxed, and Wield Thunder is as high as I can get it. The rest of my skill points go into Metal Mastery and my buffs.

    I'm a healer-attacker hybrid, and I like it that way! I do anything and everything my guild needs, and I can solo my own quests. It doesn't get much better than that!
    Nayethe - 7x Combat Cleric
  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Forp, you're kind of my case in point in that at your level now you're starting to have a lot of the skills that are lacking in one build or the other. What was your skill tree at say lvl 30?

    at level 30 i probably had something that every cleric has. i know i had level 5 wellspring surge and level 5 blessing of the purehearted, something higher in iron heart but i don't remember what. plume shot and great cyclone have always been maxed to my level. i had level 1 purify(because i could only get 1 level of it at that time) and i casually raised my buffs as i got the chance to, focusing on one at a time.
  • thewordlesssignature
    thewordlesssignature Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    ...Maybe the name FAC should just be null because people seem to take it too literally. Like so many people have already stated, FAC just means a cleric that took attack as their priority. It doesn't mean that they don't use heals at all because that ruins the purpose of being a cleric, rather than choosing the wizard. To me, it seems the OP has asked a question based on the literal name of Full Attack Cleric.

    I propose that people who want to refer to a cleric that has attack as priority and a full int build as just that: Full Int. Attack Cleric. All this nonsense over "Full attack clerics" is getting kinda ridiculous...and I'm playing a so called "Full attack cleric".

    So far, judging from other people's posts, people who play "full attack clerics" play it for the high mag benefits and its versatility, and they have these basic things: Plume shot/Cyclone/Ironheart Blessing are all at lvl 10 with a revive/ purify skill at lvl 1.
    These skills are basics for every cleric- the question is whether to spend SP on buffs or debuffs is up for the player to answer.

    Personally, if a person wants to play a cleric that really has no heal spells/ buffs/revive and focuses only on the debuffs and attack spells...then I can tell them they are justified being called an "FAC" (and getting laughed at) and also tell them to just roll a wizard. =p

    I would like to call an end to this thread for 3 reasons:

    1) The original post asks a question about a build that I'm pretty sure no one has (a cleric with absolutely NO HEALS. (Not even Ironheart Blessing (which is absolute ridiculousness))).

    2) A solution has been presented: "FAC's" should just be referred to Full Int attack cleric.

    3) This thread will (and has to an extent) already turned into an argument about Full Int Attack Clerics, (which has already been discussed many times in other threads).

    If anyone has any other solutions or disagrees with how I referred to "FAC's", then please post your opinion. But for sure, I'm just going to refer to my self as Full Int Attack Cleric to avoid any more arguments. DX

  • _WillFire_ - Sanctuary
    _WillFire_ - Sanctuary Posts: 563 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Isn't FAC/FSC/Hybrid essentially moot at high levels (being like mid 60's as a start perhaps or more like 70's)? From what I've read so far, the three classifications deal primarily more to how you initial build the cleric then end game. Of course, the end game mind set does play into it as well.

    Here's how I've seen it.

    FSC - low/mid levels get primarily healing/buffs and get more attack in higher levels
    FAC - get primarily attack related skills and enough support to solo and then fill out in later levels
    Hybrid - a mixture of both so that neither is as focused

    I realize that I'm more or less repeating what Enina said above but wanted to focus how each differentiates in progression, not how they are at end game.

    But once people get enough spirit for all their skills then don't they just meld together anyways and only have the personal mindset to differentiate them?

    Forp, you're kind of my case in point in that at your level now you're starting to have a lot of the skills that are lacking in one build or the other. What was your skill tree at say lvl 30?

    Yep...you have it spot on.

    Continuing on past 70th as a "FAC" or an "FSC" isn't a skill issue. It's a mind set.
    Mark 12:29-37
    _WillFire_ 8x Combat Medic
  • xxxdsmer
    xxxdsmer Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    even i'm getting tired of people slamming full attack cleric, and i only read the first page of this thread, AND i only saw the first one of them yesterday.

    i seen, with my own eyes, a cleric that was 4-5 levels below the lv50 flying mob above bamboo village. it was soloing those level 50 mob without even as much as a spitwad contributed by anyone else (neither in firepower or heals).

    the most remarkable thing was that the cleric's armor and weapon were all one star white name plain jane equipment bought from the blacksmith. nothing 2-3 star, nothing green name, nothing legendary, and at least all the main equipment was a minimum of 7 levels below the lv50 mob.

    but that lv46 cleric could lay waste to those lv50 mobs. he might not be what the ignorant masses think of as "full attack cleric" because he had buffs for +3MP/sec, +3HP/sec, and others (inc def, inc mag def, inc mag atk) but those are likely just single buffs.

    anyone of you who sit and insult, even near the brink of cursing "FAC"... have you even seen one in action or had an open enough mind to consider the possibility that there are different ways to build a cleric, just like any other class?
    i dont see things cursing archers for having a bit more strength than a pure dex build... i dont see threads cursing barbarians because they have a lil bit of dex... lay off the FAC's and give 'em a chance. i'll bet you'll be suprised.
    sure, they may not have all the heals that YOU want, but was your character built the way it stands based on what others want? i think not.

    and if any of the ignorant critics had read the guide to FAC, they would have noticed that it is not an iorn fist guide to FAC as he stated that it is a guide for a different kind of cleric, but the choice on what to do is solely up to the player, he only shows a way to a different build.

    so they dont have higher than level 1 revive and the AOE heals... thats not what someone FAC built their character to do anyway. they built it to be one of the best DPS dealers in the game. it could also be thought of as a combat medic, placing priority on combat. removing a threat before trying to help me, and i would want it that way. what good is a medic to me if he cant shoot the guy that just hurt me?

    i think of clerics as a build based on fighting and dealing damage, with the ability of their reduced healing skills as a means to patch you up till the main "support" cleric can really fix ya up. and if their lower level revive (whatever THEY decide to do for revive, as its THEIR character not yours) isnt enough for you, then you shouldnt have got yourself killed in the first place, or you should have had a support cleric with you.

    FAC's are not a waste, and they are not ****, nor any of the other negative nearly personally insulting things they've been called. it is simply a different way to build a cleric, and saying a cleric is 'supposed' to heal is like saying a lady is 'supposed' to stay home and take care of kids, cook, clean, etc and not go out and get a job.
    i'm pro all classes, and against none in particular..
    but the age old QQ about venos is just that. OLD.
    QQ'd about a nix lately? check out this thread n tell me who's "OP" lol..
    (copy and paste this to address bar):
  • Raviste - Heavens Tear
    Raviste - Heavens Tear Posts: 288 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Agree with xxxdsmer; I was grinding on Native Vipions in Bamboo Village as a level 41 FAC. b:cute Great EXP, and it was funny to see the higher levels struggle with them.

    And then afterward (late 40s, early 50s) I went hybrid to get invited more frequently for FBs. :3

    Retired - Radiance
  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    no cleric, whatever level they are, struggles with wood mobs. especially poison types. nobody struggles with them, you both sound like idiots saying it. i'm a support cleric, i always have been, i like to heal. guess what else i like to do? hit high numbers, so i maxed my attacks too. leveling your attacks is not exclusive to one type of build. i say you're the ignorant one.
  • cjase
    cjase Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    No character, regardless of what level they are, should be told how to build THEIR character. If that isnt good enough for some of the players in this game, then that is their problem, not yours.
    Build your cleric the way YOU have fun playing it.
  • thewordlesssignature
    thewordlesssignature Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    i'm a support cleric, i always have been, i like to heal. guess what else i like to do? hit high numbers, so i maxed my attacks too. leveling your attacks is not exclusive to one type of build. i say you're the ignorant one.

    So what? Full int attack clerics like to hit high numbers, so they max their attacks. Guess what else most clerics want to do? be able to heal. So they usually max their Iron heart blessing/ or what ever heal they want. Clerics, no matter what level they are, will always need to max plume shot/cyclone and a heal, which, (shock! Horror!) is also the basics of a full int. attack cleric.

    Just because Full int. attack clerics focus on attacks, doesn't mean that they will limit themselves and be completely useless in squads. I can heal people, purify if I need to and debuff when I need to. The ignorant ones are those who hold on to the stereotypical view of a Cleric. Just because Full Int. Attack clerics go about it a different way, doesn't mean that full int attack clerics are any less of a cleric when we play the game.

  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    my problem with people who claim to be these fac's is that they figure only they can level their attack skills and debuffs. like it's exclusive to them. it doesn't add up to me, why would they think such a thing? and then there's the ones who figure they can out-solo everybody else because they maxed their 2 basic attacks quickly. slow down fac's, i'm not following - you solo faster than a normal support cleric, even though you both have maxed attacks?

    it just doesn't make any damned sense.
  • Mystic_katee - Heavens Tear
    Mystic_katee - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    In other words FAC is blademaster whit wings...b:chuckle
  • Nelae - Heavens Tear
    Nelae - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    my problem with people who claim to be these fac's is that they figure only they can level their attack skills and debuffs. like it's exclusive to them. it doesn't add up to me, why would they think such a thing? and then there's the ones who figure they can out-solo everybody else because they maxed their 2 basic attacks quickly. slow down fac's, i'm not following - you solo faster than a normal support cleric, even though you both have maxed attacks?

    it just doesn't make any damned sense.
    Full int solos better no matter what type you are, even if you go fac you wont get cyclone or plume maxed before any one else.
    So i agree with this.
  • Nayethe - Lost City
    Nayethe - Lost City Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    my problem with people who claim to be these fac's is that they figure only they can level their attack skills and debuffs. like it's exclusive to them. it doesn't add up to me, why would they think such a thing?

    As I'm sure you know, Forp, Attack Cleric is a mindset, not a build. This is because you will get enough SP to max all of your skills eventually. But many new players are inexperienced, and do not know this yet!

    All they see is that, in the lowish levels, that they don't have the SP to keep all of their skills leveled. Therefore, like any reasonable person, they choose the ones they use most often, and level those! For people playing FACs, those skills are debuffs and attack spells. Since they don't have the SP to level other skills yet, FAC really looks like a build to them.

    This, I feel, is the basis for their argument. And, from their perspective in the lowish levels, it certainly makes sense.
    Nayethe - 7x Combat Cleric
  • bobbeh
    bobbeh Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Exactly, FAC is just a straight-forwardmindset that some people cant get around with.

    Do clerics always have to delegate themselves to follow their party members around and healing the tank 24/7?

    The guide was written because author realised the damage potential of clerics, An excellent damage-dealer in party situations. Level 1 revive and no party buff is just to re-instate to others that your role in a party is a full-fledged damage dealer NOT a support.
This discussion has been closed.