oh man why sg1owns waste so much coin...

Cbastor - Lost City
Cbastor - Lost City Posts: 385 Arc User
i feel sort of bad for sg1owns, they bid on land everyweek just to get pwned in 5 minutes.i know u guys are having fun but wow stop wastin the coin at least let me borrow some lolb:pleased
Post edited by Cbastor - Lost City on


  • andracil
    andracil Posts: 2,949 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I think this is better off here, on LC forum.
  • syl
    syl Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    ppl like u...

    Anyways, i like sg1, they know how to have fun with territory war. All other guilds are too afraid to bid any territory for what?

    Territory war is the only event where pvp is actually expected, and wow...it's a pvp server. All other events focus around something else

    If ur guild hardly pks, and judging from the battles, hardly bids on tw, then y play on this server?

    I'm saying that and kinda a hypocrite as my guild doesn't plan on bidding either.

    But if uber was to ever ask me to join his guild for tw, i would be happy to join because at least they have balls to tw, unlike all but 5 or so guilds.

    I would be scared a bit of kos though, as many of my friends are in cq
  • Maiya - Lost City
    Maiya - Lost City Posts: 2,686 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    If you have fun, then it doesn't matter. I'm sure that's how the majority of uber's guild feels. My guild will soon be joining in on TW, even though we know we won't win. Not gonna attack as much as uber, but just a bi-weekly or tri-weekly dose of fun.
  • syl
    syl Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    i think it would be pretty epic to see all the territories that can be attacked, come under attack. Not just cq or bl or gz, but all of them by different guilds.
    Ppl on lost city are scared and will only bid when one guild gets owned or is disbanding or whatever, then the vultures come in to pick them off. I like what BLT did though, when it "disbanded" it really encouraged tw
  • VonTerror - Lost City
    VonTerror - Lost City Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I can't believe you are making a thread about this. Whats wrong with having fun? Whats wrong with learning and practicing TW, be it 10 minutes, or 3 hours? Whats wrong with showing bigger guilds you aren't afraid of KOS or whatever comes after? 500,000 coins between a guild is not even a lot of coin. 5 people can farm that in 1 hour of grinding. 20 people in 15 minutes.

    I wish more would follow their example. I think many are just afraid of KOS that tends to follow before and after. Something that unless some guild is really threatening you or you are a pk guild is otherwise stupid.
  • Image - Lost City
    Image - Lost City Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Dont hate on SG1 =P

    They have complete sacks....

    <3 just because I like sg1s perseverance, that dosnt mean I wont kill you though, $$$$.
  • Gonff - Lost City
    Gonff - Lost City Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I have nothing but respect for SG1 as well. It's guilds like this that will finally stop CQ's expansion. Yeah of course SG1 can't do it alone and it's a total waste of money right now, but I give them respect for being the first to lead the charge of attacking them every week.

    If several smaller guilds continually pound them each week it will allow for some factor guilds to start taking their land. Instead people have to just sit back and let them take land after land each week because they are too afraid of being the only ones to attack them and get owned.

    Go SG1OWNS!
  • Cbastor - Lost City
    Cbastor - Lost City Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    i was never hateing on sg1s geez , i was just saying they wast alot of coins , i agree that yes tw is fun and more guild should try it
  • Skyannie - Lost City
    Skyannie - Lost City Posts: 351 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I have nothing but respect for SG1 as well. It's guilds like this that will finally stop CQ's expansion. Yeah of course SG1 can't do it alone and it's a total waste of money right now, but I give them respect for being the first to lead the charge of attacking them every week.

    If several smaller guilds continually pound them each week it will allow for some factor guilds to start taking their land. Instead people have to just sit back and let them take land after land each week because they are too afraid of being the only ones to attack them and get owned.

    Go SG1OWNS!

    This is my opinion from what I've heard and understood in the guild... The reason Conqueror continues to expand is nothing else than to eliminate our KOSed guild, BL, from the map. Because no other guild has risen capable of occupying said land, we've been force to grow to this size, thus annoying the general population. Because of that agitation, I don't expect many people to believe that reason, unless they think about it from a critical perspective, and put themselves in our shoes. Our war is not without reason.

    Also, nothing against SG1, but from what I heard the reason for their first bid was the protection of RQ land, although I could be wrong. Still, RQ was also our KOSed guild, and it did provide them with a slight level of protection, even if unplanned, hence the course of action...

    For those reasons, I think you should stimulate a different approach on TW, say, attack any guild, not assemble a campaign of hate towards Conqueror, just for having the most land. If not, in the end, you could become what you once preached to hate most.
    As only the child that I was, I tread with giants.
    Their footprints on the sand, marked for times immemorial, serve as evidence of hope.
    And though my short legs could not keep up, my heart was always by their side. Conqueror.
  • odb
    odb Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    uber started attacking CQ because you are all stuck up pricks who random pk level 50s and 60s then come up with some lame excuse how it was justified. yet you all say you never random pk. he never bid to protect rq but the high and mighty CQ decided to pk them for wanting to join in on territory wars. he pays for the entire attack fee himself because he wants the people in his guild to have fun.
  • Gonff - Lost City
    Gonff - Lost City Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Replying to Skyannie, I didn't mean to make it sound as if I have a hatred for CQ just because they have a lot of land. I actually don't really know anyone in CQ and haven't really heard anything bad about them. If anything I would have respect for them to be able to acquire so much land. I just feel a single guild should not be able to hold a majority of the map and to be taking in so much coin each week. Of course if I were in a guild that covered most of the map I would have the same mindset as yours which is to take out the big threats and try to cover the whole map. At the same time though, my opinion would not change.
  • Yourmom - Lost City
    Yourmom - Lost City Posts: 1,655 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    syl wrote: »
    i think it would be pretty epic to see all the territories that can be attacked, come under attack. Not just cq or bl or gz, but all of them by different guilds.
    Ppl on lost city are scared and will only bid when one guild gets owned or is disbanding or whatever, then the vultures come in to pick them off. I like what BLT did though, when it "disbanded" it really encouraged tw

    Guess you weren't around for when it was cool to attack RQ. We had 11(i think?) tws one weekend
  • Mikoto - Lost City
    Mikoto - Lost City Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    odb wrote: »
    uber started attacking CQ because you are all stuck up pricks who random pk level 50s and 60s then come up with some lame excuse how it was justified. yet you all say you never random pk. he never bid to protect rq but the high and mighty CQ decided to pk them for wanting to join in on territory wars. he pays for the entire attack fee himself because he wants the people in his guild to have fun.

    KOS isn't random pk.
  • MrKalamack - Lost City
    MrKalamack - Lost City Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    KOS isn't random pk.

    so you are admitting that that almighty CQ called KOS on a guild that consists of mostly lvl 50 and less? even RQ mostly waits for people to hit lvl 60+.

    uber how nice of you to give your faction a chance to see what TW is like. i noticed that SG1 lasted longer than WolfBlade last week. thats hawt.
  • Starang - Lost City
    Starang - Lost City Posts: 460 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    So much crying in this thread, that the pages are dripping tears.
  • odb
    odb Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    KOS isn't random pk.

    so you admit how pathetic your guild is? you call kos on a guild that has 1 80+ and 3-4 70+. why...because the almighty conqueror doesnt think they have the right to join in territory wars. no one really cares if you want to random pk just dont try to act all nice and come up with lame **** excuses to justify your desire to pk people 20-30 levels lower than you without any reason. or does uber and his group of low level nublets scare you that bad that you need to hunt people 30+ levels lower than you...how sad.

    btw i've seen you send in 6 9x to gank 2 6x guildless questing in swamp. guess thats not random either since you were probably just protecting the nice mobs that were being killed. the reason given for it..."we are just cleaning up the swamp of rq so its safe for everyone to level." guess your guilds logic is "if we pk you first then rq cant so we are really just protecting you by killing you."

    see how many more of your lame **** cq buddies can come try to justify themselves for random pking or pking lowbie guilds.
  • Chowy - Lost City
    Chowy - Lost City Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    blah blah blah CQ bad CQ evil CQ take over map CQ random pk
  • Image - Lost City
    Image - Lost City Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    blah blah blah CQ bad CQ evil CQ take over map CQ random pk

    Anyone of the 3 would if they had the map =P
  • ThunderBeam - Lost City
    ThunderBeam - Lost City Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    odb wrote: »
    btw i've seen you send in 6 9x to gank 2 6x guildless questing in swamp. guess thats not random either since you were probably just protecting the nice mobs that were being killed. the reason given for it..."we are just cleaning up the swamp of rq so its safe for everyone to level." guess your guilds logic is "if we pk you first then rq cant so we are really just protecting you by killing you."

    LOL I would not say it better really b:laughb:chuckle
    nice one b:victory
  • TheCid - Lost City
    TheCid - Lost City Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    As far as i know it has been said several times. if you get ramdom Pked by CQ just SS dmg of Pker and they most likely kick it. Meh if they kicked the all mighty deity with his +10 GX i don't see why not kick any other ramdom PKer.
    As for KOS, well it's not like you can't expect to never been KOS by someone stronger when you weekly attack them. At this point i would say they do it more because they are running out of targets a.k.a BL only target since RQ kind of dead.

    If i was leader of a guild that uber farmed EQ and Exp for over 7 months and my guild members start telling me they may be going inactive/leaving game/moving from server cuz they are bored i'd just give them some other target. It's a damn PvP server after all. lvling, gearing out, and non-lifing just to not PvP it's ****. If you so mad at their KOS go attack BL/GZ lands and see if they don't do the same. And btw, i bet you would QQ the same. Muah, muah, they outlevel us.
  • Koan - Lost City
    Koan - Lost City Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    What we have here is a fine display of idiots QQing hard because their stupid guild is getting it's **** kicked by CQ. On the PVP server.

    "QQ we only has 1 8x! Why almighty conquueror is attak us?
    b:shutup People still don't seem to be figuring out the connection
  • VonTerror - Lost City
    VonTerror - Lost City Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    What we have here is a fine display of idiots QQing hard because their stupid guild is getting it's **** kicked by CQ. On the PVP server.

    "QQ we only has 1 8x! Why almighty conquueror is attak us?

    Doesn't read like QQ, reads like they are just saying call it what it is. I personally don't care. Actually, I can't even believe you don't random PK everyone, it's boring as hell without it so late in the game. CQ claims they want good competition but if you don't provoke it, most won't challenge you. If BL and RQ didn't exist would you be completely PvE? What's the point of being here then? DFO ftw
  • TheCid - Lost City
    TheCid - Lost City Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    That's exactly my point. Instead of going ramdom PK i don't see why odb QQing about CQ deciding on KOS them after they been bidding them. Yet he states CQ ramdom PKes any 50~60 they find with their 9X. I think they got better things to do than actually try a full KOS/farm of your guild, like they would normally do with RQ/BL.
  • Skyannie - Lost City
    Skyannie - Lost City Posts: 351 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Doesn't read like QQ, reads like they are just saying call it what it is. I personally don't care. Actually, I can't even believe you don't random PK everyone, it's boring as hell without it so late in the game. CQ claims they want good competition but if you don't provoke it, most won't challenge you. If BL and RQ didn't exist would you be completely PvE? What's the point of being here then? DFO ftw

    We don't have to provoke people... most of the reactions in this thread are evidence that people will naturally feel discontent with the guild that owns the most land. Because of that, we don't have to random PK to get that competition, it comes by itself.

    Also, I would appreciate it if all those who claim Conqueror has random PKed them posted some actual evidence, not just empty words. I've yet to see a single screen-shot of it.
    As only the child that I was, I tread with giants.
    Their footprints on the sand, marked for times immemorial, serve as evidence of hope.
    And though my short legs could not keep up, my heart was always by their side. Conqueror.
  • tr0oll
    tr0oll Posts: 174 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    We don't have to provoke people... most of the reactions in this thread are evidence that people will naturally feel discontent with the guild that owns the most land. Because of that, we don't have to random PK to get that competition, it comes by itself.

    Also, I would appreciate it if all those who claim Conqueror has random PKed them posted some actual evidence, not just empty words. I've yet to see a single screen-shot of it.

    Nah CQ never random PKs, they just sit there and go all "Oh look there's a RED player, I wonder if he is on our KOS, I want to make sure before I kill him... Hmmmm, Rule 1...rule 2....(...) Rule 46...(...) Rule 352...." by the time they decide to kill him or they get a 1.5 MegaBytes worth of fame on my HDD and some make their way into my signature. b:surrender
    IGN: Purified, Harshlands
    I'm the Veno with a phoenix zerging your ****

    Signature by Sev
  • Skyannie - Lost City
    Skyannie - Lost City Posts: 351 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    tr0oll wrote: »
    Nah CQ never random PKs, they just said there and go "Oh look there's a RED player, I wonder if he is on our KOS" by the time they decide to kill him or they get a 1.5m MegaBytes worth of fame on my HDD and some make their way into my signature. b:surrender

    First off, your logic is a bit flawed, but I guess that's your intention, so I'll play along with it, I get what you mean. Second, your signature is so outdated it's not even funny, lol. Actually, it is. XP Those pictures are at least somewhere around 2+ months old, who ARE you? Or were, for that matter, otherwise you would have fresher ones.
    As only the child that I was, I tread with giants.
    Their footprints on the sand, marked for times immemorial, serve as evidence of hope.
    And though my short legs could not keep up, my heart was always by their side. Conqueror.
  • Blonk - Lost City
    Blonk - Lost City Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    God knows how much I hate posting serious stuff, but some of these people are so clueless. First of all, CQ didn't kos SG cause they attack them, the kos started way before that. When the kos was called, I actually asked some CQ officers about the reason and lets just say the answers were surprising. There was a certain Marshal who didn't even know the reason behind the kos, actually he/she didn't even know about the kos til I asked and he/she checked their kos list. Now to the actual "reasons".
    1) We kos'ed Integrity and integrity is/was CQ's ally so by kos'ing us, cq is helping integrity.
    2) We helped BLT kill CQ members
    3) We're RQ's fake clan used for fake bidding
    4) We're allied with RQ and helping them by fake bidding
    5) We tried to outbid CQ when they wanted to attack RQ
    And those are just the ones I can remember off the top of my head. Anywho, people who say CQ started the kos cause of SG attacking their land is complete BS.

    Just my 2 cents.
  • Starang - Lost City
    Starang - Lost City Posts: 460 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    God knows how much I hate posting serious stuff, but some of these people are so clueless. First of all, CQ didn't kos SG cause they attack them, the kos started way before that. When the kos was called, I actually asked some CQ officers about the reason and lets just say the answers were surprising. There was a certain Marshal who didn't even know the reason behind the kos, actually he/she didn't even know about the kos til I asked and he/she checked their kos list. Now to the actual "reasons".
    1) We kos'ed Integrity and integrity is/was CQ's ally so by kos'ing us, cq is helping integrity.
    2) We helped BLT kill CQ members
    3) We're RQ's fake clan used for fake bidding
    4) We're allied with RQ and helping them by fake bidding
    5) We tried to outbid CQ when they wanted to attack RQ
    And those are just the ones I can remember off the top of my head. Anywho, people who say CQ started the kos cause of SG attacking their land is complete BS.

    Just my 2 cents.

    Number Five b:shutup
  • tr0oll
    tr0oll Posts: 174 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    First off, your logic is a bit flawed, but I guess that's your intention, so I'll play along with it, I get what you mean. Second, your signature is so outdated it's not even funny, lol. Actually, it is. XP Those pictures are at least somewhere around 2+ months old, who ARE you? Or were, for that matter, otherwise you would have fresher ones.
    I used to play on Lost City, I was Deity's most priced target and him mine. We spent days and nights wasting hieros and dolls. At the end of the day, we both quit.

    I would love to take some new SS and convert them into a signature using my pro MS-Paint skills, But sadly, My archer stands naked, armorless, weaponless even wingless on the roof tops of one those buildings on ancient dragon city.

    Some greedy ***** from BloodLust who I trusted and left my archer to take care of until the day I return stripped it penniless. Saddest part is, I don't even know who did it. They turned my archer into a village bicycle.
    IGN: Purified, Harshlands
    I'm the Veno with a phoenix zerging your ****

    Signature by Sev
  • Sybershot - Lost City
    Sybershot - Lost City Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    do you people mind , im trying to take a shower here b:chuckle

    Anyway realy who of you care about KOS , PK etc. you'r not in SG with us so please stfup b:shutup

    Thanks and have a nice day ! b:pleased