RolePlay Guild



  • Nightdragon - Heavens Tear
    Nightdragon - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Hey I've been trying to find some of you guys latly but can't find anyone online from the guild anymore, hows it going?
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]the 35th Raven

    Conquerer Character
    Main - Nightdragon (Archer)

    RolePlay Character
    Alt1 - Omrious (Barbarian)

    Rogues Character
    Alt 2 - Mok_Tyrn (Cleric)

    Alt 3 - Nightomen (Venomancer)
  • Nightdragon - Heavens Tear
    Nightdragon - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Oh I forgot to say if you see me online as Nightdragon feel free to RP with me or I can also switch to Omrious.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]the 35th Raven

    Conquerer Character
    Main - Nightdragon (Archer)

    RolePlay Character
    Alt1 - Omrious (Barbarian)

    Rogues Character
    Alt 2 - Mok_Tyrn (Cleric)

    Alt 3 - Nightomen (Venomancer)
  • ciira
    ciira Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    hmmmm.... i was trying to contact u ppl several times alrdy. i have also been on ur forums (didnt register though, i just tred to get some information how to contact you ppl, which was difficult andat the end didnt work). Ocane didnt answer to a pm, i sent him here, and i also tried to contact one of ur rpg-clan-forum-admins via email, asking if ure still actively playing (no answer).
    then i tried to find ElenaCostelle in game, but it didnt work, either.

    in other words: im playing a blademaster called TenderStorm (lvl 20 atm) on heavans tear. so, are u still there? how can i contact you? etc etc

    in case the rpg-community on sanctuary is stronger, i would also start a new chara there, as a friend of mine is about to download the game atm and we probably just start off from the beginning together.
    so, how is the situation? ^^
    plz answer asap, so i can decide quickly on which server im gonna play.

    ps: the guild leaders of rpg-guilds on heavens tear and sanctuary can also pm me, so we dont need to spam this forum with private talking.
  • Nightdragon - Heavens Tear
    Nightdragon - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Hello and nice to meet you, I would have to say that right now Sactuary has the stronger RP but with your help we could revitalize this guild so I would ask you to stay and meet up with one of us. I am usually on as Nightdragon a former RolePlay Guild member but I am thinking of rejoining and helping out. I advise you to try and contact Elena_Costel as she is the new leader of the guild. Thats my best bet and Ocane is somewhat inactive last I check so that could be why he didn't get back to you. Sorry about that this has been a very good guild to me and Elena is very knowlegable so either try contacting her if you get a chance and all of my alts are written on my signiture so feel free to look me up. :D Hope to see you online!
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]the 35th Raven

    Conquerer Character
    Main - Nightdragon (Archer)

    RolePlay Character
    Alt1 - Omrious (Barbarian)

    Rogues Character
    Alt 2 - Mok_Tyrn (Cleric)

    Alt 3 - Nightomen (Venomancer)
  • Nolaquen - Heavens Tear
    Nolaquen - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Hey, I've been trying to find someone online, but I guess my schedule has been less than ideal as of late. My character is named Nolaquen, if one of you find me in-game before I find one of you I would appreciate it if you would consider adding me to your roster. My RP muscles are growing weak right now, I need a workout.
  • Diogeneskyon - Lost City
    Diogeneskyon - Lost City Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    So this guild isn't on Lost City?
  • Elenacostel - Heavens Tear
    Elenacostel - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,822 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Correct, the guild is on Heaven's Tear, not the others.

    My in-game name is ElenaCostel, not Elena_Costel nor ElenaCostelle. Strange that you found my Guild Wars name...

    It is easiest to send an in-game mail to me (via PostBox), and I shall endeavor to attempt to contact you. I do not check these forums often, so did not know there are people still using this thread.
  • Nightdragon - Heavens Tear
    Nightdragon - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Sorry Elena I wonder where I got that as well I've been trying to find you as well and have left a few posts on our forum. So if you have a chance send me a pm. I'll try and give the correct info next time. Hope to see you again.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]the 35th Raven

    Conquerer Character
    Main - Nightdragon (Archer)

    RolePlay Character
    Alt1 - Omrious (Barbarian)

    Rogues Character
    Alt 2 - Mok_Tyrn (Cleric)

    Alt 3 - Nightomen (Venomancer)
  • Rumael - Heavens Tear
    Rumael - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Wow! I entertained the idea in my head, but I never knew I'd find an RP Guild here in PW!

    I have roleplayed before, on Neverwinter Nights (a server called Amia, mostly) and in various forum RPs that I'm engaged in. And and yeah, I play Guild Wars, and I know there is an RP association for GW, but I never bothered to go find them. (My main is Strom Brightsword)

    Anyway, to the chase. I started playing PW on the Heaven's Tear server about 3 days ago and I fell in love with the Untamed simply cause they reminded me of furries (yes, I am a fur). He is and forever will be my main named Rumael. Sadly, I cannot play on the weekdays much due to school and such. Anyway, here is the background I came up for him

    Rumael: Freedom

    "What's your name, beast?"

    "Rumael, it's Rumael," he spoke in a deep, rumbling voice.

    "Rumael, eh? Well, around here, you won't have a name. You'll go by 'beast 'and respond with 'Yes, sir'. Am I clear, beast?"

    "Y-Yes, sir."

    Slavers. Rumael thought he'd never have to meet one. Some luck.

    Months passed and days passed, and one day, Rumael decided he had enough with his Untamed pride being mocked by some filthy humans and elves.

    Rumael violently attacked one of the overseers, mauling and tearing his body apart with his brute strength.

    The slavers responded by massing him and tackling him to the ground, where the head overseer proceeded to blind him with a wicked spell.

    For Rumael, it was the scariest thing to happen to him. How was he supposed to survive now?

    At least there was a plus side; he no longer had to perform extremely hard labor. He got accustomed to his blindness and his other senses compensated for his handicap by becoming stronger.

    Then, the day he waited forever finally came; freedom!

    He could smell his Untamed brethren as the raided the slaver's camp and came to rescue him and the other Untamed and whoever else they might have incarcerated.

    "Rumael! Is that you?!"



    "My friend, I thought I'd never see you again!"

    "And I you! By the earth beneath my feet, what happened to your eyes? Oh my, you're blind!"

    "Yes, my dear friend. You can blame the main slaver for that."

    "I see."

    Cha'kar was silent for a few moments.

    "You can rest easy now, for the head honcho is now lying all over the camp."

    "I thank you for exacting my vengeance when I could not. Now, let's get out of here."

    "I couldn't agree more, my friend."

    Rumael returned to live amogst his poeple again, but with a deep burning hatred for humans and elves etched in his heart.
    My Main and RP character:
    Rumael - Blind Wolven Barbarian

    RP Guild Forums:
  • Nightdragon - Heavens Tear
    Nightdragon - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Pretty sweet story feel free to look me up online as Nightdragon mostly but my alts are all posted on the bottom. Feel free to post on the RolePlay forum which link is and yeah hopefully see you around!
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]the 35th Raven

    Conquerer Character
    Main - Nightdragon (Archer)

    RolePlay Character
    Alt1 - Omrious (Barbarian)

    Rogues Character
    Alt 2 - Mok_Tyrn (Cleric)

    Alt 3 - Nightomen (Venomancer)
  • Nightdragon - Heavens Tear
    Nightdragon - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Ummm.... now that I posted the link again we gotta problem lol. The RolePlay forum will not work I even tried going to and searching for our page but it will not load.b:shocked if someone could look into this.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]the 35th Raven

    Conquerer Character
    Main - Nightdragon (Archer)

    RolePlay Character
    Alt1 - Omrious (Barbarian)

    Rogues Character
    Alt 2 - Mok_Tyrn (Cleric)

    Alt 3 - Nightomen (Venomancer)
  • JamieTaoLei - Sanctuary
    JamieTaoLei - Sanctuary Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I too have noticed that the site is down for some reason. I thought it was a connection problem on my end but after seeing this post here, I'v come to realize it's not on my end, so I too am having this same problem loading the page sadly. Hopefully the issue can be fix and resolved quickly that I might again post and visit with the roleplayer's community there.
  • Rumael - Heavens Tear
    Rumael - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    The site is still down? Blargh! I hope this error is resolved soon so I can post Rumael's new, revised background story! Anyway, I don't hope to log onto PW until Friday.
    My Main and RP character:
    Rumael - Blind Wolven Barbarian

    RP Guild Forums:
  • Alalahe - Heavens Tear
    Alalahe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Is there any RP guild still active on my server? everytime i try to contact one the person is offline or when i send a IG mail their mail is locked. b:angry
  • Elenacostel - Heavens Tear
    Elenacostel - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,822 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Hmm... this could be a problem. The previous guild leader never gave me information about that forum (admin login / password).
  • Nightdragon - Heavens Tear
    Nightdragon - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    What about if we put up a temp forum? That could help for the time being right? I think it could be an option for the time until we get things figured out cause that was a good forum and now I'm wishing I had backed up all of my story lol. Ah well I remember the gist and could write it up again if I had to. Let me know what you think Elena.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]the 35th Raven

    Conquerer Character
    Main - Nightdragon (Archer)

    RolePlay Character
    Alt1 - Omrious (Barbarian)

    Rogues Character
    Alt 2 - Mok_Tyrn (Cleric)

    Alt 3 - Nightomen (Venomancer)
  • Nolaquen - Heavens Tear
    Nolaquen - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I would be more than happy to put up a temporary forum. Just give me the word. Also, although I was more of a Nordock guy, I have a character or two on Amia as well. I can't really stand to play it anymore, but long live NWN anyway.

    And Alalahe, if you still haven't been able to contact anyone, I'll try to find you.
  • Rumael - Heavens Tear
    Rumael - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Please, please, PLEASE get a back-up forum made. That, or just make a new forum at one of the various sites that offer free forum creation. And you have characters on Amia? Coolness, although I myself am taking an extended 'Amia Break'. Dunno if I'll ever go back. I might just wait until Amia 2 is out of the development stage and able to go live.
    My Main and RP character:
    Rumael - Blind Wolven Barbarian

    RP Guild Forums:
  • KLAYTEN - Lost City
    KLAYTEN - Lost City Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    well sorry for spamming but i need someone i can trust for me urgentley so messege me if ur on the lost city server cuz its really important a GM or MOD would be even better thanx
  • Nightdragon - Heavens Tear
    Nightdragon - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    So just checked in on the RolePlay site and its looking like the actual host changed something so untila moderator or someone can change things we can't get on the offical one but I have started working on a temp one for now if I get the ok I'll have it running asap.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]the 35th Raven

    Conquerer Character
    Main - Nightdragon (Archer)

    RolePlay Character
    Alt1 - Omrious (Barbarian)

    Rogues Character
    Alt 2 - Mok_Tyrn (Cleric)

    Alt 3 - Nightomen (Venomancer)
  • Rumael - Heavens Tear
    Rumael - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    The linked forum in this post is up and running again.
    My Main and RP character:
    Rumael - Blind Wolven Barbarian

    RP Guild Forums:
  • Korawini - Heavens Tear
    Korawini - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Alalahe here, perhaps i can be of assistance, i run mulitple wow guildsites so i have a bit of experiance, oh if you like to contact me do it at european times 10:00 - 21:00 (i love PWI over WOW b:mischievous)
    and try
    Korawini or Debranua since i play them the most. (yes i am a rper cause i walk in cities b:cool.)

    Well i better b:shutup and start playing.
  • lollypopgagger
    lollypopgagger Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    hey i have never rped before but i want to try something new currently im on dreamweaver but this guild seems fun enough for me to make a new guy (only lvl 9 now so not much of a sacerfice sorry if being new will make it difficult) but before i make a new guy i would like to know if there is anything i have to do, or any requirements to join thanks^^
  • Nightdragon - Heavens Tear
    Nightdragon - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    No problem being low lvl'd thats not what our guild is about. If you want help lvling look me up as either Nightdragon or Omrious, the later is a memeber of RolePlay. But yeah we've had lvl 1 characters join so lvl 9 is no issue at all and being new to the game is not an issue either as there are members in the game who know much of the games workings. So yeah let us know what your name is and we'll keep an eye out for ya :)

    By the way lollypopgagger I'm sorry it took so long to answer your post I've been busy and forgot to check this thread as of late so to make it up to you PM me and I will try to help the best I can. My bow is at your service.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]the 35th Raven

    Conquerer Character
    Main - Nightdragon (Archer)

    RolePlay Character
    Alt1 - Omrious (Barbarian)

    Rogues Character
    Alt 2 - Mok_Tyrn (Cleric)

    Alt 3 - Nightomen (Venomancer)
  • Neferiti - Sanctuary
    Neferiti - Sanctuary Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I take it its a Heavens tear guild only? If not, I'd love to join
  • Nightdragon - Heavens Tear
    Nightdragon - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Technically it is a Heavens Tear guild only but if you would like you could post your bio and such on our guild's forum which is there have been member who RP'd strictly through the forum though I know it is not the same as on the Servers it can still be fun. Also depending on which server you are on we may be able to find another RP guild to get you in touch with. Hope this helps a little!b:victory
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]the 35th Raven

    Conquerer Character
    Main - Nightdragon (Archer)

    RolePlay Character
    Alt1 - Omrious (Barbarian)

    Rogues Character
    Alt 2 - Mok_Tyrn (Cleric)

    Alt 3 - Nightomen (Venomancer)
  • Neferiti - Sanctuary
    Neferiti - Sanctuary Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Technically it is a Heavens Tear guild only but if you would like you could post your bio and such on our guild's forum which is there have been member who RP'd strictly through the forum though I know it is not the same as on the Servers it can still be fun. Also depending on which server you are on we may be able to find another RP guild to get you in touch with. Hope this helps a little!b:victory

    Hi, thanks for the reply. I'm currently on sanctuary server.
  • Nightdragon - Heavens Tear
    Nightdragon - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Alright here is a link to the forum for a RP Guild on Sanctuary that JamieTaoLei posted a while ago. But if you ever feel like switching over to Heavens Tear let us know. :D but I'm sending a PM to Jamie to let her know you might be looking for her.
    Hope this helps!b:victory
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]the 35th Raven

    Conquerer Character
    Main - Nightdragon (Archer)

    RolePlay Character
    Alt1 - Omrious (Barbarian)

    Rogues Character
    Alt 2 - Mok_Tyrn (Cleric)

    Alt 3 - Nightomen (Venomancer)
  • americandollposse
    americandollposse Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Hi! I'm pretty new to this game but have heard many, many good things about it. I'm hoping to find a good, solid RP community and it looks like I might have! If you guys have any more information on it, I'd love to hear about it! Thanks! :D
  • kfreenc
    kfreenc Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Hi, Is this guild still active? I really want to find a RP focused guild.
This discussion has been closed.