Petition for charm packs and Info on why they are gone



  • Zenpachi - Heavens Tear
    Zenpachi - Heavens Tear Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    did you ever think that when the people who put up the announcements were told it was a permenant item that they meant that the item is in your inventory permanently (or in this case till used up). I mean that could be why they went and edited the post.
    There's no wiggle room left, here. First, let me point out the exact wording in the quote:
    we are introducing permanent new additions to our boutique in the form of Charm Packs and the New Player Pack
    Please note that the "permanent" is an adjective that describes the "additions to [their] boutique," not the individual items themselves. Also note that none of their sales are ever advertised as "permanent," even if they are for "inventory permanent" items. It takes a huuuuge stretch of the imagination, or a ton of BS, to spin that.

    Second, notice it includes both the charm packs and new player packs in the same sentence, the latter of which is still in the store. They were introduced together, and presented together, yet treated differently later on.

    Third, your point doesn't follow at all about this being a reason to edit the word out. Why fix something that ain't broken, right? If that was their intention, and the players were simply misreading (or whatever), they could just announce the "real" meaning on the forums. Aside from it sounding like crazy spin, it would at least make sense.

    Fourth, it wasn't a "post" that was edited, it was the archives. You know, archives, as in 'history of changes.' They changed history. That is the very definition of a cover-up. The whole thing was one bad move after another, and the players called them out on it.
  • Ryukino - Sanctuary
    Ryukino - Sanctuary Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    There's no wiggle room left, here. First, let me point out the exact wording in the quote:

    Please note that the "permanent" is an adjective that describes the "additions to [their] boutique," not the individual items themselves. Also note that none of their sales are ever advertised as "permanent," even if they are for "inventory permanent" items. It takes a huuuuge stretch of the imagination, or a ton of BS, to spin that.

    Second, notice it includes both the charm packs and new player packs in the same sentence, the latter of which is still in the store. They were introduced together, and presented together, yet treated differently later on.

    Third, your point doesn't follow at all about this being a reason to edit the word out. Why fix something that ain't broken, right? If that was their intention, and the players were simply misreading (or whatever), they could just announce the "real" meaning on the forums. Aside from it sounding like crazy spin, it would at least make sense.

    Fourth, it wasn't a "post" that was edited, it was the archives. You know, archives, as in 'history of changes.' They changed history. That is the very definition of a cover-up. The whole thing was one bad move after another, and the players called them out on it.

    @1 like i said maybe they told the admins that it was a permanent item but not meant is as "we are keeping it in the botique" but as a "this item is permenantly the players"

    @2 and thats like saying we added this item and this i mean the newbie items are in your inventory permenantly too.

    @3 maybe they edited noting that it was major harassment on the players part and like i said maybe that got the attention of the higher ups and they said to get rid of it cause they werent meant to be permanent (like i said above i dont condone it but hey what are ya gonna do)

    @4 so what a typo on my part it still is posted in the archives and for an explanation why read @3.
  • Zenpachi - Heavens Tear
    Zenpachi - Heavens Tear Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    @1 like i said maybe they told the admins that it was a permanent item but not meant is as "we are keeping it in the botique" but as a "this item is permenantly the players"

    @2 and thats like saying we added this item and this i mean the newbie items are in your inventory permenantly too.

    @3 maybe they edited noting that it was major harassment on the players part and like i said maybe that got the attention of the higher ups and they said to get rid of it cause they werent meant to be permanent (like i said above i dont condone it but hey what are ya gonna do)

    @4 so what a typo on my part it still is posted in the archives and for an explanation why read @3.
    All possible, but also highly unlikely. Do you not think that if this were the case, honesty would be the best policy. Especially in light of a very peeved player base assuming the 'worst?' Instead, they outright lie (saying they were accidentally removed, then saying there was a technical issue with christmas, then saying purposely removed), and, as mentioned, erased the history of the word of contention. You can't deny those were all bad moves, regardless of reason.

    At this point, who cares if the Mods/Admins/whoever are corrupt and money-grubbing ****. They royally screwed up, we were lied to, and now we're left without an item we all assumed was permanent and could purchase at anytime. Those are facts. That's bad enough. The underlying cause is not the issue at all.
  • Mystyra - Lost City
    Mystyra - Lost City Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I would like the charmpacks back... because the other ones went up in price :( Hard to feed my charm addiction ya know? ^_^

    if you can't bring the packs back o.O at least take single charms down ^_^


    Hope you can fix this all soon GMs
  • _hotep_ - Sanctuary
    _hotep_ - Sanctuary Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I would like to thank all the pw users who have responded to this petition.

    For those of you who would bash me or those that support me... And to those that are defending what pw did...I say this...

    get your head out of pw's lap... oh wait you cant have your head in their lap because they are behind you and your bent over... b:chuckle

    I have nothing further to say on this matter... other than...

    At least I have my PW Nintendo DS to play
  • WolfenLord - Sanctuary
    WolfenLord - Sanctuary Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I personally think this is in response to tough, global economic times. Prices of wanted objects increase was the value of currency decreases. So, for PWI to still manage to get its profit, it has to change the way boutique items cost and work. I agree, it sucks horribly for us, the consumers, but it's just the way economy and business works. We just have to keep trying as hard as we can and work this out until things get better. I'll still keep playing, I'll just find a way to not have to rely on the charms to survive. Yeah, it'll be a lot tougher, but possible if I'm creative enough.
    ~If at first you don't succeed, redefine success.~
  • Arravis - Lost City
    Arravis - Lost City Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Fourth, it wasn't a "post" that was edited, it was the archives. You know, archives, as in 'history of changes.' They changed history. That is the very definition of a cover-up. The whole thing was one bad move after another, and the players called them out on it.

    Couldn't have said it any better myself.

    Still waiting for a GM/Mod to respond to this one.
  • gattsuru
    gattsuru Posts: 3,184 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Well, if moderators count, I'd guess it was because the archives and news posts are rather linked, and that the Internet Remembers All (especially Google). PWE wanted them permanent, planned for them to be permanent, and would prefer for them to be permanent, but that's not really what they are anymore.

    But all the green name really gives is move and signed edit priveleges. I just tend to attribute to attempt to not mislead before malice.
  • Kingpiccolo - Heavens Tear
    Kingpiccolo - Heavens Tear Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Info coming soon, 21 days and counting. Can you guys give me some Zen and I will pay you "soon"?
  • missy
    missy Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    ALL FOR IT.... game doesnt give much back to players just a money sucking machine.. help ease the pain bring back the packs plllsssb:thanks
  • mecurial
    mecurial Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Thread Closed ><
    ~~~~la la la~~~~~~
  • Iristine - Heavens Tear
    Iristine - Heavens Tear Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    forgive me for being the noob here...but management said one thing, found out that they weren't gonna make alot of money over it in the long run, took it out of the CS to build up hype for it so that when it comes back into the shop people buy em like crazy. supply.....demand.....economics 101. it happens in EVERY game.

    so they lied, they got caught, they said sry. get over it and do what the gm's have said. wait for them to come back. for me this is a FREE game. you dont have to pay to play and so far i'm liking it. i'm sure that whatever these charms were, you were doing ok before they came to the CS. make do without them.
  • akkochan
    akkochan Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited January 2009
  • Zenpachi - Heavens Tear
    Zenpachi - Heavens Tear Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Bumping this.

    Another patch, and still no charm packs. What's taking so long?
  • Skyannie - Lost City
    Skyannie - Lost City Posts: 351 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    In my opinion they lose more money without the charm packs than with them. The reason for this is simple, if more people can afford them, more people purchase them. If less people can afford them, less people buy, money is lost. Since the charm packs were removed it's difficult to find someone that sells charms, it's actually depressing that sometimes nobody is selling them at all, or at exorbitant prices that no sane person would pay. For that simple reason, I think they cut off their own legs, probably thinking it was a smart move.

    Certainly they make some more money per charm, but they sell a lot less. Even then, it's not like charms are "long-lasting items", they're like candy. People use, and use, and use... no pun intended, but with the old prices, the players that did fall into the addiction of charm-using during the packs, have gotten out of it, because they can't afford them.
    As only the child that I was, I tread with giants.
    Their footprints on the sand, marked for times immemorial, serve as evidence of hope.
    And though my short legs could not keep up, my heart was always by their side. Conqueror.
  • devil85
    devil85 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2009
  • swgs
    swgs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    In my opinion they lose more money without the charm packs than with them. The reason for this is simple, if more people can afford them, more people purchase them. If less people can afford them, less people buy, money is lost. Since the charm packs were removed it's difficult to find someone that sells charms, it's actually depressing that sometimes nobody is selling them at all, or at exorbitant prices that no sane person would pay. For that simple reason, I think they cut off their own legs, probably thinking it was a smart move.

    Certainly they make some more money per charm, but they sell a lot less. Even then, it's not like charms are "long-lasting items", they're like candy. People use, and use, and use... no pun intended, but with the old prices, the players that did fall into the addiction of charm-using during the packs, have gotten out of it, because they can't afford them.

    I really do not think so, PWI will (is) making more money without the pack. players who are using charms will continue to use them regardless the price, at least I am still buying. If we can live without charms, we have no need to come here to complain. PWI actually did good job by offering the charm pack and give out charms during Christmas event. It gets a lots of players (I am one of them) get used to use the charm. Sure player may be more cautious when it come to burning charms now, but how big the affect it could be? I do not see it will affect sells at all. So all in all, I am not expecting anything like 20% discount come back soon.
  • Skyannie - Lost City
    Skyannie - Lost City Posts: 351 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    They can't be losing too much money here... This is probably the MOST expensive cash shop of all the PW versions out there, the rates are disturbing... It's kinda gross that they would want even more, although it's well within human nature to want more and more and more. So, yeah, I don't see them being generous with us any time soon either.
    As only the child that I was, I tread with giants.
    Their footprints on the sand, marked for times immemorial, serve as evidence of hope.
    And though my short legs could not keep up, my heart was always by their side. Conqueror.
  • Harima Kenji - Sanctuary
    Harima Kenji - Sanctuary Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    i guess they made us forget already b:angry
  • ZegtheDoc - Heavens Tear
    ZegtheDoc - Heavens Tear Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    They can't be losing too much money here... This is probably the MOST expensive cash shop of all the PW versions out there, the rates are disturbing... It's kinda gross that they would want even more, although it's well within human nature to want more and more and more. So, yeah, I don't see them being generous with us any time soon either.

    Hmmmm... reading through, have seen reference to how expensive the PWI CS version is compared to others many times... is PWI now carrying other versions stagnant economies? Just food for thought.

    For my 2 bits worth... (back on topic) bring back the charm packs please, I and 4 family members play, and I will tell you, you will get more money from me with bundles. If it costs an arm and a leg for an item, I simply won't buy it, or will only buy ONE if it is something I believe is highly useful (like charms). However, if a moderately useful item is reasonably priced, I will USUALLY buy FIVE ....
  • GodsCharm - Heavens Tear
    GodsCharm - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    First off... I just wanted to throw in my 2 cents on this whole topic.

    I know that 90%+ of PWI is angry about the charm packs being removed from the boutique. Even more so by them being initially released as a "permanent" addition to the boutique. Added with the aggravation of the lack of "satisfing" information.

    1. The GM's have stated multiple times they are unable to release any more information at this time.
    -This unfortunately even for the GM's this is frustrating im sure. However in the corporate world, this is just how things go. Someone who sits behind a desk gives orders from someone who sits behind a bigger desk.

    2. The GM's have also said that the coders(the people that actually make PWI playable) have chosen to remove the charm packs. Please do try to remember that the GM's do not add or remove anything from the game. This is the job of the coders.
    -When you flame and spam GM's either in game or on the forums, it may make you feel better. The GM's do not have the ability to "turn on/off" features of the game. So if your mad, why take out your frustration on the messenger?

    3. The GM's have also stated that PWI is a company. Without consumers a business cannot run. How does a business know what its consumers want? Feedback.
    - There is a specific "ticket" that you may issue titled "Suggestions." You don't even have to log in (meaning you can leave anonymous feedback). I work for a large retail company, I have personally seen what consumer feedback will do to a business.

    4. Right now the best thing that we can do, if we want to have charm packs return, is to let PWI the company know that we want them to return.

    So please, Spam me, flame me, curse me or whatever you want to do. But please try not to be mad at the GM's. We have been told that as soon as there is more information available the GM's will relay the message to us. Wether I like this or not, the best option I have is to trust that the GM's are relaying the messages as much as we are putting out. Again please go and submit a ticket to let PWI know how you feel. I'm sure that if they receive enough suggestions to return the charm packs to us, the coders might move a little faster on bringing them back. b:bye

  • ashleymarieply08
    ashleymarieply08 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Ok please bring back the packs.........the higher up we go the more we need and its getting very expensive to continue to play this game. Help your supporters out as well we are helping you by purchasing them.
  • Hecatrice - Heavens Tear
    Hecatrice - Heavens Tear Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Charm packs should return as soon as possible. The game has become somehow expensive meaning at this level I need one gold mp charm every 10 hours in game. Not to mention Gurdian Angels, Training Esotericas, daily Crazy Stone quest, have to buy Justice quests since there are NO quests, have to buy skills, armor, ornaments and sooooooooo on.

    I will agree with GodsCharm with the procedure we should all follow to protest about the charm packs. But I would like to share my last experience I had when I submitted a ticket. I asked about the Nanmuwood key, the key that opens some chests around the PW map. The answer I got was to check the forums here, a link I had visited before submitting the ticket. What's the difference then protesting in the forum and submitting a ticket, when the answer you receive is to search the forums here?

    I do not know how a company works, and I do not know if we should or should not refer to the GMs about the packs, but the GMs are our voice to the coders.

    I wish you all happy gaming and have lots of fun!
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    It would be nice if they came in packs /signed .
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • Ylluna - Sanctuary
    Ylluna - Sanctuary Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I'm new to all this Shopping for items and would appreciate a little help, please?

    I would like to buy one of the Perminent Charms to restore mana and hit points, but I'm confused... when it says 'perminent' does this mean that once I buy it and put it in my inventory (or wear it?) that it truly IS perminent, and wont disappear after a few uses?
