Where Are The Gms!!??!?!?



  • Vanyadarknae - Heavens Tear
    Vanyadarknae - Heavens Tear Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Ughh,your husband was banned fairly along with the other 69,it is bug/glitch abuse,you know what that is right?KNOWINGLY taking advantage of a faulty feature ingame to further his own ends...he knew what he was doing while selling those cash shop items to the npc,ofcourse it was partly the devs fault for not testing the patch but if you think your husband is not guilty of any wrongdoing by exploiting a bug,then every single person who have exploited any bugs on every other mmorpg is also not guilty even though its against most if not all of their TOS

    First off, he did stop. But it only took about 20 min. for anyone, if not less to gain a small fortune from the improperly programmed quest. I called him from work asking if he had heard anything about a bug or exploit in game after reading the forums while at work, he proceeded to tell me his find, I told him to read the forums, which he did and then stopped. Funny thing is, the money he gained was spent in people's cat shops, to keep the money in game rather than spending it in the AH and driving the price of gold up. There was no tale tale signs that it was a glitch, but common knowledge he should have stopped sooner than he did. Honestly what everybody needs to do is get educated in the development of game programming and bot code knowledge and then you will know first hand what I am talking about. The quest wasn't buggy, remember bugs don't program themselves, they are an unfortunate incident of coding exhaustion. The programmer programs the code, which in this event the coding was wrong. The following is only a small idea of what happened: What they did is add extra 0's to the amount of money gained from selling the dyes. Example Only: 1 dye is worth 150 GP and instead the programmer added an extra 0 making 1 dye is worth 1500 GP. They also did not limit the amount of times the clothes could be sold, that was unlimited. Actually the whole quest was unlimited. Where were the rules of the Epic Fail quest, NO WHERE. Therefore, no exploit took place. I won't name other servers, but they do state in their patch notes, beware of possible bugs and if found please take a screen shot and send in an email with your findings. Basically, releasing them of all liability. This is something PWI might want to implement into their patch notes.

  • jalenstar4ever
    jalenstar4ever Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    First off, he did stop. But it only took about 20 min. for anyone, if not less to gain a small fortune from the improperly programmed quest. I called him from work asking if he had heard anything about a bug or exploit in game after reading the forums while at work, he proceeded to tell me his find, I told him to read the forums, which he did and then stopped. Funny thing is, the money he gained was spent in people's cat shops, to keep the money in game rather than spending it in the AH and driving the price of gold up. There was no tale tale signs that it was a glitch, but common knowledge he should have stopped sooner than he did. Honestly what everybody needs to do is get educated in the development of game programming and bot code knowledge and then you will know first hand what I am talking about. The quest wasn't buggy, remember bugs don't program themselves, they are an unfortunate incident of coding exhaustion. The programmer programs the code, which in this event the coding was wrong. The following is only a small idea of what happened: What they did is add extra 0's to the amount of money gained from selling the dyes. Example Only: 1 dye is worth 150 GP and instead the programmer added an extra 0 making 1 dye is worth 1500 GP. They also did not limit the amount of times the clothes could be sold, that was unlimited. Actually the whole quest was unlimited. Where were the rules of the Epic Fail quest, NO WHERE. Therefore, no exploit took place. I won't name other servers, but they do state in their patch notes, beware of possible bugs and if found please take a screen shot and send in an email with your findings. Basically, releasing them of all liability. This is something PWI might want to implement into their patch notes.


    Vanya, a little friendly advice.

    You are not doing yourself, or your husband, any justice by coming on the forums and making excuses, finger-pointing, and/or blaming the GMs for your husbands behavior during this very unfortunate incident.

    Admittedly, you are both educated in the development of game programing. He, more than anyone else, should have immediately identified this very serious glitch and promptly notified a GM rather than abuse it to the near collapse of the entirety of the games economy.

    The fact that he was identified as one of only 70 players, and justifiably immediately banned for his involvement, is indicative of his serious contribution to this matter. Please spare us the excuses. An apology by your husband to the entire player base would be much more appropriate at this point than your current stand of making excuses and blaming others for your husbands less than stellar behavior.

    I hope your husband has learned a lesson from this incident. Allow him to accept responsibility for his wrong doing and let it go. It has yet to be determined whether the damage caused will have any lasting impact. Hopefully there wont be any so that we can all continue to enjoy the game as it was before this all occurred.
  • Vanyadarknae - Heavens Tear
    Vanyadarknae - Heavens Tear Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited February 2009

    He did try and contact a GM in game but as always No GM responded. Servers go down and within a few hours after they went down his account is banned. He also responded to an email from PWI, and no response. I have sent emails as well, and sent in support tickets to PWI for them to contact me either via email or by phone. Again, no response. If he could get onto the forums I am sure he would tell his side of the story, but they have banned that as well. As for the economy, there has been no long term effect other than people owning more mounts and cash shop items. Gold is right back where it should be since they opened the server back up. Most all cat shops have normal prices in them, as some have always been over priced. I haven't blamed the GM's at all for the situation at hand. The people I am speaking of are the developers. Thanks for your kind advice....

  • aryannamage
    aryannamage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009

    He did try and contact a GM in game but as always No GM responded. Servers go down and within a few hours after they went down his account is banned. He also responded to an email from PWI, and no response. I have sent emails as well, and sent in support tickets to PWI for them to contact me either via email or by phone. Again, no response. If he could get onto the forums I am sure he would tell his side of the story, but they have banned that as well. As for the economy, there has been no long term effect other than people owning more mounts and cash shop items. Gold is right back where it should be since they opened the server back up. Most all cat shops have normal prices in them, as some have always been over priced. I haven't blamed the GM's at all for the situation at hand. The people I am speaking of are the developers. Thanks for your kind advice....


    Could you send me a pm with the E-mail address used if possible? I can speak directly to a GM and probably get you into contact with them. Though the only one from CS I can speak to directly may not be on now till tomorrow it is better then nothing right?
  • Vinny_D - Sanctuary
    Vinny_D - Sanctuary Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Reading through this thread since there is nothing else to do at the moment. I have the feeling that there would not be as much complaining if everything didn't happen at once. Since Friday, we had the major glitch which people took advantage of and were banned. Ok maybe a permanent ban is a bit harsh. Regardless of whose mistake it was, the folks did take advantage of it, knowing it was wrong. Then the valentines quest kicks in and the guys find out it pretty much sucks for them, so now there's more people mad. Then the botters/spammers show up and add to the frustration. All in less than a week. So yes, nerves are frayed, patience wearing out.
    Realize the game is free unless you choose to spend money on it. Spending 500-800 dollars a month on a game is nuts, but it's also that persons choice so have at it. Vanya(and not at all serious here), but if hubby was at work and working and not playing a game he wouldn't have gotten banned.

    I do feel in all fairness, cut em some slack. There has been alot to deal with this past week. The Vday quest is done so stop worrying about it. The spammers, let's see how they react to it.
    Oh and word of advice don't buy from a third party will probably get you banned.
    I saw everyone screaming for a rollback, but if i understand it correctly it sets everyone back to the level, percentage, coinage etc they had at a certain point. So you punish everyone for the actions of a few? No they did the right thing in punishing the few, just maybe a bit too harshly. People are greedy and will take advantage any where they can. Putting a 30 day ban on em seems alot more fair.
    Life is what you make it. Just make sure you have fun.[SIGPIC]<Img Src="http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m214/Dragonwindspirit/contest/Vinny_D1.jpg">[/SIGPIC]
  • DevilCrys - Heavens Tear
    DevilCrys - Heavens Tear Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    orinj wrote: »
    hey there,

    first and foremost - sorry.

    this type of stuff doesn't happen often (you guys know it too), but a database malfunction related to the issue on friday prevented us from dealing with these spammers right away.

    as dvorak stated before, we *DO* have 24-7 coverage. and we are here 365 days a year. i didn't even get to see my mom on thanksgiving or christmas! >_<

    but like any other company we have outages and downtimes and such was the case friday and yesterday.

    what else can we do but say that we're sorry and tell you that we'll strive to be better.

    i'm rather hurt personally that so many of you would lose faith in us after a small incident as such. do you *honestly* think that we slack so that you guys will lose faith in the game and the company? what right-minded business person would do such a thing, right?

    so implore you - do not view us in a such a negative light. one mishap doesn't equate to the end of the world. a single drop of rain and hail does not mean that the sky is falling. know that we here at PWE are always doing our best (sometimes pulling crazy hours without pay) to ensure that you, the players, are provided an excellent, safe, and enjoyable gaming experience - SANS gold farmers :)

    thanks for understanding.

    - orinj

    P.S. i know a lot of ya'll have been talking about volunteering for PWI and whatnot, but due to conflict of interest and security/safety measures, we cannot go in this direction - sorry about that. for now, the best thing to do is to contact us via the GM button. i know that the wait can be a little long sometimes due to placement in queue, but for now this is the best thing you can do. however, i will say that we are in the process of implementing a newer, more direct form of chat/contact procedure in order to expedite the GM-to-user process. please keep your eyes peeled in the coming months.

    GM button is broken or ya'll lazy, I've used it so many times on a botter for a week straight... NO RESPONSE NO BAN..Still around each day same spot..Im not gonna WC Cry for a GM either..thats the issue is if yall got on them tickets faster we'd be happier..yall aint super heros so i know ou cant read/get em all but you can atleast get a few.. no hate yall do a great job n sorry to hear u cant chill with ur mom on those days, get her to play PW b:pleased
  • relek
    relek Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Have any of you even played any other free MMOs? A Spammer being in town for 3-4 hours is nothing. If you've ever played ANY other free MMO you'd see spammers in town for days without anything being done about it. And that would be normal. The GM presence in this game is SO much higher than any other free MMOs i've played. The reason I keep emphasis on "free" is because GMs from P2P games are rediculously effiecent.

    Also, if those 70 people got banned, they more than most likely did something to deserve it. No point in flipping out because you, or your husband, or your friend, got caught in the act. If they did the exploit, then they deserve to get banned, case closed.
    *Actual screenshot taken in game.

    IGN: Relek
    Server: Lost City

    PVE Is for Cowards b:surrender
    PVP is for the Cool people b:cool
  • xarfox
    xarfox Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    We realize that over the past few days there has been a new group of "gold spammers" in game. We're in the process of localizing this group and putting their operations into a full nelson.
  • Devlinne - Lost City
    Devlinne - Lost City Posts: 253 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Really after reading how u all BASH the admins here, i feel like SLAPPING all your whiny faces.

    You all don't KNOW how good u have it here.

    I am a 5yr Ex-player of MUonline.
    You should try playing THAT game and see what is the true meaning of NO SUPPORT OR SERVICE.Plus to top it off that pathetic excuse of a game has MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION^^ What a joke.

    You ever saw a **** where someone runs by you and you and all your party get DISCONNECTED from the server?This **** was allowed to run ingame for 2YEARS!!!

    You ever had to CALL KOREA just to speak to a gm?

    You ever had your lands TAKEN away from you by a guild with 1-hit hacks and then NOTHING done?

    You ever seen a GM been DISCONNECTED by a hacker and can't get back in?

    You ever played a game where the DATABASE OF ALL THE USERS NAME AND PASSWORDS was released and PUBLISHED on a **** site?

    This is just the tip of the Iceberg for Ex-Muonline players had to suffer with for 5YEARS.

    If u had gone thru all this...You would KNOW PWI IS HEAVEN.

    Lolz No monthly subscription and STILL u all moan about the GREAT service?

    Ungratefull ppl.
    A GOAT always THINKS it's a lion......untill it meets a REAL LION!!!!!
  • DevilCrys - Heavens Tear
    DevilCrys - Heavens Tear Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Really after reading how u all BASH the admins here, i feel like SLAPPING all your whiny faces.

    You all don't KNOW how good u have it here.

    I am a 5yr Ex-player of MUonline.
    You should try playing THAT game and see what is the true meaning of NO SUPPORT OR SERVICE.Plus to top it off that pathetic excuse of a game has MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION^^ What a joke.

    You ever saw a **** where someone runs by you and you and all your party get DISCONNECTED from the server?This **** was allowed to run ingame for 2YEARS!!!

    You ever had to CALL KOREA just to speak to a gm?

    You ever had your lands TAKEN away from you by a guild with 1-hit hacks and then NOTHING done?

    You ever seen a GM been DISCONNECTED by a hacker and can't get back in?

    You ever played a game where the DATABASE OF ALL THE USERS NAME AND PASSWORDS was released and PUBLISHED on a **** site?

    This is just the tip of the Iceberg for Ex-Muonline players had to suffer with for 5YEARS.

    If u had gone thru all this...You would KNOW PWI IS HEAVEN.

    Lolz No monthly subscription and STILL u all moan about the GREAT service?

    Ungratefull ppl.

    Im truly proud of you..I can offer some rehabilitation services or maybe some therapy..Gotten a brain scan yet? Please let me know if I can help you recover from being such a big failure.. 5 years is along time...you need to let it go..just say 'Yes I am a failure and addicted to playing games on the net now I have no social life because of this' then say 'Wuuu-saaaa'.
  • aryannamage
    aryannamage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    No flaming here please or we won't have a choice but to close.
  • xarfox
    xarfox Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    The spamming has been addressed in a previous post on this thread. Since this thread is degenerating into a flame war, it's being locked.
This discussion has been closed.