For Fresh Noobs

mesanx Posts: 11 Arc User
edited February 2009 in Dungeons & Tactics
Hello all you noobs. there are some things you need to know when starting the game.
1. from where you start out,your village, skip all the bull **** that comes up in the information questionmarks. do not even look at them because the controls are simple:
walk or run somwhere= click on land or use 'a', 'w', 's',or 'd'
move screen around= hold down right click and move mouse
emotions, factions, freinds= on the options panel on the bottom right
attack, spells= panel on the center bottom screen
char, health, mana= top leaft corner
jump= spacebar
chat window= bottom left (public,faction,trade,private,world)
minimap= top right corner

2. next, kill every and any monsters around until u reach about lvl4, then simply walk to the biggest city thats near you using your mini map, different races have different cities:
human= etherblade
untaimed= city of the lost
winged elf= city of the plume

3. next, i hope u picked up everything the monsters dropped, cuz next u need to find the nearest tailor and sell all of your items (including the POS sword) and from the tailor buy:
magic person=the first bottom row items for armour across the board
melee person=the first top row items for armour across the board
mixed skills person=the first middle row items for armour across the board

4. next go to a blacksmith and the row system is the same exept for different types of weapon, so buy the first one in the row. equip everything u have.

5. now your in the real world. look for any npc's with a gold sheild above their head, this means they have a quest for you.(do not do dragon quests, its a waste of time and money) talk to the quest people, do what they tell your to, this is the ultimate way of lvling. When you reach the point of a near lvl... at 85%+, go and kill monsters that are your lvl or mabye 1 lvl higher until you do lvl. every time u lvl, a new string of quest are available, plenty for your lvling purposes. can now do thinkgs on your own. i prefer getting a major skill like blacksmithin so u can make your own weapons. DO NOT enter pvp mode rite when u reach lvl30. make freinds and join squads. i dont recomend joining a faction until at least lvl20.

7. Thankyou for reading the noobie guide, please...any comments/concerns whisper Kinjoth. Thanks and be smart in game!
Don't touch me...or i'll kick your **** out of the faction. Have a nice day. b:pleased
Post edited by mesanx on


  • Green_Tea - Sanctuary
    Green_Tea - Sanctuary Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    erm mods pls delete this thread.
    TS, dont ruin the game experience for newbies.
    your kind of guide is useless and stupid.
    i have never heard of ppl grinding at lvl 1.
    <Arise> guild on Sanctuary server recruiting LVL 20+ All Class. PM me in-game or leave a message at arise.gamerdna.comb:victory
  • CHOOO - Sanctuary
    CHOOO - Sanctuary Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    mesanx wrote: »
    Hello all you noobs. there are some things you need to know when starting the game.
    1. from where you start out,your village, skip all the bull **** that comes up in the information questionmarks. do not even look at them because the controls are simple:
    walk or run somwhere= click on land or use 'a', 'w', 's',or 'd'
    move screen around= hold down right click and move mouse
    emotions, factions, freinds= on the options panel on the bottom right
    attack, spells= panel on the center bottom screen
    char, health, mana= top leaft corner
    jump= spacebar
    chat window= bottom left (public,faction,trade,private,world)
    minimap= top right corner

    2. next, kill every and any monsters around until u reach about lvl4, then simply walk to the biggest city thats near you using your mini map, different races have different cities:
    human= etherblade
    untaimed= city of the lost
    winged elf= city of the plume

    3. next, i hope u picked up everything the monsters dropped, cuz next u need to find the nearest tailor and sell all of your items (including the POS sword) and from the tailor buy:
    magic person=the first bottom row items for armour across the board
    melee person=the first top row items for armour across the board
    mixed skills person=the first middle row items for armour across the board

    4. next go to a blacksmith and the row system is the same exept for different types of weapon, so buy the first one in the row. equip everything u have.

    5. now your in the real world. look for any npc's with a gold sheild above their head, this means they have a quest for you.(do not do dragon quests, its a waste of time and money) talk to the quest people, do what they tell your to, this is the ultimate way of lvling. When you reach the point of a near lvl... at 85%+, go and kill monsters that are your lvl or mabye 1 lvl higher until you do lvl. every time u lvl, a new string of quest are available, plenty for your lvling purposes. can now do thinkgs on your own. i prefer getting a major skill like blacksmithin so u can make your own weapons. DO NOT enter pvp mode rite when u reach lvl30. make freinds and join squads. i dont recomend joining a faction until at least lvl20.

    7. Thankyou for reading the noobie guide, please...any comments/concerns whisper Kinjoth. Thanks and be smart in game!

    1. its not just about control what it talkes about, lot of useful information for noobs have quests before lvl 4, why girnding?

    3.maybe they want to keep the mats the got and no sale them so the can lvl up blacksmith, tailor, etc skill. and theres no need to buy armour, youll have everything you need from quests rewards, and those are better than the ones at npc

    4. cant remember if you can get you weapon as a quest reward or you should buy it-

    5. you can lvl from 1 to 40 without need of grinding, why stop doing quests to grind?

    6.agree here