Please Rollback GM



  • pleinair
    pleinair Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    iamcleric wrote: »
    This is what PW is all about - tyranny. This is not a democracy people. We are not freely able to express ourselves.

    Umm... yeah. A privately-owned game on private servers is not a democracy, and free speech doesn't apply. This is newsworthy?

    I do realise many, many people would have preferred a rollback. I personally advocated for it as well. In the real world, when the economy crashes because of some massive mistake, we don't have the luxury to roll the world back ten hours and pretend it never happened. We had that opportunity here, but it was not taken, for reasons still unknown.

    Despite my personal opinion, the owners / GMs / mods have no obligation to obey the collective will of the users, nor are they required to let discussions continue if they disapprove of the content. They can certainly take the opinion of their userbase under advisement, and perhaps even choose to comply with it more often than not, but they're still the ones in control.

    You or anyone else can certainly boycott aspects of the game to protest the rollback decision, but if you think that the end result will be a democratic system with the right to free speech, you're going to be disappointed. That's just not how these things work.
  • DevilCrys - Heavens Tear
    DevilCrys - Heavens Tear Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    We already had a giant thread about roll back yes/no, Over 30 thousand views.. over 500 posts.. 750+ people voted..70% was YES for roll back..other bit was NO..(Roughly what I remember) GMs moved posts/deleted threads.
  • Domnorix - Heavens Tear
    Domnorix - Heavens Tear Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I see not many people signed the petition and not many will. for most people it seems to late to to rollback. ill personally wait for an officiall announcment to see whats gonna be the PWI team final decision before i start playing again. maybe you should do the same....
  • DevilCrys - Heavens Tear
    DevilCrys - Heavens Tear Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Your level 14, Won't be hard to make back w.e xp you get. It's to late for a Roll Back now, A poll was made.. GMs ignored it..They ignore the community .. Even people that pay to keep this game running.. They dont care is all.
  • Domnorix - Heavens Tear
    Domnorix - Heavens Tear Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Your level 14, Won't be hard to make back w.e xp you get. It's to late for a Roll Back now, A poll was made.. GMs ignored it..They ignore the community .. Even people that pay to keep this game running.. They dont care is all.

    I know that i thought if i play maybe ill make a little hard for myself even if i am a lvl 14 n00b, but ill make it harder for the high lvl people who want a rollback. i thought ignoring this issue and just playing will just make it harder and harder to rollback.
  • DevilCrys - Heavens Tear
    DevilCrys - Heavens Tear Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I know that i thought if i play maybe ill make a little hard for myself even if i am a lvl 14 n00b, but ill make it harder for the high lvl people who want a rollback. i thought ignoring this issue and just playing will just make it harder and harder to rollback.

    There won't be a roll back....Some of those nerdy kids are out there right now grinding for 10-15 hours STRAIGHT.. So no there will not be a roll back..

    It's to late and GMs are to blame fully, They didn't listen to us last time.
  • Domnorix - Heavens Tear
    Domnorix - Heavens Tear Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    There won't be a roll back....Some of those nerdy kids are out there right now grinding for 10-15 hours STRAIGHT.. So no there will not be a roll back..

    It's to late and GMs are to blame fully, They didn't listen to us last time.

    they probably thought of it financially. thats why they didnt do a rollback in the first place. but... business is business. i played a game before it wasnt a game that you pay to paly at all . its an fps. what happened was that the smart devs decided to update their game and to "attract new players" and what happend is they screwd up the game terribly and made the veterns leave and they didnt really get their new players. why did this happen??
    they ignored the community in the update open beta phase thats why . its all about the community. honestly look at great game being made now like starcraft 2 . the companies main concerns are the community especailly the older palyers and veterns. if not the game will just fail. people who know this game well know what i am talking about.
  • Domnorix - Heavens Tear
    Domnorix - Heavens Tear Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    but im sure the PWI will not just ignore they are not like the people i mentioned before. thats why i am going to wait for some officail announcment. soon hopefully.
  • dsonophorus
    dsonophorus Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Not a very intelligent move to not rollback. Enjoy the consequences. I'm out and many are leaving with me. I'll check back in a day. If still no rollback. lol, im gonna BAN PWI.
  • Pwntmasta - Heavens Tear
    Pwntmasta - Heavens Tear Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Healmeplz HT
  • Lessie - Lost City
    Lessie - Lost City Posts: 917 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    We already had a giant thread about roll back yes/no, Over 30 thousand views.. over 500 posts.. 750+ people voted..70% was YES for roll back..other bit was NO..(Roughly what I remember) GMs moved posts/deleted threads.

    Did PWI ever say polls made by users had ANY IMPORTANCE?
    ^^ Made by Saitada ^^

    Dieho: I win 15 on 1, I roll all of your guild to sz all by myself !
    Lessie: Proof?
    Dieho: I dont have any, but my word is more than enough.
    Lessie: Well I won 33 on 1 the other day :D
  • Swifti - Heavens Tear
    Swifti - Heavens Tear Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    im really not sure how they justified not doing a rollback... the vast majority of informed people would have sacrificed however many hours for a normal economy. the only thing i can think of is that it would have been WEEKS not hours that the rollback would have went back to.
  • Domnorix - Heavens Tear
    Domnorix - Heavens Tear Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Not a very intelligent move to not rollback. Enjoy the consequences. I'm out and many are leaving with me. I'll check back in a day. If still no rollback. lol, im gonna BAN PWI.

    LOL. i will simply wait for some announcment from PWI team. however if they decide to keep things just like what they currently are, and live with the consequences then I am fine with it.
  • lordmoto
    lordmoto Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    again my post is deleted... Making the Admin work for his/her money tonight
  • Domnorix - Heavens Tear
    Domnorix - Heavens Tear Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    lordmoto wrote: »
    again my post is deleted... Making the Admin work for his/her money tonight

    LOL i was wondering where your post went i was just looking at it.b:laugh
  • lacedcandy
    lacedcandy Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Where can I vote for a Rollback?

    Dear Perfect World Entertainment,

    I spent my RL money to see bug abusers happy with 800mil in game?
    Or let's just don't talk about coins but what about guys with +3/+4 gear before the bug and now they have maxed gear w/ perfect gems. WTF then? Nobody can do it in 1~2 days.
    Can you affirm all bug abusers were punished?

    And guys, they must reply us, they must listen to us.. they need us to make this game survive.

    PWE I had much fun in PW and don't want to quit, but if you don't listen/reply to us, I will quit and I'm sure MANY PPL will do the same.

    Thank you
  • lordmoto
    lordmoto Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    oh i have a nice post.. but have to be quick.. they will delete it...
    look for it shortly
  • d1234
    d1234 Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    PW deleted my post, which was logical and rational but pointed out the hypocrisy of their actions and their own greed.

    Essentially the points were made as follows:

    1. Group A - made coins by selling to NPCs with a price too high.
    2. Group B - made coins by selling gold to Group A
    3. Group A was punished
    4. Group B was not

    5. Group B it was said did not do anything wrong, they just used their credit card.
    6. Group A it was said knew they were doing something wrong.

    7. What if a person belonged to both Groups what to do?

    8. What if Group A person thought the price was normal and PW simply wanted to revalue gold? Why do we assume every Group A had to know it was wrong? Why is that so?

    9. Why shouldn't group B person have exercised caution and held back from selling gold into the market with gold prices being so unusually high, given that we expect Group A people to exercise caution and hold back from selling an item to NPC for a very high price? Why do we assume that every group B person did transact in ignorance of the matter of the injection of coin?


    PW suffers from the following:

    Lack of consistency (both groups exploited the coin injection in different ways but both were not punished equally)

    Hypocrisy (claims to care about the economy do not fit in well with actions taken)

    Greed (CC user favouritism)

    This post will be deleted by PW administration, because it is too truthful.

    Analogy to what happened:

    Making Drugs is wrong, but buying them with Credit Cards is ok.

    ROLLBACK (while not a perfect solution) WAS THE BEST SOLUTION.

    A sweetener like a double exp event would have gone a long way to pacify those who lost some exp.

    Let's not forget the unavoidable fact, that the source of the problem lies firmly in the unforgivable lack of good Quality Assurance practices, namely failure to test the use of newly introduced items amongst other things.
  • Legerity - Sanctuary
    Legerity - Sanctuary Posts: 1,072 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    signed [text to fill limit]
  • Devlinne - Lost City
    Devlinne - Lost City Posts: 253 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I see not many people signed the petition and not many will. for most people it seems to late to to rollback. ill personally wait for an officiall announcment to see whats gonna be the PWI team final decision before i start playing again. maybe you should do the same....

    Final decision?Official statement?

    Lets apply some common sense here my friend.

    Situation ingame/forum now(sanctuary mostly....not singling you guys out, but this is the fact):"WE WANT ROLL BACK!!!" Less than 100 voices so far on this thread and elsewehere...."WE WANT ROLLBACK!"


    OFFICIAL STATEMENT:"OK WE WILL DO A ROLL BACK"=Voices ABOVE majority sanctuary "100+(maybe) "YAY U THE BEST PWI!"

    Heres where you won't get your rollback.......Above statement made ALSO=LC/HT/Some from sanctuary "WTF???!!!! I GRINDED SO HARD OVER THE WEEKEND!" "WTF???!!! I SPENT THIS ON THAT THAT ON THIS TO ZHEN" "WTF I RAN FB FOR 15HRS FINALLY GOT THE MOLD!!"

    So what statement you want them to make?Best thing for them to what their doing RIGHT now.Keep quiet...Let ya'll RANT AND RAVE. Till the days turn into weeks....weeks into months....and u have ZERO support for your rollback idea.

    Oh yes....some of you will remain HARDCORE rollback supporters....but that voice will turn into a whisper...Then a murmur.

    Please.I know one of u is gonna come and say"Hey F u Devlinne the poll before was 700+ against blah blah...."
    But my friends.........That was over a day ago.Thru your petition...You have seen the numbers dwindle.2 days ppl train more,get more,SPEND will dwindle MORE. 3 all standing on sawn off legs......etc.

    It's OVER.
    The decision now only lies in YOU. Carry on playing? Quit? or SCREAM for a lost cause?

    Good day ladies and gentlemen.
    A GOAT always THINKS it's a lion......untill it meets a REAL LION!!!!!
  • Falls - Sanctuary
    Falls - Sanctuary Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I think there is something much more powerful than agreeing to a petition, and that is not spending any more money on PWI. If you are really affected by all of this don't play and don't pay. Still its smart to put it on the forums so they can be 100% sure they know why you choose not to play:


    A suspension of accounts? WTF? Give me all my skills, a ton of items, and some coin in other accounts, and I will gladly accept a short suspension! Go on you should at least have sense of fairness to give me the "punishment" that those exploiters got.
  • d1234
    d1234 Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Final decision?Official statement?

    Lets apply some common sense here my friend.

    Situation ingame/forum now(sanctuary mostly....not singling you guys out, but this is the fact):"WE WANT ROLL BACK!!!" Less than 100 voices so far on this thread and elsewehere...."WE WANT ROLLBACK!"


    OFFICIAL STATEMENT:"OK WE WILL DO A ROLL BACK"=Voices ABOVE majority sanctuary "100+(maybe) "YAY U THE BEST PWI!"

    Heres where you won't get your rollback.......Above statement made ALSO=LC/HT/Some from sanctuary "WTF???!!!! I GRINDED SO HARD OVER THE WEEKEND!" "WTF???!!! I SPENT THIS ON THAT THAT ON THIS TO ZHEN" "WTF I RAN FB FOR 15HRS FINALLY GOT THE MOLD!!"

    So what statement you want them to make?Best thing for them to what their doing RIGHT now.Keep quiet...Let ya'll RANT AND RAVE. Till the days turn into weeks....weeks into months....and u have ZERO support for your rollback idea.

    Oh yes....some of you will remain HARDCORE rollback supporters....but that voice will turn into a whisper...Then a murmur.

    Please.I know one of u is gonna come and say"Hey F u Devlinne the poll before was 700+ against blah blah...."
    But my friends.........That was over a day ago.Thru your petition...You have seen the numbers dwindle.2 days ppl train more,get more,SPEND will dwindle MORE. 3 all standing on sawn off legs......etc.

    It's OVER.
    The decision now only lies in YOU. Carry on playing? Quit? or SCREAM for a lost cause?

    Good day ladies and gentlemen.

    Your logic is flawless.

    CC users have to keep an eye out on any gold coin injection exploits that come in the future, to maximise profits via legitimate AH gold trading.

    **** the whiners, who don't like others with billions made in minutes, they are just jealous and just need to spend some CC cash.

    I applaud you for your intellectual insights.

    Adoring fan, d1234.
  • Domnorix - Heavens Tear
    Domnorix - Heavens Tear Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Final decision?Official statement?

    Lets apply some common sense here my friend.

    Situation ingame/forum now(sanctuary mostly....not singling you guys out, but this is the fact):"WE WANT ROLL BACK!!!" Less than 100 voices so far on this thread and elsewehere...."WE WANT ROLLBACK!"


    OFFICIAL STATEMENT:"OK WE WILL DO A ROLL BACK"=Voices ABOVE majority sanctuary "100+(maybe) "YAY U THE BEST PWI!"

    Heres where you won't get your rollback.......Above statement made ALSO=LC/HT/Some from sanctuary "WTF???!!!! I GRINDED SO HARD OVER THE WEEKEND!" "WTF???!!! I SPENT THIS ON THAT THAT ON THIS TO ZHEN" "WTF I RAN FB FOR 15HRS FINALLY GOT THE MOLD!!"

    So what statement you want them to make?Best thing for them to what their doing RIGHT now.Keep quiet...Let ya'll RANT AND RAVE. Till the days turn into weeks....weeks into months....and u have ZERO support for your rollback idea.

    Oh yes....some of you will remain HARDCORE rollback supporters....but that voice will turn into a whisper...Then a murmur.

    Please.I know one of u is gonna come and say"Hey F u Devlinne the poll before was 700+ against blah blah...."
    But my friends.........That was over a day ago.Thru your petition...You have seen the numbers dwindle.2 days ppl train more,get more,SPEND will dwindle MORE. 3 all standing on sawn off legs......etc.

    It's OVER.
    The decision now only lies in YOU. Carry on playing? Quit? or SCREAM for a lost cause?

    Good day ladies and gentlemen.
    i do not like argueing with people about matters like these but let me clear few things:
    first i am not your freind.
    second i am not dying to get a rollback. i said in a previous post that if PWI wants it that way then they pay for the consequences and i'm fine with it.
    third what i wanted to say is everyone here deserves a reply from the PWI team. thats all, even if they dont or cant rollback.
    fourth why do u have to shout when your talking to someone. stay calm.
  • Domnorix - Heavens Tear
    Domnorix - Heavens Tear Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    And i totally respect everyone's point of view.
    and also dont make them look wrong or idiots even if i disagree
  • Devlinne - Lost City
    Devlinne - Lost City Posts: 253 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    i do not like argueing with people about matters like these but let me clear few things:
    first i am not your freind.
    second i am not dying to get a rollback. i said in a previous post that if PWI wants it that way then they pay for the consequences and i'm fine with it.
    third what i wanted to say is everyone here deserves a reply from the PWI team. thats all, even if they dont or cant rollback.
    fourth why do u have to shout when your talking to someone. stay calm.

    Come of it man. You know the caps was to simulate the outrage ppl would feel.Also i use caps to EMPHASIZE a point.So as the popular phrase these days amongst youngsters go.....You FAIL^^(Love this trend)

    Also there was some post above insinuating i feel that the "whiners should be screwed"?

    Pls don't shoot the messenger of truth. Whether you realised you been screwed...or need an official statement to tell you, you been screwed.....Thats up to you ppl.

    But here's something to think about........How many ppl will get "Screwed",by them giving you all your rollback days later?" If i was to hop on this bandwagon of FAIRNESS everyone is on.....Then what of LC wich was not affected by all this? is it FAIR to us to have our hard work rolled back cos something Bad happened on another server?Fair?

    Think about it.
    A GOAT always THINKS it's a lion......untill it meets a REAL LION!!!!!
  • d1234
    d1234 Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Come of it man. You know the caps was to simulate the outrage ppl would feel.Also i use caps to EMPHASIZE a point.So as the popular phrase these days amongst youngsters go.....You FAIL^^(Love this trend)

    Also there was some post above insinuating i feel that the "whiners should be screwed"?

    Pls don't shoot the messenger of truth. Whether you realised you been screwed...or need an official statement to tell you, you been screwed.....Thats up to you ppl.

    But here's something to think about........How many ppl will get "Screwed",by them giving you all your rollback days later?" If i was to hop on this bandwagon of FAIRNESS everyone is on.....Then what of LC wich was not affected by all this? is it FAIR to us to have our hard work rolled back cos something Bad happened on another server?Fair?

    Think about it.

    False argument. Roll backs can be done on a server basis, not game wide because the servers are separate instances of the game if you will.

    Furthermore, Roll Back + Exp Event > Band-aid suspension of some of the non-CC coin exploit beneficiaries, while leaving others (CCers) with hundreds of millions or billions ie. best EQ with minimal spend.
  • Domnorix - Heavens Tear
    Domnorix - Heavens Tear Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    screwed or not. the PWI will have to post some sort of reply to these complaints they cant just ignore them. that will do no good. as i said before i'm fine whatever they choose( after they reply). i didnt insult thre PWI team or encourage ppl to quit.
  • Devlinne - Lost City
    Devlinne - Lost City Posts: 253 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    d1234 wrote: »
    False argument. Roll backs can be done on a server basis, not game wide because the servers are separate instances of the game if you will.

    Furthermore, Roll Back + Exp Event > Band-aid suspension of some of the non-CC coin exploit beneficiaries, while leaving others (CCers) with hundreds of millions or billions ie. best EQ with minimal spend.

    OMG????if this is true....then i HUMBLY retract all statements previously made.I am not tech savvy, and i did not know of the ability to roll back SOLELY sanctuary.

    I apologise for my lack of knowledge then.The only reason i intially put my foot in this thread was to point out the outrageousness of a full GAME rollback.
    If it is a SOLE sanctuary rollback...then i feel i have no need to say yay or nay....cos basically either way....i'm not affected thus i feel my vote has no count.

    Carry on guys.....hope u get what you want:)
    A GOAT always THINKS it's a lion......untill it meets a REAL LION!!!!!
  • Domnorix - Heavens Tear
    Domnorix - Heavens Tear Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    OMG????if this is true....then i HUMBLY retract all statements previously made.I am not tech savvy, and i did not know of the ability to roll back SOLELY sanctuary.

    I apologise for my lack of knowledge then.The only reason i intially put my foot in this thread was to point out the outrageousness of a full GAME rollback.
    If it is a SOLE sanctuary rollback...then i feel i have no need to say yay or nay....cos basically either way....i'm not affected thus i feel my vote has no count.

    Carry on guys.....hope u get what you want:)

    TY we finally agree on something :)
  • xtrm9
    xtrm9 Posts: 221 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I don't know if they will rollback.

    The only thing they are rollingback are my posts which are not even offensive.

    They did a excellent job till friday the 13th and with a rollback they can continue that.

    But it is their game and they can do what they please.

    If i continue to play i will never charge zen knowing that so many bug abusers got it for free and still continue to have it.
This discussion has been closed.