Emergency Maintenance - Complete!



  • jjc420
    jjc420 Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    the thing about rollback if it happens is its theres no real way to let people keep something they got during the rolled back time... its like a safe net. if you type a 50 page paper saving every 10 pages and you have a great thought on page 33 but the power goes out on page 38 you lose it. unless you can remember the thought. kinda same principal with rollback. and trust that even if you got 3 lvls today you would rather loose them than to try and play with an inflated economy. image now that dull claws sell for 4k if the economy inflates dull claws then sell for 20k so the price for 5 claws goes from 20k to 100k ... see the problem with inflation if they dont do something (rollback)
  • Mysticdemonz - Sanctuary
    Mysticdemonz - Sanctuary Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Not to be rude but all this roll back **** getting annoying no officials have said anything about it so dont worry about it an get every1 rowdy!!b:victory
  • Methuseleh - Lost City
    Methuseleh - Lost City Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    aw damn :< then I might just say **** the 5% and go to bed. (hell if there is a rollback and its a few days back then I can forget ever hitting 40 XP cuz then i wouldn't even have my barb :<

    if theres a rollback and its a few days back ill probably reroll my character
  • AndromedaB - Sanctuary
    AndromedaB - Sanctuary Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    wigh wrote: »
    woah its my first time to register in perfect world huhuhu i wanna play that online game....please fix it....b:sadb:cry

    add me if u play on scantuary :P
  • Chesna - Heavens Tear
    Chesna - Heavens Tear Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    wowzers... out of the 8 or 9 threads that ive been tracking off and on for the last several hours... this is the only one thats still really kicking...

    maybe kickin cuase ronin kinkehness is here O.o?b:victory
  • Teseanna - Heavens Tear
    Teseanna - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,021 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    wowzers... out of the 8 or 9 threads that ive been tracking off and on for the last several hours... this is the only one thats still really kicking...

    It's a vital subject.
  • Wintrparkgrl - Heavens Tear
    Wintrparkgrl - Heavens Tear Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    lol that cause they were waiting for me to come lolb:chuckle
    Draeconia-a pwnage guild on the heavens tear server, most oftenly underestimated and undervalued this is the best faction in perfect world history
  • jjc420
    jjc420 Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    omg in the time it took me to type that the thread grew 3 more pages... i type kinda fast
  • Nataros - Heavens Tear
    Nataros - Heavens Tear Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Rey, that's cuz we be da shiznizzle ^_^ fo real yo
    Any and all who check out this link will be shocked.
    http:/ / s5.bite-fight.us/c.php?uid=164851

    As you fall, so too shall you be raised high, by my steadfast hand never shall you die.
  • Baraiai - Sanctuary
    Baraiai - Sanctuary Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    lol oh ok. thought maybe u were sayin i was bein selfish cuz i didnt use ah and u did

    XD no I meant no harm :3 Honestly if we rollback we need a huuuuuge exp event. Cuz no one likes to suffer because of idiots who abuse glitches while the rest of us work :<

    I honestly hope we don't get a rollback, ban the abusers and get on with our lives.
  • Khosh - Heavens Tear
    Khosh - Heavens Tear Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Might be a stupid question, but oh well..All this talk about rollbacks, have a GM or anything said that there will be one?
  • wheresramen
    wheresramen Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    ive been waiting since 5 when i got home from work b:sadb:surrenderb:cryb:cry
    I did 8 hours of homework waiting for the servers to come back up.

  • zumben
    zumben Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Well as we all can see this fourm as been going for what 6 hours now and still the same wuestions keep coming up.

    1. Is there a Roll Back
    2. If there is a Roll Back how far
    3. When is the server going to Be up again
    4.Are they going to fix other bugs while the server is down

    Well let me shine some light on this for you, and use some common sinse. That seams to be missing here from a few people who are complaining.
    First off there has been no reply from anyone if theres going to be a roll back and there are many reasons to this and if people would sit back and think a few they would know thies reasons but for the people who are lacking the mentle brain power and dont understand the fundamentles to a game with real money invovled lets take a look at this

    1.They can never make everyone happy thats a no brainer. I mean if they mad everyone happy they would be out some money and i dont remember seeing a money back garantee anywhere so yes everyone i mean everyone will suffer some way or another. Also if anyone has never experanced a roll back im sorry but honestly there not as bad as you think yes might put you back a day but at the same time this effects everyone and just not you theres alot of self centerdness from everyone in here yeah im mad but at the same time its a game it happens. Also this bug effected the Curancy of the game yes a ton of people used it im not dumb i logged in and seen about 100 people at the auctoneer so most of you complaining right now probably was one of thies people so why complaine about it when yes you where one of the people who helped make it this bad. So yes a Roll back is well the better idea they will just make it back to where everthing was running ok like a few hours before Fix the glich poeple might be out a few things hell might of tought you something also about the game and your self hell most of you i think just relized you have one hell of a addiction to this game and needed a brake and finialy found out theres a out side but enough of this NEXT!!!!

    2. I explained that in number one my bad got carryed away......

    3. Well hell that one is basic we all know when you load the game and see the patch notes Hmmm servers will be back up 2/14/09 1am PST DING well if you didnt know that now you know and might want to read before you ask a dumb question.

    4.Most Likly not going to fix any other bug except for well the ones that where the large issue of this problem thats why they have a mantaince day if there are small bugs there going to over look them and not even worry aboout them honestly think there going to keep this game down any long for every hour the game is down there loosing a ton of money and no one can argue with me there if anyone here has worked in a factory or anything every minute that line is down there out hundreads of dollars so think of this game like a assambly line for every hour there down they loos so much money and well there fixing it. BTW its probably already fixed and there in there right now testing it and getting rid of all the little bugs and the reason why it took so long for them to tell us when it was going to be up is because how are you suppose to put a time limit on things when you dont even know what the problem is and how to fix it so yeah that should be a Huge bell Ringer They already know what there doing how to fix it and how to compansate the situation and the reason why there not telling us anything is because of people who will complaine and really they dont have time for that

    BTW i know my Grammer and spelling blows so go ahead and **** at this all day on how i suck at spelling and all that but the point is there and clear in Black and white and saddly its a the truth and i know you all will say negitive things about it its only nature to not like what is being told to you because you cant handle the truth because your self centerness gets in the way but thats ok you just fit into the 95% of the population who cant handle it eather saddly
  • Niamy - Sanctuary
    Niamy - Sanctuary Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    average 3 post by minute in this thread, not bad not bad...
    Venomancer 82
    Cleric 55
    Barbarian 32
    Wizard 54
    Believe me when I tell you will not want to test my anger...
  • Ephemiral - Heavens Tear
    Ephemiral - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    wigh wrote: »
    woah its my first time to register in perfect world huhuhu i wanna play that online game....please fix it....b:sadb:cry
    Hey if you decide to play on Heaven's Tear server, give me a whisper if i'm on, i'll try and help you get started b:chuckle
  • ReYVynN - Heavens Tear
    ReYVynN - Heavens Tear Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    It's a vital subject.

    and most of the other threads were on the same subject...

    Yay Cheesecake! RONIN FTW!!!
  • Chesna - Heavens Tear
    Chesna - Heavens Tear Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Rey anyone on vent O.o?

    XD darn straight Ronin FTW!! bring on the kinkehness xD
  • jjc420
    jjc420 Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Not to be rude but all this roll back **** getting annoying no officials have said anything about it so dont worry about it an get every1 rowdy!!b:victory

    i was told gm said rollback in game before the server went down almost 12 hrs ago.... maybe i was misinformed...
  • Echelon - Heavens Tear
    Echelon - Heavens Tear Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Hey if you decide to play on Heaven's Tear server, give me a whisper if i'm on, i'll try and help you get started b:chuckle

    Lol that's nice of you. heck I'll help too. You see the Name. Just Whisper. ^_^
  • Baraiai - Sanctuary
    Baraiai - Sanctuary Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Anywho, i'ma go to sleep cuz i'ma just say **** it lol

    I'll just wake up at 11 or noon and get my 5% if its still there @_@

    Nice meeting some of you :3 Hopefully i'll bump into you ingame or just gimme a shout if you care to be friends in game XP Night~

    Can't wait till the server is up >3
  • Mysticdemonz - Sanctuary
    Mysticdemonz - Sanctuary Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Shut up about roll backs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UNTIL AN OFFICIAL SAYS THERES GONNE BE ONE DON WORRY ABOUT IT!!! A few people started whining about haveing a roll back thets how it all started! NO as of now NO roll backs are gonna happen!!!b:angry
  • Methuseleh - Lost City
    Methuseleh - Lost City Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I highly doubt theyre going to roll back everyones characters that far. but who knows maybe i'll be suprised. im sure theres other if not more time consuming ways to solve it
  • Darknin - Lost City
    Darknin - Lost City Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Shut up about roll backs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UNTIL AN OFFICIAL SAYS THERES GONNE BE ONE DON WORRY ABOUT IT!!! A few people started whining about haveing a roll back thets how it all started! NO as of now NO roll backs are gonna happen!!!b:angry

    Says an employee of PWI?
  • Chesna - Heavens Tear
    Chesna - Heavens Tear Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Shut up about roll backs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UNTIL AN OFFICIAL SAYS THERES GONNE BE ONE DON WORRY ABOUT IT!!! A few people started whining about haveing a roll back thets how it all started! NO as of now NO roll backs are gonna happen!!!b:angry

    >.< you might wanna aviod this thread if you dun wanna hear about that
  • Nataros - Heavens Tear
    Nataros - Heavens Tear Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    zumben wrote: »
    Well as we all can see this fourm as been going for what 6 hours now and still the same wuestions keep coming up.

    1. Is there a Roll Back
    2. If there is a Roll Back how far
    3. When is the server going to Be up again
    4.Are they going to fix other bugs while the server is down

    Well let me shine some light on this for you, and use some common sinse. That seams to be missing here from a few people who are complaining.
    First off there has been no reply from anyone if theres going to be a roll back and there are many reasons to this and if people would sit back and think a few they would know thies reasons but for the people who are lacking the mentle brain power and dont understand the fundamentles to a game with real money invovled lets take a look at this

    1.They can never make everyone happy thats a no brainer. I mean if they mad everyone happy they would be out some money and i dont remember seeing a money back garantee anywhere so yes everyone i mean everyone will suffer some way or another. Also if anyone has never experanced a roll back im sorry but honestly there not as bad as you think yes might put you back a day but at the same time this effects everyone and just not you theres alot of self centerdness from everyone in here yeah im mad but at the same time its a game it happens. Also this bug effected the Curancy of the game yes a ton of people used it im not dumb i logged in and seen about 100 people at the auctoneer so most of you complaining right now probably was one of thies people so why complaine about it when yes you where one of the people who helped make it this bad. So yes a Roll back is well the better idea they will just make it back to where everthing was running ok like a few hours before Fix the glich poeple might be out a few things hell might of tought you something also about the game and your self hell most of you i think just relized you have one hell of a addiction to this game and needed a brake and finialy found out theres a out side but enough of this NEXT!!!!

    2. I explained that in number one my bad got carryed away......

    3. Well hell that one is basic we all know when you load the game and see the patch notes Hmmm servers will be back up 2/14/09 1am PST DING well if you didnt know that now you know and might want to read before you ask a dumb question.

    4.Most Likly not going to fix any other bug except for well the ones that where the large issue of this problem thats why they have a mantaince day if there are small bugs there going to over look them and not even worry aboout them honestly think there going to keep this game down any long for every hour the game is down there loosing a ton of money and no one can argue with me there if anyone here has worked in a factory or anything every minute that line is down there out hundreads of dollars so think of this game like a assambly line for every hour there down they loos so much money and well there fixing it. BTW its probably already fixed and there in there right now testing it and getting rid of all the little bugs and the reason why it took so long for them to tell us when it was going to be up is because how are you suppose to put a time limit on things when you dont even know what the problem is and how to fix it so yeah that should be a Huge bell Ringer They already know what there doing how to fix it and how to compansate the situation and the reason why there not telling us anything is because of people who will complaine and really they dont have time for that

    BTW i know my Grammer and spelling blows so go ahead and **** at this all day on how i suck at spelling and all that but the point is there and clear in Black and white and saddly its a the truth and i know you all will say negitive things about it its only nature to not like what is being told to you because you cant handle the truth because your self centerness gets in the way but thats ok you just fit into the 95% of the population who cant handle it eather saddly

    Straight up man, lay off the caffeine. It's totally made you beserk on a simple question. Ever heard the phrase, "Only stupid question is the one never asked?" Rather than be rude and/or ignorant in your response, simply offer a "Yes" Or a "No." It's not difficult to be polite.
    Any and all who check out this link will be shocked.
    http:/ / s5.bite-fight.us/c.php?uid=164851

    As you fall, so too shall you be raised high, by my steadfast hand never shall you die.
  • Xsilmeriax - Lost City
    Xsilmeriax - Lost City Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    i've been around since the servers went down.

    this sucks i'm having pw withdraws.
  • Methuseleh - Lost City
    Methuseleh - Lost City Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Says an employee of PWI?

    they pretty much said it by not saying it. they woulda done it by now if they were going to
  • Ziras - Lost City
    Ziras - Lost City Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    If there is a rollback to last night, will we loose the people we added last night? I meet someone that I have become great friends with and dont want to loose their user-name. I'd cry if it happens b:cry
  • ReYVynN - Heavens Tear
    ReYVynN - Heavens Tear Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Rey anyone on vent O.o?

    XD darn straight Ronin FTW!! bring on the kinkehness xD

    dunno hun... havent actually been on vent in a couple days

    jjc420 wrote: »
    i was told gm said rollback in game before the server went down almost 12 hrs ago.... maybe i was misinformed...

    yes a gm did say something about a rollback before shutdown. it read something like this...

    "there has been no confirmed decision on a rollback"
  • AndromedaB - Sanctuary
    AndromedaB - Sanctuary Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited February 2009