Expericed High Lvl Player Looking For A New Guild

Lalalie - Heavens Tear
Lalalie - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
edited February 2009 in Guild Banter
Hello all....I go by name Lala...

and I am a long time PW player (september) and i may be looking for a guild. I'm fairly well known and I've mastered the game very early on...taught many people...trained many guild leaders...lead a faction or two...but now i'm like an elder in this game and may be thinking of just playing the game without so much responsibility...too many people look up to me and as good as that is...it can be overbearing at times..so it is very possible i will give up my long time Leader title and join a guild i think to be worthy. I know the game well and know a noob guild when i see it...don't insult me with those invites.

Here is my in-game resume:
-I have played many chars and mastered nearly all classes
-I have started and lead Heavens Tear's FIRST all-female faction Goddesses (only the long time players may remember)
-Currently the long time Leader of Heavenly
-Vast experience in the game...my "children" are running around being awesome high lvls and thriving off of the many thing i taught them long ago
-Trained hundreds of players and many guild leaders
-Fairly well known
-Healthy Ego xD
-Very Competitive
-Awesome PvPer (pwnage vs. pwned) xD
-Sexiest character designs in PW (HUGE BONUS xD)
-A loving and caring mentor that many find themselves comfortable with and to confide in
-All around awesome person :D

My character list is as follows:
Main and Alts
Lalalie - Cleric - 64 (main)
Lalaeli - Blademaster - 55
Lalaelia - Venomancer - 37
Lalalae - Wizard - 28
Lalapop - Archer - 27
Lalalia - Cleric - 26
----Untrained Alts----
Laelala - Archer - 6 ( xD )
Lalalio - Barbarian - 4 ( xD )
Laelalia - Veno (deleted - RIP :O) - 12
Lalalioz - Barb (deleted - RIP :O) - 3

As one can see i am far from a noob so even though my main lvl is rather low...my experience is that of about lvl 90 (all my friends i started with are 90-ish....i should have stuck with one char.. b:cry )

Thank you for reading...

If you think I would be good for your guild..post here..i want real info...no bland posts like "join us just cuz"

Lala Loves you all <3

--Heavenly Lala ^_~
Lala: aka Jedi PewPewMastaSauce
Lalalie - Cleric - 8x (main)
Lalaeli - Blade - 62
Lalaelia - Veno - 38
Lalalae - Wizard - 28
Lalapop - Archer - 42
Lalalia - Cleric - 26
Laelala - Archer - 6 ( xD )
Lalalio - Barb - 4 ( xD )
Laelalia - Veno (deleted - RIP :O) - 12
Lalalioz - Barb (deleted - RIP :O) - 3
~~~~Teh Lalas will overtake you b:chuckle b:pleased
Teh Lovely Lady Lala Loves You All <3 b:kiss

My. Pew. Pew. Is. Strong(er than yours)
(Ego is an understatement)--Epic Long Siggy ftw b:victory
Post edited by Lalalie - Heavens Tear on


  • wannabetme
    wannabetme Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    hi lala our guild is called Oldies because most of us are.the highest lvl in our guild is 65 and he is the leader,PureSynergy,my name is WolfMaine and i think you would be a great benefit to us because we have a few inexperienced players.myself and pure do what we can to help them along,we currently have around 120 people. we are a lvl3 faction,we do not tw as of yet,we are not really even discussing it.most of us are older players and love pw.i myself am 47 and most people are close to my age,anyway if you even consider us just to come to see what we are about it will be appreciated,thank you for your time.."Oldies"
  • Lalalie - Heavens Tear
    Lalalie - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Oh well thank you for the offer ...but i forgot to say if people don't notice it...i'm in HEAVENS TEAR so yeah...HT guild only ....

    All will be considered though :D
    Lala: aka Jedi PewPewMastaSauce
    Lalalie - Cleric - 8x (main)
    Lalaeli - Blade - 62
    Lalaelia - Veno - 38
    Lalalae - Wizard - 28
    Lalapop - Archer - 42
    Lalalia - Cleric - 26
    Laelala - Archer - 6 ( xD )
    Lalalio - Barb - 4 ( xD )
    Laelalia - Veno (deleted - RIP :O) - 12
    Lalalioz - Barb (deleted - RIP :O) - 3
    ~~~~Teh Lalas will overtake you b:chuckle b:pleased
    Teh Lovely Lady Lala Loves You All <3 b:kiss

    My. Pew. Pew. Is. Strong(er than yours)
    (Ego is an understatement)--Epic Long Siggy ftw b:victory
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    LOL, It reminds me the resumes I get at my real work everyday.

    Ask for benefit's plans ok.

    Good Luck.
  • Lalalie - Heavens Tear
    Lalalie - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    LOL, It reminds me the resumes I get at my real work everyday.

    Ask for benefit's plans ok.

    Good Luck.
    I don't need luck but thanx (EGO RULES ALL)

    I can join any guild really....BUT NOW I WANTS BENEFITS CUZ HE TOLD ME TO ASK xD

    ok...carry on lol
    Lala: aka Jedi PewPewMastaSauce
    Lalalie - Cleric - 8x (main)
    Lalaeli - Blade - 62
    Lalaelia - Veno - 38
    Lalalae - Wizard - 28
    Lalapop - Archer - 42
    Lalalia - Cleric - 26
    Laelala - Archer - 6 ( xD )
    Lalalio - Barb - 4 ( xD )
    Laelalia - Veno (deleted - RIP :O) - 12
    Lalalioz - Barb (deleted - RIP :O) - 3
    ~~~~Teh Lalas will overtake you b:chuckle b:pleased
    Teh Lovely Lady Lala Loves You All <3 b:kiss

    My. Pew. Pew. Is. Strong(er than yours)
    (Ego is an understatement)--Epic Long Siggy ftw b:victory
  • Mysticlifex - Heavens Tear
    Mysticlifex - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,175 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    you can join MysticAve if you would like check
    We're MysticAve my name is not Dave
    (Poem in the making - Shall be epic)
  • tikimeister
    tikimeister Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    thecircle is a small lvl 2 faction we are a mix matched group of nationalities and age dems. but we are serious avid and active players....more than a few of us have only been on pwi for a lil while (but still a fan of mmo.rpg) i myself was a WoW player myself b4 finding PWI....our current highest level ACTIVE player would be Coma_Black (lvl 56 battle cleric) who is director of our guild...His highest level char is Crysathinium who those who played closed beta may remember....if u are interested in making the circle your home even for awhile we would like to have ur experience on our side
  • Lalalie - Heavens Tear
    Lalalie - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    ok...ok....i'm still open ...keep em coming :)
    Lala: aka Jedi PewPewMastaSauce
    Lalalie - Cleric - 8x (main)
    Lalaeli - Blade - 62
    Lalaelia - Veno - 38
    Lalalae - Wizard - 28
    Lalapop - Archer - 42
    Lalalia - Cleric - 26
    Laelala - Archer - 6 ( xD )
    Lalalio - Barb - 4 ( xD )
    Laelalia - Veno (deleted - RIP :O) - 12
    Lalalioz - Barb (deleted - RIP :O) - 3
    ~~~~Teh Lalas will overtake you b:chuckle b:pleased
    Teh Lovely Lady Lala Loves You All <3 b:kiss

    My. Pew. Pew. Is. Strong(er than yours)
    (Ego is an understatement)--Epic Long Siggy ftw b:victory
  • Lalalie - Heavens Tear
    Lalalie - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Shameless bump >_>;;

    Candy and Cake anyone? ^_^

    Happy Valentine's Day! :D
    Lala: aka Jedi PewPewMastaSauce
    Lalalie - Cleric - 8x (main)
    Lalaeli - Blade - 62
    Lalaelia - Veno - 38
    Lalalae - Wizard - 28
    Lalapop - Archer - 42
    Lalalia - Cleric - 26
    Laelala - Archer - 6 ( xD )
    Lalalio - Barb - 4 ( xD )
    Laelalia - Veno (deleted - RIP :O) - 12
    Lalalioz - Barb (deleted - RIP :O) - 3
    ~~~~Teh Lalas will overtake you b:chuckle b:pleased
    Teh Lovely Lady Lala Loves You All <3 b:kiss

    My. Pew. Pew. Is. Strong(er than yours)
    (Ego is an understatement)--Epic Long Siggy ftw b:victory
  • merizon
    merizon Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I can join any guild really

    Not really, nothing personal, But I would definitely not taking you if I am a guild leader. I do not think I am the only one thinking this way.
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    merizon wrote: »
    Not really, nothing personal, But I would definitely not taking you if I am a guild leader. I do not think I am the only one thinking this way.

    LOL, You are not the only one.