Cleric- Healing Tank???

Red_steel_ - Heavens Tear
Red_steel_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
edited March 2009 in Cleric
Hey guys i have had an idea for mi cleric plz tell me if you think this will work

The problem i see with clerics is that they are alwass needed to be in squads because they are needed to heal others and in my opinion they just cant go solo because they only have one attack spell so then i had the idea of a tanking , healing cleric who would be good i squads and by himself.

So i thought that mabye if every level you put up
-3 VIT
-2 Mag

then your cleric would have a very high HP so that it could do a small amount of tanking and a high enough MP to still be able to cast enough spells to heal yourself.

if im right, which im probably not then i think this woould be a relief for the squad-bound cleric

plz comment on this and tell me if this is right :D
Post edited by Red_steel_ - Heavens Tear on


  • fuzzles
    fuzzles Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    That build is so terrible that someone in Florida suddenly stood up, walked out the door, ran down the road and punched a hobo in the back of the head while shouting "Fail!".

    First up.. you need some strength in there to use any magic weapons. You need one every two levels. That's approximately an infinite percent increase on what you have there.

    Secondly, in order to use the best magic weapon of your level (which is what clerics should go for), you need at least 3 int every level.

    The closest thing you have to that build there is 6 int/3 vit/1 str every two levels. Fairly common build.

    If you insist on making a more tanky type cleric, then there's always light armour, or if you're feeling particularly adventurous, heavy armour. Less HP, more defence. I wouldn't recommend either of those unless you're planning on PvPing a lot though.
    Everyone here is ridiculously oversensitive.
  • Mikel_oru - Sanctuary
    Mikel_oru - Sanctuary Posts: 610 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    No that can't work, sure you will have highter survivality but your mag influences both attacking and healing spells, and by following that build you'll be weaker even than Light Armor build wich is consedered weak as it is (i dissagree).

    I am Light Armor Cleric and my survivality is excelent, as long as I have my low hp problem "tamed".

    Also Clerics can both DD and support at the same time, the number of spells doesn't matter.
  • Nelae - Heavens Tear
    Nelae - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    This is the most LOL build since Heavy armor.
    To add on all, you would run out of mp like "instantly" if there wasn't the problem of not being able to use your weapons or armor.
    Not to say that your attacks would suffer later on.

    Nice try though ^^
  • Faustinna - Heavens Tear
    Faustinna - Heavens Tear Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Who says clerics can't solo? I've been 4 shotting mobs since forever...still doing so now. I swear people, play the class before you come up with idea's about it.
  • Mystic_touch - Sanctuary
    Mystic_touch - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Hey guys i have had an idea for mi cleric plz tell me if you think this will work

    The problem i see with clerics is that they are alwass needed to be in squads because they are needed to heal others and in my opinion they just cant go solo because they only have one attack spell so then i had the idea of a tanking , healing cleric who would be good i squads and by himself.

    So i thought that mabye if every level you put up
    -3 VIT
    -2 Mag

    then your cleric would have a very high HP so that it could do a small amount of tanking and a high enough MP to still be able to cast enough spells to heal yourself.

    if im right, which im probably not then i think this woould be a relief for the squad-bound cleric

    plz comment on this and tell me if this is right :D

    b:chuckle if u use physical defense and hp charms it helps alot in soloing, i use those in all my armor's and can tank fairliy with healing myself as i takes longer 4 me to do but it can be done....i put all my points in mag...vit and strength as req. . Clerics can be quit effective in soloing thast just my opinion and thats what worked 4 me. :) don't underestamte us plz
  • Princella - Sanctuary
    Princella - Sanctuary Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Whoever said Cleric's can tank they are wrong. b:victory Cleric's can tank too just like other Class. It's just the way how you do itb:surrender
  • Enina - Heavens Tear
    Enina - Heavens Tear Posts: 263 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Well, everything goes on ticks. So as long as the cleric doesn't take enough damage in one tick to kill him/her, the cleric can tank. Seeing as monsters seem to have a hatred towards healing, a cleric massively spamming high-level Ironheart Blessing on itself can actually tank several mobs - with Plume Shell flipped on, you can tank pretty much any physical boss. The only thing is that said tanking cleric would need a squad to kill the mobs (preferrably within 20 seconds. b:laugh).

    However, I have to agree with what's being said. A heavy armour build for a cleric is outright stupid. All skills go on base magic damage, which means that you will be a sitting duck. Sure, you can take physical hits, but you die from magic attacks, and you'll do more damage by hitting the mobs with your weapon (and then you don't even have hitting-skills like most other classes..).

    Personally, I don't like the vitality build for the same reasons. You're a cleric, you can self-heal, so use that to your advantage. If you're up against a too tough monster, then, well, you'd probably be screwed no matter what class you play. Plume Shell absolutely kills physical attacks, and your magic+arcane armour means your magic defence is naturally high enough to keep you well alive.

    I play a light armour build. While it's indeed possible, you will end up preferring the physical mobs to the magical ones, because you sacrifice a good chunk of magical defence for a bit of physical...

    But, of course, there's no reason for why people can't try something new. Maybe the heavy armour cleric becomes the most wanted tank in the end.
  • Scryxalis - Sanctuary
    Scryxalis - Sanctuary Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    So i thought that mabye if every level you put up
    -3 VIT
    -2 Mag

    Stopped reading there. b:shutup
  • Mystareia - Sanctuary
    Mystareia - Sanctuary Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    But, of course, there's no reason for why people can't try something new. Maybe the heavy armour cleric becomes the most wanted tank in the end.

    I completely agree. My bf is a heavy armor cleric (insert laugh right?). He has two sets of armor for mag and phys resist. It actually works for us. I am a full healing cleric and with his aoes, we can take down groups of physical enemies. Something that I would not be able to do as well on my own. It makes things go a lot faster.

    So far it hasn't failed, but if it does oh well. This is a game. It's all about learning and having fun. :)
  • Igni - Sanctuary
    Igni - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I am new to this game but have played MMO's like this for several years. I delight in making class specs that everyone else laughs at and say cant be done. With the tanking cleric spec it is very hard to pull off. I been trying it for sometime now and this is what I have found.

    First off you got to stay up to date with armor and magic weapons. The armor so that you can tank correctly and the weapon to help you hold aggro better. This is very tough as magic weapons and heavy armor have high requirements. Even with putting almost all your points into those two attributes you are almost left with nothing to put to say nothing of the dex you got to put in once in awhile.

    So I have been putting points straight into magic and strength alone and only into dex when I need it....I put some points into vitality early on but now have been stuck using armor to augment my chars ability. This spec imho is a very gear dependent class. I get only gear with sockets......fill those sockets with average or better gems for hp...and refine my gear for even more hp. However...even with doing this I am still about 8 levels behind a full tank or cleric when they upgrade their weapons or armor.

    Does it work? So far yes I have never needed a group for anything other then my fiancee for heals...and even then I can almost heal myself. We two manned our fb19 at level 29, fb29 at level 39(I must add we didn't down the boss....he would've taken over an hour irl time to kill and we ran out of pots), duo'ed most of our culti or quest bosses, and can pull huge groups and aoe grind.

    I should also add that you need to have a second I mentioned before this is a gear dependent class. You should make a second arcane suit so you can tank magic based bosses as well or even put the two together and make a hybrid suit. But if you're going to make a tank cleric hopefully this advice helps you.
  • Ithilmir - Sanctuary
    Ithilmir - Sanctuary Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I don't quite see the point of that. Most characters paired with a Cleric can complete all of the above.

    Clerics can absorb damage, but they can't tank. We're not talking about the menial tasks of grinding and questing; we're talking about higher-level FBs and TT runs, where teams have to be organised. Clerics can't hold aggro with the skills available to them, especially if you're gimping yourself by investing points into Strength.

    Basically, HA Clerics only show their potential in low levels. At higher levels, you can already tank physical mobs with Ironheart Blessing alone, with Plume Shell if you need to control damage.
  • xfirstbloodx
    xfirstbloodx Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    i think cleric can tank but not too long as long they have plume shell that can absorb a lot of physical damage but you have 20 sec and u need lot of mag and good stuff to recover mana quickly like yuanxiao i am lvl 31 cleric pure mag : mag 138 vit 18 str 21 dex 13, i can solo a fb alone but i will be stuck at the boss since i have plume shell to absorb damage and spark to kill fast to only things that are frustrathing is when mobs cancel your chanelling i can take 3 lvl 22 mag mobs without using pots or spark. u need good armor and weapon too i have the mirage sword +2 a 3 stars arcade robe, 3 star pants, 2 star boots, 1 star wirstguard 3 star belt 2 legendary ring ( blazing fury) 1 star necklace 2 star cloak and 1 star hat, and i hope i will get the order from the star too *legendary lvl 30 weapon* and i skill farming by dying a lot like keep my xp to 50 % (its because im waiting my friend ) so in fact cleric can tank with plume shell but need to kill fast with spark or else its the end, with a lvl 27 barbarian i can make a fb lvl 19 easely. but a pure tank cleric i dont think it will really helpfull .
  • Ratinax - Sanctuary
    Ratinax - Sanctuary Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    fuzzles wrote: »
    That build is so terrible that someone in Florida suddenly stood up, walked out the door, ran down the road and punched a hobo in the back of the head while shouting "Fail!".

    b:chuckle You made my day witht hat quote.