Got any advice?

Ladyphoenix - Sanctuary
Ladyphoenix - Sanctuary Posts: 8 Arc User
edited February 2009 in Cleric
Ok, yesterday I was helping a friend of mine around my level kill quillhogs. The problem was i died like 8 times.

first, i tried healing her while she fought (but then i got aggro and got killed)
then, i tried fighting to help her kill (the monster aggroed 2 me as well)

This whole thing, while funny, got me thinking of what build I should be. I mean, i want 2 heal and rez my friends, but i want 2 kick **** if they're getting ganged on.

I have heal skills, i have attk skills.... what do u guys think I should focus more on?
Post edited by Ladyphoenix - Sanctuary on


  • Klath - Sanctuary
    Klath - Sanctuary Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    It really depends on your play style, whichever you go (support/attack) you will suck on the other.
    At lv70-80 things will change a bit, so all that will matter are your stats points, as you will have enough spirit to get pretty much every skill.
  • Mikel_oru - Sanctuary
    Mikel_oru - Sanctuary Posts: 610 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I have heal skills, i have attk skills.... what do u guys think I should focus more on?

    It's simple, focus on your two main attacking spells wich are Plume Shot and Great Cyclone (keep those two ALWAYS maxed) and with your remaining skill points (wich are plenty) lvl the healing/buffing/whatever spells you think you really need to keep your friends alive (i recommend to keep ironheart always maxed)

    Also about your build, I recommend you to go Light Armor Cleric (1 on str and dex and 3 on mag each lvl)
  • Draginx - Lost City
    Draginx - Lost City Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Also about your build, I recommend you to go Light Armor Cleric (1 on str and dex and 3 on mag each lvl)

    That's a terrible idea. Go pure-magic, and just put enough points on strength to wear the best robes, and dump the rest on magic. If you still find you die to fast, put 20 points on Vit. But the more magic you have, the better. You heal more, and kill faster. Dex is almost useless in a good cleric build.
    I buff, heal, and revive for free. ^-^
  • Mikel_oru - Sanctuary
    Mikel_oru - Sanctuary Posts: 610 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    That's a terrible idea. Go pure-magic, and just put enough points on strength to wear the best robes, and dump the rest on magic. If you still find you die to fast, put 20 points on Vit. But the more magic you have, the better. You heal more, and kill faster. Dex is almost useless in a good cleric build.

    Funny, no pure cleric beat me in PvP so far, yeah it's ealy and so on but we'll see.
  • Azerandus - Sanctuary
    Azerandus - Sanctuary Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Ok, yesterday I was helping a friend of mine around my level kill quillhogs. The problem was i died like 8 times.

    first, i tried healing her while she fought (but then i got aggro and got killed)
    then, i tried fighting to help her kill (the monster aggroed 2 me as well)

    This whole thing, while funny, got me thinking of what build I should be. I mean, i want 2 heal and rez my friends, but i want 2 kick **** if they're getting ganged on.

    I have heal skills, i have attk skills.... what do u guys think I should focus more on?
    Okay first things first, your friend either shouldn't be pulling more than one mob at a time, or should know how to hold agro from all mobs that have been pulled. If she can hold agro, you won't have any problems healing her.

    Second, if she keep losing agro, stack some ironhearts on her before she goes into battle. That way she'll keep healing for a while without you having to risk drawing agro.

    Third, if you're going to attack you should stack some (read 2 or 3) ironhearts on yourself first. This will greatly increase your survivability.

    Mikel_oru got it right with the skills though. I've made sure to keep plume shot, great cyclone, and ironheart maxed all the time and I've had no trouble soloing. Granted, I am still a relatively low level so take this as you will.

    I hope that helps.

  • Ladyphoenix - Sanctuary
    Ladyphoenix - Sanctuary Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    thanks 4 all the help guys!
  • Cyanea - Lost City
    Cyanea - Lost City Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Ok, yesterday I was helping a friend of mine around my level kill quillhogs. The problem was i died like 8 times.

    first, i tried healing her while she fought (but then i got aggro and got killed)
    then, i tried fighting to help her kill (the monster aggroed 2 me as well)

    If I were you, and if I was trying to heal and I was dying when I pulled aggro, I would have tried flying high above my friend so they would have problems attacking me.
  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Also about your build, I recommend you to go Light Armor Cleric (1 on str and dex and 3 on mag each lvl)

    I can understand a wizard being light armored, seeing as they're squishy as hell, but a cleric? Pure magic clerics have the same magic defense of a wizard, but with plume shell, more physical defense than that of a barbarian. Light armored cleric is not the way to go.
  • Mightykatara - Sanctuary
    Mightykatara - Sanctuary Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    if you're going to attack you should stack some ironhearts on yourself first. This will greatly increase your survivability.

    so if i use say 3 ironhearts before i fight,they will work while i fight?
    cause i'm always getting killed.
  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    so if i use say 3 ironhearts before i fight,they will work while i fight?
    cause i'm always getting killed.

    Ironheart is a heal-over-time(HoT) skill, healing chunks of damage based on your magic attack and skill level, over 15 seconds. It usually last longer than a normal monster fight, maybe require re-use on an elite.
  • Nelae - Heavens Tear
    Nelae - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    1st most of young clerics get killed cause they dont kite psy mobs.
    2nd if you like standing still, pull aggro with cyclone, stack 2 heals and shot the damn thing. After that you will 90% be with full health and on the next mob.
  • Mikel_oru - Sanctuary
    Mikel_oru - Sanctuary Posts: 610 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I can understand a wizard being light armored, seeing as they're squishy as hell, but a cleric? Pure magic clerics have the same magic defense of a wizard, but with plume shell, more physical defense than that of a barbarian. Light armored cleric is not the way to go.

    All Clerics I meet are pure (pretty strange), when we squad I notice the deference immidiately they do 70? 100 maybe? more dmg than I do and they die in 3? 4 hits? while I die in 6 or more. They never manage to keep the mob in a distance that it won't hit them at least once and come to think of it the mobs I fight usually manage to hit me once as well (with tones of lag since I'm on wireless connection) and don't give me the **** about you're still low lvl or end game clerics and so on, the game advances with you and for me so far it only gets easier.

    I've done PvP as well with pure clerics either same lvl or a couple highter and never lost once. My only problem are archers, i lag too much to manage and get close to them and I die in no more than 3 or 4 hits but I'll solve that somehow (hopefully a new internet provider will do the trick)
  • Biyatch - Heavens Tear
    Biyatch - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    while your friend attacks, heal her while you are flying
  • Ladyphoenix - Sanctuary
    Ladyphoenix - Sanctuary Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    so, i hear stack ironhearts & use robes.


    thanks guys b:laugh
  • Kathar - Lost City
    Kathar - Lost City Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Thought I should weigh in as a higher lvl light armor cleric.

    First of all light armor SUCKS for PvE. I was a full int build until lvl 80 and I loved it! You kill mobs much faster because your PvE damage is much higher. If you are not going to do PvP or TW I reccomend going pure magic with perhaps a bit of vit.

    However if you are involved in PvP/TW the full magic build sucks. In 1v1 PvP it can be nice, but if you start getting focused fired by a group you will die no questions asked. That is why I went light, I got tired of being a 1-2 shot in TW. Since I have gone light it is easier to fight in groups and help in TW by a lot. I went from a 19% buffed physical damage reduction to 57% buffed phys damage reduction. That has saved my life countless times. Yes plume shell is great (if you have an MP charm) but there is a 10 second cooldown before you can use it again and you will easily DIE in that time if you are not careful. The last TW that I was in it took 6 people on me before I was taken down when fully buffed. That is worth it that is where light armor shines.

    So in summary robes>PvE Light>PvP imo
  • Nelae - Heavens Tear
    Nelae - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Thought I should weigh in as a higher lvl light armor cleric.

    I went from a 19% buffed physical damage reduction to 57% buffed phys damage reduction.
    So in summary robes>PvE Light>PvP imo

    O_o buffed i have 23% and with only lv 3 buff and I am only lv 50.
    And i dont have any special arcane robes or psy def shards in any of my equipment.

    But no doubt that in PvP LA is more useful.
    And PvE full int is sure to make your lving up much more easy.