My suggestions on what i've seen/experienced/heard.

Katame - Heavens Tear
Katame - Heavens Tear Posts: 10 Arc User
edited February 2009 in Suggestion Box
i know im only level 10, but even i can see some changes that need to be made.

like 1, who would pay 60$ just to get married on here >.>...
i HIGHLY doubt parents would let there kids spend 60$ on an internet game.. just to get married >.>... i know you get special effects when you get married.. but what about when you get divorced?
BIG waste of 60$... that an i heard you get x2 exp from monsters... even so ..
thats like what.. .3-.6 x 2? so in a way you'd just get 1.2%..
an you HAVE to be near each other correct >.>?
kinda outrageous...

2, i've noticed that on several landforms an buidling, its either hard to get in, or you'd be like..
walking on thin air 5 feet above the object >.>...

3, i know that i'd rather play this game free.. then have to pay monthly, but i do think that the cs items are a wee bit high o.O just a few of them tho.. like i heard its 50$ for a mount >.>...
where i live it cost about 50-60$ for gas o.O an thats like half your paycheck >.>...
unless your filthy rich or got a good job.. your screwed if you buy it for that much e.e...
that an a single wedding pack is 30$ >.>... an you gotta buy 2 or else you cant get married..
thats 60$ just to get married... thats horrible i think x_x...
i could go to a video game store an buy like.. 7 games with that much money o.O.....

4, (i know this has been posted ALOT) but i agree with other players on having like... male venomancers an female barbairians o.o... that an a few more classes wouldnt hurt ...
like an assassin type o.O or rouge... an certain classes should weild only certain weapons =P
(altho myself i do like how they have it already e.e) i would like two handed swords tho >.>...

5, i think armor an weapons depend on str to much... cause i gotta have like.. 19 str when my archer needs vit, dex, an mag >.>... an i know im prob wearing the wrong armor.. but thats cause i'd rather have like.. intermediate armor.. or heavy o.O (im more for looks then stats)

6, faster way to travel please x_x? im not saying something thats fantastic cause thats what mounts are for >.>.. but maybe give flyers a lil more speed? cause flying is SLOW...
its just a little bit faster then swimming >.>...

7, make like.. a skill trainer or npc for archers in other towns as well as venomancers an blademaster npcs in diff towns aswell >.>.. its a pain in the neck having to walk like.. 300 miles to get to your friends location cause you cant get there faster >.>... it takes like 10-13 min trying to get from plume to lost city x_x....

8, more options for lovers would be great =] like embracing while the guy is sitting xP?
sucks that the guy has to stand the entire time >.>... an then embracing while maybe laying down =S (i think would be awesome x_x) maybe some motions of hugging o.o or kissing with out embracing xP kinda messed up i gotta pick up my lover to kiss her xD

9, me personally.. i think the emoticons could be a lil shorter o.O.. i just think there a lil big xD

10. try an make quests a lil easier to understand xD i accepted one quest.. an when i looked in my box it shows like 50 diff things im like wtf o.o.... then i find out what i gotta do an i got no idea where these things are >.>... when i first played i was lost in the own city i started x_x.. i had no clue where everything was >.>..

11, give shouting world, trade an other chat options available to layers at lower levels... says i gotta be level 30 to use the trade option >.< an thats **** as heck =/
my lover has a costume she simply wants to trade for a diff color an i cant even get a reply from the forums >.>...

12, more hair for females an males would be nice.. its good to see that this game as a good amount of options, but no offense.. but i didnt like any of the styles offered... the one i first liked was the one with like.. hair ofver your eyes... an when i actually played it looked horrible x_x....
so some better hairsyles an maybe better character custimization would be better o.o..
i was creating my character an i dont like looking like a muscle bound meat man >.>..
if any one has played like.. final fantasy 7 i'd like a body that looks like clouds... slim an skinny >.>...

13, make a kill steal gaurd, in the first amount of days i played i've witnessed LOADS of players kill stealing >.>.. (some just to tick you off when you kindly ask them to stop x_x....)

14, now that i think about it.. the elven archers are prob one of the worst players to be ...
cause eventually EVERY one can fly >.>.. yet venomancers an barbarians change shape shift >.>... blade masters are prob the worst actually.. they gotta do thing close range cause they have swords >.>.. only thing good i guess is that there well built i guess ... wizards are good in just magic >.>... so venomancers an barbarians are prob the best cause they even get PETS...
kinda unfair cause other races cant get them... unless they buy them >.>.. or just use mounts (which cost bundles of money)

i have heard that this game is only like 4 months old ... but most of these problems should have been fixed already o.O... like classes >.>? .. an glitches o.O....

i know alot of people are gonna come in here flamming about something i've posted.. but i wanna ask you to think about other players who arent able to get things that you might be able to.. an try not to be greedy an tell them to get off there lazy ***** cause some people dont have time to work to hard on a simple game just to find out what there working for was kinda a waste of time..

so please think about these things an dont just post to increase your post marks
cause the first thing your gonna say is what comes to YOUR mind.. an you gotta remember
to think before you do >.< .. think about other players.. not just you >.>.. ..

thank you for your time
Post edited by Katame - Heavens Tear on


  • Katame - Heavens Tear
    Katame - Heavens Tear Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    also it would b good to use spells like the spell to absorb damage on other players so they can use it to
  • Katame - Heavens Tear
    Katame - Heavens Tear Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    also, i think it would be better to have the potions you use, increase your health as much as it says WITH-OUT the time it takes for it to fully take place....

    i have to sit loads of times cause i either run out.. or have to wait on the cooldown time AND time limit it take for the potion to be done....
  • Arghal - Heavens Tear
    Arghal - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    There's an edit post button just so you know.
  • Katame - Heavens Tear
    Katame - Heavens Tear Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    There's an edit post button just so you know.

    sorry wasnt thinking
  • tsubasa88
    tsubasa88 Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Hmm, I think your right in many things, but I would say that new hairstyles aren't that necessary, but new classes or embarassing actions would be nice. I also think that Archers are the worst class, because they have low Armor, are screwes in close combat and if they manage to be far away from their target suddenly another Monster is appearing behind you and you are dead. And I think the cashshop is stupid, because if you dont want to pay, you can get a mount only at lvl 40 and it's damn expensive. To the thing with marriage I can't say much, because I never tried this here or in WOW. Maybe some new Weapon would be nice, and more Landscapes or Maps like in WOW. And I agree with you, flying is to slow, and it's stupid that you have to pay real money for restoring the fastspeedenergie of your Flying Sword
  • Eislynn - Sanctuary
    Eislynn - Sanctuary Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Katame - You're an elf? Just making sure...there IS a skill where you can increase your flying speed at certain levels.

    Archers tend to wear light armor....those don't require a lot of str, but just enough to be able to wear it easily. The only issue I see is the helmets that are not arcane headgear tend to require a lot mroe str than the light armor, but eh, I guess gotta cope with it.

    The marriage thing, yeah, it IS expensive. Hence why I won't bother spending my money on it. ;) I'd much rather use it for more useful stuff like charms.
    A civilized society is one which tolerates eccentricity to the point of doubtful sanity. -Robert Frost
  • Sereniama - Heavens Tear
    Sereniama - Heavens Tear Posts: 211 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I certainly agree but the only reason why Perfect world is doing this because they want your money to continue making new features...

    But I was suggesting to lower it from like $60 to $10 for marriage and make ZEN even lower like around $2 or $3... Cos back in Voyage, there items were all time low and it was a great deal but here its ridiculous...

    THAT'S why I NEVER use item malls.

    Sou Sou Moutoku = The most badass **** in Anime History. Never diss Kohime Musou or die.
  • Tvali - Lost City
    Tvali - Lost City Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    5, i think armor an weapons depend on str to much... cause i gotta have like.. 19 str when my archer needs vit, dex, an mag >.>... an i know im prob wearing the wrong armor.. but thats cause i'd rather have like.. intermediate armor.. or heavy o.O (im more for looks then stats)

    Well, that one's really up to you. If you care more about looks than what armor you should be using, then it's up to you to muster up the STR. If you care about what armor your character should be using based on its build and class, then stick with the armor you probably should be wearing.
    7, make like.. a skill trainer or npc for archers in other towns as well as venomancers an blademaster npcs in diff towns aswell >.>.. its a pain in the neck having to walk like.. 300 miles to get to your friends location cause you cant get there faster >.>... it takes like 10-13 min trying to get from plume to lost city x_x....

    I definitely think there should be more skill trainers in other places, simply because I don't like to waste my money teleporting when I could be saving it. Although you don't HAVE to walk. You can fly, once you're level 30...or you can teleport. You eventually get teleports to all the main towns, if you follow your quests up to Archosaur.
    8, more options for lovers would be great =] like embracing while the guy is sitting xP?
    sucks that the guy has to stand the entire time >.>... an then embracing while maybe laying down =S (i think would be awesome x_x) maybe some motions of hugging o.o or kissing with out embracing xP kinda messed up i gotta pick up my lover to kiss her xD

    A lot of people have suggested more poses. Also added to the list is women carrying men (hotly debated), and giving people rides on your mount regardless of gender.
    9, me personally.. i think the emoticons could be a lil shorter o.O.. i just think there a lil big xD

    GOD YES.
    10. try an make quests a lil easier to understand xD i accepted one quest.. an when i looked in my box it shows like 50 diff things im like wtf o.o.... then i find out what i gotta do an i got no idea where these things are >.>... when i first played i was lost in the own city i started x_x.. i had no clue where everything was >.>..

    If you're lost, there's an NPC finder. Also, most quests give you an area of the map to find monsters.
    12, more hair for females an males would be nice.. its good to see that this game as a good amount of options, but no offense.. but i didnt like any of the styles offered... the one i first liked was the one with like.. hair ofver your eyes... an when i actually played it looked horrible x_x....
    so some better hairsyles an maybe better character custimization would be better o.o..
    i was creating my character an i dont like looking like a muscle bound meat man >.>..
    if any one has played like.. final fantasy 7 i'd like a body that looks like clouds... slim an skinny >.>...

    Different body types has also been suggested many times, as well as height adjustments. Within two days of creating your character you can also change the face (I think? Am I right?). And I've never seen such an in-depth character customization tool before, honestly.

    14, now that i think about it.. the elven archers are prob one of the worst players to be ...
    cause eventually EVERY one can fly >.>.. yet venomancers an barbarians change shape shift >.>... blade masters are prob the worst actually.. they gotta do thing close range cause they have swords >.>.. only thing good i guess is that there well built i guess ... wizards are good in just magic >.>... so venomancers an barbarians are prob the best cause they even get PETS...
    kinda unfair cause other races cant get them... unless they buy them >.>.. or just use mounts (which cost bundles of money)

    Barbarians can't get pets, only venomancers. And venomancers - pets = wizard with animal ears. I don't quite understand the suggestion here...?

    Tvali - Director of the wonderful guild Epitaph.
  • tsubasa88
    tsubasa88 Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I would like it too if women could carry guys
  • ninzi
    ninzi Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    tsubasa88 wrote: »
    Hmm, I think your right in many things, but I would say that new hairstyles aren't that necessary, but new classes or embarassing actions would be nice. I also think that Archers are the worst class, because they have low Armor, are screwes in close combat and if they manage to be far away from their target suddenly another Monster is appearing behind you and you are dead. And I think the cashshop is stupid, because if you dont want to pay, you can get a mount only at lvl 40 and it's damn expensive. To the thing with marriage I can't say much, because I never tried this here or in WOW. Maybe some new Weapon would be nice, and more Landscapes or Maps like in WOW. And I agree with you, flying is to slow, and it's stupid that you have to pay real money for restoring the fastspeedenergie of your Flying Sword

    why don't you just go play WoW if its that much better
    and archers are cool =D
  • Loxin - Lost City
    Loxin - Lost City Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    ninzi wrote: »
    why don't you just go play WoW if its that much better
    and archers are cool =D

    Agreed! wow is much better, and cheaper, and you get all the features!
    how convient!

    im going to renew my account next month once my money comes in! b:laugh
  • Piya - Sanctuary
    Piya - Sanctuary Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    You're extremely knowledgeable for someone that is level 14 and probably not playing this game anymore.

    I made the mistake of making a female archer, I get hit on like crazy in game because i made her look like me, my fault. Now, I wish there was an option with makeover scrolls where i can change my gender because maybe people will stop harassing me, or is there an option to flag them for harassment?

    When flying around I use the auto nav and get a bite to eat or watch some TV, when you get to 50+ you'll get used to the long flights to pointless locales.

    I've been playing this game for a little bit myself and the idea of weddings freaks me out. I'm actually grossed out by the notion even if I'll get more xp, no way.

    As far as mounts go, buy basic arrows, I managed to save the 2.45mil needed for a horse and it's a nice mount. I used to spend 70k on 5k arrows/bolts/shot but now i usually buy 20k bolts/arrows/shot for 20k, easy math there. There is a ton of ways of saving money.
  • sexyface
    sexyface Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    ok, its like WoW, you can play, but go to colledge and get a good job so you have a paycheck more than 120$ lol is 60 is half of it. or learn to play guiar. i get paid almost 1,000$ an hour while on stage. thats no joke. so if you want to play in luxury, you want a good job and a life.