guild VS guild pvp

Evilares - Heavens Tear
Evilares - Heavens Tear Posts: 17 Arc User
edited February 2009 in General Discussion
We should have a FUN guild vs guild pvp were we shouldn't have to pay to get a TW. EX. When a rival guild wants to verse you they can just request a battle that day or that week and have it that day or week. The reason for this is because im tired of all the high levels and guilds getting the territory then the lower guilds like Insert name here and others would like to do TW but don't have the level or money to do a TW. I bet there is a different way to do this but it is in pk mode, at the arena, and then most of us would have to bind stuff that we won't keep later on and most of us don't want to drop our good items or our money.
Post edited by Evilares - Heavens Tear on


  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    this sounds like cabal... you ever played?

    11X FB =)
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • Klath - Sanctuary
    Klath - Sanctuary Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Go to dragon temple.
  • Evilares - Heavens Tear
    Evilares - Heavens Tear Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    yes i have 11x warrior dont play now i play this
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    cabal was muchhhh funnnnn
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • Foxx_trott - Heavens Tear
    Foxx_trott - Heavens Tear Posts: 802 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Sounds like fun! I support this idea.

    I didn't play Cabal. Kinda wish now I had tho.
    You will never do anything in this world without courage.
    It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor.
  • Evilares - Heavens Tear
    Evilares - Heavens Tear Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    we might go to dragon temple but think about the noobs to
  • Nayiro - Sanctuary
    Nayiro - Sanctuary Posts: 1,275 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    founds like FlyFF.
    But yeah i see what you mean, it would be nice.

    hell it would be nice if the arena was open too
  • Mizorie - Lost City
    Mizorie - Lost City Posts: 598 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Sounds like GuildWars :P
    Dalamaar: Mizorie you have no soul.
  • Rundora - Lost City_1243871147
    Rundora - Lost City_1243871147 Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Go to the Lost City Server.

    Fixed. You're welcome.
  • Evilares - Heavens Tear
    Evilares - Heavens Tear Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    We need a GM's opinion on this and how many votes would it take to implement it to guild wars. Then high levels can deal with the TW.
  • bladelegion
    bladelegion Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    this sounds like cabal... you ever played?

    11X FB =)

    147 blader ftw
  • Evilares - Heavens Tear
    Evilares - Heavens Tear Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    bump come on GM
  • Kimyrielle - Heavens Tear
    Kimyrielle - Heavens Tear Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    We need a GM's opinion on this and how many votes would it take to implement it to guild wars. Then high levels can deal with the TW.

    Usually features don't get added to games because of votes on a forum. As much as I like some nice PvP options to get added since this game currently doesn't have any for those of us not in a super huge guild (and no, PK really doesn't count), personally I'd say, the chances to see a huge update like this being implemented are more or less zero.
  • imnotachick
    imnotachick Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I don't know why it wouldn't be implemented,would make the game more appealing,pvp arenas/large scale guild battles are part and parcel of most mmorpg's,this game needs something like that badly especially on the pve servers...and tw does not count its practically impossible for most people to get involved in,and for those who do well,3-9 hours a week of battles if you're lucky aint enough dangit>.<

    A rather **** game i played(archlord)had one little feature that was nice,challenge a guild any time anywhere to a battle then you had 15 mins or something to get as many of your guildies there as possible then fought until 50 kills were reached,the winners felt ecstatic the losers whined and everyone got a good pvp fix without risking their gears ^^

    Now why couldn't something like that be implemented?Would hardly take a genius to program that in...i thinkO.o
  • syl
    syl Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I like this idea. There was a similar concept on Silkroad online (fail mmorpg) but one of the good things about the game was that u can declare war for so many amount of hrs (24 being max)at anytime if agreed. During the time war was declared a system bulletin would announce to the warring guilds and for how much the guild was wagering (coins). Points obtained were lvl based (for instance if a lvl 40 killed a lvl 60 then they would get 120 points or so, while if a lvl 80 killed a lvl 40 they would get 4 points around). The two warring guilds were always red to each other,but never went pink to anyone else even after atking, also killing them would not result in dropping equipments, instead another bulletin would flash telling both guilds someone got killed by someone else).

    would sux if u were to war during a grinding or zhen pt but hey, what happens in kos
  • Klath - Sanctuary
    Klath - Sanctuary Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Unless you add rewards, not many people will actually be interested, i wouldnt, waste of charm/pots/time.
  • fuzzles
    fuzzles Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Ughhh.. Cabal. Load of ****.

    Friend tried to get me into it.. It really seemed like a load of ****.

    Everything about it screamed low-budget, everything was out of proportion, it was grindy, it was basic, it was completely imbalanced towards cash shop users.

    It was an overall terrible game. The only thing good about it was the classes. I rather liked those. They were a bit different from the stock standard archetypes you see all over the place.
    Everyone here is ridiculously oversensitive.
  • syl
    syl Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Unless you add rewards, not many people will actually be interested, i wouldnt, waste of charm/pots/time.

    Yes a wager system would be nice...for instance if both guilds wager....say 3 mil. Whoever racks up more kills (or lvl based kill points) wins the war and gets the 6 mil. i think it is a really cool idea especially to lower lvl guilds that cannot participate in TW (besides giving some guild 500k to completely pummel them).
  • Hidden - Lost City
    Hidden - Lost City Posts: 338 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    syl wrote: »
    Yes a wager system would be nice...for instance if both guilds wager....say 3 mil. Whoever racks up more kills (or lvl based kill points) wins the war and gets the 6 mil. i think it is a really cool idea especially to lower lvl guilds that cannot participate in TW (besides giving some guild 500k to completely pummel them).

    Obviously u missed the first post where he was complaining one was must bid to pvp in TW. He wants some kind of free to enter pvp guild war, with rewards for the winner.

    Imo, that just stupid. Nothing comes for free and the high lvl guilds would just get richer anyways. If u wanna pvp guild vs guild, why did u guys choose a pve server? U cant go pve then demand pvp competitions whenever u like zzzz.
  • Xtacy - Lost City
    Xtacy - Lost City Posts: 1,281 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I agree with this idea. Only because I've been wanting this ever since the arena has been out of order.

    I guess I don't choose different paths b:shutup
  • imnotachick
    imnotachick Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Obviously u missed the first post where he was complaining one was must bid to pvp in TW. He wants some kind of free to enter pvp guild war, with rewards for the winner.

    Imo, that just stupid. Nothing comes for free and the high lvl guilds would just get richer anyways. If u wanna pvp guild vs guild, why did u guys choose a pve server? U cant go pve then demand pvp competitions whenever u like zzzz.

    Maybe some people don't want to be stripped of all their gears just to have some guild v guild warfare..zzzz
  • Evilares - Heavens Tear
    Evilares - Heavens Tear Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    bump bump bump
  • Baraiai - Sanctuary
    Baraiai - Sanctuary Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I like this idea. But not just to request it. If a guild wants it right there right now in the middle of town they can XD

    When I was way younger I use to play Flyff and doing Guild Wars was epic fun because hell, you could have a shop, lvling, minding your own damn business and BLAM! Get sideswiped and dead on the floor the next.

    Plus its fun to set an example for all those guilds out there who brag and gloat how wonderful and great they are without proving it XD Not even in TW! So yeah, Guild vs Guild action will make lots of interesting events happen >3 That and intimidate the lower guilds into stay back when they say how good they are without showing some fists/axes/sticks/whatever you use to slaughter someone :3
  • Rundora - Lost City_1243871147
    Rundora - Lost City_1243871147 Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Maybe some people don't want to be stripped of all their gears just to have some guild v guild warfare..zzzz

    Maybe some people need to figure out how to have guild v guild warfare without being stripped of their gears zzzzzzz

    Hopefully they'll just make the arena, but till then you can sit around, do some rp, maybe arrange your flower collection.
  • syl
    syl Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Obviously u missed the first post where he was complaining one was must bid to pvp in TW. He wants some kind of free to enter pvp guild war, with rewards for the winner.

    Imo, that just stupid. Nothing comes for free and the high lvl guilds would just get richer anyways. If u wanna pvp guild vs guild, why did u guys choose a pve server? U cant go pve then demand pvp competitions whenever u like zzzz.

    obviously u misread the part of my post where i indicated it was an example.... u don't have to bid 3 mil...u can bid 10k or even 1 gold if u want as long as both parties agree. I'm sry in the future i will not use examples because clearly u have some type of reading deficit and cannot see when an example is being used.
  • imnotachick
    imnotachick Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Maybe some people need to figure out how to have guild v guild warfare without being stripped of their gears zzzzzzz

    Hopefully they'll just make the arena, but till then you can sit around, do some rp, maybe arrange your flower collection.

    Oh do you mean counting on other peoples sense of decency to honour an agreement between 2 guilds not to take any gears or hand it back if dropped?Hmmm theres always someone can't be trusted.

    For your second statement...well zzzzzzz
  • Rundora - Lost City_1243871147
    Rundora - Lost City_1243871147 Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Oh do you mean counting on other peoples sense of decency to honour an agreement between 2 guilds not to take any gears or hand it back if dropped?Hmmm theres always someone can't be trusted.

    For your second statement...well zzzzzzz

    Not what I meant. So let's spam some more Zs

  • Chaotiic - Lost City
    Chaotiic - Lost City Posts: 498 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Oh do you mean counting on other peoples sense of decency to honour an agreement between 2 guilds not to take any gears or hand it back if dropped?Hmmm theres always someone can't be trusted.

    For your second statement...well zzzzzzz

    Jus dont attack white names turn ur white pk off ad u wont go red remember if someone fights back u wont go red so u wont drop ur gears. A lot of people do this on the pvp server grief people until they attack back. Also in a big pvp war everyone is attacking or healing so u generally dont get any red from these. And theres always dolls.

    There is arena in this game which u can hold guild wars as nohing can be dropped and dolls are not used but arena is broken right now b:cry so no such luck. If u want something like this then pressure staff so fix arena as it works fine in the other versions thats something they actually can do.
    Official Guild History

  • Evilares - Heavens Tear
    Evilares - Heavens Tear Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    bump bump I would think we need more peple to vote
  • skuitar
    skuitar Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I really liked the system on Eudemons Online. You could become enemies with a certain guild, and you can get bonuses for killing any of the enemies at any time. Evilares has a nice sounding idea. I think any form of guild based PK could be awsome in Perfect World since lower leveled people could partake in it. I definately approve.