Best buddy for healer

saa Posts: 1 Arc User
edited June 2009 in Cleric
Me and my friend have reached 70lvl on other serv while playing archer(pure agi) and barbarian (full con). Lvling was like omg omg (barb basically just sits and watch). Now bad thing, we have left that serv due to admins’ incompetence and… it would be a nightmare to experience “all the bad stuff” again. So advices on “more effective” lvling are very very very appreciated :):)

some random thoughts:
me = full support cleric with 5con and lots of hp stones at 60+lvl (guess it would be a waste of money to ++equipment before 60, no?)
other dude = PRO tank:) low dmg etc etc etc…

advantages: we’re carebears:) so it will be a lot easier to form pts for bosses (only dds needed), possible to farm hh (tt?) mats;
disadvantages: money, slow lvling

so any thoughts about stat builds/class combinations? Maybe cleric + blademaster? cleric + archer? And i don’t care if it’s hard to lvl. We just want to have nice ~90lvl chars:)
Post edited by saa on


  • Raviste - Heavens Tear
    Raviste - Heavens Tear Posts: 288 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    In my personal experience, a cleric's best friend is a wizard. b:pleased When we used to squad together, we were unstoppable. The mobs die long before they could reach us, so leveling was extremely fast. :D And the wizard has that continous AoE, too, so we mini-zhenned. xD

    Cleric/BM = BM runs to mob, deal one hit, mob dies from cleric's attacks. b:surrender

    Cleric/Barb = Hehe, same as above.

    Cleric/Archer = About the same as cleric/wizard, but when the mobs come close they're kinda hard to kill. D:

    Cleric/Veno = This one is pretty okay. Veno's pet tanks, both cleric and veno deal damage, so mobs die really fast too. Kinda boring though, and not many venos want to party grind.

    Cleric/cleric = Hehe, awesome combo; kill very fast, but still not as fast as with a wizard.

    Note that all these were just from my experience. XD Others may have different views.

    Retired - Radiance
  • Drmelvin - Heavens Tear
    Drmelvin - Heavens Tear Posts: 258 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I agree, Wizard and Cleric is the best combo. Just yesterday my wizard (level 39 at the time) was partied with 3 clerics and we hardly took a hit and the mobs died extremely fast because im assuming that we was all pure magic based build. So yeah good advice Cleric + Wizard = <3 leveling b:victory
  • Amour - Lost City
    Amour - Lost City Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Wizard/Cleric is nice early game, but once you hit 7x you'll love having a blademaster partner, as they AoE grind. They can start aoe'ing even earlier, that's just when it kicks up a bit. Before then just attack two different targets, so the blademaster doesn't look useless. Of course magic classes kill faster pre-60, but after, it's pretty even.
    "Amour is better suited to rainbow text, because he is a classy lady." - Nakhimov
  • ArsLaan - Heavens Tear
    ArsLaan - Heavens Tear Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Cleric/Wiz = best i agree.

    Cleric/barb= better, bcoz barb does aoe and cleric just have to heal and bcoz they have high hp, cleric doesnt have high pressure of healing them.

    Cleric/BM= aah, BM wants cleric to heal him continously until BM gets heal skill. But still they dont have high hp as barb. BM gets angry if clerics dont heal them on time DX. Not with barbs. Barbs have high def. and high hp. they are more cool lol.

    So cleric/wiz and cleric/barb are better in my *exp*.

    Other people might have different suggestions accoring to their exp.
  • Mysticlifex - Heavens Tear
    Mysticlifex - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,175 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Cleric/Wiz = Good but pointless 2 clerics is the same thing basically except when there is a magic resistant mob mages are useless.
    Cleric/Barb = very Good
    Cleric/BM = Bad
    Cleric/Cleric = okay rather just solo if ur a cleric or veno tho...
    Cleric/ArsLann = Bad (ArsLaan would definitely lead you to your death)
    It always depends the level doesnt it?
    Low level It's cleric/Barb
    Mid level It's cleric/Barb
    High level It's cleric and cleric/barb
    Why? because clerics are self reliant
    Why? because clerics can be DDs with heals
    Why? Because wizards can't survive 10 min alone
    Barbs are TANKS and clerics are HEALERS and DAMAGE DEALERS!!
    but that is only survival
    For grinding It's cleric/wizard lol or cleric/axe bm

    ATTENTION: Mages will not be spared when clerics take over the PW
    We're MysticAve my name is not Dave
    (Poem in the making - Shall be epic)
  • Raviste - Heavens Tear
    Raviste - Heavens Tear Posts: 288 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Hehe, don't underestimate the mages. b:chuckle They're not as squishy if they have a cleric companion, and the attack power is definitely stronger with a mage/cleric than a cleric/cleric team.

    In my experience, low-mid level = mage/cleric FTW. I haven't reached high levels yet, so I can't say. Just a thought: at the lower levels, why should a cleric team up with a barb, let him take damage and therefore increasing his repair bill? Why not just kill the mobs before they could hit? Grinding with a mage is heavenly, and archers too, to a slightly lesser extent.

    Retired - Radiance
  • Keyne - Heavens Tear
    Keyne - Heavens Tear Posts: 202 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I love the Cleric/Mage team. Take things out so easily. Two hits and down. Cleric/Cleric isnt bad either but, at least in my experience, not as fast as Cleric/Mage.
    Cleric/BM and Cleric/Barb seems to be more benificial to the BM and Barb than the cleric. I'm just not a fan of waiting for them to get to the mob before I can attack. slows things down.
    Cleric/Archer combo is pretty good to. Take down mobs pretty quick.
    Cleric/Veno is pretty pointless. Just about the same as a BM or Barb to me. Veno's generally solo grind.
    At least in my experience, Cleric/Mage team has worked the best for me.
    Cleric/Mage combo = Less attacks per mob = Less mana used per mob = More mobs killed in a given time frame = More exp gained
  • Deathsscion - Sanctuary
    Deathsscion - Sanctuary Posts: 325 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Cleric/Wiz = Good but pointless 2 clerics is the same thing basically except when there is a magic resistant mob mages are useless.

    Two words: Blade Tempest
  • Nelae - Heavens Tear
    Nelae - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Two words: Blade Tempest
    Dido that b:dirty
  • Ramuz - Lost City
    Ramuz - Lost City Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    In my personal exp. my best partner has been a Barb, together we do some amazing and most of the time, even take on impossible odds, where normally low lvls would die quickly.

    I am a lvl 55 Claric, and he is just 1 lvl under me. We have solo'd many 50-60 + bosses (Haven't been brave enough to go against 70+, either that or we haven't found one yet :D ) any way, my point is, it just depends on how well you build ur char, and how well u play that char. You might see these other classes do awesome things, but doesn't necessarily mean you will play tht class as well as they do.

    anyway, sry if I strayed from the point of the topic, just wanted to add my opinion on the whole buddy thing :)
  • DeOso - Lost City
    DeOso - Lost City Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Two words: Blade Tempest


    Two words: Two Sparks
  • Huli_Man - Heavens Tear
    Huli_Man - Heavens Tear Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    In terms of pure leveling, the duo that could take out mobs the fastest would probably be cleric/mage up to lvl 60 because of their crazy DPS. After that, as has been mentioned, it would probably be cleric/BM, thanks to AOE grinding.

    While a cleric/barb would not level quite as fast as many duos, they have the benefit of being able to kill most bosses on their own. Add a few DD's and you have an instant boss party. This duo will be very popular, which depending how much you like people begging for your help, can be a plus or minus.
  • Arynus - Dreamweaver
    Arynus - Dreamweaver Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    The best team by my opinion is: Cleric, Barb and Wiz. The barb is the tank and protects the mage and cleric, mage is the full DD (he wont die because the barb keeps mob aggro), an FAC cleric will be a weaker DD and will cast ironheart occasionally to keep the barb alive. If its a FSC than it will heal everyone that gets hurt but he wont dish of much damage. A hybrid will alternate between both but will be weaker b:sad . Choose whatever cleric you want b:laugh .
  • Nelae - Heavens Tear
    Nelae - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    The best team by my opinion is: Cleric, Barb and Wiz. The barb is the tank and protects the mage and cleric, mage is the full DD (he wont die because the barb keeps mob aggro), an FAC cleric will be a weaker DD and will cast ironheart occasionally to keep the barb alive. If its a FSC than it will heal everyone that gets hurt but he wont dish of much damage. A hybrid will alternate between both but will be weaker b:sad . Choose whatever cleric you want b:laugh .

    So not true ;p
  • Keenan - Dreamweaver
    Keenan - Dreamweaver Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I also really enjoy squadding up with a wizard, it makes you feel invicible haha. There's the occasional heal tossed in here and there between demolishing mobs, but other than that, I hardly ever have to meditate because we're both saving mana and regenerating it with my celestial guardian buff. I also find bosses way easier with a wizard around. I take care of the healing, and he nukes it over and over again, and I find it usually works out pretty well. Fast too.