Did anyone get a virus/spyware from this game? :\

Valshaina - Sanctuary
Valshaina - Sanctuary Posts: 35 Arc User
edited July 2009 in Support Desk
I'm not sure if it's coincidential or what, but every time I download this game and play for a few days.... my computer slows down, I get notifications that virtual memory is low, and random internet popups, etc...

So... I'm asking, did anyone else seem to get infected somehow, slow computer, and those kinds of things from PW? :\ Or is it because I did something wrong in the downloading?

I have virus/spyware protectors, but a few days after I play PW, I get more and more spyware built up and then the popups begin...

Is there something I can do to fix this problem with the game? Or is getting spyware from playing PW inevitable?
Post edited by Valshaina - Sanctuary on


  • bobzilla21
    bobzilla21 Posts: 694 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    well, it's 2 GB, it's obviously going to take up a lot of space, which explains the low virtual memory, and the computer slowing down is a side effect I think. Not sure about the popups though, I haven't gotten any viruses from the game, so it might have been from somewhere else.
    I figured I should do something with my sig, so I made this for fun. My very first (poorly made) animation. b:victory
    As for why Luffy is murdering Naruto, I have no idea either, but it looks cool.b:laugh
  • Hildeborg - Heavens Tear
    Hildeborg - Heavens Tear Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    No, the download is safe.

    @BobZilla : the download size has nothing to do with the virtual memory EXCEPT if she have a single HDD that is already full and/or fragmented.

    Which brings the second question : we cannot possibly help you now because you didn't give any info, so, please precise :
    - What antivirus do you have installed ?
    - What firewall do you have installed ?
    - Which version of windows are you running ?
    - What graphic card and pilots do you have installed ?
    - How much RAM do you have ?
    - How much free space is left on your disk ?

    Those last 3 can be found using start/run and typing MSINFO32 then pressing the enter key.
  • Valshaina - Sanctuary
    Valshaina - Sanctuary Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    No, the download is safe.

    @BobZilla : the download size has nothing to do with the virtual memory EXCEPT if she have a single HDD that is already full and/or fragmented.

    Which brings the second question : we cannot possibly help you now because you didn't give any info, so, please precise :
    - What antivirus do you have installed ?
    - What firewall do you have installed ?
    - Which version of windows are you running ?
    - What graphic card and pilots do you have installed ?
    - How much RAM do you have ?
    - How much free space is left on your disk ?

    Those last 3 can be found using start/run and typing MSINFO32 then pressing the enter key.

    I have McAfee antivirus
    no firewall installed
    windows XP
    --for the last 3, my computer is even worse now, and wont start up o_O I have no idea... except I know theyres very little free space since it gave me a notification xD;
  • Hildeborg - Heavens Tear
    Hildeborg - Heavens Tear Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    If the computer won't start, you'll most certainly need technical help to repair the installation. That's a somewhat risky operation involving using your install disks to replace corrupted system files, so it must be done under direct guidance of somebody computer-savvy.

    After your windows is made to start again, I recommend you replace McAfee with Aviva's AntiVir Free Edition, which is a far better product ( http://www.free-av.com/ )

    AntiVir has the great advantage of being able to scan and clean in safe mode and can catch rootkits ( some sort of viruses that manage load themselves before windows and are invisible because of that )

    Make sure at least windows firewall is activated, or better install Tiny Personal Firewall. It may seems an old product but it's simple enough for neophytes yet powerful ( http://www.oldversion.com/Tiny-Personal-Firewall.html ) or any firewall that suits your taste and that you're able to manage.

    Please note that it is unsafe to plug Windows to the net after a new system install if you haven't yet installed those lines of defense, because all sorts of viruses use well known bugs to install themselves on unprotected systems. The passive contamination delay is around 5 minutes, after that ''they'' see you online and attack :)

    So, install an antivirus, if possible install a firewall, then only connect to the net, do the security updates and you're safe.

    Fragmentation is also a ressource killer, as the more your files are spread on the disk, the less space you have to create a BIG file because everything will be fragmented into little bits of empty space here and there.

    JKDefrag is an excellent defragmenter and completely foolproof : no options, you simply launch it. ( http://www.kessels.com/Jkdefrag/ )

    Be warned that the first defragmentation always takes an humongous time, so you may have to let it run during the night.

    After that, one defrag a week will only take a few minutes and will keep your disks at top efficiency.

    All those software are either open-source or freeware, it's totally legal to download and use them.
  • Hartie_tank - Heavens Tear
    Hartie_tank - Heavens Tear Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    i dont thinks so.....it works cool for me..from some weeks :/
  • Valshaina - Sanctuary
    Valshaina - Sanctuary Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    If the computer won't start, you'll most certainly need technical help to repair the installation. That's a somewhat risky operation involving using your install disks to replace corrupted system files, so it must be done under direct guidance of somebody computer-savvy.

    After your windows is made to start again, I recommend you replace McAfee with Aviva's AntiVir Free Edition, which is a far better product ( http://www.free-av.com/ )

    AntiVir has the great advantage of being able to scan and clean in safe mode and can catch rootkits ( some sort of viruses that manage load themselves before windows and are invisible because of that )

    Make sure at least windows firewall is activated, or better install Tiny Personal Firewall. It may seems an old product but it's simple enough for neophytes yet powerful ( http://www.oldversion.com/Tiny-Personal-Firewall.html ) or any firewall that suits your taste and that you're able to manage.

    Please note that it is unsafe to plug Windows to the net after a new system install if you haven't yet installed those lines of defense, because all sorts of viruses use well known bugs to install themselves on unprotected systems. The passive contamination delay is around 5 minutes, after that ''they'' see you online and attack :)

    So, install an antivirus, if possible install a firewall, then only connect to the net, do the security updates and you're safe.

    Fragmentation is also a ressource killer, as the more your files are spread on the disk, the less space you have to create a BIG file because everything will be fragmented into little bits of empty space here and there.

    JKDefrag is an excellent defragmenter and completely foolproof : no options, you simply launch it. ( http://www.kessels.com/Jkdefrag/ )

    Be warned that the first defragmentation always takes an humongous time, so you may have to let it run during the night.

    After that, one defrag a week will only take a few minutes and will keep your disks at top efficiency.

    All those software are either open-source or freeware, it's totally legal to download and use them.

    Oh, thanks so much for the info! :D I'll try both the antivirus and firewall, see if the comp will work fine. :)
    I had to use the disc to re-install (whatver it's called) everything on my laptop. xD So it's like brand new again now.
  • Xtrememirage - Heavens Tear
    Xtrememirage - Heavens Tear Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    no i did not.
    The name's Xtreme! b:victory
    Not Extreme! b:angry
    Get it right! b:thanks
  • necroslave
    necroslave Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2009

    When I try to download this game, my virus scanner says there is a Trojan Horse trying to come in my computer.. I think that's really great :|

    Maybe it explains the spyware you get on your pc..

    The thing is, this game looks great to me, but I don't want a Trojan Horse on my pc..
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    there are absolutely no malicious files in our game client, please check the tech support section for possible solutions to these issues, but rest assured that no files associated with our game would give you pop-ups, definitely run a system scan
  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Please check to see that your security software isn't throwing up a false positive for the following executable files:

    pwprotector.exe (helps protect your login password and onscreen keyboard)
    patcher.exe (what updates the game)
    launcher.exe (the small menu that launches the game)
    elementclient.exe (the actual game)

    Your security software might flag these because when they get updated, they change, which isn't always cool with security software depending your settings.

    Do not confuse our game with legitimate threats though.

    Please see this post to help you: http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=850742&postcount=18
    Do you need help learning about patching the game, installing it, changing antivirus/firewall settings, changing network settings, learn how to use a computer, keeping your PC maintained and more?
    Visit our BRAND NEW Knowledge Base & Support Website! - Tech Support Flowchart - Panda Caught on Camera
  • herculesx
    herculesx Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    this vid will solveall your problems

This discussion has been closed.