Dealing with people having stupid names.



  • Dar_Malkier - Lost City
    Dar_Malkier - Lost City Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    As a general rule, I only judge someone by thier character's name if it's something rude, disrespectfull or sexual in nature. Other than that, I don't really care. In fact, the best name that I've seen in a MMORPG was a Druid named Killme_Firstpls.
  • Bobncut - Sanctuary
    Bobncut - Sanctuary Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Random observations:
    First, it seems we have established that the name in question in the original post served precisely the function it was intended. All hearsay about who got mad or said what aside, this is not a stupid name if it managed to keep two people apart who were destined not to like each other.

    Second, has anybody noticed that the people most inclined to not associate with others based on their name seem to play venos? While obviously not true of all of them, this has certainly increased my expectation that a random veno is not going to be interested in working with anybody on anything. b:irony

    Third, my name is stupid. I wish I could change it. I can't and I don't want to give up my character just because I failed to anticipate what all a name might mean. Oh well, don't party me if you don't want and I will enjoy the game anyway.

    Finally, @Cawti, I am kicking myself that I failed to recognize your name until reading your post. I love that Steven Brust series.
  • Elenacostel - Heavens Tear
    Elenacostel - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,822 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I think it is fine to allow/disallow a person to join your squad based on his or her in-game name. The argument that "It's just a game, I can pick any name I want." holds the same amount of weight as the argument "It's just a game, I can squad with anyone I want."

    On a related note, during gameplay, for some strange and unknown reasons, I've have been asked no less than 12 times if I am Romanian, 2 times if I am Italian, and 1 time if I am Greek...

    ... all based entirely on my entirely fictional and purely imaginary character name.

    I had considered sending out a World Chat to declare my non-Romanian ethnicity, but that would only spur others to rhetorically ask me if I am Romanian or not, in a lame attempt to be humorous.
  • Hildeborg - Heavens Tear
    Hildeborg - Heavens Tear Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Most here seems to forgot a main huge difference between IRL names and IG names.

    >>> Your personal freedom of choice <<<

    I won't judge IRL people by their names because they didn't chose it, and there's far too little control about what inadequate parents can choose as a name for their child. Anybody, if not anything, can become a parent, a simple intercourse between members of the opposite sex is all that is required to result in a pregnancy. ( Mmm, I wonder if there's a Nancy_Preg ingame ... )

    But I WILL judge you by your in-game name because YOU ARE THE ONE CHOOSING IT. It's an icon of YOU, a summary of YOUR character, of what you want to appear to others. You want to look like Bozo the Clown , a criminal or an overused toilet brush ? YOUR choice, live with it or reroll.

    We are goofing around in a non-serious group ? YourMom and such are welcome.

    We are on the contrary doing a quest important for someone in a limited time window ? I won't take the chance to accept FOOKU and his ilk.

    And I will open a ticket against names such as KillJews or ShootNiggas. Those should not be tolerated.
  • Zanixx - Heavens Tear
    Zanixx - Heavens Tear Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    what if someone tried every other name they could think of and it was already taken so they just settled with the silly name?

    I mean name isn't everything. i have known people with really nice names who annoy the **** out of me.

    I have a nice little quote for you and anyone who wanna judge a book solely by the persons screen name.

    "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." -Martin Luther King Jr

    instead of the color of their skin how about the name they have. why not put them in party. if they start acting ****- just kick them and dont speak to them again. but i dont feel it should be just because of there name. sorry. my opinion.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Zanixx - Unstable - Heavens Tear
  • KyriIobria - Heavens Tear
    KyriIobria - Heavens Tear Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Actually, I am not much of a "joiner" in squads or groups and I am factionless because I have rather a rogueness about me that resists organization, but I do sometimes help those who ask nicely if they need help with directions or a quest or something and they've had names all the way across the board, from what I would consider rude to stupid to random added letters to "Tolkienesque". I find it really doesn't matter much when they don't know you well. For the most part they have been polite, businesslike and none too chatty, which I prefer while in game, but, having said that, there is a difference between a well thought out original name and two words put together to be funny. I have a whole collection of characters at the moment, Kyri Iobria, her "sister" Ayel Iobria, their less than nice friend Tow Sowry, Eyss (pronouced Ice) Opalus, and Lin Toette. I have kind of created a mental back story for them and role play with them as much as possible. (When I transfer items via post between the sisters I make them write little notes to each other. I don't have a sister so I thought that might be fun. Call me weird, but I do have a tremendous amount of time on my hands.) In any case, I don't think it really matters during gameplay what a person's name is, if you're on a mission and you all have the same goal and you are willing to work together it shouldn't really matter. But you have to do what is most comfortable for you, which is why I choose to play solo as much as possible and avoid most folks in the first place.

    By the way, someone in this thread said it would be nice to have a server dedicated to role play and I would second that!
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    what if someone tried every other name they could think of and it was already taken so they just settled with the silly name?
    I have a nice little quote for you and anyone who wanna judge a book solely by the persons screen name.

    "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." -Martin Luther King Jr

    instead of the color of their skin how about the name they have. why not put them in party. if they start acting ****- just kick them and dont speak to them again. but i dont feel it should be just because of there name. sorry. my opinion.

    You don't get to pick your skin color. You do however get to pick your in-game name, so your choice reflects upon you as a person. As others have said, the name succeeded in keeping apart two people who wouldn't have gotten along with each other. So technically it was a win-win.
  • Zanixx - Heavens Tear
    Zanixx - Heavens Tear Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    thats fine. while i understand that side of the argument. really its not about an argument. i just think its personal preference. just cause someone has a goofy name doesn't mean there goofy people u know. like i said i've met people with normal nice sounding names that annoy the **** out of me.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Zanixx - Unstable - Heavens Tear
  • Vinat - Sanctuary
    Vinat - Sanctuary Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    personally i think names should be name-like. i get annoyed with people who use a phrase as a name, no matter what the phrase is (ipwnu, imhot), but it doesnt affect whether or not i would party with or help someone.

    that said, i do think an underscore is a really poor choice for a name as it has no substance and gives others no way of identifying you unless you take the time to tell someone what they should call you. should someone want to address you specifically in a team of 3 or more.. its just inconsiderate and annoying. "hey _, stand outside the aoe range", "_ come this way".

    it also makes voice chat nearly impossible (unless you tell people your real name or something else to call you by.. in which case you really should have just given your character a name..) and how exactly would one pronounce "_"? "blank"? "underscore"? "obnoxious"?

    just because something can be used as a name does not mean it should be. symbols that do not even remotely represent letters are THE MOST annoying of all. i remember someone on another game who's character name was ">
    >>", and another who had "o.O". i mean seriously, wth kind of name is that? its not. and sorry but an underscore is in the same category as these 2 i mentioned. it's obnoxious, it's unsightly, and it makes the person hard to play with.
  • Zanixx - Heavens Tear
    Zanixx - Heavens Tear Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    right, thats what im saying. like u said

    "but it doesn't affect whether or not i would party with or help someone."

    everyone has a preference. you may not like someone elses name but u still help.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Zanixx - Unstable - Heavens Tear
  • Hildeborg - Heavens Tear
    Hildeborg - Heavens Tear Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Zanixx, it already have been said but I will stress the point : in-game and in-real-life are not comparable because in-game you have complete freedom of choice. You chose something, whether you like it or not you will bear the consequences of your choice.
  • Zanixx - Heavens Tear
    Zanixx - Heavens Tear Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Well i dont like your name Hilde. i'm not gonna help youb:laughlol jk.

    have a nice day anyways.b:cute
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Zanixx - Unstable - Heavens Tear
  • VonTerror - Lost City
    VonTerror - Lost City Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    just because something can be used as a name does not mean it should be. symbols that do not even remotely represent letters are THE MOST annoying of all. i remember someone on another game who's character name was ">
    >>", and another who had "o.O". i mean seriously, wth kind of name is that?

    I wish i could turn my real life name into >
    >>. Guess my next kid will have to get it
  • Hildeborg - Heavens Tear
    Hildeborg - Heavens Tear Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Well i dont like your name Hilde. i'm not gonna help youb:laughlol jk. have a nice day anyways.b:cute

    You're absolutely free to, joke or not :).
    Not that I would have asked for help anyway.
  • Zanixx - Heavens Tear
    Zanixx - Heavens Tear Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    i know. and i'm just joking with you. gotta make some light of this topic. but yeah if i do see u around and u need anything just ask. its no big deal.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Zanixx - Unstable - Heavens Tear
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    thats fine. while i understand that side of the argument. really its not about an argument. i just think its personal preference. just cause someone has a goofy name doesn't mean there goofy people u know. like i said i've met people with normal nice sounding names that annoy the **** out of me.

    Of course having (what in your opinion is) a goofy name doesn't mean the person actually is goofy. But the likelihood that you'll find the person to be goofy is much higher. If you have a lot of time, then you may wish to give the person a chance and group with them. But if you're pressed for time or in a critical situation (e.g. fighting a boss), you probably don't want to risk it and find out you were wrong and have the person pull a Leeroy Jenkins on you.

    That's the whole point of stereotypes - they're not an evil tool for random discrimination. They're a decision-making tool your brain uses to categorize things to quickly cut down the number of possible choices it has to deal with. If I'm stranded on a desert island and need to build a raft, I will use the stereotype that wood floats to decide that I should build the raft out of wood. Of course if the island happens to have one of the rare varieties of wood which does not float, then I will have wasted a lot of time. But the chances that the stereotype is correct are high; so I can decide to expend the effort to cut down a tree without having to wonder if maybe I might not be better off building my raft out of rocks.

    Stereotypes only become a problem when their chance of being correct is mediocre, but they're applied as if absolutely true. In the case of race, even though on average the stereotype may be true (e.g. blacks are better athletes), the distribution is so wide (many blacks are good athletes, many are not) that the stereotype will be wrong a significant portion of the time.
  • Vinat - Sanctuary
    Vinat - Sanctuary Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I wish i could turn my real life name into >
    >>. Guess my next kid will have to get it

    names like that remind me of prince. you know.. "the artist formerly knows as prince"... when he changed his name for 7 years to an unpronouncable symbol. really inane lol.
  • fuzzles
    fuzzles Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Mmm.. once ran into a coupla kids.. their names were Azzy and Malice. What kinda parents would name a child Malice? It made me feel better about leaving tire tracks on them though. (That was a joke.. although the kids actually are named Azzy and Malice. Twins. Strange parents.)

    Basically, what you name your toon is entirely up to you, and then you gotta deal with the consequences of it.

    And the same goes for inviting or not inviting someone whose name irritates you. It's entirely up to you.

    Although, if you do refuse to party with people because of their name, I encourage you to explain that to them. Should get some great whining/flaming mileage out of that.
    Everyone here is ridiculously oversensitive.
  • Tyraro - Sanctuary
    Tyraro - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    names like that remind me of prince. you know.. "the artist formerly knows as prince"... when he changed his name for 7 years to an unpronouncable symbol. really inane lol.

    People always shorten my IGN to "ty" which has left me quite confused at times.
  • Lelanii - Sanctuary
    Lelanii - Sanctuary Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I don't have much of an opinion about names unless its one of those dirty names that the person is obviously using to get 'cyber'. As long as a person is polite, I show them the same respect.

    Btw... is my name annoying? Because I get ignored Constantly!
  • fuzzles
    fuzzles Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I don't have much of an opinion about names unless its one of those dirty names that the person is obviously using to get 'cyber'.

    Hah, and 90% of the time those people are venos.

    Since venos must invariably be female, and as such, are 99% ****, I just cut to the chase and named my veno alt WhorsieRide. Not sure if that counts as an stupid name or not.
    Everyone here is ridiculously oversensitive.
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    As a general rule, I only judge someone by thier character's name if it's something rude, disrespectfull or sexual in nature. Other than that, I don't really care. In fact, the best name that I've seen in a MMORPG was a Druid named Killme_Firstpls.

    ROFLMAO there was a Druid on the Terris Thule/Prexus server in EQ named that.

    My two cents on the subject:

    If your name is offensive, chances are I am not gonna care to associate with you. If it is graphically sexual most likely the same if it's that way in an abusive type manner (i.e. something I would find offensive to hear done to anyone such as a character I saw once in EQ named IrapeU [who shortly after got ran over by half the mobs in the zone as my Iksar Monk Sorbus DeGrief feigned death at his feet]).

    Names do reflect somewhat on the person who attached them to their character but i'm always willing to give most people a fair shake. The few exceptions are the really graphic, nasty or offensive (to me) names some players have. Those you can expect me to report to PWI is an offensive name and then let the GM's decide what to do about it. If they are still in the game after that... meh, I just ignore them.

    Saitada DeGrief - Contagion Leader and all around PITA
  • Lelanii - Sanctuary
    Lelanii - Sanctuary Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    fuzzles wrote: »
    Hah, and 90% of the time those people are venos.

    Since venos must invariably be female, and as such, are 99% ****, I just cut to the chase and named my veno alt WhorsieRide. Not sure if that counts as an stupid name or not.

    and of that 90%, 60% are actually dudes
  • fuzzles
    fuzzles Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    and of that 90%, 60% are actually dudes

    Well, they know what dudes want. Makes them that much easier to seduce. They make a toon with a huge rack, call it MagicBoobz, and watch everyone flock towards them.
    Everyone here is ridiculously oversensitive.
  • Drazo - Heavens Tear
    Drazo - Heavens Tear Posts: 947 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    and of that 90%, 60% are actually dudes

    That many? More like 90% of that 90% are dudes. :P
    Non-mule alts:

    Drazo - Venomancer - Dreamweaver - Semi-active
    Knatami - Barbarian - Heavens Tear - Inactive
    Drazorus - Archer - Sanctuary - Inactive
    Cidemami - Cleric - Dreamweaver - Inactive
    Recilsami - Blademaster - Heavens Tear - Inactive
    DrazoThePsy - Psychic - Dreamweaver - Active
    DrazoTheSas - Assassin - Dreamweaver - Active
  • _robin_hood_ - Lost City
    _robin_hood_ - Lost City Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    who cares about stupid names...? u ppl shouldint care its not ur char (or is it) well it doesint matter if you dont like it... if they do then its fine.....they probebly just couldint find a name that hasint already been takeing so they just did a random 1b:victory........or they have a bad taste 4 names b:laugh
  • Archville - Sanctuary
    Archville - Sanctuary Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    so we decided not to take him in. We killed the boss and he went furious (of course).

    We usually take anyone in if we have room - just in this particular case, we agreed not to. My stance is that if people chose a stupid name it's their own decision (and the GM's to tolerate it or not), but it's mine whether party up with them or not. And if your char and/or guild name is overly stupid, I won't.

    So, I'd be curious if you guys would act similarly or would not care at all. Discuss!

    wait what? You refused someone in your party just for is name? How old are you 12 years old? You need to grow up a bit if you decide to accept someone in your party if they have a decent name/guild name.
  • BearHunter - Sanctuary
    BearHunter - Sanctuary Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Well people have right to bear whatever name they want. And I don't have to like them if I don't want to. Your name, your choice of consequences, it's your game play. Enjoy it.

    I'll ignore you if you have a stupid name. I don't have to like it. You have to right to ignore me back and we're even. I won't force myself on any player.

    I'll ignore you if you used your char. customization to create creature that looks like crossbreeding of dante's devil and heavily overused toilet brush. i don't have to like it. You have right to ignore me back and we're square.

    All my primary and alternate characters ignore guild invitations with stupid names. Good have your guild, have fun, good luck in game. But i won't have that hanging over my head. And you have right to not invite me anymore and we're square.

    That's about it- have the name you like, have the consequences that go with it and...enjoy the game! b:laugh
  • Hisuna - Sanctuary
    Hisuna - Sanctuary Posts: 1,071 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    fuzzles wrote: »
    Hah, and 90% of the time those people are venos.

    Since venos must invariably be female, and as such, are 99% ****, I just cut to the chase and named my veno alt WhorsieRide. Not sure if that counts as an stupid name or not.

    I'd have to say I don't appreciate that much, I'm neither a "dude" nor into cyber. There's nothing "****" about my character.

    Yes I think that's a **** name, mostly do to the fact that you named it that specifically as an insult to the class. Yes there are a lot of guys that play venos, and sure there's a lot of cyber out there, but that 90% is quite the generalization don't you think? I feel an urge to post "invariable" generalizations about males now, but that wouldn't be fair to all the guys out there who aren't clueless.
    The family is a haven in a heartless world.
    Once a Guardian, Always a Guardian. Element: Fire.
  • BearHunter - Sanctuary
    BearHunter - Sanctuary Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I don't have much of an opinion about names unless its one of those dirty names that the person is obviously using to get 'cyber'. As long as a person is polite, I show them the same respect.

    Btw... is my name annoying? Because I get ignored Constantly!

    No, But you've only been around for 17 levels. Majority of players have no idea you exist yet. Give them time.