comparison of the races? QUESTION. D:

Valshaina - Sanctuary
Valshaina - Sanctuary Posts: 35 Arc User
edited February 2009 in Twilight Temple (West)
I have a cleric, and he's on level 18... but I stopped playing him on that level, because for some reason, its really hard for a cleric to complete a quest by himself without a squad... He's already died around 8 times o_o which is terrible

Is this true for all of you?

as for my veno, she doesn't complete quests all that fast either, but is able to do it alone either way... of course squads are much faster and all that jazz b:surrender and she's only died twice

so... I'm asking if it's the same for the other races? for archers/barbs/mages/blademasters... o:

Do they complete quests faster, need squad help too, do they kill monsters faster, dont die as easily... o: stuff like that...
Post edited by Valshaina - Sanctuary on


  • Briegg - Sanctuary
    Briegg - Sanctuary Posts: 584 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    as a blademaster the only quests i've ever needed help on
    were the fb's
  • fuzzles
    fuzzles Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Pretty much all of the non-boss quests should be soloable by any class.

    If you're having severe problems soloing before level 20 though, on any class.. er.. the problem's on your end of the line.
    Everyone here is ridiculously oversensitive.
  • Oishasan - Sanctuary
    Oishasan - Sanctuary Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I play a support cleric, and yes, I actually started using a second computer, second account and started a barbarian just to level up the cleric.
    It is a pain to level up a support cleric solo, very hard and frustrating. The main thing to focus on is the type of enemy you are facing. You basically have a phys attack and a metal based attack, if the enemy is resistant to either of those, you need to focus on the other a bit more to win.
    You could make the cleric a FAC, then you wouldn't have much problem leveling her up, but ... that's a discussion in the cleric forum as to it's benefits vs a support cleric. Actually there's a ton of good info there for new clerics.

    Veno's have little problem doing anything PvE in the game, arcane builds have it a little easier than foxes, but that changes in regards to PvP/TW if you are heading down that road.

    Barbarians are decent, but slow killers and expensive to repair, great with a support cleric partner. Best tanks in the game if you choose the path.

    Can't speak for the other classes yet, but regardless,
    welcome to Sanctuary and PWI.
    Light Armor build, Support Cleric

    Barbarian, feral build

    Arcane Veno
    Beetle Wrangler
  • Tawarwaith - Sanctuary
    Tawarwaith - Sanctuary Posts: 391 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    To develop Oishasans 2 lines on a barb:

    For the normal quests, until now (lvl44) I've always been able to do them on my own without major problems. I died some times, but mostly because of getting disconnected or something like that. In almost all cases, your massive amount of hp with fast speed (I'm always in tigerform) allow you to run if necessary. However, you won't kill anything fast.

    For the bosses and fb's, you'll need a party. For the bosses from lvl20 to 30 you can wait some lvls and solo them with some pots, but after that I recommand some help, or you can't get to your next cultivation lvl in a normal time. As you probably already know, when in a party running away is not an option for a tank. So the times you won't die when solo, you'll eventually make up for it when tanking. However, since there's usually a cleric in the team, he will revive you (if possible of course).

    Another point I like about the barb: you can efficiently team up with any class (except veno). Mage, archer and BM for their damage, and a cleric for its heals/buffs, extra damage and slowing spell (that last one is really usefull when killing archer-type mobs that tend to kite). There are some effective ways to work with a veno, but that depends on the situation. Actually, to be effective as a 2 man squad the veno has to change her style a bit, which might lead to tensions when you don't know her.
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I'm blademaster. I get killed in average 1.5 times per day (most of these kills are for being attacked by multiple mobs and not notice it).

    Still, I complete most of my quest solo but bosses I do it with friends.

    Another thing to point out is that I'm still learning how to use my character since there many complicated things that I do not fully understand and I don't explain myself properly with the questions.


    Some skills perfom good with most of the mobs. Some others the results varies depending on the mob and the level of the skill. I'm still trying to figure this out. Since I'm supecting it has to do with the "elements" of the mobs and the "properties" of your skills.

    Not only that, if you follow the advice about which skills not to purshase/upgrade you might not have the right skill for those mobs and even though you will have a lot of spirits for the powerfull/recommended skills of upcoming levels, you might spend a life time to get there (slow leveling).

    A sample of that, is that I have used 3 unrecomended skills with good results:

    Tiger maw, draw blood and stream stike. All these skills are supposed to be bugged.

    Of course, I upgrade the recomended ones first and these ones after.
  • gades
    gades Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Tiger maw, draw blood and stream stike. All these skills are supposed to be bugged.

    Personally Tiger Maw gets to be rather worthless after about lvl 39 when you get your first really good attack no matter what skill tree you use, and so most who have been there view it as a waste of money and spirit, because believe it or not every coin and point of spirit matters. I liked draw blood until about 60 when the added DPS didn't matter as much but in the low levels its fairl good. Stream strike is just ****...BMs aren't meant to tank so we really don't need an aggro move, plus it takes like 20 chi, and adds very little extra damage, so thats why most people hate on it.

    As for the OP, well yeah if you go pure support cleric its gonna be hard to level, its just how it is. Pure mag wizards have the same issue until about 39 when they finally get a knockback move. Really its a matter of using your skills wisely, meaning generally start with Cyclone as it slows down teh mob alot of the time, and then spamming whichever skill(s) do the most damage. Eventaully as you get better weapons and armor and whatnot it gets easier for the most part.
  • HolyInferno - Sanctuary
    HolyInferno - Sanctuary Posts: 767 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I have never done a Elven character so I can not honestly say I know much about the race.

    However, here is my breakdown, short simple and to the point

    Blademaster: good physical attack, good tanking abilities, buttloads of AOE skills.otherwise a bit useless when it comes to squading.

    Wizard: devastating magic attack (if built properly), really low defense, very squishy.

    Barbarian: great defense and HP, mid attack strength fastest movement speed. Outshines the BM in tanking and always in demand for teams.

    Venomancersb:victory:Great spike damage, pet makes most PVE situations solo-able. Many different types of build to mess around in.

    Archer: great range damage dealers. The most even of all classes. Great in PvP.

    Clerics: essential to 9/10 team based quests. Core of everything. BEWARE THE SLOW RUN SPEED

    *isee you area veno now, pm me in gameif you have any questions/need help :)*VENOS FTW
    b:bye you were all swell peoples
  • Dirik - Sanctuary
    Dirik - Sanctuary Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    well if u go pure mag ure gonna hav a tough time no doubt about it. personally i've solo'd most of my quests except for fb's and bosses. i hav 33 vit and i use hp gem. usually with the mobs i face my health goes to about half way but i just stack iron heart myself and it makes a huge difference
  • Valshaina - Sanctuary
    Valshaina - Sanctuary Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I actually have a question about something... noobish lol xD

    What's an arcane build and fox build etc for venos? xD
    I see those used everywhere, but never really figured out what those were..

    and thanks for the replies, theyre very useful o: I feel like I should make a blademaster next now, haha c:
  • Terevan - Sanctuary
    Terevan - Sanctuary Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I actually have a question about something... noobish lol xD

    What's an arcane build and fox build etc for venos? xD
    I see those used everywhere, but never really figured out what those were..

    and thanks for the replies, theyre very useful o: I feel like I should make a blademaster next now, haha c:

    Everyone was a noob at something at some point, not to worry. Pop into the Veno board and read the guides, should be a good start for you-
    b:victory -
  • ShadeKitty - Sanctuary
    ShadeKitty - Sanctuary Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Or if you are lazy I will tell ya what I know. For an "arcane" veno you have a little lee way with skills and stat points. To be an effective arcane veno, aka pure mag, I suggest you get yourself a golem, and put just enough str in to wear your newest arcane armor and weapon, and the rest pour into mag, nothing in vit, nothing in dex. Doing this you are guarenteed to have the highest damage possible. For skills you don't need to learn foxform or any of its skills until you are a high enoug level to worry about TWs, and then only max out purge and amplify damage.

    Your skills you will focus on are the ones on the left side of teh skill tree. Always upgrade Venomous Scarab, Ironwood Scarab, Blazing Scarab, Noxious Gas, Wood Mastery, and Pet Heal. Those are the ones you want to level ASAP. Other skills that are good but can be left at low levels at first are Lucky Scarab, your lvl 59 two spark AoE (the name escapes me atm), Metabolic Boost, Nature's Grace, Lending Hand (only has one level), Bramble Guard.
  • Tawarwaith - Sanctuary
    Tawarwaith - Sanctuary Posts: 391 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    What's an arcane build and fox build etc for venos? xD
    I see those used everywhere, but never really figured out what those were..

    To put it simple, the untamed race has a humanoide form and a animal form, and the 2 builds simply refer to these 2 forms:
    -arcane build = humanoide form. You'll focus on the left side of your skill tree. You are a bid like a mage with a personal pet tank. The pet takes aggro, and you use ranged magic attacks. Most wear arcane robes, but some prefer light armor. This is the most common build, and requires at least 3 magic points each lvl. Check the veno forum for more info.

    -fox build = fox form. You'll focus on the right side of your skill tree, and fight as a fox next to your pet. You'll do melee damage, and have 2 types of skills: curses that cripple the mob for several seconds, and active quick casting attacks that do add-on damage and also have a crippling effect. This build is rather rare, and if you plan on going this path, I suggest you look this thread on the veno forum: I'm playing this type of veno for a little while, and started this thread to get an idea of what build to use.
  • HolyInferno - Sanctuary
    HolyInferno - Sanctuary Posts: 767 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Pure made build and fox form build has their advantages and disadvantages, might I suggest hybrid built (vit n mag) FTW? b:chuckle
    b:bye you were all swell peoples
  • ShadeKitty - Sanctuary
    ShadeKitty - Sanctuary Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Pure made build and fox form build has their advantages and disadvantages, might I suggest hybrid built (vit n mag) FTW? b:chuckle

    Hybrids are worthless imo, good at everything, but not great at anything. I suggest go pure mag unless you have issues with getting swarmed by mobs...
  • Byno - Sanctuary
    Byno - Sanctuary Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Hybrids are worthless imo, good at everything, but not great at anything. I suggest go pure mag unless you have issues with getting swarmed by mobs...

    But pure mag is only great at one thing (damage) and bad at other things (surviving). It's all up to preference; your build helps but it's really how you play it.
  • Valshaina - Sanctuary
    Valshaina - Sanctuary Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Oh I see.. O:
    all very useful information for a noob like me lol! =)

    Ah... a few weeks ago I accidentally put like... 35 attribute points into my strength instead of magic. Because I read it wrong. x( ah, dumb.

    So now Im slowly waiting to get more attribute points for my magic.

    Yeah I'm currently mostly arcane, so thanks much for the info. =) I do focus on the left side of the skill tree already, so I'm relieved there. o:
  • ShadeKitty - Sanctuary
    ShadeKitty - Sanctuary Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    But pure mag is only great at one thing (damage) and bad at other things (surviving). It's all up to preference; your build helps but it's really how you play it.

    Surviving is a matter of skill really, I rarely die and I take fairly insane risks all the time. With venos its more how you control your pet and how aware of your surroundings you are. the only time I really die is if I'm in a party and a party member does something stupid (especially in an FB or TT), and I try to save them.
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    gades wrote: »
    Personally Tiger Maw gets to be rather worthless after about lvl 39 when you get your first really good attack no matter what skill tree you use, and so most who have been there view it as a waste of money and spirit, because believe it or not every coin and point of spirit matters. I liked draw blood until about 60 when the added DPS didn't matter as much but in the low levels its fairl good. Stream strike is just ****...BMs aren't meant to tank so we really don't need an aggro move, plus it takes like 20 chi, and adds very little extra damage, so thats why most people hate on it.


    Don't worry, I would say everybody agrees with you on the performance of those skills.

    However, I have had good results.

    Tiger maw is the quickest one single blow casting skill with low cooling period that I have availabe so far. I use it in situations in which me and the mob are almost done. whoever does a "hard blow" first wins. This situation happens to me I would say 10% of my fights with mobs.

    Since, in that situation my other skills are usually in cooling or they are also slow casting.Tiger maw is the right choice and has never failed me on that situation.

    Regarding stream strike, it has very good damage equivalent to my drake (drake does the damage quicker, stream takes more time since it is several blows in one skill). Both are upgraded to the max at my level. I actually don't like the part that sometimes atracks more mobs but that's the drawback for me.

    Drawblood, is fancy. I enjoy using this skill to finish the mob, I turn my back and he dies following me. Same as the gouls do to us.

    A good case is that if I apply drawblood and I have to run away from a mob, I can for sure return to him because it delays the healing part of the mob.

    However, since I will have better skills coming I will not upgrade them anymore.

    I do admit, I'm low in spirits due to my skill upgrades but without them I do not think I would be at this level since I do a lot of quests with no squad.
  • Yugoslav - Heavens Tear
    Yugoslav - Heavens Tear Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I'm an Archer and enjoying every bit of it - the costs are great, but so are the skills.. I usualy quest solo - died quite some times (atleast 4 times out of stupiditiy and 3 more out of a defective keyboard that i replaced), and spend most of the quest running away from mobs... but when you kill them or you see that to me still rare but frequent critical that eats away more than 75%of their HP (exception are the increased life mobs).. its hard and I often miss a party, a tank or a cleric (though most of them will buff you if you ask them politely)... the bonus is, and you know it since you've been a cleric- you can fly from early on, and therefore - more easily avoid danger..
    - sneering at the world is better than barking at it anyday -
  • HolyInferno - Sanctuary
    HolyInferno - Sanctuary Posts: 767 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Hybrids are worthless imo, good at everything, but not great at anything. I suggest go pure mag unless you have issues with getting swarmed by mobs...


    i think pure mags are easy take downs b:chuckle
    b:bye you were all swell peoples
  • ShadeKitty - Sanctuary
    ShadeKitty - Sanctuary Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited February 2009

    i think pure mags are easy take downs b:chuckle

    I admit in PvP I will likely die easily, but really, I don't PvP much, so I don't see the problem. MAYBE when I hit 90 or so I might start going light or something, but until then I'll stick with my arcane, because I like doing large amounts of damage, and I like being able to solo heal my herc against alot of bosses non-pures couldn't.

    Oh and maybe worthless is a bit too strong...I'll think of something else to call you XD
  • HolyInferno - Sanctuary
    HolyInferno - Sanctuary Posts: 767 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I admit in PvP I will likely die easily, but really, I don't PvP much, so I don't see the problem. MAYBE when I hit 90 or so I might start going light or something, but until then I'll stick with my arcane, because I like doing large amounts of damage, and I like being able to solo heal my herc against alot of bosses non-pures couldn't.

    Oh and maybe worthless is a bit too strong...I'll think of something else to call you XD

    hmmm large amounts of damage and better heal? I cannot argue with numbers since you probably have more (and i mean this as if we are same lvl) magic than me. However, exactly how much more?

    Pet heal (lvl8 2 lvl73) :430 hp + 26% magic attack. Lets (for arguement sake) say that your magic attack is around 3000 while mine is at 2750. Your pet heal = 1180, mine =1145. 35 more hp/heal is a infinitesimal amount of trade for better self sustainability imo. Also, to counterbalance for the +35, increased channeling gear.

    please insert arguement below
    b:bye you were all swell peoples
  • Sulphor - Sanctuary
    Sulphor - Sanctuary Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Personally I find a teenage Archer a ***** to quest w/ critrate to speak of and saddeningly low damage at those lvls (easily outdamaged by Clerics and Venos) and no def or hp to speak of (easily out-tanked by Barbs or Veno pets) and of course the 1/2 damage at close range, thing. So those lvls, at least, I don't like Archer all too much, for the whole 'solo quest' thing.
  • Earcher - Sanctuary
    Earcher - Sanctuary Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    love archers and embrace them
    Elfen Lied is my life
  • ShadeKitty - Sanctuary
    ShadeKitty - Sanctuary Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    hmmm large amounts of damage and better heal? I cannot argue with numbers since you probably have more (and i mean this as if we are same lvl) magic than me. However, exactly how much more?

    Pet heal (lvl8 2 lvl73) :430 hp + 26% magic attack. Lets (for arguement sake) say that your magic attack is around 3000 while mine is at 2750. Your pet heal = 1180, mine =1145. 35 more hp/heal is a infinitesimal amount of trade for better self sustainability imo. Also, to counterbalance for the +35, increased channeling gear.

    please insert arguement below

    Actually at 73, not cleric buffed and with the latest pet heal, I heal for about 1700-1800, so not really that small. But then again I also have a +4 Acalantha Wand, and alot of +mag gear. I have 44 points in str I believe, the rest is in mag (like 333 or something like that after equips) Every point in mag adds 10 to both ends of your mag attack, so it adds up after awhile. And my mag range is like 4300-4400
  • Ex3cut10ner - Sanctuary
    Ex3cut10ner - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I have a non-LA wizzy hybrid and a PK oriented archer and both do massive ammounts of dammage. Personally i reccomend these classes i very rarely die on the wizzy unless in TW even then i usually am only killed by clearics, archers and barbs. My archer is almost lvl 39 and still havent died on that. These classes may be squishy but the mobs rarely even get close enough to hit me. Wizzy hits like 4.5k ave on my lvl mobs and high crit was 23k on same lvl mob. Archer nice cuz of lots of crits.
  • Deceptistar - Sanctuary
    Deceptistar - Sanctuary Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I had elf cleric with arcane armor same as you.

    Its relatively easy as long as you watch your MP and HP. Alot of pple tend to forget their HP and run right up to the next mob and die. =/ You actually have the advantage really with your cure spells.
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    as a blademaster the only quests i've ever needed help on
    were the fb's

    I wonder if you killed on your own the 3 bosses outside of secret passage. One is a goul with minions, another I think is called Krixx and another I fogot the name.

    There are some other bosses like the elder tortoise, the bird on mountain close to silverpool and another minor boss with minions (undines look alike) also in silverpool.

    Did you kill all those on your own at the right level?

    There are some quests inside secret passage which I wonder if you completed on your own since you can only take 1 shot or two if you do those quests at the right level in which you got them.