Higher Requirements??

Coshten - Sanctuary
Coshten - Sanctuary Posts: 92 Arc User
edited February 2009 in General Discussion
I don't mean to offend anyone by this but..... is it just me or does anyone else think that they need to make higher lvl requirements for making a guild?? There are so many newbs makin guilds that there's really no point in joining one anymore... they make it to lvl 20 and run and make a guild that'll have like no more than 10 members... it downgrades the value of joining or owning a guild... >.< anyone else feel this way??
Post edited by Coshten - Sanctuary on


  • AlpineFrost - Lost City
    AlpineFrost - Lost City Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    AGREED! most aggregious!
    Ex-Waffles Director
  • MarrokBran - Heavens Tear
    MarrokBran - Heavens Tear Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I agree..my wife and I started our own because we were constantly bombarreded with offers to join this or that faction....usually during a battle with mobs. Now I get people wanting to "merge" factions. Just this weekend we were playing and another leader asked about merging our guilds..."no" I said, "we are a non-warring faction that doesnt mind helping out where we can and under 20 people in it." Note that most of our people are 40+ yo. He then stated that he wanted to start TWing. AGAIN I replied that we have ZERO intrest in TW's (thinking he missed my statement from before). He proceeded to get snippy about how I would never be able to lvl up...blah..blah. I wished him good luck and stopped replying....I think that they shouldn't let 13yo's start factions and there should be a mentallity test.
    If you want to start a faction just to get left alone and dont recruit....fine, otherwise start one and stick with it.
    mercyt's Husband ☺friendly☻ helpful ♥ non-warring faction
  • Mizorie - Lost City
    Mizorie - Lost City Posts: 598 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I don't agree to this at all. That is how strong guilds and friendship is started in games. If you were to make a guild at lvl 90+ then get a bunch of other lvls to join that guild would only be a powerful guild with high levels, all you would do is use each other to further yourselves and when you reach the point you want to leave the guild, there's nothing keeping you in that guild. Theirs no sentimental value in it, there's no memory's of fun times. there's nothing, the only reason you were in it was for the pay of TW or items. Now if you start a guild at lvl 20 and you get 10 lvl 20s in it as you said before and you play together lvl, defend off pkers, get wiped by pkers, do fbs together, pk with each other, help each other, save item drops for each other because you know so and so is needed them. Now who do you think is going to be a better guild when they reach 90+ the guild that just started and everybody is a stranger or the guild that has been together since the beginning.

    That's just my opinion.

    But I do agree with you on some points, that what I described is the rare guild and most are a bit out of control in trying to recruit and a bit too ambitious, but that happens in every game.
    Dalamaar: Mizorie you have no soul.
  • Tyraro - Sanctuary
    Tyraro - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Bran, you make me want to switch servers. I've been looking for a guild like yours for a very long time. Every guild I see spamming invites makes me wonder if they will even exist in a week or two. Or, they are a TW machine that only wants to recruit the already very established players - sure to be switching again as the TW tide ebbs and flows. Yuck. Not nearly enough people want to say "We are a nice small guild that works together for mutual support with no greater goal than to have fun."

    By the way, does your wife play as a coyote-based veno?
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I don't agree to this at all. That is how strong guilds and friendship is started in games. If you were to make a guild at lvl 90+ then get a bunch of other lvls to join that guild would only be a powerful guild with high levels, all you would do is use each other to further yourselves and when you reach the point you want to leave the guild, there's nothing keeping you in that guild. Theirs no sentimental value in it, there's no memory's of fun times. there's nothing, the only reason you were in it was for the pay of TW or items. Now if you start a guild at lvl 20 and you get 10 lvl 20s in it as you said before and you play together lvl, defend off pkers, get wiped by pkers, do fbs together, pk with each other, help each other, save item drops for each other because you know so and so is needed them. Now who do you think is going to be a better guild when they reach 90+ the guild that just started and everybody is a stranger or the guild that has been together since the beginning.

    That's just my opinion.

    I totally agree with you, before I left my previous guild I was being helped a lot by another guild in which most of the members were just couple levels above me. We help each other a lot, share the game experiences and everything.

    That's why I joined the guild they were.

    Based on this I find ridiculus when you see those messages in the chat asking you to join a guild and the requirements is to be above level 30 or 40.

    They just want you for your level, nothing else.
  • Coshten - Sanctuary
    Coshten - Sanctuary Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    You do make a very good point Mizorie... I found one of them and we were all very close... It really is wonderful if you can find something like that but chances are, you won't... I just wish that when lower lvls start their guilds then they would actually leave people alone w/ them and quit tryin to push their guild that no ones wants to join cuz their leader is still a newb and doesn't even know how most of the game even works... I eventually jus created my own because people wouldn't leave me alone either... I swear we need to be able to force people into PK at least once a day so people wouldn't be so quick to be an a** to someone for no reason (off topic, sry)...lol anyway, it just seems to me that a little higher lvl requirement would solve it all to me... like lvl 30+ or somethin... not too high...
  • Coshten - Sanctuary
    Coshten - Sanctuary Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Based on this I find ridiculus when you see those messages in the chat asking you to join a guild and the requirements is to be above level 30 or 40.

    They just want you for your level, nothing else.

    Thats why I'm talkin about STARTING a guild... I see no problem w/ joining a guild at any time while playing... Starting a guild should be another story tho... Someone who is lvl 20 hasn't gone thru pretty much anything and still has so much to learn that they can't really help anyone w/ anything unless they're lvl 15 or less... it jus seems kinda pointless and gets annoying when the newbs try to recruit other people by shoving their guild on them when it won't be around next week anyway...
  • MarrokBran - Heavens Tear
    MarrokBran - Heavens Tear Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Thanks for the kind words Tyraro.. if you come over feel free to look us up. My wife prefers the human Veno mode ( I never really asked her why she doesn't like fox mode) goes by the name of mercyt. Having fun is the whole point of this game to me, it is great lvling up and all....but it is nice to take a break from our own grinding and spend a day just going around and helping people kill their bosses and helping with their FB's. The only drawback is we dont have "high levels" to help us with our bosses....though if you camp out and help out someone will help you. Of course FB's are easy to find help for ( Thanks Radiance and their chatroom)
    Perhaps only letting the leader send invites and putting a limit on how many a day/week/level would work?
    mercyt's Husband ☺friendly☻ helpful ♥ non-warring faction
  • Stoned_Guy - Sanctuary
    Stoned_Guy - Sanctuary Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I don't mean to offend anyone by this but..... is it just me or does anyone else think that they need to make higher lvl requirements for making a guild?? There are so many newbs makin guilds that there's really no point in joining one anymore... they make it to lvl 20 and run and make a guild that'll have like no more than 10 members... it downgrades the value of joining or owning a guild... >.< anyone else feel this way??

    I agree 100%
    -Please insert coin-
  • Briegg - Sanctuary
    Briegg - Sanctuary Posts: 584 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    bad idea

    because alot of players want to have their own guild
    but if they can't create one to a higher level it may turn them off to the game
    because it's basically forcing you to join a pre-existing guild

    who cares? omg look there's a noobie guild with only ten members
    yeah? so what? how is that affecting you?
    is it really that much of a bother seeing players with more words above their names?
    get over it

    and three
    downgrades the value of joining a guild what??
    you kidding me it's not like your being forced to join the newbie guilds
    besides with more lower level guilds i'd expect it make you more motivated to join a higher level guild cause then you can say your better than them
  • Coshten - Sanctuary
    Coshten - Sanctuary Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Four: read before you post... This has already been covered... Don't even come in here jumping on me... All I did was ask people's opinion, don't be a jerk in the process... its uncalled for...
  • MarrokBran - Heavens Tear
    MarrokBran - Heavens Tear Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    bad idea

    because alot of players want to have their own guild
    but if they can't create one to a higher level it may turn them off to the game
    because it's basically forcing you to join a pre-existing guild

    who cares? omg look there's a noobie guild with only ten members
    yeah? so what? how is that affecting you?
    is it really that much of a bother seeing players with more words above their names?
    get over it

    and three
    downgrades the value of joining a guild what??
    you kidding me it's not like your being forced to join the newbie guilds
    besides with more lower level guilds i'd expect it make you more motivated to join a higher level guild cause then you can say your better than them

    I really am not against people making any faction they want. It WOULD be nice if the factions wouldnt spam people with invites and immature behavior. Never would I think anyone is better than anyone else by the faction they are in....big or small. Like anything else there are good and bad people everywhere. The ONLY problem I have is other factions pestering me about "merging" , only to get bent out of shape when turned down, like a 10yo.
    mercyt's Husband ☺friendly☻ helpful ♥ non-warring faction
  • Bobncut - Sanctuary
    Bobncut - Sanctuary Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Raising the level to start a guild seems like it is not addressing the problem. Lots of people get on this game with a group of friends. Letting them form their own guild as soon as they meet up in Archosaur seems like a very good thing. That being said, I don't understand why guild invites are not included in the list of checkables to automatically ignore. I can ignore squad or trade offers but not guild spam? Why not?
  • Warmaiden - Lost City
    Warmaiden - Lost City Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Raising the level to start a guild seems like it is not addressing the problem. Lots of people get on this game with a group of friends. Letting them form their own guild as soon as they meet up in Archosaur seems like a very good thing. That being said, I don't understand why guild invites are not included in the list of checkables to automatically ignore. I can ignore squad or trade offers but not guild spam? Why not?

    Props for making sense.
  • Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear
    Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear Posts: 722 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    hehe post a suggestion so the pw bigshots can write it on a little paper, burn it and mail the ashes to china for implimentation. (just like all the other things we really need added in the game)

    But yea, every mmo has its share of a billion useless guilds. Just blacklist ppl that annoy you with guild invites.
  • Coshten - Sanctuary
    Coshten - Sanctuary Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    haha... seriously... so many things needed and none will ever see the light of day... Like copy and paste for ingame... that would make the quest finder so much easier to use... oh well...lol guess we jus have to look at the good and if it don't over-ride the bad then we're playin the wrong game... :)