
sotsf Posts: 1 Arc User
edited February 2009 in General Discussion
Hello PW community,b:bye

This is my 1st ever mmorpg and I am slowly learning the curves of his addicting game.
I wanted to know if it was OK for players to kill steal from other players and what are the effects of it ? Example - if you see a person fighting a boss, you go right in and start hitting the boss too.
Does the original person engaging the enemy get the exp, or the kill stealer[KS] or both ?
If the enemy drops any items, can the KS grab it ?
Can the KS-er complete his quest by KS-ing the boss enemy ?

I had my shares of accidental kill stealing, specially with my long channeling spells. I usually start the fight with stone rain or divine pyrogram, but in between my long casting time, some other player usually starts to hit that enemy, specially in crowded areas b:laugh

Now the other day, I was trying to solo the boss Striped Spider King. I managed to slowly tick away his life with my spells, all the while running in a big circle. With its health almost gone, I noticed another green dot on my map following the boss, and just before I was about to kill it, this person steals my kill.

The quest showed completed after his KS but am at odds with game mechanics. At earlier levels when I was fighting the boss Kun Kun, a nearby archer KS-ed it with 2 shots (he did this more than once). That didn't make the quest in my log say that I completed it, even though it was only me who initiated the quest.
Another time, a random wizard jumped right in between my fight and started hitting kun kun.
In all these instances, there were no invites to squads or whispers asking if they can join in the fight.

So I wanted to know if its ok to do that, and if its a normal procedure in mmorpgs.
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  • TwoBlearghs - Sanctuary
    TwoBlearghs - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Yea, it's something that you'll get used to. Some people spend their entire day trying to ruin it for others. That's just how they enjoy themselves.

    All you can really do is shrug it off, and hope they get hit by a truck in rl b:victory
  • Kelebek - Sanctuary
    Kelebek - Sanctuary Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Whoever does most damage to a mob will get the credit. XP/Spirit for mobs is split based on how much damage each person did, unless you're in a party where everyone gets an equal share.

    The archer did way more damage than you against Kun Kun, so even though you initiated the fight, the mob became "his" as soon as he did more damage than you, thus it didn't complete for you.

    KS'ing is always looked down upon, but unfriendly people, and people new to the game still do it anyway. KS'ing can get you on a factions Do Not Invite list, or even their Kill on Sight list, or just barred from joining in with a faction because no one likes KS'ers. :P

    By the way, send those screenshots to Unity officers, he will probably be kicked out, or at least punished, if Unity care...
  • Leafen - Sanctuary
    Leafen - Sanctuary Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    wow, what a meanie...b:angry
  • MoonRider - Sanctuary
    MoonRider - Sanctuary Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    wow, what a meanie...b:angry

    When you discover something new in real life, you spent few years doing research, writing up theorys, and the day before you publish it, someone stole your work and publish under HIS name.

    What would you do?
  • bluewater
    bluewater Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    If your a mage you should have less of that problem. I have one myself and she has never been ks, normally. My bm on the other hand has been ks'd way more times around the 20's (the higher levels not so much). The only time my mage got ks was during kun kun and I got ks by every single class during my 1 hour of trying to kill him. There are people out there like that, nothing to do but get use to it.
  • peregryn
    peregryn Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    As others have stated, Kill Stealing is frowned upon (Ironically even by those who do it themselves). Your example of long casting times, or long skill animations for any class, can have it happen 'by accident' and most will accept that (unless you make a habit of doing it). In short, It is NOT ok.

    However, like so many things, and like others have mentioned. There are those who will do it anyway. Some will do it just to be cruel, there are people like that in every area of life. Some will do it because it is a game and it has no real world consequences. And some will doubtless do it because it was done to them and they wish to 'get even'.

    Be cautioned depending on your server they might even be doing it to tempt you to PvP someone out of your range.
    Perhaps the greatest secret to getting along with others lies in learning to respect their opinion(s) even while you disagree with them.
  • jemima
    jemima Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Drops generally go to whoever does the most damage, XP/Spirit is split roughly along the lines of damage dealt.
    Quest item, and counting the kill for a quest tends to go to the person who first hit it, although I think a couple of quest drops go to the last hitter, and if you deal significantly more damage you can sometimes get the credit, usually on bosses.
  • Leafen - Sanctuary
    Leafen - Sanctuary Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    When you discover something new in real life, you spent few years doing research, writing up theorys, and the day before you publish it, someone stole your work and publish under HIS name.

    What would you do?

    I was actually sympathizing with sotsf.

    I have had the same done to me many times, as said above, you can only shrug it off. :(
  • Icy Ragnarok - Sanctuary
    Icy Ragnarok - Sanctuary Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I havent been able to yet kill Kun Kun because of this.
    Everyone seems to just attack it, as soon as I do. Usually the same person, every now and again. Then I get a Veno or some other Support Class to help kill surrounding Mobs for me, (to prevent Aggro). And it all goes well, until someone KS' as I start chasing it >.>...

    I really do not understand why people would.
    Because I know that they would not like it if people did it to them, so why do it to others? ._." I just... Don't... Understand...

    But yes, it is Normal Procedure. Even in MMO's where you cannot attack the same target when outside a party. Usually then, people will Attack everything around you, especially when you start charging for your target and attacking it before you. Thereby, you missing a kill.
  • sotsf
    sotsf Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Hi again, thanks for the replies. I guess every silver lining has a dark cloud.

    Another incident happened today, this wasn't anything serious. An archer came and melee killed a normal enemy which I already was fighting and was near death. To give him the benefit of the doubt I wanted to know if he knew what he did.



    I guess he comes under the category of "Some will do it because it is a game and it has no real world consequences". As mentioned previously by Peregryn b:victory
  • Purple - Lost City
    Purple - Lost City Posts: 206 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    "Some will do it because it is a game and it has no real world consequences"
    I love Lost City....Turns it into...
    "Some will do it, be eaten by a Foxwing, and learn there are real Perfect World consequences"b:shy
    Wall sniping, ninja tree magic, and medium range artillery. Whine less, please. b:lipcurl
  • Coviana - Sanctuary
    Coviana - Sanctuary Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Yeah, there are plenty of people for whom the only enjoyment they get out of the game is ruining it for others. In my experience, that's the essence of what PVP is all about - which is why i don't participate in it. Unfortunately, even in non-PVP, griefers will always find a way to disrupt the game for others.
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Yeah, there are plenty of people for whom the only enjoyment they get out of the game is ruining it for others. In my experience, that's the essence of what PVP is all about - which is why i don't participate in it. Unfortunately, even in non-PVP, griefers will always find a way to disrupt the game for others.

    I always figured multiplayer games should set up something similar to bait cars. For those that don't know, bait cars are cars parked by police and set up to look easy to steal. Car thief comes and steals it, and is immediately nabbed by police. Usually they're set up with video cameras inside to document the crime.

    So in the game you set an official policy that certain behaviors can earn you a ban. Hire some GMs to play as regular players - no way to distinguish them from regular players (they can change their name, appearance, etc). If someone exhibits idiotic behavior towards them (all documented with logging and video), instant account ban. I think just the threat of that would go a long way towards cutting down bad behavior people think they can get away with just because there are no RL consequences.
  • saidje
    saidje Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Kill stealing can happen by accident, and does a lot. Most players will apologize.

    However there are circumstances where you see the idiot running over WHILE you're bashing away and they STILL KS.

    In regular play it's easy to avoid them - go do something else - log for 20 minutes, farm mats, level a pet, etc., etc.

    Doing a boss it sucks. I try to help folks when I pass by if they're having trouble. My veno and pet hits pretty hard (50+) so if we squad they get the quest, although it may suck for XP for them. Better than hanging around an hour waiting though when you can move on and get XP elsewhere.

    These KS'ing players are griefers - no doubt about it.

    In a game like this, where there are PVE and PVP servers, I look at it this way...

    These are the guys/gals who pissed their pants in fright on PVP servers and came over to PVE as they couldn't stand the heat on PVP.

    You would probably rarely find them dueling - except maybe lower levels so they can feel good about beating someone. I expect if their own level challenged them to a duel many would "have to log off" suddenly.

    I really doubt that many of them really know what they are doing and are a liability to their faction and/or squads.

    Unfortunately on a PVE server there is nothing you can do but pity them for the terrified cowards they are.

    Not much to help you here, just my random thoughts on the subject.

    Having a high post count doesn't make you anything in the game.
    Unless you're attempting to kiss up to a GM and you KNOW what that makes you
    . :D
  • DeOso - Lost City
    DeOso - Lost City Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Here is the easiest solution by my take: PK them. Problem solved.

    Obviously, this is only on a pvp server, after lvl 29...
  • Tawarwaith - Sanctuary
    Tawarwaith - Sanctuary Posts: 391 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    When people kill steal, they usually know what they are doing. Maybe not before lvl 20, but after that, you can be sure they just want to **** you of.
    Something that can happen by accident is that 2 players give their first hit at the same time. That happens a lot to me when there are mages around, because I'm a melee class. I start running at a mob, and the mage already started channeling (they often use a big opening spell), which means that neither of us can stop before we dealt the first blow. The problem is when I flesh realmed it, because the mob will stay on me, and the mage does more damage, wich usually is the case for I'm a tank build barb.

    Usually, when I see a player(s) struggling with some (for me) lower lvl boss, I just send an invite. If they accept I join, if not I move on. This way I'm sure they want my help, and that I won't steall their kill.