I DONT KNOW WHICH ONE.......Light or Full magic....HELP

XxRHONX_xX - Sanctuary
XxRHONX_xX - Sanctuary Posts: 7 Arc User
edited February 2009 in Cleric
b:shockedive seen lots of people that says light is good then there is bad....but when i tried to do a full magic cleric i die often ......this is making me dizzy...lol...HELP
Post edited by XxRHONX_xX - Sanctuary on


  • Conce - Heavens Tear
    Conce - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    so, not to discourage u,but full mag cleric requires u to pay much attention and have fats reaction skills if u want to be succesful.So if ur not hardcore gamer who will do anything to try to succeed, i do not recommend this build for u. AS for ur question, full mag owns light any day.
    "Always Outnumbered,Never Outgunned." + "For You My Lover,Pa Que Te Enamores" Co7Vc3 <3 El Romance Letal <3 *Director of CareBears ~ Harshlands*
  • Raviste - Heavens Tear
    Raviste - Heavens Tear Posts: 288 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I'm a full MAG build. XD; Essentially I'm a glass cannon who breaks extremely easily, but with attack power superior to that of a Light Armor cleric. I'm mostly PvE-based, though, so I can't speak on the PvP aspect. LA clerics would probably do better in PvP due to their greater physical defense.

    I guess it all depends on whether you like seeing big numbers versus mobs or whether you like being alive in PvP battles.

    Retired - Radiance
  • Kathar - Lost City
    Kathar - Lost City Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I guess it all depends on whether you like seeing big numbers versus mobs or whether you like being alive in PvP battles.

    As a light arm EP I couldn't agree with you more.

    Full Mag for PvE rocks... I miss my PvE...
  • Nelae - Heavens Tear
    Nelae - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    If you want to live more, you can do a semi vit build and try adding hp gems in your armor. Still better then going light.
    Tho like they said if you go full mag, youll have to play smart.
    I have full mag cleric and dose a great dmg, and even isnt so bad in PvP if you play smart there too b:victory
  • LightofNight - Lost City
    LightofNight - Lost City Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    If you want to live more, you can do a semi vit build and try adding hp gems in your armor. Still better then going light.
    Tho like they said if you go full mag, youll have to play smart.
    I have full mag cleric and dose a great dmge, and even isnt so bad in PvP if you play smart there too b:victory

    How is this better than LA? The VIT you add could be put into STR and DEX and net you an extra 30% physical defense at the cost of a mere 6% magic defense. True, you have less VIT, but think about when an archer crits you for 4.5-5k, that is when the extra 30% physical defense. Also, the VIT build and LA build have the same attack/healing power. I do admit that I do not have much experience with either of the builds, so most of this is based off of what people have told me. Also, putting HP stones in your LA gets you the extra HP. So, for me at least, it is a win-win situation. Dont forget, you always have to play smart with ranged classes in this game, they are very fragile.
    I am Your Light. Without me, You are nothing. Your Fate rests within My hands. Thus, You can never escape Me. So Be It.
  • Nelae - Heavens Tear
    Nelae - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Vs an archer havin extar anything for clercis is usless really.
    And going light armor means ways less dmg you do, and you will get pked ^^.
    To explain that fact, youll have a poor mp pool and do with every lv less dmg then a vit build.
    And you can allways resstats yous self to LA when time for TW/pkin will be needed.

    But going on a vit build + actually knowing how to play a cleric is my best choice.
    And any one has a right to choose how to play, i found my best way b:thanks
  • XxRHONX_xX - Sanctuary
    XxRHONX_xX - Sanctuary Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    thx guys but i have made a LA cleric and will try to experiment with that.........but i picked it because in the future i want to participate in TW.............Also a great defense is a great offenseb:pleased
  • Shaye - Lost City
    Shaye - Lost City Posts: 353 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Vs an archer havin extar anything for clercis is usless really.
    And going light armor means ways less dmg you do, and you will get pked ^^.
    To explain that fact, youll have a poor mp pool and do with every lv less dmg then a vit build.
    And you can allways resstats yous self to LA when time for TW/pkin will be needed.

    But going on a vit build + actually knowing how to play a cleric is my best choice.
    And any one has a right to choose how to play, i found my best way b:thanks

    Quite frankly, the more you speak, the stupider you sound.
  • Mysticlifex - Heavens Tear
    Mysticlifex - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,175 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Arcane Full attack cleric.. anytime hands down clerics have a good survival rate just Ironheart pre battle
    We're MysticAve my name is not Dave
    (Poem in the making - Shall be epic)
  • ZadirZex - Lost City
    ZadirZex - Lost City Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Arcane Full attack cleric.. anytime hands down clerics have a good survival rate just Ironheart pre battle

    What good is Ironheart if you die in 1 hit? Even if you subscribe to the theory that full int clerics are great at PvP because they have the potential to kill their enemy before they even hit them, that still only applies to 1 vs 1 PvP situations. As soon as you increase the number of people in the fight, the full int cleric runs into trouble.

    Full Int clerics are good for PvE only and even then it's debatable. Full Int clerics are good for grinding because they kill faster, but can be a liability in FB's and HH. I just partied with a level 77 full int cleric in HH 1-3 the other day and he was 1 shotted by the drum boss and mirror boss when they were down to about 20% health. Granted, there are ways around this. Adding HP gems and refining your armor to add boatloads of health, but this all costs a good deal of money. So the advantage of a vitality build is not just that it's more survivable, but also that it's cheaper to play effectively. There's built in cushion.
  • Kathar - Lost City
    Kathar - Lost City Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    What good is Ironheart if you die in 1 hit? Even if you subscribe to the theory that full int clerics are great at PvP because they have the potential to kill their enemy before they even hit them, that still only applies to 1 vs 1 PvP situations. As soon as you increase the number of people in the fight, the full int cleric runs into trouble.

    Full Int clerics are good for PvE only and even then it's debatable. Full Int clerics are good for grinding because they kill faster, but can be a liability in FB's and HH. I just partied with a level 77 full int cleric in HH 1-3 the other day and he was 1 shotted by the drum boss and mirror boss when they were down to about 20% health. Granted, there are ways around this. Adding HP gems and refining your armor to add boatloads of health, but this all costs a good deal of money. So the advantage of a vitality build is not just that it's more survivable, but also that it's cheaper to play effectively. There's built in cushion.

    Could not have said it better myself...
  • Azerandus - Sanctuary
    Azerandus - Sanctuary Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    How is this better than LA? The VIT you add could be put into STR and DEX and net you an extra 30% physical defense at the cost of a mere 6% magic defense. True, you have less VIT, but think about when an archer crits you for 4.5-5k, that is when the extra 30% physical defense. Also, the VIT build and LA build have the same attack/healing power. I do admit that I do not have much experience with either of the builds, so most of this is based off of what people have told me. Also, putting HP stones in your LA gets you the extra HP. So, for me at least, it is a win-win situation. Dont forget, you always have to play smart with ranged classes in this game, they are very fragile.

    A partial vit build allows you to add vit only when you feel you need it. If you go LA, you're pretty much stuck pumping 1 str, 1 dex and 3 mag every level.

    For the partial vit build it could be that you chose to add 3 vit every 4 levels. Then with 2 str for four levels for the arcane armour, that leaves 15 to add to mag where LA would only get 12 mag every four levels. It's not really that much of a difference to start, but eventually every little bit helps.

  • ZadirZex - Lost City
    ZadirZex - Lost City Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    A partial vit build allows you to add vit only when you feel you need it. If you go LA, you're pretty much stuck pumping 1 str, 1 dex and 3 mag every level.

    For the partial vit build it could be that you chose to add 3 vit every 4 levels. Then with 2 str for four levels for the arcane armour, that leaves 15 to add to mag where LA would only get 12 mag every four levels. It's not really that much of a difference to start, but eventually every little bit helps.


    I was running a 7/2/1 (magic/vit/str) build up until yesterday when I switched over to light armor. I had 272 in magic before and I have 245 now. I still kill butterflies in 4 hits (Wield Thunder, Cyclone, Plume, Cyclone), but I critical a lot more now, so my kill rate has actually increased. The actual damage is slightly lower, but we're talking a couple hundred damage, so not too much. I'm not at home now to look at the actual stats, but I think my magic attack went down about 200-250.

    I had 3299 HP with my robe armor. I had a lot of +HP gear for my robes. All sockets filled with citrines. I have 3040 HP now with the light armor. The griefing sorrow chest and dark pants of hades have HP magical mods built in. I put 2 average citrines in those pieces and 2 in my helm. Then I +2's all my armor. So I had to spend a good deal of money to get my health back to where it was.

    The real world difference on the armor is astounding. I went from 22% phys resist to 50%. Magical went from 66% to 61%, which is almost nothing. In HH 1-3 runs the mirror and drum boss would start ticking my hiero when they got to ~20% health. (For those that don't know, those bosses use AoE skills started at 50% health and the damage on the skills goes up as the boss's HP gets lower. ) Now with light armor, my hiero never even ticks. It's really nice! Also, the archers in HH 1-3, used to hit me for 1800, which could tick my heiro. Now they only hit for 1200ish.

    Haven't had a chance to do any 1 vs 1 PvPing yet, but I did some informal dueling while waiting for people to arrive for an FB. Took down 2 different blademasters (lvl 80 and lvl 77) pretty easy. They used to kill me while in my robes when we would duel. I would say I'm definitely a big light armor convert!
  • Rundora - Lost City_1243871147
    Rundora - Lost City_1243871147 Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Quite frankly, the more you speak, the stupider you sound.

    Clercis is support class so can never maek a death on archar! Going on better character like venomencer is better i have found my best choice!
  • Azerandus - Sanctuary
    Azerandus - Sanctuary Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I was running a 7/2/1 (magic/vit/str) build up until yesterday when I switched over to light armor. I had 272 in magic before and I have 245 now. I still kill butterflies in 4 hits (Wield Thunder, Cyclone, Plume, Cyclone), but I critical a lot more now, so my kill rate has actually increased. The actual damage is slightly lower, but we're talking a couple hundred damage, so not too much. I'm not at home now to look at the actual stats, but I think my magic attack went down about 200-250.

    I had 3299 HP with my robe armor. I had a lot of +HP gear for my robes. All sockets filled with citrines. I have 3040 HP now with the light armor. The griefing sorrow chest and dark pants of hades have HP magical mods built in. I put 2 average citrines in those pieces and 2 in my helm. Then I +2's all my armor. So I had to spend a good deal of money to get my health back to where it was.

    The real world difference on the armor is astounding. I went from 22% phys resist to 50%. Magical went from 66% to 61%, which is almost nothing. In HH 1-3 runs the mirror and drum boss would start ticking my hiero when they got to ~20% health. (For those that don't know, those bosses use AoE skills started at 50% health and the damage on the skills goes up as the boss's HP gets lower. ) Now with light armor, my hiero never even ticks. It's really nice! Also, the archers in HH 1-3, used to hit me for 1800, which could tick my heiro. Now they only hit for 1200ish.

    Haven't had a chance to do any 1 vs 1 PvPing yet, but I did some informal dueling while waiting for people to arrive for an FB. Took down 2 different blademasters (lvl 80 and lvl 77) pretty easy. They used to kill me while in my robes when we would duel. I would say I'm definitely a big light armor convert!
    Very interesting. I am going 7/2/1 for the build like you were. Would you say it's worth it to switch to LA at the lower levels (I'm level 36) or should I just continue down this path until my 80s?
  • Nelae - Heavens Tear
    Nelae - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Quite frankly, the more you speak, the stupider you sound.

    What makes you so smart?
    Your lv 83?
    I just want to know what ty ^^
  • ZadirZex - Lost City
    ZadirZex - Lost City Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Very interesting. I am going 7/2/1 for the build like you were. Would you say it's worth it to switch to LA at the lower levels (I'm level 36) or should I just continue down this path until my 80s?

    I was full int until 59, then I started adding vitality (while ignoring magic completely) until I got my stats close to 7/2/1. Having higher intelligence is much better early on because it lets you kill things before they even get to you, so you don't really need the health. Also means you waste less mana, which is a huge problem for clerics early on. If you kill something in 3 hits instead of 4, you save 25% mana! More int also increases your regen rate slightly while meditating.

    The reason I waited until 59 to start pumping vit and ignoring magic was I got my HH60 weapon at level 60! There's such a huge jump in damage from using the weapon, you don't notice the drop off from not increasing your magic. Plus mobs at this level start taking more and more hits to kill anyway, so you need the health to stand there and tank a couple of hits.

    So my recommendation for you would be to go 9/1 int/str all the way until 60ish just to maximize your damage and your leveling speed. I don't think going light armor is really worth it until 78 when you can wear both the Dark Pants of Hades and the Armor of Griefing sorrow. Both are fairly cheap light armor molds with huge built in health mods. Health is the weakness of the light armor build. I'm also starting to notice as I do the level 81 quests, a lot of the mobs do physical damage, so the light armor has made it so much easier. Not many mobs in the 60-80 range do physical damage, so robes are better in that level range.
  • Keyne - Heavens Tear
    Keyne - Heavens Tear Posts: 202 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Thanks Zadir! I have been looking for good info on when to switch to light armor. i started off as 6/3/1 and have switched to going full int as of level 40 to try to get more damage for solo grinding (which I dont do very often b:pleased )