Light Armor Support Cleric? D:

noes Posts: 5 Arc User
edited January 2009 in Cleric
hii, was just wondering if a light armor cleric (1 str, 1 dex & 3 mag per level) with +vit equips and hp shards socketed would be a decent build for pvp (mainly tw) / pve (support & solo play) or will that gimp our heal too much & not be able to keep the tank alive even with stacked ironheart?

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  • Metraze - Sanctuary
    Metraze - Sanctuary Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Well, I'm not a Light Armour Cleric or a PvP player, so I can't comment too much. What I can give you is some numbers to consider. If you read Cayeon's guide on FAC's he did some calculations: Light Armour (I think it was at level 70) does about 85% of the damage of a Full MAG build.

    So that's roughly the difference you're looking at - up to you whether it's significant or not.

    Note that Cayeon was looking at damage - if you're talking healing, I've noticed that healing spells have a larger fixed component - for me, Ironheart is about 2/3 fixed, and 1/3 Magic attack. Cyclone is about 1/2 fixed, 1/2 Magic attack. In other words, the difference will be a bit smaller for healing then it is for damage, so from a support perspective, MAG isn't quite as important.

    Another point to consider is that by going Light Armour, you have very little leeway to add any VIT (at least without using equipment below your level). I don't want to get the debate going in yet another thread ... so just note that some people feel strongly that VIT is required for PvP and leave it at that. With a VIT build (1STR/3VIT/6MAG every 2 levels) and Arcane Armour you'd have the exact same MAG (and therefor healing/damage) as a Light Armour build, but a lot more HP.

    Hopefully that helps a bit ...
  • Yuriko - Lost City
    Yuriko - Lost City Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    While the int thing really does gimp your damage and your healing power, light armor is far from being bad at support or pvp. I am currently lvl 76 light armor ep, and no one has ever complained about my heals. I have a grand total of 3 vit statted (took 2 points out with a restat scroll) and I still have 2.7k hp because I have good equips. The downfall to being light armor is, you're easily taken out by mages, and higher level mobs tend to be magic based. The upside is, if the tank loses agro, dies, or if you pull something accidentally, you won't die like a full mag cleric would 80% of the time. This has gotten me many compliments on being a good support cleric simply because you can't heal or ress the tank if you are dead, and often times you are the only cleric in the party so if you die, you have to make the party wait for you to run back to wherever it was you died. Light armor also makes archers, bms, and barbs a lot easier to deal with pvp-wise.
  • ZegtheDoc - Heavens Tear
    ZegtheDoc - Heavens Tear Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Thanks for this input... I have been working a light armor build bc it made sense to me for survivability in PvE, and was having a dickens of a time getting some decent input on the topic. I am a support/solo PvE'er mainly, and spend most of my time playing with family and friends, and some soloing. The light build with HP sockets seemed like the more versatile route to take. The damage output is not a huge concern of mine, while survivability/utility is. Thanks for the info!
  • Oishasan - Sanctuary
    Oishasan - Sanctuary Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I'm currently a full mag support cleric.
    I truly wanted to go the light armor route, but once I found
    that dex doesn't affect criticals on heals (or heal criticals do not exist)
    I chose to go arcane.
    If that changes, I would definitely go that route, for it would make light armor much more viable for a support cleric.
    Especially in PvP.
    But w/o healing crits, I think you give up too much.
    Light Armor build, Support Cleric

    Barbarian, feral build

    Arcane Veno
    Beetle Wrangler
  • Oishasan - Sanctuary
    Oishasan - Sanctuary Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Since this posting I actually changed my mind, considering our main heal is a HoT and couldn't crit.

    Also considering our buffs (as Support build) would become increasingly beneficial to a light armor build.

    So far the additional criticals have helped tremendously, being support build my DDs have taken a big hit. (full heals, buffs, regen, and revive does that)

    And the light armor really takes well to the buffs, where the arcane had minimal effect.
    Light Armor build, Support Cleric

    Barbarian, feral build

    Arcane Veno
    Beetle Wrangler
  • luckiifeather
    luckiifeather Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    wah ty SOOO much for the info~~!!>X3
    since reading this i decided to become a LA cleric-^^-

    but one problem..><''

    it might jst be mi but at lvl 19--->>
    with no added points into VIT...~~
    its realli hard to solo those longhorned carapests west of Plume..~~
    i need to kill 30 of them from a quest i got from the priest...-^^-

    but ive only killed 5 of them nd ive died 3 times already~~!!TT__TTb:cry
    should i try and find a party~?o.o'
    and can anyone pls tell mi if this is gonna get harder/easier/stay the same as i lvl up~~??o.o''
    any input would be much MUCH appreciated~~!!b:laugh
  • CyberMagix - Heavens Tear
    CyberMagix - Heavens Tear Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Its not just you. I delayed doing that quest until i was level 30+ as those things hurt too much.
    Its gets easier once you get your Trial Wand a.k.a blue weapon.
    Your damage rises dramatically after that.
    And it should be pretty smooth riding from then=)
    Level 40+ you might encounter some problems as the quests requires you to fight phy attack mobs but then i think you can live with itb:pleased
  • luckiifeather
    luckiifeather Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    i c i c~~!!
    ty so much~~!!-^0^-
    im gonna have another go at em since im lvl 22 nw-^^-
    (exp and spirit looks so tempting)
    wish mi luck~~!!^__^
  • Hm_volluto - Lost City
    Hm_volluto - Lost City Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Light Armor Cleric = Fail vs Robe Cleric

    - Lower Hp
    - No use for Dex
    - Less Resistance to Mag
    - Lower Dmg
    - Plume Shell takes care of your phy def for most cases.
    - You still lose to BM/WBs if they stun and play smart

    Light Armor is ideal for archers, different BM builds (e.g. fist), venos until 90, and mages.
  • Kathar - Lost City
    Kathar - Lost City Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Light Armor Cleric = Fail vs Robe Cleric

    - Lower Hp
    - No use for Dex
    - Less Resistance to Mag
    - Lower Dmg
    - Plume Shell takes care of your phy def for most cases.
    - You still lose to BM/WBs if they stun and play smart

    Light Armor is ideal for archers, different BM builds (e.g. fist), venos until 90, and mages.

    Not really... I was a robe cleric (full int) till lvl 80 when I went light, so I have some experience with both types. I have to say FULL INT CLERICS ROCK FOR PvE but they are very hard to play well for PvP. I restated at 80 so that I could survive longer in TW and I don't regret it one bit. (also getting a lvl 80 gold set is MILLIONS cheaper going light as compared to robe) Now to respond to this post point by point:

    1. I have 3.6k hp unbuffed 4.7k with buff... This is higher than full int robe clerics, though it was expensive (refine+2 and 3 lvl 5 HP stones in all EQ)

    2. Dex is useful but only for crits... Is it really worth it to go light for an extra 4% crit at my lvl? no, but that is not the only reason to go light.

    3. yes I gave up 6% magic def to gain 30% p def, thats a worthwhile trade to me. Remember def isn't about the number you see but the % reduced you see when you mouse over it. I lost 2k in m def # but only lost 6% dmg reduce.

    4. The lower damage SUCKS for PvE. This is why I miss my full int EP a bit, grinding takes much much longer... But for PvP almost no difference. Remember PvP damage and PvE damage are not the same.

    5. Plume shell is AWESOME if you remember to use it. However having the extra p def keeps you from getting one shotted if surprised...

    6. If you are evenly matched and another player plays smarter than you you will lose regardless...

    Now to be honest I plan on restating to full con robe at lvl 90, the set bonuses are too good to pass up. But for now LA is perfect for me.
  • LightofNight - Lost City
    LightofNight - Lost City Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Alright I did some calculating and here is what I
    have for a lvl 60 VIT/Robe cleric vs. a LA cleric:
    (note that these numbers are far from real they are just proving a point).

    Cleric 1= VIT/robe (has 95 VIT at lvl 60 and
    all pdef waist and neckwear).
    Cleric 2= LA (has 5 VIT at lvl 60).

    Cleric 1 has say, 2.9k hp unbuffed.
    Cleric 2 has say, 2k hp unbuffed.

    Say Cleric 1's pdef reduces damage taken by 20%.
    Say Cleric 2's pdef reduces damage taken by 50%.

    Say the mob hits for 1k damage.
    Cleric 1 takes 800 damage.
    Cleric 2 takes 500 damage.

    In the end Cleric 1 has 2.1k hp left and Cleric 2 has
    1.5k hp left.

    Some people will say that a dead cleric cant heal
    (usually LA Clerics), true, but if the mob/boss is
    magical, Cleric 1 comes out on top yet again.

    So, as it seems Robes are the better choice; now I will
    not get into TW because I know nothing of it.

    For PvP(PK), The higher HP of the Robe Cleric makes it
    harder to kill.

    Note again that these numbers are not at all real,
    they are just here to prove a point.

    If there is anything i got wrong, just let me know and I
    will be more that happy to fix it.
    I am Your Light. Without me, You are nothing. Your Fate rests within My hands. Thus, You can never escape Me. So Be It.
  • Shaye - Lost City
    Shaye - Lost City Posts: 353 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    For one thing, you're looking at LA clerics' performance in PvP as well as PvE. Most of the replies to this thread are comparing LA clerics with full int clerics. Full int is not a viable build for PvP, since if you're fighting anyone halfway decent, they'll be focusing you first. Full int doesn't have the survivability to do very much in mass PvP and TW.

    Another thing... looking at numbers, stats, percentages, LA does seem quite weak in comparison to robes. However, in real scenarios, you need the pdef from LA more than the mdef you're sacrificing. Personally, I almost never get attacked by wizards or actual venos in TW -- only archers and pheonixes, the occasional blademaster. If you're really worried about mdef, buy a cheap robe set (I use rank gear) and carry it around in your inventory so you can switch out if you're fighting a lot of mages.

    Your heal power will not be any different from a vit cleric's. Your stats should be 1 str, 1 agi, 3 magic per level. A vit cleric is probably going to be 2 vit, 3 magic. Against a full int cleric though, yes, the heal power will be noticeable. You are quite capable of healing well, still, unless you're using a ridiculous tank or you're just bad.

    I have been thinking about restatting to vit robes, considering I do have plume shell and the HP is quite sexy. I heard LA gets better after 90 though, with the insane vit bonus the HH90 green set gives. ;o
  • complexx
    complexx Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Shaye's a amazing EP, She does a amazing job when we aoe.

    Sinnerz Lost City PvP.
  • Shaye - Lost City
    Shaye - Lost City Posts: 353 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    complexx wrote: »
    Shaye's a amazing EP, She does a amazing job when we aoe.

    I pull so much hate though!

    I think I need more Eh?! ;D You know what that means!
  • complexx
    complexx Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I pull so much hate though!

    I think I need more Eh?! ;D You know what that means!

    More head for me :3

    Sinnerz Lost City PvP.
  • Kathar - Lost City
    Kathar - Lost City Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    For PvE full int is great! But for PvP it is not imo. I say you redo thta analysis and pretend it is an archer shooting you with crit. make the numbers more like archer hits 3-4.5k. That is where the 50% reduce gets more important, PvP not PvE.
  • LightofNight - Lost City
    LightofNight - Lost City Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    For PvE full int is great! But for PvP it is not imo. I say you redo thta analysis and pretend it is an archer shooting you with crit. make the numbers more like archer hits 3-4.5k. That is where the 50% reduce gets more important, PvP not PvE.

    Oh, wow I didn't realize that. In that case, LA is MUCH better. ^_^
    I am Your Light. Without me, You are nothing. Your Fate rests within My hands. Thus, You can never escape Me. So Be It.
  • Nelae - Heavens Tear
    Nelae - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    you are lv19, go full int or vit, cause you wont be pking or doing any TW so soon my m8 and you will want to lv up as fast as you can, later on buy restats scrolls and go LA
  • Kathar - Lost City
    Kathar - Lost City Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    you are lv19, go full int or vit, cause you wont be pking or doing any TW so soon my m8 and you will want to lv up as fast as you can, later on buy restats scrolls and go LA

    Totally agree...
  • Oishasan - Sanctuary
    Oishasan - Sanctuary Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    This cleric is full support and Light Armor, because I 2-box him.

    I cannot tell you how many times being LA with his buffs have saved his **** before I have noticed him being beat on and could get back to him in time.

    (why isn't there a 'self-target' key...)

    Also, because all his points are spent in support, very little is on DDs, so the LA build does offer that crit when he does DD every so often (which isn't often at all, considering he would be debuffing physiclal resist before using DD...another good reason to be LA)
    Light Armor build, Support Cleric

    Barbarian, feral build

    Arcane Veno
    Beetle Wrangler