Making signatures free.

Stabbie - Heavens Tear
Stabbie - Heavens Tear Posts: 11 Arc User
edited February 2009 in The Fanatics Forum
ok heres a gallery from like a year ago ( ive gotten alot better ) but i dont have a current gallery,
Need a couple things to make the sig:
~ a picture of course, you can do screenshots of your character, landscpaes etc. or you can just google a cool looking pic. or has a ton of great renders
~ a color scheme ( red and black , green and white , pink and black and so on. )
~ a theme, like dull, foggy , bright etc.
~ the size, pwi doesnt allow very large signature my current is 400 x 100 thats probaly the easiest to work with
~ and about a day to make it :P
Post edited by Stabbie - Heavens Tear on


  • Russian_soul - Lost City
    Russian_soul - Lost City Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    i want one
    name : russian_soul
    faction: wolfblade
    colours : blue silver
  • KaiKaname - Heavens Tear
    KaiKaname - Heavens Tear Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    could u have me 1 that wit finfal fantasy 13 or Black cat i dont care much color just put my char name KaiKaname bro ^^ b:laugh
  • Demodude - Sanctuary
    Demodude - Sanctuary Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    k heres mine. (the picture)

    red and black color scheme

    400X100 size

    theme: a kinda demonic one, but not like goth

    and one more thing. how do i make it my sig? where do i go?

    thanks a lot!!
    demodude-BM level 4x (currently 44)-TheRomans executor
    barb-being made soon (what preset should i make? i think im going panda)
    TheRomans guild recruiting 40+ any class pm me or SRAFF in game
  • Isathara - Sanctuary
    Isathara - Sanctuary Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited February 2009

    Color Scheme: Orange and Black

    Theme: Glow / Grunge

    Size: 400 x 100 is fine, thanks! =)

    Thanks in ADVAANCE! >=)
    [Luminary] Is looking for members, and I'm looking for friends! <3 -PM Me In game!-