lvl 60+ Veno pvp guild that works for all class

ll00 Posts: 5 Arc User
edited January 2009 in Venomancer
Veno is the cheapest class to use in the game. It can also be the most powerful if you know how to use it. Here is a guide on how fight against other class that work. You be able to take on char your lvl and a few lvl higher This should only be use when you are 60+

equipment: 3/4 light 1/4 magic and hp head gear. Higher mag def then archer. Also higher phy def in fox mode. ( hint: the boot and wrist guard offer little with their main stat but their bonus can double their stat while the main stat on the shirt and pants gives much more then their bonus). Weapon should be up to date. Armor will keep you alive long enough against mage and melee for you to use the skill needed to win.

skill: fox and mage skill. ( I let you decide through experiment since both is require) (hint: the first 2 mage skill should be max, leech should be up to date, and the other important stuff.)

pet: fly with flesh skill. This guy is aim at the majority of veno who does not have the herc and nix pet.

guild will assume both of you notice each other at the same time

against archer: go really close to them before att they might get 1 att at you but if you are close enough it will be 1.3 or 1/2 damage. If you are going for a red name go in from the sky. Point of battle to let your fly do most of the work and stay close to them. It also mean you have to heal your fly if they att it. They won't 2 hit you when you are next to them. In fact, it will take a couple of hit even if they stun you. Be sure to use leech and switch you health when it gets near 25%. debuff if they burst. If they have charm, then buy enough time for 2 chi and switch back to human and use the 2 chi skill that give 75% def reduction skill. Be sure to have full health when switch back. then fight in your human form using magic att

Against tank: most tank won't be in tiger form since they think you are weak. If they are far away get a mage skill in first. debuff them first. then get their acc down. the point of battle is to take damage, but slowly. reflect damage would be your skill to victory. leech a lot because more health means more damage for them. leech, mist, then run a little would be fine too until leech cooldown. switch health when needed. If they have charm dont bother because if you have charm too then you be fighting like that until someone comes or you might be able to do it if you have full chi in human form 75% damage reduce skill). They low accur will be their downfall.

Against Bm: vigor crush them or debuff them (only one unless you have a lot of exp with veno). same way of fighting tank but much faster. What you need to worry for is that Bm have more stun and they are fast to get to you. Reflecting will the most of the damage here as well. leech and switch health. Point of battle is reflect damage. Since it ignore phy def, you will win if you have more health then them assuming that you and you pet do some damage to them. Ax built means less accur, swords means weaker att, spear means a little trouble. Bm can also heal themselves.

Against mage: cleric and wiz might try to go for your pet first. if not then they are **** with the pet. Cleric can put pet to sleep then go for you. in fox mode their att does about the same damage. Point of battle here is to use your pet and get it in. Cleric might have some buff on so debuff them or wait for their burst since it might kill you really fast. Wiz you can ingnore their own buff. better skill to cast is vigor crush. Most of the time you dont even need vigor crush against wiz. if you do debuff them then, pet will kill faster. I just prefer to go in and att and save debuff for their burst.

against fox: mage fox will be weak against your pet. Also use your phy att to help pet. Start with casting reduce then leech or the other way around. Point of battle is to survive long enough for pet to kill. Full light and heavy fox will have the advantage over you up close. If you are far away then use some mage skill first. debuff their reflect damage if you have to fight up close with light or heavy. Winning depend on the damage you done with mage att at the begining.

P.s. This built main design is to live long enough to kill or get away. If you take someone by surprise, you be able to kill them with little trouble. This also take a little practice to master this type of built. Also you have to find ways to get your health up too. Of course depending on the user, this build might be the worst build since it has a factor of luck involve. However, for me, I'm able to take out char in the 7x with full 7x equipment while I'm mid 6x. I do admit however that my equipment is pretty dam good. But it should even out when you hit 7x with HH equipment.

Go ahead and make suggestion to the guide
Post edited by ll00 on


  • Ryocean - Lost City
    Ryocean - Lost City Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Ha? Hmmm... You didnt post a guide agains a Full attack Cleric...
  • fuzzles
    fuzzles Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Ha? Hmmm... You didnt post a guide agains a Full attack Cleric...

    Here's what to do against a full attack cleric:
    Sneeze on them. They'll fall over and injure themselves. And then they won't be able to heal themselves because they're FAC.. and from what I've seen when partying with FACs, they would rather do anything other than healing. They hate healing. They can't stand it.

    As for the guide, caboofed reading all of it, but overall it's fairly useless seeing as it only applies to light armour venos. Also, you kept writing 'guild' instead of 'guide'.

    Anywho, I strongly disagree with the suggested gear. If you're a light armour veno, just go ahead and use full light armour. Pdef is overall more important than mdef for PvP. Specially if you're using light armour which lays on the mdef pretty heavily. As it is, I can't really imagine this veno beating any physical attack class. It has low low pdef, and since its statted for light armour it'll have low low HP as well.

    Also, this guide assumes that every person you fight is using the standard gear for their class, and is dumber than a redneck who was born into a brick wall.

    Frankly, this guide looks like you thought out these fights in your head, but haven't actually PvPd before. It's probably not the case.. but that's what it looks like.

    Good effort, but this guide doesn't seem all that useful.

    PS. Don't shoot the messenger.
    Everyone here is ridiculously oversensitive.
  • Dark_Arbnger - Lost City
    Dark_Arbnger - Lost City Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    truthfully you havent seen a decent FAC then, yes alot of them dont like to heal but if they do their heal is more powerful than a support cleric for the simple fact that the more mag atk you have the better their heal is.

    simply put the almost only way to beat a FAC is to distract them with veno pet and hope to god they dont have a hiero and ignore the pet to get any decent hits in. our damage as a FAC is not something to be taken lightly.

    pretty good guide though kudos for putting the strategies into those simple nutshells (only an idiot wouldnt understand what was said)

    and if anyone has any negative opinion for me being a FAC bite me and keep it off the forum and pm me instead.

    with this being said, great guide
  • fuzzles
    fuzzles Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I don't blame you for being angry, Dark_Arbnger. I'd also be pretty pissed off if I played a FAC.
    Everyone here is ridiculously oversensitive.
  • Yourmom - Lost City
    Yourmom - Lost City Posts: 1,655 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Agreed with Fuzzles, this guide is dumb.

    Everyone who pks for real uses a hiero, so you have to plan that into your strategy.

    Reflecting damage to win in pvp does not work. It won't beat hieros.
    Also a LA veno doesn't have more hp than anyone unless you have baller gear.

    You don't mention anything about stun or amp, and barely anything about nuking in human form. You might be able to kite around, leech, and just wear down idiots with no hp hiero or pots, but then why would they be fighting you?

    Oh and for you BM strategy, who the hell uses Vigor Crush?

    Dark, FAC=Fail. A cleric is a cleric. Stun, debuff, ripping bite, nuke, they're dead.
  • Teseanna - Heavens Tear
    Teseanna - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,021 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Ha? Hmmm... You didnt post a guide agains a Full attack Cleric...

    ...cause they are a myth

  • KitsuneXIII - Sanctuary
    KitsuneXIII - Sanctuary Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Ha? Hmmm... You didnt post a guide agains a Full attack Cleric...


    can attack?
  • Kuschel - Lost City
    Kuschel - Lost City Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    PvP guide for Venos:

    1.Spend loads of money
    2.Acquire Phoenix
    3.Level phoenix up, don't forget flesh ream
    No hiding in room 32 NPC.
