Full support cleric, how to - questions.

Oc - Lost City
Oc - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
edited January 2009 in Cleric
Hello. I wanna make a new full support cleric, but i dont know witch skill i should use, witch one leave on lvl 1, witch one max ect. i read all topics on forum about fs cleric, but i found nothing excep thise one:
but i need somthing like that:(about fs cleric ofcourse)

Can somone help my with thise hard path of fs cleric? Please, and Thanks!b:cute

Post edited by Oc - Lost City on


  • Aavery - Lost City
    Aavery - Lost City Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Hooray! More support clerics, now I'm not that high of a level but I can give you some insight on skills and such.

    The skills you should focus on the most are
    All your buffs
    Iron heart (best heal!)
    soon, the light
    blue bubble
    Also plume shell if you have extra sp/coin

    Skills to ignore
    All attack skills ( at 51 I just have cyclone and plume shot both still at level 7)
    Passive skills (metal mastery and flying mastery)
    The start game heal (I don't remember the name of it but its total ****)

    Keep in mind that it is possible to learn all the skills and level them to 10, sp work similar to exp so you can grind it. Your priority is iron heart max it as soon as you can. All other skills come after this one. This is by far the most useful skill you have. When ever you are doing bosses or fb's you will spams this on the tank. Do NOT use any other skill it wont work and the tank will die which will more than likely wipe the whole party.

    Pure magic is the way to go, 1str 9mag every 2 levels and you will wear robes. I think it is pointless to put vit on a cleric. Every point into vit will only give you 10 hp. Make sure to go with jewelry to up your p. def.

    BUFFS! BUFFS! BUFFS! Seriously your buffs rock. Max them as soon as you can. Also magic shell might seem pointless since your magic def is wickedly high but remember babr's have extremely low magic def so this buff will help them tremendously. Of course get vanguard to help your own survivability, guardian is helpful since it ups your regeneration rate. Spirits gift is useful to up your healing power but its a useless buffs on anything but venos and wizs. You don't need to get your AoE right away try to max all your buffs first and then get the AoE versions of them.

    Flying mastery is useless, it will only effect the white wings not cash shop or level 30 ones. Metal mastery is also pointless for you since it helps with damage not healing.

    Revive is also a major skill you have, make sure to max it but iron heart is still above it. When doing fb's/bosses the DD's (wiz's, archers, FAC clerics) in your party will more than likely die at least once. So you need to come to the rescue and revive them so they can keep the DPS going on the boss and also have them loose the least amount of exp possible.

    Plume shell will save your **** in pk/pvp and if you take aggro. Seriously get it.

    Soon, the light is your AoE heal, make sure when ever doing bosses with AoE's that all the squishy stay close to you so you can give them a boost in health with out having to heal them all with one heal each.

    Blue bubble (I forgot the name it's 2 am here and I'm sleepy) is your zhen skill. Its a total mana drain but get it when you can its absolutely necessary.

    Wellspring/stream of something both decent skills. Wellspring has a quick cast time, low mana use but it has low healing power. Its a quick little boost after you or a friend is low on hp after a fight. Stream has a long cast time but it has a strong heal and adds a HoT but it's an end game heal. Both of these skill are situational and you don't really need them but they are still pretty good heals.

    Just a couple tips
    *If the tank dies get the hell out of there go far far away and come back later to revive when its safe. Seriously if you die the whole party is screwed since you cant revive them.
    *The tank is more important then the dd, nothing against the dd's out there but if you are in a situation where if you stop healing the tank he will die its not worth to revive them and have the tank die and ruin it for the rest of the party.
    *People will bug you to fly all over the map to revive them, there is nothing wrong with saying no but remember that you may need this person help you later on.
    *You're a cleric not Jesus Christ make sure people know that even if they have you in there party it doesn't mean they can take on a level 90 mob at level 40.
    *Don't let someone grief you if they die, its part of the game.
    *In pvp use plume shell and heal your self, just remember that an archer can eat your face but you can take out a wiz or a veno easy with plume shot and heavy builds with cyclone.
    I'd write more but I have to go to bed now, If you need any more help feel free to pm me in game b:victoryb:bye

    AoE= area of effect
    HoT= heal over time
    DD= damage dealer
    DPS= damage per second

    Edit for all the typos I had
  • Oc - Lost City
    Oc - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Wow b:thanks ^^ ye.. writing about 2:00 am i realy hard:P Thanks a lot of your help! b:kiss b:dirty
  • Fleuri - Sanctuary
    Fleuri - Sanctuary Posts: 1,763 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I believe that sometimes clerics need to use purify?

    Last night I saw lots of people fight teaming up to fight Eyes of the Krimson Beyond. I really wanted to join one of their squads, because I have that quest. But they did not do very well, and maybe I am better off, not having tried?
  • AngelOfLust - Heavens Tear
    AngelOfLust - Heavens Tear Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I'd also suggest stream of rejuvenation when you can get it since its half instant like wellspring surge and and half over 15 sec so its great for when your tank takes alot of dmg and Ironheart isn't healing enough

    and yes purify is a must but i would keep it at lvl 1 till you have your other skills maxed since it only increases range and cooldown time
  • Klath - Sanctuary
    Klath - Sanctuary Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    and yes purify is a must but i would keep it at lvl 1 till you have your other skills maxed since it only increases range and cooldown time
    Range is the main reason i upgrade wellspring surge, purify and wield thunder.
  • Aavery - Lost City
    Aavery - Lost City Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I believe that sometimes clerics need to use purify?

    Last night I saw lots of people fight teaming up to fight Eyes of the Krimson Beyond. I really wanted to join one of their squads, because I have that quest. But they did not do very well, and maybe I am better off, not having tried?

    Yeah purify is another awesome skill, I kinda for got to add it. The more you level it it will have a longer cast range and a shorter cool down.
  • doremi12
    doremi12 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Hello. I wanna make a new full support cleric, but i dont know witch skill i should use, witch one leave on lvl 1, witch one max ect. i read all topics on forum about fs cleric, but i found nothing excep thise one:
    but i need somthing like that:(about fs cleric ofcourse)

    Can somone help my with thise hard path of fs cleric? Please, and Thanks!b:cute


    Stats : 3 mag, 2 vit with str enough for armor.


    All buff/ purity/revive skill
    BB and RB
    Sleep and stunt skill/ phy and magic debuff
    All magic attk skill, single and AOE

    Join sage at L89

    Imbue on Armor:

    Use Robe + Phy Def stone with Phy Def accessories, with option to switch with magic attk items.

    Weapon : -channeling
    Armor: - Channeling, + MP recovery or HP recovery.
  • Seilen - Heavens Tear
    Seilen - Heavens Tear Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Use full mag with str enough to wear gear.
    Ornaments get phys def with HP or more phys def (9% less phys damage allways better then 1% less magical damage taken)
    All other mag gear with +HP
    Weapon - doesnt realy matter if + HP/mag/channeling.
    More expensive, but you will have same or more HP then Vit build and your damage and heals will be much better over vit build cleric (just watch your damage as sometime easy to overagro DD or even tank when do full dps).

    From skills what others suggested, but get maxed plume shot unless you are sure you will play grouped all the time and not need it. Plume shot is clerics low cost/good damage skill until lvl 60+ as very few mobs have increased phys def.

    Wielding Thunder do 1.5 times damage of plume shot on higher lvl, but at much higher mana cost and slow casting. (skip till 60+)

    Cyclone fast cast attack skill which slowing your targets (good for kiting, but i prefered plume shot on lower lvl).
  • Clarinet - Heavens Tear
    Clarinet - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Note that I'm only level 42, so I'm not writing about any skills I don't have yet. I'm sure I'll get RB and BB and Wield Thunder and Tempest, but haven't actually used them yet, so I'll leave that to others who have.

    I'm basically repeating everything others have said, but skill-wise, here's how I do it:

    TOP priority:

    Next to top priority:
    Plume Shot

    High Priority:
    Soon the Light
    Plume Shell
    All buffs

    Mid Priority:
    Purify (Bosses love to play with statuses, so you need a good level in this)
    Res (Be sure to get this to 10)

    Low Priority:
    Pretty much everything else
  • ZadirZex - Lost City
    ZadirZex - Lost City Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I'd hold off on leveling Soon, the Light. I rarely use that skill. Usually it's more effective to just spread around Ironheart. In the time it takes to cast Soon, the Light, you can cast Ironheart on 2-3 different people. The only time you have several people taking damage is when the tank either loses aggro or doesn't have aggro from every attacking mob. In either case, the squishy people being attacked are usually kiting away, so the short range on Soon, the Light means it won't even heal them. Also, if you use Soon, the Light, you could potentially have multiple mobs aggro you...making you one dead cleric.

    Make sure that your Plume Shot and Cyclone are maxed for your current level always. Doing more damage = you level faster, which means more SP, money, etc for more skills.

    Definitely level your buffs, but level Celestial Guardian last. MP and HP regeneration is not particularly useful compared to the other things you can spend spirit on.

    You don't really need purify until Jewelscalen if I recall, which is a boss quest you get in the high 40's, low 50's. Level 4-5 Purify is fine for him. You'll want to be at least level 7 purify by 60 when you start getting to fight bosses like Krimson and Gargantakong. Both have nasty debuffs and you'll need the quicker recharge to remove the buffs in a timely manner.

    Leveling Revive is a personal choice for a Cleric. It's one of those skills that never directly helps you, but it opens doors for you. I can't tell you how many friends I've made because I had a level 10 res pretty early and was willing to come res a friend or a random stranger. You make friends and you get invited on FB runs, HH runs, etc.

    Stream of Rejuvenation, I would put one point in it, then let it sit there a while until you max out a lot of your other skills. Even at higher levels, when fighting bosses, you spam Ironheart...period. The only time you ever really use Stream of Rejuvenation is when you poorly time a purify and the tank takes extra damage, so you need the extra heal to avoid ticking his heiro. If you do leave one point in it, make sure you take into account it's reduced range. This also applies to purify above. If you are fighting a boss where you think you will need to use stream/purify, make sure you are in casting range of those skills when you start your ironheart spamming. I've seen many a tank die while clerics were running forward to purify.

    Once you get to the high 50's/low 60's, where grinding becomes your primary source of exp, you'll want to level your damage skills like Wield Thunder and Metal Mastery. Again, the thought process is more damage = you level faster. I'd put more emphasis on Metal Mastery because it's cheaper and it affects 2 skills (Wield and Cyclone). You should have Revive and all your buffs (except for Celestial Guardian Seal) maxed by this point anyway, so you're still a full support cleric. Just remember by the low to mid 80's, you'll be able to max every skill except for maybe tempest. The only limiting factor will be money, not SP.
  • Klath - Sanctuary
    Klath - Sanctuary Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Stream of Rejuvenation is when you poorly time a purify and the tank takes extra damage, so you need the extra heal to avoid ticking his heiro.
    Are you serious? Althought i do aim for that too, but only as a personal reference to see how good im healing...**** THEIR CHARMS!
    They bought it to use, just as clerics buy mp charms to use, they get mana pots to use, they get powders to use. Why the cleric is the only one wasting pots? @_@;
    it affects 2 skills (Wield and Cyclone)
    Siren Kiss
    Wield Thunder
    Just remember by the low to mid 80's, you'll be able to max every skill except for maybe tempest.
    lv81 and my list is:
    Tempest 2
    Wield Thunder 9 (next on list)
    Siren Kiss 7
    Soon 9
    Stream 6

    All other skills are maxed. 550k spirit to burn today/tomorrow. Getting about 30-50k spirit per hour of grind.

    There is an interesting thing about higher level Soon, the range becomes really large, but the mana cost is so intense that you cant cast it more than a few times on a fight, will drain your mana dry. But the amount healed is a bit superior as if you casted one wellspring surge on every person, 1240 vs 1880 for me (and ironically, near same mana cost).
    As for Stream, the initial heal is what you are aiming for, the heal over time is an added bonus. If you plan on seriously using stream lv1 on battle, instead waste some extra spirit on blessing of purehearted and make it lv10, you will heal about the same as a stream lv3-5 (not sure the value) and still have a long range (and cheaper heal regarding mana cost, spirit and coins). Later on you can upgrade that heal.
  • ZadirZex - Lost City
    ZadirZex - Lost City Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Are you serious? Althought i do aim for that too, but only as a personal reference to see how good im healing...**** THEIR CHARMS!
    They bought it to use, just as clerics buy mp charms to use, they get mana pots to use, they get powders to use. Why the cleric is the only one wasting pots? @_@;

    I hear ya on this one. I always complain about Barbs whining about their hiero too. But still, it's not a good idea to let the tank get too low on health, so instead of saying "to keep them from ticking their hiero", replace it with "to keep from letting the barb get low on health".

    And yes I agree with your analysis of stream that it's useful mainly for the initial heal. Fact remains, you rarely, if ever need to use Stream, so when choosing which skills to prioritize, stream should be lower than others. Especially at lower levels.
    Siren Kiss
    Wield Thunder

    Yes all of these skills are affected by metal mastery. However, we're not talking end game when these are maxed. I was referring to grinding in the high 50's/low 60's. In this case, only Cyclone and Wield Thunder should be leveled and actually used while fighting, so only those 2 would be affected by metal mastery. Thunderball isn't very useful for grinding unless you're fighting wood mobs. Foxwing Supremes, Vampric Nightstalkers, and Minions of Alucard (the main 3 mobs to grind from high 50's till high 60's) are all non-wood mobs, so leveling Thunderball isn't needed until you get to the Carrion Vultures and Butterflies grinding from 70-80.

    Siren's Kiss I never really found a use for other than solo AoE grinding poison mobs. But, if you go that route, you need to level Razor Feathers, which is costs even more SP. Again we're talking to a level 42 person.

    Tempest, we both agree is maxed last as yours is only level 2.
    lv81 and my list is:
    Tempest 2
    Wield Thunder 9 (next on list)
    Siren Kiss 7
    Soon 9
    Stream 6

    All other skills are maxed. 550k spirit to burn today/tomorrow. Getting about 30-50k spirit per hour of grind.

    So it looks like you're on track to max all your skills by the low to mid 80's, except for tempest.
  • Klath - Sanctuary
    Klath - Sanctuary Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Thunderball isn't very useful for grinding unless you're fighting wood mobs. Foxwing Supremes, Vampric Nightstalkers, and Minions of Alucard (the main 3 mobs to grind from high 50's till high 60's) are all non-wood mobs, so leveling Thunderball isn't needed until you get to the Carrion Vultures and Butterflies grinding from 70-80.
    Evolved Soulchaser Vipents, lv73 wood, easy kill and good herb farm spot.
    Eitherway, thunderball is a dot, you shouldnt look for it for it's damage, but for the "damage while you are doing something else".
    So it looks like you're on track to max all your skills by the low to mid 80's, except for tempest.
    I want to have everything maxed before i become sage at 89, including both lv79 skills (working on it already).