My Traditional Class Struggle

gah12 Posts: 7 Arc User
edited January 2009 in Dungeons & Tactics
atleast this time it feels a bit easier...

anyway, as always when I play an MMO, I have problems choosing the class that I'll do well with. I think werebeast or warrior would be best, but I could be wrong, and I still need to sort out which one. Generally, I HATE IT when I spend alot of time recovering from combat, and I also hate being that class that is used by everyone. As for the way the class plays, I favor durability over all else, but not to the point of crippling myself in other areas (AKA I don't want to be impossible to kill, but take forever to kill something) Can anyone give me a hand with this?
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  • Ermosa - Heavens Tear
    Ermosa - Heavens Tear Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    you don't need time to recover from combat, just use potions(blademasters have skills to recover hp tho, not sure about barbars)
    blademasters are played much more than barbars
    barbars r best tanks in game because of high amount of hp, but barbars will do less dmg than blademasters
    blademasters in parties usually don't tank because archers steal agro from them
  • gah12
    gah12 Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    how much less damage are we talking about? I've also been considering taking a different class than my norm to experiment a bit, see if I like something else better, any recommendations for a guy who's never really touched magic or bows in his life in that category?
  • Pharse - Heavens Tear
    Pharse - Heavens Tear Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Sounds like you are going for something like a blademaster. I have a lvl54 and he does a bit of damage but can't tank. They are easy to play and can take quite a bit of physical damage before dying (magical damage is evil).

    I also have a ceric that will die if a fly goes by too fast. Usually you dont use a cleric to do damage though and if you stay flying and cast healing spells most people will kill for you.

    The most needed seem to be barbs and clerics until you get to a high lvl and then people want wizards and archers for their damage.
  • nightyne
    nightyne Posts: 344 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Try something different and a bit challenging...try an archer.
    Lots of damage dealt and you should try to kill your mob or badly damage them before they reach you.....hit and run but use slow skills first.
    Each to their own, I've played them all and the only one I did not enjoy was Barbarian because is so slow to kill and never seemed to die....very boring for me.
    I would imagine your choice would be Blademaster though.
  • gah12
    gah12 Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    what sort of role does a blademaster play in parties? They obviously don't hold tank damage or healer, so what does that leave them with?
  • nightyne
    nightyne Posts: 344 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    they do a lot of damage...mine is about level 22...dont play it much now so dont know a lot about advanced groups.
    The dept. leader of our faction is bm and he is level 80 and awesome.....they do a lot of damage and are fun to play.
  • gah12
    gah12 Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    well, its either them or cleric then, I like the sidelines better than taking the axe to the face, I just want to be able to take the axe to the face for safety purposes
    or the oh so anual durability vs. (insert notable here, in this case experimentation and being wanted in groups)
  • nightyne
    nightyne Posts: 344 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    You're a cute little critter....axe to the face hey ?....and for safety !
    Think blademasters are ok with axes but I prefer a good sword to the guts than an axe to the face. Better still a swift arrow to the heart.
  • gah12
    gah12 Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    something tells me I was misunderstood, what i meant by the axe to the face was I like being able to survive more than one hit before falling over (or in simpler terms, i don't want to die alot, and probably a more supportive role than just another guy hurting the enemy)