Suggestion to change a lot of thngs for faction!!

Bestwiz - Heavens Tear
Bestwiz - Heavens Tear Posts: 110 Arc User
edited April 2009 in Suggestion Box
Ok I played different MMO's but in this game the faction system is very poor thought of.

First of lets get to the slogan box.
oo slogan box is nice if u can put some info on but it aint nice if u cant put a single space (,) (;) or even write numbers. WTH??? 50 chars I'm good with but not even a space thats just stupid and looks really bad if u write a message without spaces. So first off make the guild window bigger or make the slogan box bigger and make it to 500 chars with spaces, numbers and other special characters.

Lets get to the ranks now, All the ranks that are set sounds horrible. The leader should be able to change the rank names and give random rights to each ranks.

Announcement Box instead of slogan and write more info on guild and other tw times, rules and events.

Guild logo change, all the default logo suck and a guild can't be unique if all guilds have same logo.

Guild Bank a lot of ppl been suggesting for a guild bank and it wud really be kool to actually have guild banks.

Guild window refresh after a player levels it takes long time to show up on guild window and its always really outdated.

There are other things needed to be changed as well but thats all I can think abt atm.

So wat u guys say u agree with me? I guess u wud if u were a guild leader b:laughb:victory
Dont MEss with me I'm da Best
Post edited by Bestwiz - Heavens Tear on


  • Adriazirma - Sanctuary
    Adriazirma - Sanctuary Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I agree... wait! Ah, that's because I'm a guild leader! ;-)

    Seriously, guild managemen is way too simplified. Slogan is obviously buggy. I still think it might be good for chinese letters. ;-)
  • Eislynn - Sanctuary
    Eislynn - Sanctuary Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I think they're working on the coding for the slogan....Chinese doesn't have any spaces, so yeah, obviously it's buggy in that aspect. xD

    Although I'd love a bit more control over the ranks and the sort....that would be quite nice.
    A civilized society is one which tolerates eccentricity to the point of doubtful sanity. -Robert Frost
  • phsyco025
    phsyco025 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I agree with everything you suggest except the rankings. I partly agree with the whole being able to give random rights but not the choosing the ranking names because then it would get confusing because when you see a person from some faction if there high enough rank it says there rank next to the name but if the leader was able to change the rank name you wouldn't be able to tell exactly what rank they are. But i do think they should change the rankings to something better because they sound pretty stupid to me, I mean marshall and comissioner...?
  • Bestwiz - Heavens Tear
    Bestwiz - Heavens Tear Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    phsyco025 wrote: »
    I agree with everything you suggest except the rankings. I partly agree with the whole being able to give random rights but not the choosing the ranking names because then it would get confusing because when you see a person from some faction if there high enough rank it says there rank next to the name but if the leader was able to change the rank name you wouldn't be able to tell exactly what rank they are. But i do think they should change the rankings to something better because they sound pretty stupid to me, I mean marshall and comissioner...?

    well from wat i've seen in other mmos i played otehrs are not suppose to see the guildis rank so there is no rank beside their name except the leader/may be sub leader.
    Dont MEss with me I'm da Best
  • Altihnkai - Sanctuary
    Altihnkai - Sanctuary Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    posted something related to this aswell a while back.. had no ansewr on it but anyway my point was

    "make the leader able to set permissions over the ranks"

    becouse maybe the leader wants to have someone (director or summit) to be able exactly the same thing as he can.. well except dismissing the faction =p that be waste of money ^^
  • Tvali - Lost City
    Tvali - Lost City Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    posted something related to this aswell a while back.. had no ansewr on it but anyway my point was

    "make the leader able to set permissions over the ranks"

    becouse maybe the leader wants to have someone (director or summit) to be able exactly the same thing as he can.. well except dismissing the faction =p that be waste of money ^^

    I totally agree with this. It's possible that the leader wants the Executor to be able to kick someone from the guild, if said Executor is trusted enough to do so, and there should be a place where they can give Executors permission to kick people from the guild.

    In contrast, they should also be able to take away all rights from a position if they so choose, no matter how high that position is (excepting Leader, of course). Say the Leader is having a problem with people inviting a lot of bad guild members that destroy their guild, they should be able to take inviting away from some of the lower positions until they discover the leak and kick them from the guild.

    Tvali - Director of the wonderful guild Epitaph.
  • Altihnkai - Sanctuary
    Altihnkai - Sanctuary Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I totally agree with this. It's possible that the leader wants the Executor to be able to kick someone from the guild, if said Executor is trusted enough to do so, and there should be a place where they can give Executors permission to kick people from the guild.

    In contrast, they should also be able to take away all rights from a position if they so choose, no matter how high that position is (excepting Leader, of course). Say the Leader is having a problem with people inviting a lot of bad guild members that destroy their guild, they should be able to take inviting away from some of the lower positions until they discover the leak and kick them from the guild.

    yup you understood the whole point ;)
  • datokyo
    datokyo Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    you would have thought these obviously needed changes would have been made already, a guild bank, icons, and slogan are essential and much needed changes and the other ideas would be a nice "bonus"
  • Drennen - Heavens Tear
    Drennen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    This could be polled and i think these things would easily be on top. Faction Options have to improve.
  • Poisonedtip - Heavens Tear
    Poisonedtip - Heavens Tear Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I agree 100%, as a guild leader id like to be able to use the slogan box properly and to what suits me and my faction best, also the idea of choosing each ranks roles is an awesome idea and surprised it hasnt happened all ready. Guilds are supposed to be a place to relax and recieve help and you can do that now but yea but the guild system needs to be desperately upgraded and made more modern like some other mmo's.
    Rigante Leader, Fun, Helpful, Talkative Faction.
    We Do and Help With TT-FB-Bosses
    PM Me Questions Or For Info ^^
  • Lizardman - Harshlands
    Lizardman - Harshlands Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    then again it still aint as bad as Atlanticas guild and money system if u played
    it!! quo me b:laughb:laughb:laughb:victory
  • Aryetta - Lost City
    Aryetta - Lost City Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I have seen worse guild systems but here it is pretty bad too. Super limiting. I'd like to have a guild bank, that would be helpful. Guild logos would add uniqueness which would be nice. And the guild slogan has to change. It takes me forever to write stuff since so much is not allowed.b:chuckle
  • Mysticlifex - Heavens Tear
    Mysticlifex - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,175 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Ok for guild bank, make an alt character easy.

    For announcements what not make a guild forum/myspace
    We're MysticAve my name is not Dave
    (Poem in the making - Shall be epic)
  • Revolte - Heavens Tear
    Revolte - Heavens Tear Posts: 314 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Ok for guild bank, make an alt character easy.

    For announcements what not make a guild forum/myspace

    the only thing about that is whoever has the alt needs to be 100% trustworthy and loyal otherwise alot of people could get ripped off and never even know it, but when in a guild bank it would be harder to do that as others can keep track of how much is in there as well so they know its going to the guild and not to a single member

    Super Duper Uber Booper
  • Wierdonedemo - Sanctuary
    Wierdonedemo - Sanctuary Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Yes,worst faction sistem.I totaly agree with you.
    Also some faction bonuses like:faction lvl 1:+20% HP;faction lvl2:+20% HP,+10%attack;faction lvl 3:+20% HP,+10% attack,+5%phisical defence,+5% magical defence
  • meritor
    meritor Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Ok for guild bank, make an alt character easy.

    For announcements what not make a guild forum/myspace

    I think your missing the point, the idea of a faction bank is so that all members can deposit and view it at all times, and so that some limitations can be set for different ranks to withdraw from the bank and use it (repairing from faction funds ect).

    The idea of a faction page built in to the faction viewer is to make things easy and so people don't have to visit an additional website,

    Back when i played LoM:3 the guild system was awesome with loads of customization available with guild rankings (displayed when you looked at a players items and not when you just walked past them), a guild page big enough to post all guild hunts/events/wars/allies/KoS and anything else they wanted to post, something like this would be awesome in PWI
    Yes,worst faction sistem.I totaly agree with you.
    Also some faction bonuses like:faction lvl 1:+20% HP;faction lvl2:+20% HP,+10%attack;faction lvl 3:+20% HP,+10% attack,+5%phisical defence,+5% magical defence

    Would unbalance things tremendously, i agree that a Rank 1, Rank 2 and Rank 3 faction should get something a little more special then whats available right now but I'm not sure what could be added that wouldn't seriously unbalance things,

    Aside from this the option to have a faction anouncement display to its members on login would be helpful, the ability to be able to add a faction bannar, logo or embelem to our characters some way would be nice also (capes maybe?).

    Just a thought any way, would be nice to see what the PWI team think of all of this,

  • Wierdonedemo - Sanctuary
    Wierdonedemo - Sanctuary Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Here i got a better idea:guild bank with money that can be used in difrent ways like hiring mob mercenaries,buying upgrades etc.
  • darksacred
    darksacred Posts: 18
    edited April 2009
    Agreed, this is possibly the worst guild system I've ever seen. Online games survive by having a good community system that keeps people wanting to play.

    The game should have a guild master who shows all of the different guilds on your server, each guild can then be applied to using this NPC this would make creating an application to a guild more efficient and easier rather than having to wander round looking for the correct ranking official to get an invite.

    A guild bank is a must and it needs to be viewable and usable by all players within the guild (to some degree) even if its only to deposit items/money.

    Guild taxation? I know some games do it where every time you pick up some money ingame a small (or large) % is taken by the guild for guild funds?

    Their needs to be an ingame guild notice board where guild rules, events, hunts and anything else the guild is doing can be posted for everyone to view. This can make getting new members up to speed on how the guild is ran and what is expected of them much faster than trying to have people explain it every time someone new joins.

    Agreed on removing guild rankings from general view and instead on viewing a players items instead. This way it would then allow guild leaders to choose different ranks depending on what they want to call them, this coupled with being able to set different abilities/permissions to each rank as the leader sees fit rather than each preset rank having forced permissions. (full guild hierarchy??)

    Are their any guild dungeons? Guild towns or cities to fight over/for?

    I also agree that getting your guild from 1-3 should also give additional benefits, ok not stats to its players but things like additional guild storage facilities, the ability to have a customised guild icon and things like that. Nothing that will effect game balance but will give guilds a good reason behind wanting to upgrade to the higher ranks and not just for more members.

    Theirs so much that can be done with the guild system in this game as right now it just feels like a bare addon that was rushed into the final product just to satisfy the "we have guilds" criteria.
  • Wierdonedemo - Sanctuary
    Wierdonedemo - Sanctuary Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I know about the guild tax thing but it`s not a good sistem,guild is to help players,not to be helped by players.
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    The guild systen has a lot of room for improvements.

    Allied guid chat should be great. I know leaders with several guilds with people that want to be allied but not want to merge. This is why many small guilds fail and why the stong guilds will continue ruling for long and just exchange towns every now and then.

    Efficient communication is important among allies.

    Guild bank would be great too. No need to explain.

    There are other more complicated changes that I have mentioned before but at least the ones above should be great and not to difficult.
  • darksacred
    darksacred Posts: 18
    edited April 2009
    I know about the guild tax thing but it`s not a good sistem,guild is to help players,not to be helped by players.

    Guild leaders would be able to choose the tax rate, if they were saving to launch a war or to upgrade to a higher guild rank why shouldn't those in the guild have to help towards it?
  • Hasukurobi - Heavens Tear
    Hasukurobi - Heavens Tear Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I fully agree with all these changes.
  • Wierdonedemo - Sanctuary
    Wierdonedemo - Sanctuary Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Can`t they simply request some coins?
  • Clerico - Heavens Tear
    Clerico - Heavens Tear Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I also agree with all of this. Mainly the slogan box and the customization. Slogan box needs to be changed to a Memo box or something with 500 characters that allows spaces and punctuation. As well as customizable ranks, permissions, etc. Guild clothes/tabard would be pretty cool as well.

    I wish we could get a response from a dev or GM on all of this. Maybe they are planning something in the expansion? [Is there an expansion? Or did I dream this]
  • switchngc
    switchngc Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    darksacred wrote: »
    Agreed, this is possibly the worst guild system I've ever seen. Online games survive by having a good community system that keeps people wanting to play.

    I have to agree, somewhat. On the other hand, how much are you paying to play PWI? How much did you have to pay to play other online games?

    That being said, "faction bank" is actually what I searched for to get this thread, so I have to agree that would be nice.