Hi! I'd like to introduce myself and have some Questions!

jrole76 Posts: 2 Arc User
edited January 2009 in Dungeons & Tactics
Hi Folks! It is told that my name is J'role of Earthdawn (i don't know if u know) I searched a long time for a good Online Roleplaying Game...
And the only one that met my expectations is this one (sorry for the bad english)

I'd like to know if there are only Americans who play Perfect World or how much from other Countries do so....(since i've read that Servers are only hosted at California...)

It would be great to conversate(not only in english, but also) and i wish to know, how much german players are out there!

I'd like to know also...

What features u like!?

Is it easy to get a new Char running?
How much time does it need to get ready?
Which Char is best for start?
How much ppl are there?Servers frequently used?

Which Ping got u?

My PC is not the best, but i think it should do it 2.7Ghz 2GB Ram Nvidia6150 (any complaints???If so, id like to know........thx)

Id like to make friends...........before i start and run around like some stupid wig

Please tell my, why this is the game of the hour and why i should left my time and money playing perfectworld!

I'd like to thank all who react, and tell me they opinion....


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  • CeliaZ - Sanctuary
    CeliaZ - Sanctuary Posts: 901 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Perfect world is the best free mmorpg out there. You will have no regrets by putting your time into this game.

    Alot of countries are playing this game. Sure there are alot of people from the USA, but also alot from Europe. I, for instance, am from the Netherlands.

    I know there is a German Faction (guild) on the sanctuary server which is quite big. Can't remember the name though.

    It's totally up to you which class to choose. I myself am a wizard, which I enjoy very much. It is a hard class though, so if you don't have any mmorpg experience, you must know that this class will cost you a bit more time.
    Basic description of the classes:

    Blademaster: Damage dealer and great solo-er. Melee attacker.
    Wizard: Best (magical) damage dealer there is. Also the quickest class to die.
    Archer: Best (physical) damage dealer. You'll have a higher survival rate then a wizard.
    Cleric: Healer. Easy class to start with, you will be needed alot in parties at higher levels.
    Venomancer: All about having pets. This is the best solo class, and you'll level fast with this class.
    Barbarian: Tanker. You'll be able to take ALOT of damage, so you will be needed much in parties as a tanker.

    Hope this helps a little. Good luck!
  • Morayine - Sanctuary
    Morayine - Sanctuary Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    welcome to the best game i seen sofar, i play it since a week, found it while searching the net. Played WOW and guildwars more then 2 years, and this is absolute best, more friendly, more relaxed, huge graphics quality, and all stuff is well thought of.
    I started with a Venomancer and am allready lvl 23 now, and made some friends allready.
    My advice is go relaxed in beginning and do all there is to do, and figure it all out for example the 4 crafting skills, so later you dont have to go back to lower lvls to upgrade so you can craft gear and weps you can use.
    Flying is cool as a winged elf, but as you see, lvl 30 will be soon for me, and this way i have been around places and citys first instead of flying all over in straight lines. You also can farm lots of mats on the ground, do this also to be able to craft.
    I like Veno a lot sofar, and i hope we are also valued as much later in game for instances, this i dont know yet . Offcourse being a tank or healer will make you more wanted later on.
    It is also very special being embraced and lifted up in the air by another player. And i also seen some spectacular huge mounts, eagles, swans, lions, horses, etc besides the also spectacular regular ones.
    If your graphics card can handle it go for all max settings and make perfect screenshots, best ever. Have fun.
    "There's a big difference knowing the Path, and Walking the Path"
  • The_Mule - Sanctuary
    The_Mule - Sanctuary Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited January 2009

    I have been playing most nights (except when the other half's nagging gets too much) and live in the UK, been playing about a month now.

    I played Guildwars for just over 3 years and me and my mate needed a break from it and stumbled onto this game.

    I personally think its amazing, sure there are a few things that could improve its playability, but on the whole its great.

    I especially like the fact that you can team up with people at any time and not just in "town" locations, and when I play me cleric (my solo character) I can heal random people on a whim, or rez them (as a side note I have noticed that on a couple of occasions I have been unable to rez someone, is there a play dead button or something as I find it very strange?)

    I also play an Archer (when playing with my mate) which I also enjoy (especially since I got Knockback).

    I highly recommend it.
  • MorgulLord - Sanctuary
    MorgulLord - Sanctuary Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    @ Mule - There is an action by which you can fall down and lie as if you were dead. Easy to make out the difference - just look at the HP bar when you target them. Fake dead ones will have HP... real dead ones...not.

    @Topic starter - Its a great game. Gets even better if you get into a good friendly guild.

    To answer your question regarding servers, 3 servers

    Heavens Tear - First server, PvE
    Lost City - PvP Server
    Sanctuary - Newest of all servers, PvE

    Classes have been explained very well by Celiaz.

    As to how easy it is to get started and get going, its two months since I started playing PW. With moderate amount of game time, I managed to get to 71. This I'm sure I cannot do it on most other MMOs. This game is not a complete grindfest like most MMOs out there. There are tons of quests to help you level in early game and multiple daily quests late game.

    Hope this helps.

    I am free of all prejudices. I hate everyone equally...
  • The_Mule - Sanctuary
    The_Mule - Sanctuary Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    They both showed up as 0 HP but still couldn't revive them.
  • Imuretay - Heavens Tear
    Imuretay - Heavens Tear Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Hi jrole,

    I've been playing since just before Christmas. I don't put much time into it... certainly not as much as I'd like. Too many other responsibilities with work and family...

    Anyway, your PC will have no problem playing this game at relatively high settings... my PC is a 1.4 Gig Athlon with an old 128Mb Volari video card. It lags a bit in towns, but I'm actually pushing the limits of its capabilities... I could cut down on the visual quality if I wanted and I'd have no problems at all.

    You'll make plenty of friends in the game simply by playing and being nice to people. New characters are easy enough to get started as well... even for an MMO newbie like myself.

    Overall I'm impressed with the quality of people I've met in-game. For the most part everyone is friendly and helpful. There are always exceptions, but by and large that has been my experience.

    Hope this helps.
  • Fleuri - Sanctuary
    Fleuri - Sanctuary Posts: 1,763 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    They both showed up as 0 HP but still couldn't revive them.

    When someone resurrects me, my "resurrect" option becomes available. But I still have to click that option before I become resurrected.
  • gianfunn
    gianfunn Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2009

    Perfect World really is a great game.
    There are tons of items, customizable items, and best of all friendly players.
    For example, practically anyone you ask help to will probably help you with a smile (b:laugh) on their faces.

    I myself have a Wizard, which I enjoy, however it might be a bit difficult if you don't have experience with mages from other MMORPG.

    I'd think that the easiest class would be Venomancers (aka WF/WereFoxes). They can capture monsters (ala Pok
  • dice2
    dice2 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Heavens Tear - First server, PvE
    Lost City - PvP Server
    Sanctuary - Newest of all servers, PvE

    Erm, sorry to stumble in, but are the PvE servers 100% PvP-free or are there duel arenas/ a PvP map as well?
  • AirHealer - Heavens Tear
    AirHealer - Heavens Tear Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    dice2 wrote: »
    Erm, sorry to stumble in, but are the PvE servers 100% PvP-free or are there duel arenas/ a PvP map as well?

    PVE are not 100% PvP free you can turn on PvP when you are level 30 but most people do not have this on.
  • Keata - Sanctuary
    Keata - Sanctuary Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    hi ive played this game for a week as a barbarian and im lvl 11 i no its not much but this is the best online game at the moment its quite addictive and u make friends real quikly you will have fun on it