Make more flying monsters tamable.

Arinoa - Heavens Tear
Arinoa - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
edited January 2009 in Suggestion Box
The title says it all really...

But just for additional info, it seems most flying pets are insects. I really really, hate insects, and especially bees/hornets/wasps b:angry. There's noway i'l have one of those hovering over my shoulder. Even if just imaginary, a giant insect constantly following me around is unnerving, and that screeching sound I hear it make only adds to it.

I read the Venomancer guides around the forum, desperatley trying to see what other kinds of flying pets there are, I even checked some websites that give full info on this.

So, unless I find mr. rare flying piggy, I have to wait until i'm level 60 to tame a Foxwing. Because I refuse to have an insect as a pet.

I just have to ask, have you never heard of BIRDS?! b:cry
Post edited by Arinoa - Heavens Tear on


  • Bengallie - Sanctuary
    Bengallie - Sanctuary Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    like hawks, eagles , birds of paridise, phenix's , fire birds , thunderbirds, falcons,syrcins(native american combo = elk ,puma, golden eagle) theree lots of flying beasts the could be created and totally support you . lol even garlgoyles
    In life you have two choices ...sit or move
  • Arinoa - Heavens Tear
    Arinoa - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Yeah this is being ignored isn't it.

    But seriously, I hate insects. And really, you can't tame any birds in this game. You have to agree with me there!

    Nobody wants a pet called tweety? You know you do! b:laugh
  • Atheeni - Heavens Tear
    Atheeni - Heavens Tear Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Ya they are a bit short on flying low lvl pets... I've seen lots of different flying pets but they are all really high level.

    Maybe you can ask another higher lvl veno if they would be willing to tame a foxwing or one of those flying dragons for you?
  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Can't get a higher level wf to tame a pet for you, because the pet has to be at your level or below for you to even use it, and if it's already at the same level or lower than you, you'll be able to tame it yourself.

    There are plenty of flying foxes below level 60. The valley just south of archosaur has level 34 ones.
  • Arinoa - Heavens Tear
    Arinoa - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Really? I'l have to keep looking around then. I just checked all the available info on the net on the matter, and saw Foxwing is level 60 and there weren't any other flying pets on the list aside from insects and the pig.

    Still. Birds. Basic flying animal. Why not birds?

    Well the fox is cool, i'l look for one. Thanks
  • Treppe - Heavens Tear
    Treppe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Agreed on this topic.

    I travelled all the way to Scorpion Valley in Elf territory with my Veno, only to find that those awesome -looking Ironwings [did I mention that they look awesome?] aren't tamable. When you've got so many varieties of land-creatures that are tamable, being limited to only a handful of air-creatures [pretty much limited to Sawflys until the 40's] is pretty darned disappointing.
  • Fearnarcus - Sanctuary
    Fearnarcus - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Totally agree: why is PW so empty of birds that can be tamed? The devs could have added some awesome ones. It just feels a bit weird having a world with so few in it even for starters.

    I would so like to have a hawk as a fighting pet. They would make a really good flying one - raptor in reality is a good fighter/hunter.

    But suppose I have to stick with my sawfly - and though I am ok about bees & wasps can understand Arinoa's aversion.

    For now I will just have to dream of a flying fox instead - only lvl 17. (I actually have the 3rd slot having farmed the river near Broken Bridge for hay with a Highlands Tortoise - now back in its egg.)

    At least I have my two wolves - my starter one and a bitter - to satisfy my sentimental side...

  • Klath - Sanctuary
    Klath - Sanctuary Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I will fix your topic:
    Make more monsters tamable.

    So freaking many cool-looking monsters and venos never can tame anything nice, just the same **** all over again with different skin tones.
  • fuzzles
    fuzzles Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Well.. you're gonna hate that giant dragonfly mount when it comes out.

    Ehh.. The sawfly is by far the best flying pet out there (aside from nix, and it's about on par with the piggy)... so you're really gimping yourself here.

    I think the main reason you can't go around taming most of the birdy like beasties is that it would detract from the full on fantasy type atmosphere they're trying to get going around the place.

    Personally, I would suggest gimping yourself horribly in the short term, and then taming an elysium thingy (dunno what they're called here) once you hit level 74. They're not a bad pet overall, and they're as close as you get to being normal birds.
    Everyone here is ridiculously oversensitive.
  • Hazon - Sanctuary
    Hazon - Sanctuary Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I wish those flying mobs flying around the heaven tears can be tamed. Forget how to spell those flying dino but they look
  • natura
    natura Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Really? I'l have to keep looking around then. I just checked all the available info on the net on the matter, and saw Foxwing is level 60 and there weren't any other flying pets on the list aside from insects and the pig.

    Still. Birds. Basic flying animal. Why not birds?

    Well the fox is cool, i'l look for one. Thanks

    Pinnaer Foxwing(lv 34) at 579 552(32),the only near-bird pet they have is the legendary pet phoenix(which eats only hay-.-") and the Elysium Fowl lv 73 at 682 547(40).Yea agreed they should have more bird like pets,though one website showed a baby parrrot pet..