Whats so special about a barb

ChoaPing - Heavens Tear
Posts: 2 Arc User
I have a barb i just made but its boring to play as them u really arent doing anything cool til lvl 20 i really need some help with my barbb:surrenderb:surrenderb:surrenderb:surrenderb:surrender
Post edited by ChoaPing - Heavens Tear on
We're the best tanking class, we use the coolest weapons, and we just plain look EPIC b:cool0
yeah i know that but y do i have to wait so long i cant play til lvl 20b:cry0
Yeah its kinda true. Barbs take much longer to kill anything due to low damage and you don't really "tank" anything until you 20. Good news, you can get to lvl20 doing quests alone.
Later on you are a rare find and usually in high demand.
After level 9 though you get the tiger form and running around suddenly doesn't take forever.
40-60 though is a rough patch with some reaaallly slloooowww grinding.
After level 59 you get some uber skills and the game starts getting more fun.
Being a barb is all about never saying die b:laugh. In all my levels I must have died at most 10 times. And 8 of them was against bosses. b:chuckle
You're the shield the squishys run to. b:chuckleWhen the going gets tough; Get a tank!
Nocturne mature HT guild - we invite people, not levels.
pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=7608420 -
Hazardus - Heavens Tear wrote: »Yeah its kinda true. Barbs take much longer to kill anything due to low damage and you don't really "tank" anything until you 20. Good news, you can get to lvl20 doing quests alone.
Later on you are a rare find and usually in high demand.
After level 9 though you get the tiger form and running around suddenly doesn't take forever.
40-60 though is a rough patch with some reaaallly slloooowww grinding.
After level 59 you get some uber skills and the game starts getting more fun.
Being a barb is all about never saying die b:laugh. In all my levels I must have died at most 10 times. And 8 of them was against bosses. b:chuckle
You're the shield the squishys run to. b:chuckle0 -
barbarians are the strongest class period we have more phsy attk than the squishies we have more phys def then the squishies. down side is magic and cost.
we cost alot to heal and repair. alot. DAMN SOO SOO MUCHbut that aside i love being abad **** barb
one day the world will shout to me save us....
and i will whisper no.0 -
barbarians are the strongest class period we have more phsy attk than the squishies we have more phys def then the squishies. down side is magic and cost.
we cost alot to heal and repair. alot. DAMN SOO SOO MUCHbut that aside i love being abad **** barb
Well ain't that the truth? Especially the part of the cost for heal and repairb:surrender but atleast we have more physical attk and def than the squishiesb:victory
And who doesnt love the good old adorable tanking barb?b:laugh0 -
Barbs are an absolute ***** to solo level.
It picks up at the mid 60s. That's when you start doing TT, and zhening.Everyone here is ridiculously oversensitive.0 -
The ferenczy - Sanctuary wrote: »down side is magic and cost.The ferenczy - Sanctuary wrote: »we cost alot to heal and repair. alot. DAMN SOO SOO MUCH
but that aside i love being abad **** barb
Every class costs to maintan. Ammo and pots for archers, MP heiros for clerics and wizzies, HP heiros and repairs for barbs. The only exception is the venos. They cheap. b:chuckleWhen the going gets tough; Get a tank!
Nocturne mature HT guild - we invite people, not levels.
pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=7608420 -
Hazardus - Heavens Tear wrote: »Every class costs to maintan. Ammo and pots for archers, MP heiros for clerics and wizzies, HP heiros and repairs for barbs. The only exception is the venos. They cheap. b:chuckle
Getting level 2 on some pet skills might only cost them 500,000 coins! And some of them might only have a few pets! (But some of their pets might not be a phoenix, so they might need to buy some of their pets some skills. And hay is so cheap and easy to find.)
b:chuckle0 -
I'm level 44 (duh) on my barb, and I thought I'd ask here: Which is better to grind? Solo or party? Because solo seems like you'd get more exp and cash, but I die quite often, and in a party I'm wondering if Grinding would be faster since faster kills and less death.
Edit: I always grind in humanoid form (gotta level tiger skills, kinda been forgetting about them *sweatdrop* And I hate the low damage), is this my problem?0 -
For me, it's party all the way, whenever possible. But that's only for quests.
Outside of zhening I don't grind, as such.
If you're talking about quests, I'd suggest partying wherever possible.
If you're talking about just killing mobs for XP.. I'd say go alone. And kill air or water mobs. They give better XP.Everyone here is ridiculously oversensitive.0 -
all mobs are about the same xp btw
me i grind with my friend he is a barb more for damage than me as i am a dedicated tank.
he does the damage and i keep him mostly safe.and yeah being in squad lowers the exp but with two ppl working well together it increases the hourly total and give good training for dealing with bossesone day the world will shout to me save us....
and i will whisper no.0 -
and on a personal note i got my lvl purely doing quest and tanking for others not by grinding so dispite some rumors floating around about me nore ppl know me as a damn good tank with in ten lvls up an down of meone day the world will shout to me save us....
and i will whisper no.0 -
You're level 55, honey. You're not a good tank. Maybe some day if you're good, Santa will come down your chimney and put some humility and common-sense in your stocking.
And you're absolutely wrong about all mobs giving the same XP. Flying and swimming mobs give substantially more.Everyone here is ridiculously oversensitive.0 -
The ferenczy - Sanctuary wrote: »barbarians are the strongest class period we have more phsy attk than the squishies we have more phys def then the squishies. down side is magic and cost.
we cost alot to heal and repair. alot. DAMN SOO SOO MUCHbut that aside i love being abad **** barb
lies! barbs are awesome but they don't have that good attack, admit itInfamous (PvP guild) recruiting 40+
PM me on Lost City b:victory0 -
i've recently rolled a barb because they look just damn awesome. the first few lvls were a breathe, but after lvl16, it's just impossible to solo, due to the low damage and a complete lack of accuracy.
just i was wondering the same thing, what's so good about a barb?
i've been asking ppl, and most told me solo pwns and high lvls rarely partey. and since barbs can't really solo, what's the point of them.
yes i know that they are awesome later on (cough after lvl89), but how on earth r u goin to get there with ppl refusing your squad invitation and with your lack of solo abilities?
and if you ask me, barbs srsly don't have enough hp to go around
one mob takes out about 1/4 or 1/3 of my hp
can someone really, explain to me how does barb work plz?0 -
to fuzzles that is your opinion i don't know you you don't know me. i have kept my party alive and i get a thumbs up from the nef guild members on my ability. so givin my lvl the fact that i tank mine and my friends quests and my success rate i call that good. never claimed to be the best.
to arrow i did not say barbs are the best at damage we aren't period. however unbuffed given comperable lvls and armor and wepons our higher str gives up more phys def and phsy attack BASE value than other non barb classes. lvl 54 barb using kisma reward axes
has i believe 3k phys attk value base (i will ask him for exact number tonight then post as up date) and my phys def at 55 is about 5k unbuffed BASE value. these stats were the same as an equally equiped bm at lvl 63 still wearing lvl 50 armor and lion axes. hence my state ment. if in fact his and the other two builds were trashed that i compared to then i am wrong and will atmit as much. but don't confuse damage with attk value since skills come into play there and don't count buffed defence as that is buffed. it would be the same as me bragging that a high vit bm is totally **** cuz when i buff with lvl 8 beast king i have 6k hp while he still has stock 2k-3k hp. of course i have more i am buffedone day the world will shout to me save us....
and i will whisper no.0 -
Jacky, I'm quite perplexed at your post.Jacky_ - Sanctuary wrote: »the first few lvls were a breathe, but after lvl16, it's just impossible to solo, due to the low damage and a complete lack of accuracy.Jacky_ - Sanctuary wrote: »i've been asking ppl, and most told me solo pwns and high lvls rarely partey. and since barbs can't really solo, what's the point of them.Jacky_ - Sanctuary wrote: »yes i know what they are awesome later on (cough after lvl89), but how on earth r u goin to get there with ppl refusing your squad invitation and with your lack of solo abilities?
Though I must say the other classes seem to do better at these levels and the number of invites I get has dwindled down past lvl50.Jacky_ - Sanctuary wrote: »just i was wondering the same thing, what's so good about a barb?Jacky_ - Sanctuary wrote: »and if you ask me, barbs srsly don't have enough hp to go around. one mob takes out about 1/4 or 1/3 of my hp
can someone really, explain to me how does barb work plz?
Yes you lose a 1/4 hp to a mob is normal against a magic mob (low mag def).
I wish there were more pure physical mobs a past lvl40.
If you talking against physical mobs, then your build's your barb's enemy. A barb is VERY VERY build dependent. Calculate how much Str and dex you need to add in the next 10 lvls and put the spare amount into vit. I usually add the vit first to get the most use of the increase in HP.
From all you've posted I'm assuming you've been building up humanoid skills and ignoring tiger form?
After I got tigerform (at lvl9) I have rarely ever gone humanoid. Only humanoid skills I got lvled past lvl1 are the Beast King's inspiration, strength of the titans, bloodbath and Mighty swing.
Ensure you keep upgrading shape shifting intensify and tigerform. Feral regeneration really helps to cut down the time spent meditating. Poison Fang is a great skill to have in tiger form to offset the damage penalty some.
We dont solo great but we do solo. Throughout we usually kill a mob every 8-10 hits, during which you lose maybe 1/8 hp. I usually kept going till I was down to 1/4 hp (remember a barbs 1/4 hp is usually more than other classes full hp, so your not getting 1 shotted even then). Then a few secs meditate and your back to full hp.
Also as a barb you want equipment with +pdef,+hp or +acc stats. Btw Jacky, if you dont mind what lvl is your barb and how much HP has he got?When the going gets tough; Get a tank!
Nocturne mature HT guild - we invite people, not levels.
pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=7608420 -
ok, what i have now is a lvl 22 barb with 1409 hp(unbuffed humanoid form)
my build right now:
35vit 66str 19dex
skills that i have:
garrotte lvl3 (i use this as opener when i'm in humanoid form)
Swell lvl1
Stomp of the beast king lvl1
mighty swing lvl2
beast king's inspiration lvl1
true form lvl1
flesh ream lvl3
alacrity lvl1
beastial rage
feral regeneration lvl4
shapeshifting intensity lvl2
i'm using the fb 19 weapon with +80 accuracy and +HP & pdef in armor
can you give me some suggestions plz on what's wrong and how may i improve it.
P.S i stay in tiger form 80% of the time due to the added hp and speed, but it just takes ages to kill stuff. now it gets a little better since i have +80 accuracy on weapon, so i miss a lot less.
i heard that barbs cost A LOT, is that true, and can i make it up with selling grinding drops?
also, i won't be spending money buying charms, is it still possible to be a decent barb?0 -
Barbs are one of the most expensive classes to pay, but they're far from impossible to become rich with. Just sell your DQ, and don't spend too frivolously, and you should have more than enough. Later on once you start tanking away at TT, money's gonna come a lot easier.
As for suggestions.. well.. you're leveling up way too many skills. I'd suggest deciding now whether you wanna be spending more time as human or tiger. And then decide what level you want your true form to be. Personally I'd suggest putting one level into true form, and spending most of your time as a tiger. If you plan on doing this, you can basically leave the human side of the skill tree pretty much alone for now, just take the bare minimum there. And I would advise maxing out:
Feral regen
Beast king's inspiration
Strength of titans
Axe and hammer mastery
Flesh Ream
Poison Fang
Shapeshift Intensity
That's just my two cents though. For a whole look at all the options, check out http://forum.perfectworld.com.my/. If you go to the Werebeast section, then look for the thread called something like "Guide to the Ultimate Werebeast", should set you right up.
I would provide a direct linky to the topic, but those forums appear to be down at the moment.Everyone here is ridiculously oversensitive.0 -
Jacky_ - Sanctuary wrote: »ok, what i have now is a lvl 22 barb with 1409 hp (unbuffed humanoid form)
my build right now:
35vit 66str 19dex
Your stats seem ok. Plan your stats for the next 10 levels when you get a new weapon (lvl37 was when I traded in my FB pole for dual axes). Calculate how much Str, dex you need to add per level and rest into vit.Jacky_ - Sanctuary wrote: »skills that i have:
garrotte lvl3 (i use this as opener when i'm in humanoid form)
Swell lvl1
Stomp of the beast king lvl1
mighty swing lvl2
beast king's inspiration lvl1
true form lvl1
flesh ream lvl3
alacrity lvl1
beastial rage
feral regeneration lvl4
shapeshifting intensity lvl2And I would advise maxing out:
Feral regen
Beast king's inspiration
Strength of titans
Axe and hammer mastery
Flesh Ream
Poison Fang
Shapeshift Intensity
Fuzzles got it spot on.
Feral regen. Needs to be maxed ASAP to cut down on regen times. Wont help much for combat but does make a difference.
Beast king's inspiration lvl1. More HP = more tanking =less time between regens. Max ASAP
Shapeshift Intensity = More pdef = less dmg = longer killing sprees. Max ASAP.
Flesh Ream = this skill is your bread & butter (reasonable damage, great aggro). Max ASAP.
Axe and hammer mastery = Max ASAP. more damage = quicker killing.
Strength of titans = Max ASAP. More damage for you and party.
Poison Fang = Again more damage = quicker kills. It works only in tigerform though, but is cheaper than strength of titans.
Garrotte at lvl3 is as far as you want to go with it. Dont train anymore. The bleed seems good at low levels, but is quickly outdone at later levels (lvl30+).
Swell leave at lvl1 (mine's still at 1). Useful when u accidently aggro more than one mob, but its not great. Dont waste any more money or SP on it.
Stomp of the beast king lvl1. Pointless skill. Dont bother with it. Only used in lower lvls.
Mighty swing lvl2. Level as and when you have some SP and money spare. The added damage isnt great but the stun part of it is good.
True form lvl1. Divided opinion on this. Damage goes down and HP and speed go up with each level. I spend most of my time in tiger, but I have maxed it to lvl3 for better tanking.
Alacrity lvl1. Max ASAP (at least to lvl7). Great skill good damage. More importantly cancels casting of magical mobs. Since level 30+ its been my opening move. Really cuts down damage taken by avoiding being cursed by magical mobs. Once cancelled the mob resorts to physical attacks until his cooldown completes. Becomes really important at higher levels. Try and raise it to at least lvl7 ASAP.
Beastial rage = very useful to regain chi. Particularly at later levels when some really cool skills require two sparks each.
Bloodbath = Great accuracy boost. Huge HP cost (until its a high level). I find that the increase in accuracy offered by bloodbath can be simulated by +accuracy gear and shards. No need to sacrifice HP.
I also suggest for later:
Frighten = Useful to reduce damage and to regain some chi. useful at higher levels.
Surf Impact lvl1 = Useful to slow down ranged physical mobs, as they attempt to run away from you.
Devour = lowers enemy defense, but is chi intensive. Use sparingly, useful for maintaining hate and when there are physical DD in the party. level as and when you have spare SP and money.Jacky_ - Sanctuary wrote: »i heard that barbs cost A LOT, is that true, and can i make it up with selling grinding drops? also, i won't be spending money buying charms, is it still possible to be a decent barb?Barbs are one of the most expensive classes to pay, but they're far from impossible to become rich with. Just sell your DQ, and don't spend too frivolously, and you should have more than enough. Later on once you start tanking away at TT, money's gonna come a lot easier.
Well at lower levels not so much, but as you advance yeah. Yesterdays TT run cost me 50K in repairs. Expected when everything hits you first and keeps on hitting you till the end.When the going gets tough; Get a tank!
Nocturne mature HT guild - we invite people, not levels.
pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=7608420 -
barbs own all around, end of story ^_^Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks
"Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."
keep pushing... it is normal for u to feel this way. i almost quit at lvl 20 because soloing took so long. but then i started looking for a faction, and it wasnt hard, because everyone loves barbs and clerics, and will warm up to you quick. after that u can start asking for help wile grinding quest, plus everything is more fun with friends around.0
The ferenczy - Sanctuary wrote: »all mobs are about the same xp btw
WRONG! air and water mobs give a bonus 1.5% exp. get your facts straight.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Ex-Waffles Director
~Ragequit0 -
why does everyone say barbs can't solo?!
Im currently a lvl 50 (almost 51) barbarian tank (and i mean PURE tank)(as in ZERO humanoid skills), and i CAN solo just fine. In my 50 lvls i've only died THREE times. Twice due to PKing. Once to a boss (the cleric ran outta mana on Gouf) so why is everyone else having such a hard time???
I quest solo, I grind solo (for the most part) i even did some early bosses... take a guess?! SOLO! I dont have a charm, i only used pots.
sure we have reduced phys-att, but if you actually know what you are doing (which i srsly am beginning to doubt) you wouldnt have a problem.
bah once i get my tank guide in good shape ill post it up here. :P[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Ex-Waffles Director
~Ragequit0 -
AlpineFrost - Lost City wrote: »why does everyone say barbs can't solo?!
Because people are generally either lazy or incompetent, or in most cases, a kind of hideous combination of both.Everyone here is ridiculously oversensitive.0 -
Because people are generally either lazy or incompetent, or in most cases, a kind of hideous combination of both.
O.o Thats me, Thats me, Thats me! b:laugh
Btw, when ppl say can't solo it doesn't mean dieing. Only things Barbs die to really is Bosses (near their level anyways) or if they really crazy and aggro a bunch of magical mobs. b:shocked
What can't solo means is that in the same time it takes a barb to grind through one level, another class can grind through maybe two or almost three even. b:lipcurl Try party grinding. You'll be surprised how much quicker your exp bar moves.
And guess what, I too usually end up soloing.....b:cryWhen the going gets tough; Get a tank!
Nocturne mature HT guild - we invite people, not levels.
pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=7608420 -
my frends a veno nd she really wants to gve me a pet is it possible at all to b a barb and hav a pet?
please tell me coz its darn confusing0 -
Barbarians can have mounts, flying and ground, but not Pets with which to help you battle with, like Venomancers do.Do you need help learning about patching the game, installing it, changing antivirus/firewall settings, changing network settings, learn how to use a computer, keeping your PC maintained and more?
Visit our BRAND NEW Knowledge Base & Support Website! - Tech Support Flowchart - Panda Caught on Camera0 -
What so special? Well here is one for u.... WE DONT F*^KING DIE MUCH!b:angry
while the clerics, wizards, venos(if pet is ded) , and yes even the BM's (depending on the build) are all getting one-shotted, or poundded to a bloody heap..we stand rite back up and say..."Here maybe you'll have better luck hitting the other cheek..."b:angry
BARBS NEVER DIE!!(except by bosses or magic)ATTENTION ALL: I would just like you to know....I has fleas.0
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