Tell us about your characters...



  • Oldbear - Sanctuary
    Oldbear - Sanctuary Posts: 486 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    There are 2 similar threads here but I'll post on both then introducing OldBear.

    He was raised in simple villager's family and his uncle was a blacksmith so he was helping him out a lot with his chores. He build a hut on the slope of Volcanic Purgatory but never got the chance to really settle in...Wraiths attacked the hut and nearby village and Bear, having lost most of his friends, has been traveling since realizing that as long as wraiths keep storming villages and other populated areas - no settle down is possible.
    He wears the badge and the military rank of Archosaur to get better equipment but he's no real army soldier. He's stayed lone ranger and that how he's still seen traveling from place to place.
    And he loves to sit by a bonfire, so the dwellers of Hidden Heroes and Timberfield should not be very surprised to repeatedly see a gray-haired blademaster in the camp who's traveled a long way just to sit by their campfire.

    Name: OldBear
    Class: Blademaster
    Specialized: Sword or Swords / Heavy Armor
    Military Rank: II
  • Levalt - Sanctuary
    Levalt - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Name: Levalt
    Class: Barbarian
    Level: 33

    Levalt is and aged Untamed warrior, rich in years and experience. He took up his axes in defence of his much loves homeland against the Wriath threat. His attitude is a bit pervvy and has no qualms in chatting up younger Venomancers. However, dispite this flirty attitude, he's always found on the front lines, trading hits with the biggest, baddest monsters and shouting drill-seargeant style commands to younger Barbarians.

    "I like the fact that I've played this game for 3 days and it's more powerful than my elite
    Guild Wars character." - Womack
  • bluewater
    bluewater Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Character: seablue
    Class: blademaster
    Level: unknown

    Character Descriptions: A lone girl sat in the corner of a bar watching. Watching crowds of people hurrying in and out of the bar. Her dark colored hair reflects bits of brown where the light seem to hit ,and her eyes seemingly black in color is actually blue if one look really close. "Lots of people are in a hurry these days." she spoke softly, "it can't be helped I guess with all the people fighting in the war with the wraiths." she sighed and unsheath one of her twin blades. Her blade shone brightly like the rippling pond waves in her home town,and is one of the few things that has accompanied her throughout the war. "I wonder how many of my fellow swordsman is still here?" having said this she sat silently in the darkest corners in the bar. To people she might seem to be more like the moon, but in her heart she wished to be the sun--the sun that her rippling bright blade seem to reflect.
  • Mainachan - Sanctuary
    Mainachan - Sanctuary Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited November 2008

    MainaChan, Archer.

    I learned long ago the secret to being a hero is to be willing to cut the ears off 50, never ending spawns of creatures, so that a lazy merchant (who won't spend 1K gold to travel), can prove his love.

    **** the world, I have smaller things to save!

    I may be tired, but always willing to help. Just ask for "MainaChan, Saving one relationship after another, through wholesale slaughter." :)

    "The present moment is a powerful goddess" -Goethe
  • Takeshi_Zute - Sanctuary
    Takeshi_Zute - Sanctuary Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Name: Takeshi_Zute
    Level: 10 but rising
    Class: Blademaster

    His father was killed at a young age by a Wraith, so when he was old enough, he quickly took up the sword to avenge his fathers death. When he finds the one that killed his father, he will revisit his father's grave one last time.
  • LeonRios - Sanctuary
    LeonRios - Sanctuary Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Name: Leon Rios

    Level: 23

    Class: Blade Master

    Leon Rios is a care-free man who hates to stay in one place for too long. His favorite skill is the Cloud Sprint, which enables him to run faster than normal. Capable of using all kinds of weapons, he'd really rather use a longsword and his skills to take care of monsters. Not much is known about his past; and he doesn't think about the future. Rushing headfirst into combat, Leon tends to throw himself into situations before thinking.

    He currently is a member of the faction 'WraithBan' having been invited by a new found friend.
  • Originalsin - Sanctuary
    Originalsin - Sanctuary Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Name: Originalsin

    Lvl: 54 and rising steadily


    seeking out people with just as morbid a sense of humor XD
    WiccanWay Recruiting ACTIVE lvl40+ players, PM or mail Dylann for more information. Thank you.
  • Weaselsilent - Sanctuary
    Weaselsilent - Sanctuary Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Class: Cleric
    Level: 32 (and quickly rising)
    Loves to level quickly
    Faction: Abyssal

    Born in BattleMark Village this experienced cleric has got what it takes to be the best. always found training or helping one of his friends or members of his Faction.Sometimes though, you will find him helping a random person who needs help b:victory. His favorite memory is when he went to bamboo village and slaughtered the first monster to ever kill him Tauroc Logger (i think). Name is the reverse of what he wanted, silentweasel, which he used on the archer that he doesn't like quite as much.Add him in game as he likes to talk while flying to the next NPC. Also hit him up to go do a FB19-39, as he loves this.
  • WolfenLord - Sanctuary
    WolfenLord - Sanctuary Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Class: Barbarian
    Level: 48 (and workin his way up)
    Faction: WhiteSeeD (rank: Marshall)

    WolfenLord was born with a love for smashing and crushing things, but only if they deserved it. As loyal as any canine, he has a heart of gold and will fight for and defend those he cherishes. b:pleased Get in his way or attack his packmates, and expect to meet a vicious end b:angry
    ~If at first you don't succeed, redefine success.~
  • Meonlyme - Sanctuary
    Meonlyme - Sanctuary Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    class: blademaster
    lvl: 42 and slowly rising
    faction: Regicide

    He was just a normal teenager, but 1 day, his father sent him to inn of the eagle to train his battle skills. Meonlyme was a gosling, beliving he can do better then start killing some weak monsters, so he went to shattered jade shore.

    He made it to the walled stronghold and more, but he was almost killed by some big human-snake monster, called Centimator. b:faint He woke up in Angler's village, where some warrior took him, saving him from that monster. He was really pleased that he is alive and started searching for the warrior, witch took him there. But the warrior was already far away from that village.....

    Meonlyme realized that he wont be able to find the warrior with his actual battle skills, so he comes back to inn of the eagle, in order to gain strenght. He has a powerful will and he does anything to gain information about the warrior. He helps everyone, no matter witch person says, never says no to a challenge, no matter how strong the opponent is. He hopes that one day, he'll find the unknown warrior and thank him for his life.......
  • Phuzzz - Sanctuary
    Phuzzz - Sanctuary Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited December 2008

    Lvl 27 so far

    Class : Blademaster

    Faction: The9Kings

    Started a couple of months ago on Heavens Tear server then stopped for a while for college reasons, got back, tried every other race in the game, wasted so much time until I found where i think i can do best which is the Blademaster, so far so good, leveling up pretty fast until recently, all internet connections where im from (middle east) had a major technical problem where i cant play anymore for at least donno when :( , thats why im on the forums, i miss the game, damn it, lol,

    Peace! best of luck to all...
  • XAsch - Sanctuary
    XAsch - Sanctuary Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Name ~ xAsch.

    Level ~ 71.

    Class ~ Blademaster.

    Faction ~ Soviet (joined by accident, but liking the guild members).
  • Oishasan - Sanctuary
    Oishasan - Sanctuary Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Oishasan - Cleric, Main
    Support build.
    Always looking for a group, really despise to solo, in fact, I won't stay on long if I have to.
    I do not res/buff those that treat others poorly (KSing/griefing), and do not take others word on the behavior. Any record I have on a player I have seen with my own eyes, and I do keep a record and their faction. Obviously, no I do not group with such players or their faction.
    Crafting - Apothecary

    amale - Venomancer
    Pet experimenter. I have a variety of pets I tame and build up to see what they do. Always looking to see what others haven't tried, or verifying certain findings. I don't go after rare pets, finding more fun in the normal creatures and their growth to be much more entertaining.
    amale is my farmer/crafter. she gets to play when the cleric can't get a group.
    Crafting - Tailor, Craftsman, Armor, Weaponsmith
    Light Armor build, Support Cleric

    Barbarian, feral build

    Arcane Veno
    Beetle Wrangler
  • Sajra - Lost City
    Sajra - Lost City Posts: 169 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Name: Sajra
    Level: 31
    Sajra loves clothes, mounts and pets. She is a Leo, born on August 12th, she's very quick to anger but likes being near other people (especially clerics), though she is a lot stonger than other archers and sometimes uses hammers or fists. She has no mount, but has two pets, her baby snow hare Rona and antelope Brownie. If you can manage to stay on her good side she is very nice, but that's hard to do. Her favorite spots are Arrowhead, Heaven's Tear & Achosaur, she likes to fly around night and sunset most. She is brave, but sometimes just likes sitting in west arch, seeing whatever there is.
    Forsaken Sigs

    Sajra - Level 31 - Hell Archer.
  • Tawarwaith - Sanctuary
    Tawarwaith - Sanctuary Posts: 391 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Name: Tawarwaith
    Class: Pure tankbuild barb, usually going in tigerform
    Lvl: at the moment 36
    Description: Likes to work either solo, or in 2 man squad. Will do his best to answer any questions asked in game, and always willing to give a hand with bosses/quest/fb19 when he's around. Right now, he's taking a little break from the quests and is harvesting hay and crafting equipment for his little sister.

    Name: Male_veno
    Class: Venomancer, planning to go pure foxform
    Lvl: 9, but lvling really fast thanks to Tawar's knowledge of the map and quests
    Description: As said above, experimenting a pure foxform build. She's planning to make a nice pet for her big brother, and collecting DQ items for him.
  • bunnyhunny
    bunnyhunny Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Name: xHappyBunnyx
    Class: Veno / Light
    LvL: 49
    The Half-bunny, Half-human sister of an evil Sorceress, who's true name is only known by a sacred and secret elf living in "Perfect World". Happy and the Sorceress, born of the same mother, both share the same physical features but inside Miss Bunnys heart lives the Sorceresses good half. The one reason why her sister banished Happy to a so called "Perfect World". But unlike the name, this world was far from perfect. Happy fights and claws her way threw the harsh elements of this unforgiving world while perfecting her own kind of earthly sorcery. She is hoping for one day to face the Sorceress that banished her, her own sister, even if it ends in her own demise.

    Happy is also nice, care-free, factionless and is rarely without her cleric friend(who might be the sacred elf, but she is still not sure)
  • ReicoMatrix - Sanctuary
    ReicoMatrix - Sanctuary Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Name: Reico Matrix
    Class: Human Wizard, Balanced Build
    Craft: Apothecary
    Level: 13 and died and I can't play >.<

    Will add background story later, too annoyed about my **** comp to bother atm, I can barely run this site as it is so image/graphics intensive...