The Incredible Vanishing Items trick!

Saitada - Sanctuary
Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
edited March 2009 in General Discussion
Soo here I am wondering all over the world. I have a specific number of items in my inventory, and know what they are. I'm teleporting around and between one town and the next I realize... something is missing from my inventory. I scroll back up to check to make sure I didn't die somewhere and not notice (b:chuckle). Nope no death. I dbl check to make sure I didn't accidentally sell it (done that before) Nope, haven't sold anything. I scan my memory for any "thing" that could account for the missing item.... Nope.. seems it should be there. But incredibly... it's vanished.

So... Items come up missing randomly from my inventory. My g/f had an equipped RING vanish from hers (and no, she didn't die, and didn't sell it. She was just standing in Arch when she noticed it was gone... and she had been there for several hours and had JUST made it). Nobody has our account information, and it's happening while we are ONLINE.

PWI Bugged much?

Not even gonna go into a rant about getting DC'd from PWI and not being able to get back in and DIEING in an FB because of it, which bugged the entire FB making us unable to reset it, or finish it no matter what we did.

So... Anyone else having issues with PWI like this? Or am I just an unlucky Veno and should stop spending money here and go play elsewhere?

Post edited by Saitada - Sanctuary on


  • VenLo - Sanctuary
    VenLo - Sanctuary Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    2 times I have picked up a new cape from a mob drop and opened my inventory to compare it to my equipped cape. But did not have a cape equipped.No other equipment has disappeared just my cape twice and a couple of times on my barb I found my cape in my inventory. So maybe on my veno it went into my inventory and I sold it while selling vendor trash, but this don't seem very likely because any equipment I get from drops I usually compare it at the merch before selling it.

    I don't think it's a death thing as far as I can remember I have only died twice on my veno, once in FB 19 alone practicing pulling. And I don't recall ever being killed on my Barb though he is only 25. Possibly it's a shifting thing when I noticed my cape in my inventory on my barb both times I was at a vendor in tiger form and had to shift back to humanoid form to re-equip it.Strange. I was wondering if other peeps had this problem.
  • Ninnuam - Sanctuary
    Ninnuam - Sanctuary Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited January 2009

    Lmao b:chuckle

    But yeah probably a death thing. Cut down on the happy herb =]
  • Twilyte - Heavens Tear
    Twilyte - Heavens Tear Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Actually, I have had things "disappear" that were equiped a few times, and possibly some items in my inventory that I just didn't know about.

    I finally "watched" it happen one time, and since I figured out what happened, it hasn't happened since.

    I often times run around gathering mats and herbs and such. A few times, I'll have to fight a mob or two, and being generally broke most of the time, I mostly pick everything up. As I run from one mat location to the next location, I oft times open up my inventory to look at looted gear, or to re-organize other items I pick up.

    This is a big "no no" from now on. As I run and make small steering adjustments with my cursor, if my cursor "drags" across equipped gear, I watched as my necklace became un-equipped and dropped since my cursor was off the inventory window. I caught myself doing this all the time (steering while my inventory was up).

    Like I said, I just happened to be looking at the right place at the right time and noticed the necklace spot go blank. I turned around and sure enough, a ways back, there was my necklace.

    It had happened about 4 times that I can remember, but since I no longer look through my inventory while riding, it hasn't happened in almost a month (and I collect mats at least every other day if not daily).
  • Ithilmir - Sanctuary
    Ithilmir - Sanctuary Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Because of latency issues, there is in fact a delay between closing the inventory screen and a click registering. You could be innocently panning the camera around while removing items without realising it. Remember that right-clicking will use items (potions, powders, etc.) and equip/remove items. The most likely cause of the vanishing items is that you have a habit of opening your inventory, closing it and immediately right-clicking to move the camera; or otherwise moving an item and immediately closing the inventory screen.

    The solution is to wait a couple of seconds before closing the inventory and a couple of seconds after; or else click on somewhere that was not covered by your inventory screen. I used to have a habit of flipping my screen open after every item drop before realising my Focus Powders were rapidly depleting.
  • Lyonti - Sanctuary
    Lyonti - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I've had something live this happen to me except it was with coins, not items. I was grinding when a guildmate requested help on an fb29. While I was flying over to secret passage I checked the loot in my inventory and had about 436k. I ran the fb29 and randomly killed mobs afterward while waiting for a friend to be ready for an fb19. After completing the fb19, I opened my inventory to check for loot I may have picked up that my friend might have wanted when I noticed that I was 200k short. As far as I know, there is no way to accidentally drop 200k worth of coins. Also, during the time span of 2hrs between the times I looked at my inventory, I did not die. I have just finished checking all of my alts to make sure I didn't send it to any of them absent-mindedly and . Can anybody explain it? This is a huge disappointment for me because at my current level it takes me 2-3 hours of grinding to get 200k. This is the first time I have noticed something like this happening and hopefully it doesn't happen again; I don't want to spend 3 hours grinding just to find the coins I earned from that time randomly disappeared.

  • xarfox
    xarfox Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Anytime any of the above situations occur, please submit a ticket at:

    Make sure to note the exact time that the event occurred so our staff can properly and accurately investigate the issue.
  • TrueNight - Lost City
    TrueNight - Lost City Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Actually, I have had things "disappear" that were equiped a few times, and possibly some items in my inventory that I just didn't know about.

    I finally "watched" it happen one time, and since I figured out what happened, it hasn't happened since.

    I often times run around gathering mats and herbs and such. A few times, I'll have to fight a mob or two, and being generally broke most of the time, I mostly pick everything up. As I run from one mat location to the next location, I oft times open up my inventory to look at looted gear, or to re-organize other items I pick up.

    This is a big "no no" from now on. As I run and make small steering adjustments with my cursor, if my cursor "drags" across equipped gear, I watched as my necklace became un-equipped and dropped since my cursor was off the inventory window. I caught myself doing this all the time (steering while my inventory was up).

    Like I said, I just happened to be looking at the right place at the right time and noticed the necklace spot go blank. I turned around and sure enough, a ways back, there was my necklace.

    It had happened about 4 times that I can remember, but since I no longer look through my inventory while riding, it hasn't happened in almost a month (and I collect mats at least every other day if not daily).

    ^This man speaks truth

    Its happened to me a few times too, i think the game just lags as to whether or not the item window is actually closed this should be fixed.
  • Sanshiru - Lost City
    Sanshiru - Lost City Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    i experienced something similar.. i was crafting 9 armors of the same type in row, and it kept on telling me crafted one.. and i was also seeing each appearing in my inventory, but at the 5th or 6th there just wouldn't show up the crafted item, even tho it said it was successfully crafted. unfortunately i didn't think of the ticket system :S but luckily only low lvl gear.. so no biggie that time.. hope it won't happen again ><
    .: Being able to read and think at the same time is an advantage :.
  • Maiya - Lost City
    Maiya - Lost City Posts: 2,686 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I've never had my items vanish, but I've had them randomly unequip without me dragging anything.
  • XxTORMENTAxx - Heavens Tear
    XxTORMENTAxx - Heavens Tear Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Actually, I have had things "disappear" that were equiped a few times, and possibly some items in my inventory that I just didn't know about.

    I finally "watched" it happen one time, and since I figured out what happened, it hasn't happened since.

    I often times run around gathering mats and herbs and such. A few times, I'll have to fight a mob or two, and being generally broke most of the time, I mostly pick everything up. As I run from one mat location to the next location, I oft times open up my inventory to look at looted gear, or to re-organize other items I pick up.

    This is a big "no no" from now on. As I run and make small steering adjustments with my cursor, if my cursor "drags" across equipped gear, I watched as my necklace became un-equipped and dropped since my cursor was off the inventory window. I caught myself doing this all the time (steering while my inventory was up).

    Like I said, I just happened to be looking at the right place at the right time and noticed the necklace spot go blank. I turned around and sure enough, a ways back, there was my necklace.

    It had happened about 4 times that I can remember, but since I no longer look through my inventory while riding, it hasn't happened in almost a month (and I collect mats at least every other day if not daily).

    See people. This is what happens when you are not watching the road when riding your Black Panthers and other mobile mounts. You should have both hands on the stirups at all times and not be fooling around with what is in your backpack while riding. You are all lucky some Venomancer's little snow hare has nto been killed by all your reckless riding or God only knows what else might be stampeded over.
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I've never had my items vanish, but I've had them randomly unequip without me dragging anything.

    The unequips happen when you accidentally double-click on them.
  • Sanshiru - Lost City
    Sanshiru - Lost City Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    erm how can you 'accidently' double-click? clicking once i agree it happens, but double-click? also.. how when you don't have the mouse hover over the items?
    .: Being able to read and think at the same time is an advantage :.
  • Maiya - Lost City
    Maiya - Lost City Posts: 2,686 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I right click to change my equipment. But the only time I do is when I'm changing it to something new.
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    erm how can you 'accidently' double-click? clicking once i agree it happens, but double-click? also.. how when you don't have the mouse hover over the items?

    As someone explained before, there's some lag between when you close the inventory window and when your clicks stop registering on it. Also, sometimes when I'm clicking or just grabbing the mouse to move it, my index finger will bounce and double-click.

    It's rare, I've only caught myself doing it 5 times. Once I ended up unequipping an item, twice I ended up equipping something I'd picked up as loot, and twice I ended up unintentionally using a potion or apothecary item. There are probably a bunch of times when it happens and I don't notice because the double-click didn't fall on anything. I don't normally double-click to equip/unequip/use, and didn't even know you could until I saw this happen the first time.

    I play piano and can trill very quickly, so maybe my fingers are more prone to twitchiness.
  • gattsuru
    gattsuru Posts: 3,184 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Right-clicking will also change equipment. I've run into some (but not all) systems where the computer registers both the MouseDown and MouseUp events (or their equivalents in the programming language involved) as right-clicks. Only an issue when panning the camera while your inventory is open, but worth watching out for if it does occur in your system.
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Yeah sometimes when holding right click to change view and opening inventory will cause you to right click stuff. I hate accidentally equipping mijis that way b:cry
  • Lahnora - Sanctuary
    Lahnora - Sanctuary Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Yes, this has happened to me too.
    I often go to my inventory to be surprised I picked up equipment, only to realize that it was the equipment that I was wearing just unequipped.
    I caught myself several times. Mostly happens when I open my inventory while walking and I pan the camera.
  • Terevan - Sanctuary
    Terevan - Sanctuary Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    If only the problematic "Security Lock" would be changed to an inventory lock that prevents you from unintentionally unequipping or dropping items...
  • XAsch - Sanctuary
    XAsch - Sanctuary Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I've had this once. I had my cape on, then when I go to check out inventory, BAM, nothing there. Hours later, I'd decided to check my bank for something - and whaddya know, it's in there.

    I hadn't left Nightscream for hours, so... go figure.
  • Faize - Heavens Tear
    Faize - Heavens Tear Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    both times I was at a vendor in tiger form and had to shift back to humanoid form to re-equip it.Strange. I was wondering if other peeps had this problem.
    yeah u can only equip or un equip in veno form, it wont let u while in animal form b:sad
    but yeah ive noticed items go missing while equipped , i thought i was dropping them or such b:sad
  • _Olive_ - Heavens Tear
    _Olive_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I'm on heavens tear, lv 1o, even tho im only low level i made 2 rings at lv 9 but between leveling to 10 the both dissapeared, i hand sold them nor dropped them, not did i die in that time, i was questing on 3 mobs at swarm hill, and quest hand in on reward was a ring thats when i saw i missing both, i saw i was missing one previously bfore 10, and thought it was strange then, god i hope its not some dam equip glitch, they never showed in my bank either prior to going missing, but what i did find out faction, that even in normal mode when u die there's a 1% chance of losing and item im was like what ??? O.O at low levels its wouldnt matter to much but if that happend in higher levels , "hell" O.o = (
  • Luane - Sanctuary
    Luane - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    i have read the thread and i'm sad to say i'm glad i'm not the only one (i say 'sad' cos it's not nice to see someone suffer the loss of items/money and stuff)
    but what really angers me is when i go to the cleric trainer for upgrading of skills and at long last reach lvl 10 in a buff get a few other upgrades then shut the window.
    i stand there feeling like i have really achieved something cos we all know how hard spirit is to get for all the skills and upgrades we want, and i look to move my new improved/big/spectactular visual buff into place b:shocked
    its not there
    not only is it not there, the money and spirit have gone as well b:cry
    my cleric is lvl 61 and i can't even trust her to go and help with a baddie above Krixxxx (or however you spell its name)
    my cleric is so glitched i cannot rely on her to heal when she needs too b:angry
    knowing my luck with her she's start dancing b:angry

    as regrdng the ticket system, i'll be honest i didnt think of that probably cos i was too angry at loosing around 100k (probably more) in spirit
  • Gasoline - Lost City
    Gasoline - Lost City Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    A moulder i just bought vanished after a server crash, was prolly b/c of rollback and memory issues. But i got it back from a GM 3 days after i posted my ticket - surprisingly enough.

    Other than that i never had stuff vanish. But the game do have bugs and 1 min before maintenance u should prolly not trade/buy stuff and log of in time b:surrender
  • WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary
    WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary Posts: 1,686 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Although this is not what the OP describes, my sister has seen items "disappear" from other player's bank/inventory several times, and has profited considerably by picking up the abandoned items.

    Basically what probably happened was somebody was transferring items to/from the bank quickly, but not paying attention. When they dragged the item and released the mouse button the game registered the drop location as the ground.

    The net result is that along with the frequent junk people discard near the banker, there's the occasional high-priced item just lying there. If I remember correctly, she once found a piece of fashion clothing worth ~300k.
    PWI Merchanting Guides:
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Although this is not what the OP describes, my sister has seen items "disappear" from other player's bank/inventory several times, and has profited considerably by picking up the abandoned items.

    Basically what probably happened was somebody was transferring items to/from the bank quickly, but not paying attention. When they dragged the item and released the mouse button the game registered the drop location as the ground.

    The net result is that along with the frequent junk people discard near the banker, there's the occasional high-priced item just lying there. If I remember correctly, she once found a piece of fashion clothing worth ~300k.

    I've accidentally done that before. Though I realized I did and picked it up right away.
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • josefinemutzenbacher
    josefinemutzenbacher Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    The whole Vanishing trick happened to my fully upgraded Nakir. It's now been 8 days since I sent a ticket and stopped playing until they fix it up. I also made a topic on forum and all I got there was... advice to send a ticket >.< So I sent another, and its already 3 days since that. I'm losing will to play this game... When I had problems with charging zen, the help came in less than 48 hours, and was very polite and thorough, but I don't really want to flame about it...