Move The Lagcats To Center Arch Bridge!!

Sixzero - Sanctuary
Sixzero - Sanctuary Posts: 12 Arc User
edited January 2009 in Twilight Temple (West)
Consider the mess of lagcats we have in West Archosaur. wouldn't it make more sense to make a cooperative effort to move those cats to an area that would make them less of a nuisance and more accessible? Myself and some other faction leaders have the idea of having all the cats line up on the railing of both of the center bridges, that way you have bank and teleport access from both North and South Archosaur and a clean route to do your questing/NPC shopping/crazy stone quests each day in West Archosaur. Not only that, but then you could actually SEE the freakin' cats and what they are advertising to sell. I think it would be an awesome thing to see and do. What about you guys? Seriously, don't troll me with negativity or anything. Just tell me if you would appreciate something like that.
Post edited by Sixzero - Sanctuary on


  • Temerayn - Sanctuary
    Temerayn - Sanctuary Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I think this is an amazing idea. I saw some 'cats on the bridge the other day and thought it was a nice change from the idiotic clutter of West Arch.
  • Blakiepoo - Sanctuary
    Blakiepoo - Sanctuary Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    so far so good. There are stores lining the whole bridge!

    Maybe one day all of the cat shops will crowd the bridge
  • Malcuid - Sanctuary
    Malcuid - Sanctuary Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I think it is a great idea.
    I really get so annoyed if I try to find a banker or need to go from somewhere in archosaur to the west gate.
    I usually just klick in the sky so I am able to point somewhere else without jumping.

    Arent the bridges too small if you see the amounts of cats?
    Another good thing would be to support the auctionhouse more
  • Mua - Lost City
    Mua - Lost City Posts: 546 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    If they were ON the bridge and not just on the edge/railing then yeah, why not.

    Personally I don't mind the way they are atm. In fact, I like it. I can do my crazy stone, buy mats, look up prices for gear and sell gold at the auctioneer all in one area. b:laugh

    W+S+A+D keys get me through the area without the slightest problem.
    Mua - 8x WF - Conqueror
  • Temerayn - Sanctuary
    Temerayn - Sanctuary Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    My veno's set up shop on the bridge. Business isn't so hot. I might switch to crafting mats and not herbs soon at this rate. XD

    The bridge looks so nice though. I hope this trend continues.
  • Kemeko_san - Sanctuary
    Kemeko_san - Sanctuary Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I support this idea
    Thank you for saying this
  • XGremx - Sanctuary
    XGremx - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Hmm guess I'll start selling my items on the Bridge than.b:pleased
  • XAsch - Sanctuary
    XAsch - Sanctuary Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    If they were ON the bridge and not just on the edge/railing then yeah, why not.

    Personally I don't mind the way they are atm. In fact, I like it. I can do my crazy stone, buy mats, look up prices for gear and sell gold at the auctioneer all in one area. b:laugh

    W+S+A+D keys get me through the area without the slightest problem.

    -nods in agreement-
  • Sirbilliam - Sanctuary
    Sirbilliam - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Wonderful idea. I support it fully.

    As an extra side note, we could probably designate areas for people who sell specific types of items.

    Like people selling only DQ items could be in one area, only crafting mats in another, and so on.

    Remember anything benefiting people over level 30 could be done in places only accessable to those who can fly. So maybe people selling only TT items can get a certain section on top of a wall or something.

    If we could SOMEHOW get this implemented people could go to a speicifc spot and not have to check through every shop on the bridge just to find something.

    Of course general stores selling a little of everything would still be on the bridges most likely.
  • Oishasan - Sanctuary
    Oishasan - Sanctuary Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I have been scouring the cats for a couple weeks now, and it seems they are in general completely overpriced in most things they sell.

    So they cause lag and have no general use...

    support the auction house. Pricing there at least is competitive and logical.
    The cats are for new players to be ripped off, honestly.

    Seriously, how many cats have you seen selling boutique items that if the player just hit 'o' on their keyboard and compared the item's price they could see the huge markup.

    or the random gold buyer (we all know who he is)...2.3 million coin for 30 gold...
    hi, 1 gold = 100,000 coin in the boutique.
    30 gold = 3 million coin.
    If you want to buy/sell gold, use the auction house NPC, you will find a great competitive market there.

    This is the mentality lately of the cat shops, mainly I'm posting this to warn new users of the insanity of Arch cat shops (hopefully if they read this thread).
    Light Armor build, Support Cleric

    Barbarian, feral build

    Arcane Veno
    Beetle Wrangler
  • Malcuid - Sanctuary
    Malcuid - Sanctuary Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Actually not much has changed in the mean time.

    I try to avoid west archo as much as possible or fly real high above it.
    The only reason I ever enter there is the daily quest from that guy
  • basherboy357
    basherboy357 Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Im kind of against this
    sure, West Arch is a bit laggy, but ive grown used to and accept that.
    wait, brb, I want to say hi to someone on the WC
    *teleport to WA*
    *buy tele 5 pixels from where I spawn*

    now, if this were changed all of a sudden....
    wait, brb, I want to say hi to someone on the WC
    *tele to WA*
    wait wtf its empty and boring like north and south district now O_o
    *person I wanted to say hi to logged off before I ran to the bridges*

    lets be honest, its convenient to just do telly, buy, telly, and the lag isnt like OMG ITZ L@GGY, its just mild lag, and often I dont even lag at all in WA.

    OMG, I cant click the Hou lady for Crazy Stoneeeeeer
    Hold shift.

    OMG, my pc is like lagzoring from all these cats
    your pc probably sucks then, I used to run this game fine in WA on a 54 mbps connection with less than 1k physical memory (thank God I got a new computer) and it actually ran fine. if you get any less than 54 mbps you need a better connection anyway. chat box is getting spammed
    its called advertising, get used to it, dont expect to hold any major conversations in WA anyway, and most of the time its not even that spammed.

    and besides, if it gets that bad, eat the spam, it IS a meat after all
  • sarrafeline
    sarrafeline Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    The auction house is worse than the cats. Not only do you have to pay to put stuff up for sale, but half of the decent items there are **** expensive. Take a military sword. You can find a white one star vendor trash one for sale with 2 sockets for by it now of 5k. Then the 2 star, blue, 2 socket sword is 25-30k. Then some **** has a 3 star purple one up with minimum bid at 250k, and a buy it now at 1 mil. And the really sad thing is, they get half their fee back when it doesn't sell.

    I put up an egg for sale on the aution house with a buy it now price of 10k. It was up for a day and nobody bought it. I put the same item in a catshop for 30k and it sold within hours.

    And the last thing that bugs me... I put up a pair of chipao heels for 150k buy it now. Someone bought them, and I only got 142,546 coins from it. The auction ended many hours early, so it must have ended with buy it now... Don't get it.

    And another thing... There are only so many auctioneers in the game. If the cat shops suck, than having 300 people crowded around the auctioneer in West Arch is going to suck even worse.

    And the last thing, the search feature doesn't work, and the filters are clumsy. Looking for a mold? Gooooood luck! You'll have to wade through a few pages of them to find the one you want.

    Auction house for the loss. It's useful for some things, but if you're a veno, it's not useful for pet eggs, that's for sure. Especially when some toolbag puts a Shaodu cub up for 3 million coins... I left the auction house, ran to the teleporter, and found one at a cat shop for 850k. >_<
  • Oishasan - Sanctuary
    Oishasan - Sanctuary Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Auction House gives a nice opportunity for supply and demand.

    If you don't like the price..don't buy it?

    As far as everyone flocking to the auctioneer..umm, there's plenty of them in Arch, and one in every city. That's the beauty of having an Auction house, location is a non-factor.

    Fee? it's 500 coin. Same price that you spend on sending it to your cat alt.

    I have always found a good deal when I need to (just like in real life, discipline is the key, impulse buying FTL), and lately more and more people are using it.

    Personally I boycott the cats, mainly because of the ones who are 'cute' and put themselves on the tops of NPC's heads. Yes I use shift, but the flag is still hidden at times, and that's annoying (and worse, they actually are doing it on purpose...possibly worthy of a harrassment report, may have to try that).

    Long story short, the Auction House allows someone to give a better price than their competitors, and consumers to find that deal.
    Light Armor build, Support Cleric

    Barbarian, feral build

    Arcane Veno
    Beetle Wrangler
  • Evga - Sanctuary
    Evga - Sanctuary Posts: 779 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I put up an egg for sale on the aution house with a buy it now price of 10k. It was up for a day and nobody bought it. I put the same item in a catshop for 30k and it sold within hours.

    And the last thing that bugs me... I put up a pair of chipao heels for 150k buy it now. Someone bought them, and I only got 142,546 coins from it. The auction ended many hours early, so it must have ended with buy it now... Don't get it.

    And another thing... There are only so many auctioneers in the game. If the cat shops suck, than having 300 people crowded around the auctioneer in West Arch is going to suck even worse.

    And the last thing, the search feature doesn't work, and the filters are clumsy. Looking for a mold? Gooooood luck! You'll have to wade through a few pages of them to find the one you want.

    Auction house for the loss. It's useful for some things, but if you're a veno, it's not useful for pet eggs, that's for sure. Especially when some toolbag puts a Shaodu cub up for 3 million coins... I left the auction house, ran to the teleporter, and found one at a cat shop for 850k. >_<

    first off, putting an egg in an auction is never a good idea. why? it's not something that people put up often. and thus not a lot of people will go through the filter to look for the egg section. and thus the easier way to sell items that are not often put in auction is catshop or world chat.

    as for the money you receive. the auction charges you 5% of how much the person pays for as "service."

    not sure why you have a problem with molds. there is about like only 4 pages now worth of mold. not too bad. and if you are complaining now, it will only get worst. as more time pass, there will be more mold available in auction especially low level ones. it's just how it works.

    and if i'm not mistaken, you can always search for the name of the mold instead of filter.

    as for the cub. i can guess the reason why the price is so high. it's because recently there have been a lot of world chat looking to buy cub. and as a farmer of cubs, i know a lot of them have died recently. so a shortage means, the price can be push up and somebody might pay for it.
  • sarrafeline
    sarrafeline Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Jerks killing rare pets just to drive up prices.

    The search function does not work for me. i type something in, click search, and nothing happens. Oh well.
  • Evga - Sanctuary
    Evga - Sanctuary Posts: 779 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    that's kinda rude. i've been catching rare pet since lvl 9 and from experience the person who has the fastest casting win. and sometimes, in order to make sure the tame works. you also need to deal sufficient damage to the cub. in other words the more damage your pet does the better. so high damage pet = dead cub faster

    but another problem is nobody wants to stow thier pet. people rather have about 5 pets out instead of just one. and there is a reason for this. if one person have a pet out and the cub spawn, he might just miss it. causing whoever to cast first to be on the downside. So, it's better to have your own pet out.

    but for every single good point there is a downfall :P
  • Evga - Sanctuary
    Evga - Sanctuary Posts: 779 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    as for the auction thing. go to filter then others then mold. from there it would list all the mold in auction. it's about 3 pages. sort with the one that enter the auction the earliest