Please please please add a reasonable mouse movement interface

rhaithe Posts: 3 Arc User
edited June 2009 in Suggestion Box
'Move to click' is completely unusable. Please add a dynamic 'follow the mouse' system. i.e. When you hold down both mouse buttons the character moves in the direction you move the mouse.

An option for having the view change with direction is critical as well.

Lastly, there needs to be an option to invert the mouse's y-axis for people like me who simply can't learn to do it backwards.

This looks like a wonderful game! Sadly, as it is, the movement interface is to clunky for me to use so I'll say farewell. Too bad. This game looked like it would be fun.
Post edited by rhaithe on


  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    completely unusable, thats why its the mmorpg standard?
    you cant learn to use the standard (non flight sim) y axis?

    if you're going to suggest things don't say the standard way of doing things is completely broken , just makes you look looney and not worth paying due attention to.
  • Ren - Lost City
    Ren - Lost City Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Mouse movement is best, wasd is completely unusable.

    Zoe is so full of it, that he must be Karmelia.
  • Hong - Heavens Tear
    Hong - Heavens Tear Posts: 332 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Mouse movement is best, wasd is completely unusable.

    WASD is the best, mouse movement is completely unsuable.

    www . rochq .net
  • snowowl
    snowowl Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    completely unusable, thats why its the mmorpg standard?
    you cant learn to use the standard (non flight sim) y axis?

    if you're going to suggest things don't say the standard way of doing things is completely broken , just makes you look looney and not worth paying due attention to.

    I just started playing and after a few minutes of frustration came to the forums looking for exactly what was described in the top post: a more fluid mouse movement interface and a way of changing the y-axis.

    I agree with the original poster. Click on a spot and move to it, then click on another spot and move to it is stupid. And it most certainly is NOT the standard method of moving around in online games. You probably haven't heard of a game called world of warcraft? No? How about Dark Age of Camelot? No? Maybe Ultimate Online? Those, and many many others do not use this silly method of movement as their standard interface, although some do have an option to enable this sort of thing if you really really want to use it.

    As he stated, holding down both mouse buttons and changing direction as the mouse moves is much better. It is fluid and allows for quick easy movement with considerably greater control.

    The y-axis used here does seem to be the standard but you'll notice that every major game offers an option to reverse it as many many people prefer it reversed. That's just a personal preference and I don't see how offering an option to accommodate those people could possible cause you any problem.

    Options are great and they allow people with different playstyles to use whatever playstyle is comfortable for them. Since movement is the most basic, most important element of the game, there should, imo, be ample options to allow people to move about in different ways.

    As to looking "looney", you are the one flaming someone who stated that they were leaving the game and in all likelihood would never return to the forums, let alone see your little post. I thought his comments were very reasonable (as it is what I am looking for as well) and thought your flame was totally uncalled for.
  • maal
    maal Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Umm... one sec. Movement is WASD for the most part (Same as Wow and most others), though the option of mouse move does exist. I personally don't use it except for long distrance travel while flying (Click as far in front of your char as you can). The only admittedly minor complaint i have is the lack of a "Follow" camera angle to select. As i said though, a minor complaint and it's easy enough to work around.
    If you find the mouse move to be too clumsy for your preference, i would suggest sticking to the WASD standard. Pretty basic control format for everything from FPS to MMORPG's, and fairly easy to learn.
  • snowowl
    snowowl Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    maal wrote: »
    Umm... one sec. Movement is WASD for the most part (Same as Wow and most others), though the option of mouse move does exist. I personally don't use it except for long distrance travel while flying (Click as far in front of your char as you can). The only admittedly minor complaint i have is the lack of a "Follow" camera angle to select. As i said though, a minor complaint and it's easy enough to work around.
    If you find the mouse move to be too clumsy for your preference, i would suggest sticking to the WASD standard. Pretty basic control format for everything from FPS to MMORPG's, and fairly easy to learn.

    I think you misread it. The first guy said that the system of clicking on a spot, moving to it, clicking on another spot, moving to it was 'unusable'. The second guy said that system of mouse movement was the 'mmorpg standard'. I was just pointing out to him that that form of mouse movement is NOT the standard.

    You are quite right that the keyboard movement works just like it does in all other games. That's fine for those that like to use the keyboard. For those that like to use the mouse, I too would like to see a better mouse movement interface adopted, like what is used in wow and other games.

    I totally agree with you about the follow-me camera angle. That would be a nice addition.
  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    i played UO for a few years
    i guess i can just easily move from one system to the other..
    last korean/asia mmorpgs LC,ROSE,RYL2 i believe had same system as this, or both just seem natural
    its not that hard..
  • Venoblood - Heavens Tear
    Venoblood - Heavens Tear Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    It's not that you can't learn to use a regular camera interface, it's that you don't want to because you're too stuck in your own ways. Learn to differentiate between inverted and not by playing a while with both, it helps. On CoD I always have invert Y-axis on, and I probably play that more than I do PWI, but I do just fine without an inverted axis.

    The mouse and WASD movements are fine as they are. I find that sometimes I get bored of holding down W to go everywhere, so I use the mouse to click a far ways away and go in that direction until the time calls for me to go somewhere else.

    It's not that the movement controls or the camera interface is bad, it's because you don't want to use it.
  • Wei - Heavens Tear
    Wei - Heavens Tear Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    rhaithe wrote: »
    'Move to click' is completely unusable.

    I have to agree on this.
  • Wrathx - Heavens Tear
    Wrathx - Heavens Tear Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I use move to click everyday and it seems to work fine for me. The fact that there is a complete lack of keyboard remapping doesn't help any though.
  • henkos82
    henkos82 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    i cant play this game without invert mouse y axis, otherwise an ok game
  • Tailynne - Lost City
    Tailynne - Lost City Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Personally I thought WASD was ridiculous at first, but I got used to it fairly quick. The only movement change that I think NEEDS to be added is a hold the camera angle behind me function. There are plenty of times I find it really inconvenient to have to move the camera manually. I could dig on more keyboard assign-ability as well. I think it's silly to not have more hotkeys to do what I want them to. But really, just a behind the character camera angle would GREAT!
    Cheer up little chappy, take your face off my boot
  • XBaelx - Lost City
    XBaelx - Lost City Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    mouse to click = win
    WASD = Fail

    i say we get an addon that we use our minds to control our toons with then we'd do away with both of these old skool ways.. thx
  • Tailynne - Lost City
    Tailynne - Lost City Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    mouse To Click = Win
    Wasd = Fail

    I Say We Get An Addon That We Use Our Minds To Control Our Toons With Then We'd Do Away With Both Of These Old Skool Ways.. Thx

    Here Here!
    Cheer up little chappy, take your face off my boot
  • TheTot - Heavens Tear
    TheTot - Heavens Tear Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Mouse movement is best, wasd is completely unusable.

    Only if you're using an AZERTY keyboard.

    I have a QWERTY keyboard (obviously the kind this game was designed for), and I use both my keyboard and my mouse to move. W to run, right click to turn/navigate. I love it.

    Using WASD to move instead of arrows allows you to steer with your left hand, and still be within finger's reach of hotkeys, and important buttons. That's why all the menu hotkeys are cluttered around WASD. You can't reach them from the arrow keys. Also, while steering with your left hand, you can navigate the camera using your mouse in your right hand. I even know some left handed players who enjoy the interface this game has.

    However, on a note to the Original Poster, I don't know what you're talking about. The mouse movement interface is fine.
  • HolyBowman - Lost City
    HolyBowman - Lost City Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I like it how it is its not hard to use anyone with a normal or larger brain can use it its not rocket science people mouse movement is great in fact and the hole wasd movement is to weird to use in an rpg like this imo though it is usable too just not as touch sensitive and as interactive as the mouse it.
  • seasnake
    seasnake Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I estimate that 20% of my initial attacks end up going behind me than to the creature infront of me that I am clicking on and tryng to attack. What makes matter worse, after attacking behind me about 1/3rd of the time my next attack goes to the creature that was infront of me, and about that time I'm completely lost to what I am attacking and have to flee out of pure frustration and confusion.

    A mage finds it rather hard to break off attacks against anything once begun, while an archer has a much easier time.

    I wish I could cancel attacks at any moment, the mage takes forever to cast and I grumble to myself, "nooooo, I ddin't want to attack that, please, please, please break off this attack, heck its behind me not even infront of me."

    For those not familiar with what the original poster is talking about, a more fluid mouse still means that any key functions in the game still work, the only differences would be on the mouse system. The mouse system would change from a point someone and click on the ground or creature to go to it, to a follow the pointer no need to click on the ground or creature to go to it system (its way more fluid and also allows you to switch your attacks from one creature to another effortlessly, this makes PVP way more entertaining as you can easily change your attack from one to another and back again, and it allows those with ranged attacks to much easier cast and move, rather than cast be a bit stuck get hit and not be able to flitter away and attack like a bumble bee).
  • Keita - Heavens Tear
    Keita - Heavens Tear Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    seasnake wrote: »
    I wish I could cancel attacks at any moment, the mage takes forever to cast and I grumble to myself, "nooooo, I ddin't want to attack that, please, please, please break off this attack, heck its behind me not even infront of me."

    Try pressing the esc button, that will stop the casting.
  • seasnake
    seasnake Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    thanks for the advice, I'll give the escape button a try as its a continual problem for me and I have a lot of time in which a casting spell could be canceled (also I can easily see within this time if its being cast in the right direction)
  • berotar
    berotar Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    The mouse and WASD movements are fine as they are. I find that sometimes I get bored of holding down W to go everywhere, so I use the mouse to click a far ways away and go in that direction until the time calls for me to go somewhere else..

    A way of solving the "bored of holding down W to go everywhere" could possibly be solved with an "auto run" feature, like seen in WoW. I would certainly like to see that implemented.

    As for flying, if you click the sky, you will fly in that direction untill you hit something, turn or otherwise have your character do something else...
  • Joccey - Sanctuary
    Joccey - Sanctuary Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    My WASD keys seem to be.... sticking... in the sense that especially with W i hold it down to go forward and I'll move a few places and then my character stops, (still holding W down), repress W down and i move a few places, again stopping. Very frustrating when running away from monsters that I get attacked because my damn W key is sticking...
  • ockhams
    ockhams Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    i just picked up this game at the suggestion of a friend and i find that i cannot look around comfortably without an inverted Y axis. please add the option. i'm currently looking into finding a third party software that can invert the controls for me, unfortunately the only one i found that is semi-suitable completely inverts my y axis mouse controls entirely, even for pointing. please fix this. it's just plain annoying and i cannot enjoy your product without it. thanks.
  • caltrass
    caltrass Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Just downloaded the game, while wasd is ok for most people it seems silly not to have a number of different ways to control movement. Personally I can't stand using the keys to move or mouse click to move. Can't see why movement by holding both mouse keys down couldn't be implemented quite easily e.g. you could look and move. I would have thuoght most mmorpg's nowadays would try and make their interfaces as configurable as possible to attract the most players as possible, not restrict things that will put a percentage of people off playing a game ? I for one couldn't play this game with the current movement options, they just seem too restrictive to me. Ahh well looks like I'm still searching for an alternative to wow. Gl guys have fun in PW.
  • rangergirl
    rangergirl Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    rhaithe wrote: »
    'Move to click' is completely unusable. Please add a dynamic 'follow the mouse' system. i.e. When you hold down both mouse buttons the character moves in the direction you move the mouse.

    An option for having the view change with direction is critical as well.

    Lastly, there needs to be an option to invert the mouse's y-axis for people like me who simply can't learn to do it backwards.

    This looks like a wonderful game! Sadly, as it is, the movement interface is to clunky for me to use so I'll say farewell. Too bad. This game looked like it would be fun.

    'i.e. When you hold down both mouse buttons the character moves in the direction you move the mouse.'

    just press W to move forward and click the right mouse button to do this.
  • Wierdonedemo - Sanctuary
    Wierdonedemo - Sanctuary Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    The only thing i agree with is the camera folowing your char its a realy valueble feature.
  • Yunaeck - Heavens Tear
    Yunaeck - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I would just like to disable click to move, is there anyway to do this? I could not find it in the game options anywhere let alone keybind, I must be missing something...
  • CornHilario - Heavens Tear
    CornHilario - Heavens Tear Posts: 647 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    *raises hand*

    One corn to rule them all and in the darkness cream them

    MS paint ftw. Disclaimer: my suit is actually gray, not black.

    ♥: The best f♥♥king censor ever. Always remember to show
    love to eachother on the forum even when you are cussing eachother out.
  • Muah - Heavens Tear
    Muah - Heavens Tear Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I had problems with the controls at first.... but obviously at my lvl.. I've adapted and have zero problems and STILL enjoy the game.The only thing i Might like is the camera follow behind me so i can turn in any direction and my camera not hit a wall XD but other than that.. no problems...
    ~Mrs. Curry~
    Since 7/4/09
  • Niraneth - Heavens Tear
    Niraneth - Heavens Tear Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Holy necro old thread batman