
dekciw Posts: 954 Arc User
edited January 2009 in Twilight Temple (West)
Everything comes to an end,

I know there is already another topic talking about the fact that bloodlust pretty much died today but I wanted to make a topic myself to give everyone my point of view on the matter as I have been in bloodlust nearly since the beginning of it's existence and I was pretty much part of the "making" of this guild that could of achieved way more than it actually did. I knew that day was coming, I felt it a long time ago and everyone who has talked to me recently knows that I've mentioned that the guild was slowly falling down, to be honest tho I didn't expect it to be that fast and to happen so suddenly. A lot of people seem to put the blame on inflamez and only him but I think that's a bit of an hypocrite attitude to have because even tho I don't agree with his most recent decisions he's the one that brought us that far and made bloodlust what it was under it's better days. He has been a great pvp leader and he knew how to motivate people. There are many reasons for which, in my opinion the guild hit his last mile today. I'll start by saying that one of the reason was because we had no unity, by this I mean we had several "group of friends" which worked together and this is partially my and inflamez's fault because we asked people to create "teams" to party and pvp together to create some sort of chemistry that would turn people into some amazing pvpers with awesome teamwork. Unfortunately, I think it pretty much divided the guild into multiple group of friends where if 1 would be unhappy the rest of his friends would just follow and leave the guild resulting in 5-6 people leaving at a time making a large amount of drama. Another point is the fact that people tend to act like their 12 and because they don't like 1 person they have to leave the guild and be all emo about it, for real I'm pretty sure there is someone you work/ go to school with that you don't like and I'm pretty sure you haven't quit your job or dropped school for that reason. It's kinda illogic to me. I'd also qualify some people as hypocrites, what I mean by that is that I remember quite frankly before the KOS with GZ how everyone kept saying how annoying they were and that they were planning to tag up with CQ to try to take us down and that we should KOS them immediately yet when we did KOS them all those people that talked big about how they wanted the KOS to happen all left the guild because they couldn't handle that amount of PvP. There was also a HH / FB party problem that caused a lot of drama, people relied a lot on the top level of the guild to help them farm their HH stuff when those people wanted maybe to pvp or to get some more levels which caused several conflicts.

I have my own share of fault too, when inflamez asked me to VGM I accepted but I didn't have any leading experience being a good pvper is one thing but leading people to be good pvpers is another one. During the nearly one month were inflamez was out on the sea I had to lead the guild by myself under the KOS of GZ and CQ and there was a WHOLE LOT of drama at that time. I had a hard time getting people to show up to PvPs and people weren't motivated to level anymore by the fear of getting crashed, some people from GZ offered me at that time to discuss about dropping the KOS which we ended up doing after making the guild vote but inflamez called it back on two occasions. To be honest I never really agreed with the KOS even tho I didn't actually mind it but in my opinion I think we should of focused on our primary enemy guild that was CQ at that time and let RQ and GZ deal their own fight. We lost a fair amount of players during that KOS and even tho these members could be called "carebears" they were part of bloodlust and were a good asset in TWs. I did try to keep people in the guild but I guess I wasn't convincing enough and for these reasons I am also one of the reasons why Bloodlust started it's downfall. During the last week before inflamez was back, I decided to take a break from the game for a week because I had to deal with school stuff and I was kind a sick as well. It turned out to be a really bad timing it seems because when I came back to the game I got demoted for inactivity (?) and inflamez and kyri decided to call the KOS back on GZ by attacking them in TW. That did make me slightly angry because to be honest it made me look like a tool but I still went on and continued doing the same thing as when I was still VGM and started to notice that the guild was slowly falling down. People had no motivation to level and it was always the same people showing up to PvPs. Then we went on the several TWs where we gained more experience and were kinda confident about being able to beat our opponents once we had our strategies down but we never really worked on our flaws and every TWs were poorly organized as Yoshiki is from SG and has a weird timezone which resulted in him waking up slightly before TW and inflamez for personal reasons would have to come back 30 mins before the beginning of the TW. I did try to organise the guild during those time by myself by handling pots, making parties, getting people @ the meeting point but it was so much work and I had very little time. On reason being that for some reasons most people decided to log in during the last hour of the TW so trying to make parties before that was a totall mess, never knew if one person would attend or not even with a topic on the forums which not everyone took the time to register and read.

To sum up bloodlust it was a guild with really strong individual PvPers but the guild as a whole was never really united and even tho we had great pvp leaders which scored us many wins even badly outnumbred, we still lacked basic organisation. The guild was greedy as a whole and we tried to achieve more than we possibly could at the time.

I'd to thank everyone who was in bloodlust and who made the guild possible, I had fun during these epic levels and I do wish it didn't end that way.

For those who wonders what I plan to do, I'm not sure yet I'm quite bored in-game at the moment and I am not too sure if I want to keep on going or not. I might quit, I might not ... I'm taking a few days to debate of what I'll do.
Post edited by dekciw on


  • Image - Lost City
    Image - Lost City Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    your great man, but even better with paragrapths...

    hmmm for awhile i knew it would fail. higher lvls making alts, higher lvls losing abitition to over power the opposing side "oo lets all pk lets all pk".

    I know "its a pvp server" i see it daily in wc but 95% of the time is finding the person to kill when your in a non random pk faction and that time the other side is leveling, common sense please?

    iam just glad i didnt go to the effort of making a signature =P
  • Jebbediah - Lost City
    Jebbediah - Lost City Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Good post man.

    A nice read too.

    In a way im not so mad at Grim now.
  • Pandora - Lost City
    Pandora - Lost City Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Grim ****ed up - period. He let his ego get the best of him, and a few days ago when he started telling me word for word "I don't care about the future of BLT lol" I knew that things were about to crumble.

    You guys have good players but as you said, you lacked the unity, and I feel that the squads thing you commented on played a big part of it.

    RQ was always loyal to BLT (despite being backstabbed early in the server... But we'll sweep that under the rug) and will continue to be as BLT goes on under Yoshiki's (more able) leadership.

    I'm sorry to have seen it all end like this - all bloodlust members know they always have a home in RQ, and I will do my best to correct the mistakes that you guys have made... And maybe these new members can bring to light some things that need to change around RQ, too.
    Because the bigger your damage, the bigger your epeen.
  • Agentzero - Lost City
    Agentzero - Lost City Posts: 199 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    hi warmachine me from GZ and thanks for your post
    hope you don't leave and hope no one leaves this game, as this will destroy the game.

    see you in game (and plz spare me! lol)
  • GriminflameZ - Lost City
    GriminflameZ - Lost City Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    lol, pandora dont be so judgemental bro, I quit caring when the others had already quit caring... Not so much I didn't care, but more I could tell that it was an empty shell of a guild that once was BLT... Hmmm ego? Ego had to do with what? lol... if your talking about me fkin with your fish pt, that was more of a joke than anything, and a few of ur guildies that happened to be ex-blt decided to be cocky towards me, so I decided to fk with them... this all really had nothing to do with RQ... cept kinda left u shafted for TW...

    Grim ****ed up - period. He let his ego get the best of him, and a few days ago when he started telling me word for word "I don't care about the future of BLT lol" I knew that things were about to crumble.

    You guys have good players but as you said, you lacked the unity, and I feel that the squads thing you commented on played a big part of it.

    RQ was always loyal to BLT (despite being backstabbed early in the server... But we'll sweep that under the rug) and will continue to be as BLT goes on under Yoshiki's (more able) leadership.

    I'm sorry to have seen it all end like this - all bloodlust members know they always have a home in RQ, and I will do my best to correct the mistakes that you guys have made... And maybe these new members can bring to light some things that need to change around RQ, too.
  • Ethree - Lost City
    Ethree - Lost City Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Interesting to see what will happen the next few days
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] tx Haiz too pro
  • mecurial
    mecurial Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    if you r quitting for sure, lemme know , i wil pay gd for ur acct ^^b:victory
    ~~~~la la la~~~~~~
  • Hidden - Lost City
    Hidden - Lost City Posts: 338 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Grim lots of people cared, we made suggestions even on improvements that fell on deaf ears. you once said u dont need a rank to help the guild, yet without a rank the people with the power to change things never listened.

    u said half the people never use vent, thats true, but those people who went TW without vent KEPT GETTING PAID. why the hell would someone change when there wasnt any punishment. again there were suggestions on forums on how to solve this, but nobody listened.

    sadly alot of people wont remember BLT as a great pvp guild, they'll remember BLT as the fish party. cause in the last few months nearly all forms of pvp revolved around defending fish, while any other low lvl training areas got completely ****.
  • Specgoesemo - Lost City
    Specgoesemo - Lost City Posts: 275 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    lol, pandora dont be so judgemental bro, I quit caring when the others had already quit caring... Not so much I didn't care, but more I could tell that it was an empty shell of a guild that once was BLT... Hmmm ego? Ego had to do with what? lol... if your talking about me fkin with your fish pt, that was more of a joke than anything, and a few of ur guildies that happened to be ex-blt decided to be cocky towards me, so I decided to fk with them... this all really had nothing to do with RQ... cept kinda left u shafted for TW...

    Don't even try to defend yourself. All of BLT knows what happened, for the most part. You stopped caring flat out, never listened to any of your members unless they were your "group". You failed to pay out salaries half the time, failed to pay out correctly the other half of the time. Your members were striving to make ends meet in the guild by funding themselves, developing their own strategies; each member tried leading a guild that had no leader. Most of your members that left tried to leave on a good note [aka - go to RQ [YOUR ALLY]]. Yet you would still cause ******** with them, kill them, call KOS on them. You were given many chances to learn from the many mistakes that were made, but your ego decided to step in and pretend like you know best. You held your guild to standards that only applied to some, while some people didn't even have to obey them [for instance, Raven NEVER being on vent]. You only defended your high levels [high meaning people around your level or higher]. Then, to sum it all up after failing to lead the guild, you went emo and DITCHED every last one of them on a bad note. You led your guild to defeat then said I get better things to do than save your asses from something I brought you to. So many people had respect for you, Grim. It's too bad you ruined every bit of respect from just about every last person. Not even RQ or CQ want you.

    P.S. - Conqueror, when I watched Flamez take up the CQ tag and all of a sudden not have it anymore, that was probably the most epic moment of my gameplay so far >_> Hopefully, with our BLT family joining us, RQ will manage to be good competition for you and keep this server alive. See you all on the battlefield ^^
  • Azure - Lost City
    Azure - Lost City Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    b:shocked Don't Care
  • Pandora - Lost City
    Pandora - Lost City Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Now that you mention it, I think I'm bleedin' inside my chest.

    But I've got the medicine.

    *****, come over here and have sex with SpecGoesEmo.
    Because the bigger your damage, the bigger your epeen.
  • dekciw
    dekciw Posts: 954 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Don't even try to defend yourself. All of BLT knows what happened, for the most part. You stopped caring flat out, never listened to any of your members unless they were your "group". You failed to pay out salaries half the time, failed to pay out correctly the other half of the time. Your members were striving to make ends meet in the guild by funding themselves, developing their own strategies; each member tried leading a guild that had no leader. Most of your members that left tried to leave on a good note [aka - go to RQ [YOUR ALLY]]. Yet you would still cause ******** with them, kill them, call KOS on them. You were given many chances to learn from the many mistakes that were made, but your ego decided to step in and pretend like you know best. You held your guild to standards that only applied to some, while some people didn't even have to obey them [for instance, Raven NEVER being on vent]. You only defended your high levels [high meaning people around your level or higher]. Then, to sum it all up after failing to lead the guild, you went emo and DITCHED every last one of them on a bad note. You led your guild to defeat then said I get better things to do than save your asses from something I brought you to. So many people had respect for you, Grim. It's too bad you ruined every bit of respect from just about every last person. Not even RQ or CQ want you.

    Not sure what you're smoking about salaries but most of the time people didn't even hand in their party list so we had to guess who attended and what not. Not to mention that every TW apparently more than 80 people attended and asked for salary b:surrender

    Pretty sure no one that left for RQ got any **** from inflamez except with the recent kyri's event.

    Yes inflamez made mistakes and took a few bad decisions but I think you're trying to make him look much worse than he actually is. It's easy to blame the guild leader once a guild goes down.
  • Pandora - Lost City
    Pandora - Lost City Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    dekciw wrote: »
    Pretty sure no one that left for RQ got any **** from inflamez except with the recent kyri's event.

    Yes inflamez made mistakes and took a few bad decisions but I think you're trying to make him look much worse than he actually is. It's easy to blame the guild leader once a guild goes down.

    InflameZ has been giving them **** all along. They were even being killed the first few days after they left.
    Because the bigger your damage, the bigger your epeen.
  • Transcend - Lost City
    Transcend - Lost City Posts: 448 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Well.. thanks for the great fight in our one TW.

    Latest Release: Electric Daisy Carnival [20 June 2013]
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  • shizo
    shizo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    dekciw wrote: »
    Everything comes to an end,

    I know there is already another topic talking about the fact that bloodlust pretty much died today but I wanted to make a topic myself to give everyone my point of view on the matter as I have been in bloodlust nearly since the beginning of it's existence and I was pretty much part of the "making" of this guild that could of achieved way more than it actually did. I knew that day was coming, I felt it a long time ago and everyone who has talked to me recently knows that I've mentioned that the guild was slowly falling down, to be honest tho I didn't expect it to be that fast and to happen so suddenly. A lot of people seem to put the blame on inflamez and only him but I think that's a bit of an hypocrite attitude to have because even tho I don't agree with his most recent decisions he's the one that brought us that far and made bloodlust what it was under it's better days. He has been a great pvp leader and he knew how to motivate people. There are many reasons for which, in my opinion the guild hit his last mile today. I'll start by saying that one of the reason was because we had no unity, by this I mean we had several "group of friends" which worked together and this is partially my and inflamez's fault because we asked people to create "teams" to party and pvp together to create some sort of chemistry that would turn people into some amazing pvpers with awesome teamwork. Unfortunately, I think it pretty much divided the guild into multiple group of friends where if 1 would be unhappy the rest of his friends would just follow and leave the guild resulting in 5-6 people leaving at a time making a large amount of drama. Another point is the fact that people tend to act like their 12 and because they don't like 1 person they have to leave the guild and be all emo about it, for real I'm pretty sure there is someone you work/ go to school with that you don't like and I'm pretty sure you haven't quit your job or dropped school for that reason. It's kinda illogic to me. I'd also qualify some people as hypocrites, what I mean by that is that I remember quite frankly before the KOS with GZ how everyone kept saying how annoying they were and that they were planning to tag up with CQ to try to take us down and that we should KOS them immediately yet when we did KOS them all those people that talked big about how they wanted the KOS to happen all left the guild because they couldn't handle that amount of PvP. There was also a HH / FB party problem that caused a lot of drama, people relied a lot on the top level of the guild to help them farm their HH stuff when those people wanted maybe to pvp or to get some more levels which caused several conflicts.

    I have my own share of fault too, when inflamez asked me to VGM I accepted but I didn't have any leading experience being a good pvper is one thing but leading people to be good pvpers is another one. During the nearly one month were inflamez was out on the sea I had to lead the guild by myself under the KOS of GZ and CQ and there was a WHOLE LOT of drama at that time. I had a hard time getting people to show up to PvPs and people weren't motivated to level anymore by the fear of getting crashed, some people from GZ offered me at that time to discuss about dropping the KOS which we ended up doing after making the guild vote but inflamez called it back on two occasions. To be honest I never really agreed with the KOS even tho I didn't actually mind it but in my opinion I think we should of focused on our primary enemy guild that was CQ at that time and let RQ and GZ deal their own fight. We lost a fair amount of players during that KOS and even tho these members could be called "carebears" they were part of bloodlust and were a good asset in TWs. I did try to keep people in the guild but I guess I wasn't convincing enough and for these reasons I am also one of the reasons why Bloodlust started it's downfall. During the last week before inflamez was back, I decided to take a break from the game for a week because I had to deal with school stuff and I was kind a sick as well. It turned out to be a really bad timing it seems because when I came back to the game I got demoted for inactivity (?) and inflamez and kyri decided to call the KOS back on GZ by attacking them in TW. That did make me slightly angry because to be honest it made me look like a tool but I still went on and continued doing the same thing as when I was still VGM and started to notice that the guild was slowly falling down. People had no motivation to level and it was always the same people showing up to PvPs. Then we went on the several TWs where we gained more experience and were kinda confident about being able to beat our opponents once we had our strategies down but we never really worked on our flaws and every TWs were poorly organized as Yoshiki is from SG and has a weird timezone which resulted in him waking up slightly before TW and inflamez for personal reasons would have to come back 30 mins before the beginning of the TW. I did try to organise the guild during those time by myself by handling pots, making parties, getting people @ the meeting point but it was so much work and I had very little time. On reason being that for some reasons most people decided to log in during the last hour of the TW so trying to make parties before that was a totall mess, never knew if one person would attend or not even with a topic on the forums which not everyone took the time to register and read.

    To sum up bloodlust it was a guild with really strong individual PvPers but the guild as a whole was never really united and even tho we had great pvp leaders which scored us many wins even badly outnumbred, we still lacked basic organisation. The guild was greedy as a whole and we tried to achieve more than we possibly could at the time.

    I'd to thank everyone who was in bloodlust and who made the guild possible, I had fun during these epic levels and I do wish it didn't end that way.

    For those who wonders what I plan to do, I'm not sure yet I'm quite bored in-game at the moment and I am not too sure if I want to keep on going or not. I might quit, I might not ... I'm taking a few days to debate of what I'll do.

    Anyhow,it was nice to have someone equal experienced around. Good luck and have fun whatever you doing bro.

    Shizo - Blademaster 9x - Conqueror

    Quitted trolling the forums. PM me ingame, if want something

    Sig by Sev.
  • Melodia - Lost City
    Melodia - Lost City Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Don't even try to defend yourself. All of BLT knows what happened, for the most part. You stopped caring flat out, never listened to any of your members unless they were your "group". You failed to pay out salaries half the time, failed to pay out correctly the other half of the time. Your members were striving to make ends meet in the guild by funding themselves, developing their own strategies; each member tried leading a guild that had no leader. Most of your members that left tried to leave on a good note [aka - go to RQ [YOUR ALLY]]. Yet you would still cause ******** with them, kill them, call KOS on them. You were given many chances to learn from the many mistakes that were made, but your ego decided to step in and pretend like you know best. You held your guild to standards that only applied to some, while some people didn't even have to obey them [for instance, Raven NEVER being on vent]. You only defended your high levels [high meaning people around your level or higher]. Then, to sum it all up after failing to lead the guild, you went emo and DITCHED every last one of them on a bad note. You led your guild to defeat then said I get better things to do than save your asses from something I brought you to. So many people had respect for you, Grim. It's too bad you ruined every bit of respect from just about every last person. Not even RQ or CQ want you.

    P.S. - Conqueror, when I watched Flamez take up the CQ tag and all of a sudden not have it anymore, that was probably the most epic moment of my gameplay so far >_> Hopefully, with our BLT family joining us, RQ will manage to be good competition for you and keep this server alive. See you all on the battlefield ^^

    Seems a bit split to me. But I dunno. Some joined CQ already, but I actually hope some good ones join RQ too so there's good competition. But who knows? CQ seems to have a pretty strong future atm. With BLT almost gone, there's almost not much comepetition. Honestly, I hope BLT doesn't die and just let Yoshiki handle everything.
    Originally Posted by Pandora - Lost City:
    Please understand that as full int, all an archer has to do is target you and roll his face on the keyboard and you are dead.

    Words of Wisdom.
  • deliriumx
    deliriumx Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    lol rq fools.
    i gonna have fun with u soon enough, dont worry.
    enjoy ur last days b:bye
  • Zoroaster - Lost City
    Zoroaster - Lost City Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    LOL pandora invite all ppl to his trash guild b:shutup
  • cryucry
    cryucry Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Don't even try to defend yourself. All of BLT knows what happened, for the most part. You stopped caring flat out, never listened to any of your members unless they were your "group". You failed to pay out salaries half the time, failed to pay out correctly the other half of the time. Your members were striving to make ends meet in the guild by funding themselves, developing their own strategies; each member tried leading a guild that had no leader. Most of your members that left tried to leave on a good note [aka - go to RQ [YOUR ALLY]]. Yet you would still cause ******** with them, kill them, call KOS on them. You were given many chances to learn from the many mistakes that were made, but your ego decided to step in and pretend like you know best. You held your guild to standards that only applied to some, while some people didn't even have to obey them [for instance, Raven NEVER being on vent]. You only defended your high levels [high meaning people around your level or higher]. Then, to sum it all up after failing to lead the guild, you went emo and DITCHED every last one of them on a bad note. You led your guild to defeat then said I get better things to do than save your asses from something I brought you to. So many people had respect for you, Grim. It's too bad you ruined every bit of respect from just about every last person. Not even RQ or CQ want you.

    P.S. - Conqueror, when I watched Flamez take up the CQ tag and all of a sudden not have it anymore, that was probably the most epic moment of my gameplay so far >_> Hopefully, with our BLT family joining us, RQ will manage to be good competition for you and keep this server alive. See you all on the battlefield ^^

    lol a pwnage flame from a rq. who woulda thought.
  • Specgoesemo - Lost City
    Specgoesemo - Lost City Posts: 275 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    dekciw wrote: »
    *Not sure what you're smoking* about salaries but most of the time people didn't even hand in their party list so we had to guess who attended and what not. Not to mention that every TW apparently more than 80 people attended and asked for salary b:surrender

    *Pretty sure no one that left for RQ got any **** from inflamez except with the recent kyri's event.*

    Yes inflamez made mistakes and took a few bad decisions but I think you're trying to make him look much worse than he actually is. It's easy to blame the guild leader once a guild goes down.

    Take the two statements between the stars. The first part, applies to you, the second part is why it applies to you b:chuckle Flamez has been starting **** EVERY DAY since my group and I left FOR AN ALLIED GUILD! And your defense fails to prove anything about my salary claim since my party sent MULTIPLE mails to you AND flamez upon request. Just because you all skipped over it [hidden motive?] doesn't make it fair that we didn't get paid.

    And yes, it is easy to blame a guild leader when a guild fails, ESPECIALLY when the guild leader says "f*** you all" packs his bags and leaves after the guild finally hits rock bottom [which may I mention, was also his fault]
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    So BLT failed.
    I was going to post a reply... then I realized, you would likely reply in anger and insult me, to which I'd most likely respond with a wittier comment or slay you with a macro and then, onlookers, seeing that comments had been made, would interpret the traffic as interest, thus earning you attention you don't deserve for your **** post. So, when you DON'T see a comment from me, THAT is me saying "FAIL" in a much more effective manner.

  • deliriumx
    deliriumx Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Take the two statements between the stars. The first part, applies to you, the second part is why it applies to you b:chuckle Flamez has been starting **** EVERY DAY since my group and I left FOR AN ALLIED GUILD! And your defense fails to prove anything about my salary claim since my party sent MULTIPLE mails to you AND flamez upon request. Just because you all skipped over it [hidden motive?] doesn't make it fair that we didn't get paid.

    And yes, it is easy to blame a guild leader when a guild fails, ESPECIALLY when the guild leader says "f*** you all" packs his bags and leaves after the guild finally hits rock bottom [which may I mention, was also his fault]

    a nice ally stealing member whole time and just trying to benefit as much as possible.
  • Yourmom - Lost City
    Yourmom - Lost City Posts: 1,655 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    deliriumx wrote: »
    a nice ally stealing member whole time and just trying to benefit as much as possible.

    RQ <3's drama
  • TheDamnTruth - Lost City
    TheDamnTruth - Lost City Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    n0ob wrote: »
    So BLT failed.

    hi X

  • Pandora - Lost City
    Pandora - Lost City Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    deliriumx wrote: »
    a nice ally stealing member whole time and just trying to benefit as much as possible.

    "Stealing members" is the funniest **** ever.

    When members leave BLT to go to CQ, it's "members leaving."

    When members leave BLT to go to an ally, it's "stealing members."

    So funny.

    If people are pissed off and don't want to stay anymore, they have two options. You can, you know, lose them to your enemy. Or you can lose them to your ally.
    Because the bigger your damage, the bigger your epeen.
  • Byr - Lost City
    Byr - Lost City Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    BloodLusT died when i stopped playing. The truth will set you free.
  • raven
    raven Posts: 241 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    dekciw wrote: »
    Not sure what you're smoking about salaries but most of the time people didn't even hand in their party list so we had to guess who attended and what not. Not to mention that every TW apparently more than 80 people attended and asked for salary b:surrender

    Pretty sure no one that left for RQ got any **** from inflamez except with the recent kyri's event.

    Yes inflamez made mistakes and took a few bad decisions but I think you're trying to make him look much worse than he actually is. It's easy to blame the guild leader once a guild goes down.

    dude everyone known youw as feeding ur item ur dolls and everything with salary of low never sent salary at low level for steal money....youa re a thief and a idiot.
  • dekciw
    dekciw Posts: 954 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    raven wrote: »
    dude everyone known youw as feeding ur item ur dolls and everything with salary of low never sent salary at low level for steal money....youa re a thief and a idiot.

    My items? My gear is completly awful aside from my +5 hh90 set which was crafted by guild and +ed mostly by Lorelai. Get over it already, I'm sorry we didn't want to give you 1 gold hiero for every single fb69 run you did.
  • Byr - Lost City
    Byr - Lost City Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Wanted to post a side note since i probably wont be back to these forums:

    To Science, MT and all the other guys that always went out of your way to help others(sorry, theres a list and i probably will forget half anyway), you are the guys that made PW a real pleasure to spend a few months playing and i just wanted to thank yall for that.
  • raven
    raven Posts: 241 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Wanted to post a side note since i probably wont be back to these forums:

    To Science, MT and all the other guys that always went out of your way to help others(sorry, theres a list and i probably will forget half anyway), you are the guys that made PW a real pleasure to spend a few months playing and i just wanted to thank yall for that.

    bye grandma