So... Am I supposed to be this fragile?

xdarksolx Posts: 5 Arc User
edited February 2009 in Wizard
I'm level 29.

I have 33 Str, 33 Dex, 5 vit, and everything else is in Mag.

If I get more than one monster on me at once, I'm toast.

I can take around 6-7 shots from a monster my level, depending on what it is... Usually less for the archer types.

Is this normal? My gear is about as good as it gets for this level barring massive cost. I have no Heirogram, though.

I think I'm supposed to be this fragile, but I wanted to check.

Also, is my mage on track as far as stats go? I'm light armor build...

Thanks in advance, and I'll happily accept any advice you can provide...
Post edited by xdarksolx on


  • Pandora - Lost City
    Pandora - Lost City Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Light armor really early doesn't offer much benefit, as it says in my guide, you should "think about NOT STAT" at low levels.

    But yes, all mages are horrifically squishy especially early. Get used to having a heirogram on early.
    Because the bigger your damage, the bigger your epeen.
  • Elementx - Lost City
    Elementx - Lost City Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Light armor really early doesn't offer much benefit, as it says in my guide, you should "think about NOT STAT" at low levels.

    But yes, all mages are horrifically squishy especially early. Get used to having a heirogram on early.

    i barely use heiro, just try to kill before hit, dols are cheaper imo, and they good when u feel like pking.

    but yeah robes, are better for begining since u want to kill fast and level fast.
    "If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut."b:shutup
  • Amour - Lost City
    Amour - Lost City Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Pot and kite.
    Key to leveling wizards at lower levels. Remember, you can outrun a gushed monster.
    "Amour is better suited to rainbow text, because he is a classy lady." - Nakhimov
  • xdarksolx
    xdarksolx Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Ok, so:

    1: I probably shouldn't have statted light armor right off the bat...

    Is it too late to change that at thirty, or do I need to just start pumping mag?

    2: How can I get more heirograms without paying a fortune? I'll use the cash shop if need be, but if there's a way in-game to manufacture them or whatever, it'd be useful...

    3: I do Kite the monsters I can, but I've noticed that I tend to draw aggro pretty easy. I can be kiting and killing one monster, only to have another two start following me, and then it's curtains.

    Is there something I'm missing? One on one, I never get touched, it's when I get gangraped that's frustrating.

    Finally, do mages draw aggro naturally? In parties I almost ALWAYS end up being the target of monsters, no matter who attacked first... It's like the AI knows I'm weak...

    Thanks for the replies, guys. Despite the warnings against going mage with your first character, I'm thoroughly enjoying my mage. Just wish I didn't have to re-grind 5 percent of my XP every couple hours... lol
  • Ermosa - Heavens Tear
    Ermosa - Heavens Tear Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    starting charm can get in quest which probably u already got, next ones u need buy from cash shop
  • HgS - Sanctuary
    HgS - Sanctuary Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    You can get a decent heirogram for doing the santa helping quest. I'm not sure how the quest is normally obtained, but I received a card from a monster drop that triggered it.
  • Moog - Lost City
    Moog - Lost City Posts: 633 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Yeah, I didnt get a hiero until around lvl 65 lmao. What I did to solve the squishy issue was to attack mobs at farthest range possible. I started with a heavy hit and right after switched to gush. After gush I used another hit like stone rain or pyrogram and alternated to gush until the mob was dead. If all came out right the mob was dead before it could touch me. If the mob came close I just kited.
  • LYMagicality - Sanctuary
    LYMagicality - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Finally, do mages draw aggro naturally? In parties I almost ALWAYS end up being the target of monsters, no matter who attacked first... It's like the AI knows I'm weak...

    I believe the aggro system in PW is a bit different form other MMOs. You're experiencing monsters run after you because you do more damage to them. I think the system measures aggro of a monster in threat levels which is why me as a PvE mage dont cast a single spell and let the BM beat the mob for a good 2 or 3 seconds so that they "outdamage" it when I cast my first spell. Once your damage has overpassed the tanker, the monster will head to you. Not sure how credible this is but that's what I've observed so far as a mage. Anyone can correct me if I'm wrong.

    so example:
    - you are teamed with a BM or barb (or anything really) and they can significantly "tank" for a while (atleast more than you lol)
    -the tanker runs up and hits it. DO NOT cast a spell at this point or the monster will head straight to you! (unless you can kill it before it reaches you) Let the tanker hit the foe a few times, then join in.
    - DO NOT go spell happy, cast once and stop, then cast another spell. This is a scary mistake I made when I was starting off as a mage fighting bosses. Cast a stone rain and run back a few steps. If you chained stone rain with another spell like gush, chances are the boss will come after you and you are toast!

    The above is based off experience and has no credibility or any real evidence to back it up. Though it can be taken lightly, I have had a much easier time following these steps even if I have no "hard evidence".

    Hope this helps you in future battles. :)
  • Tritoryo - Lost City
    Tritoryo - Lost City Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Yeah I've seen it happen too, where the wizard suddenly draws mobs in. Thats y barbs and warrs have skills that increse threat though... but they hardly use them....
  • Mohkano - Sanctuary
    Mohkano - Sanctuary Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I'm sorry, I find your post explaining threat a bit awkwardly worded.

    Could you tell me the ideal way that I should cast to not draw the aggro of a neutral element boss monster assuming a WB tank?

    Should I...

    * Wait a few seconds, cast a powerful spell, wait a few more seconds, recast that powerful spell, and just repeat this? (sort of just powerful spikes with pauses)

    * Chain together weaker spells (Like pyrogram and gush)

    * Something else?
  • xdarksolx
    xdarksolx Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Basically, just let someone else hit a couple of times, then chime in with your contribution. Just try not to out damage your tank, or the enemy will chase YOU.

    However, if the tank is doing his job well, then you shouldn't have an issue with this.
  • Mohkano - Sanctuary
    Mohkano - Sanctuary Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I assume tanks get better at holding aggro as they increase in level?

    I've drawn aggro from a 57 WB and a 40-something WF golem, so...
  • Elementx - Lost City
    Elementx - Lost City Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I assume tanks get better at holding aggro as they increase in level?

    I've drawn aggro from a 57 WB and a 40-something WF golem, so...

    oo lol, in party once...i was told count 5 and throw a spell, at 5x i used to steal aggro from 74 WB.
    "If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut."b:shutup
  • Mohkano - Sanctuary
    Mohkano - Sanctuary Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Alright, I'll try that next time. ^^

    Just killed Kun Kun... that was horrible...
  • xdarksolx
    xdarksolx Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Kun Kun? Really? I did it in a party, regardless of the instructions, and hit it once, and then let my blademaster friend kill it.

    I got full credit. :D
  • Dauthus - Sanctuary
    Dauthus - Sanctuary Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    LOL! I chased Kun Kun FOREVER hitting it every so often. He finally died after he ran me halfway across the map. Low phys atk FTL... ;)

    As far as being fragile, it helps to try and stay towards the outside of a spawn area wherever possible (to avoid being surrounded), and to know where clear paths are (like roads) so you'll know where you're gonna end up when you hit S. It also helps to know that if you attack a mob, other similar mobs will most likely run to help it if they are in range of your target. Dissimilar mobs generally don't do this. So don't attack a wolf if one or two more wolf types are close to him. If he's next to a tree, centipede, or whatever, you're fine. If all else fails, run/fly like the wind! lol Distance shrink really helps in those instances.

    As far as aggro goes, with a good barb you'll prolly have no problems. I've been with barbs that I could unload on the mob and not grab aggro, and if I did they'd get it back quick. I'm a "pure" build, so a light shouldn't have any issues with a good barb. It's generally the BM tanks and same/close lvl Veno tanker pets I have to be careful with, as it's not hard to steal aggro.
  • LYMagicality - Sanctuary
    LYMagicality - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I'm sorry, I find your post explaining threat a bit awkwardly worded.

    Could you tell me the ideal way that I should cast to not draw the aggro of a neutral element boss monster assuming a WB tank?

    Should I...

    * Wait a few seconds, cast a powerful spell, wait a few more seconds, recast that powerful spell, and just repeat this? (sort of just powerful spikes with pauses)

    * Chain together weaker spells (Like pyrogram and gush)

    * Something else?

    Sorry for the late response, havent been on this char much. I agree it was a bit awkward - let me find another way to put it.

    Your damage as a wizard is very high and because of this reason, if you do not let the tank hit the foe long enough (to match your spell to come) then you will draw aggro after your first spell hits.

    Say if a tanker hits for 500 average on a boss and you cast a spell as soon as you get in range for 2000. The boss will head for you and you will die most likely in 1 or 2 hits. However if you let the tanker hit it atleast 4 times (i.e 4x500 average) then you are safe to hit that boss with the same spell. If you go spell happy, i.e chain it with say gush for a 1.5k damage, chances are you will get aggro on this spell because the tanker can't keep up with your crazy damage.

    It is safest to 1. cast a spell when the tanker has taken aggro for about 3 seconds and you cast every few seconds to make sure you never out damage the tank or 2. wait for 30seconds to a minute and that will guarantee that even if you go spell happy, you can't take aggro unless the battle goes on for more then 2minutes (I assume by this time you have out damaged the tanker and if you do not stop you're going to lay on the floor, something which wizards do best at). Always know how much damage your tank is doing so you can gauge how much damage to dish out. especially if the tanker is not a barb.

    And of course, as a tanker they will need to be able to hold aggro (which is their job really). For example barbs have increase threat level skills, which makes aggro stick to the barb.

    Your first two points are both valid, so it seems you have gotten somewhat of an idea. You can spike them at intervals or chain weaker spells, just make sure you don't out damage your tanker.
  • AlpineFrost - Lost City
    AlpineFrost - Lost City Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Yeah I've seen it happen too, where the wizard suddenly draws mobs in. Thats y barbs and warrs have skills that increse threat though... but they hardly use them....

    ^facking idiot.


    if you ever party with a decent tank you'll never ever pull aggro. EVER.

    I can party with archers and mages 10-15 lvls higher than me, and not once will ANY of them ever pull aggro NO MATTER HOW HARD THEY TRY! Simply because (as a good tank) I have my flesh ream MAXED. And i spam it as a good tank always should.

    seriously some ppl just dont know how to tank.
    Ex-Waffles Director
  • fuzzles
    fuzzles Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I find it cute when people who know nothing about barbs try to explain aggro and tanking.

    Here's the low down for you ignorant folks out there:
    Barbs hold aggro through flesh ream, not damage.

    Basically, its up to the DD to watch the boss and the barb to see what the aggro level is like.

    Basically, the best way to avoid stealing aggro is to let the barb and cleric(s) have a bit of time alone with the boss. Let the barb build up the aggro a bit. As long as the barb isnt horrendously unlucky and flesh ream misses the entire time.. you should be safe enough after that to go ape crapola on the boss until it dies...

    Bear in mind that only applies to lowerish level DDing/tanking. At higher levels the DDs need to be a lot more careful about stealing aggro. But at that point most people are usually fairly competent and can work it out for themselves.
    Everyone here is ridiculously oversensitive.
  • AlpineFrost - Lost City
    AlpineFrost - Lost City Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    fuzzles wrote: »
    I find it cute when people who know nothing about barbs try to explain aggro and tanking.

    i know plenty ty. and you prettymuch just said what i did...?
    Ex-Waffles Director
  • Jrudora - Lost City
    Jrudora - Lost City Posts: 445 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Relax. It doesn't look like he was targeting your post, Alpine.
    No need to get defensive that quickly.

    Besides, your post made perfect sense.
  • LYMagicality - Sanctuary
    LYMagicality - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    ^facking idiot.


    if you ever party with a decent tank you'll never ever pull aggro. EVER.

    I can party with archers and mages 10-15 lvls higher than me, and not once will ANY of them ever pull aggro NO MATTER HOW HARD THEY TRY! Simply because (as a good tank) I have my flesh ream MAXED. And i spam it as a good tank always should.

    seriously some ppl just dont know how to tank.

    I admit I don't know much about Barbs, but I do know about Flesh Ream (which increases threat level) which I briefly talked about - however my post wasn't directly saying the tanker was a barb... what if you have a BM? I mean, you will not get barbs all the time because on my server in my faction, there are a lack of barbs.

    But yes, aggro is measured in threat levels and not in damage, however from my experience I rarely get barbs in my team so most of what I was saying is aimed at a BM. Also note that even if there is a barb in the squad, there are times when archers or wizards will steal aggro simply because their dmg>your increase threat level (which happens a lot at later levels). Ultimately what I was trying to get across was, watch how much damage you dish out as a wizard.
  • Taurzo - Lost City
    Taurzo - Lost City Posts: 170 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    You may also want to join a faction and have them quest with you (especially a melee-based character) so that they can be the tank while you bombard the monsters with spells.
  • Mosabi - Heavens Tear
    Mosabi - Heavens Tear Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Taurzo we are not in any way team players cuz after a while the BM will realize that he takes care of 70% of the hp when you can hardly pull off one DECENT spell eventually they will get a request from a cleric and will leave you out to dry...
    Is Back once more.

    sorry med school needs some time.
This discussion has been closed.