Wizard skills

Halvix - Sanctuary
Halvix - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
edited January 2009 in Wizard
Im making a pure wizard in a PVE server. Please post some advice on what skills to get and not. I would appreciate it.
Post edited by Halvix - Sanctuary on


  • Mohkano - Sanctuary
    Mohkano - Sanctuary Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    The three starting skills should be maxed (Stone Rain, Gush, and Pyrogram)
    You should max Stone Shield, Glacial Embrace is also sort of nice to have if you have extra points to spare and want to cut potion costs a bit.
    Sandstorm is the skill you'll need most for leveling and whatnot.
    Cryonite Dragon is the most powerful skill straight damage skill, but it has a flashy animation. It's the best of the ultimate skills though.

    In leveling up to 25 so far, I use basically Gush and Pyrogram and occasionally Stone Rain (If it's enough to finish off the enemy instead of Gush + Pyrogram). Some people say to start the combos with Stone Rain, but I prefer to start with Gush, kite the whole way, and finish with Stone Rain.

    Being an Arcane Robe user, I get the most use out of Glacial Embrace as far as shields go at the moment. I recognize that the Stone Shield is a good skill, however since it modifies your defence as a percentage, I just don't have a high enough armor rating to make it practical at the moment.
  • Halvix - Sanctuary
    Halvix - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    What are all the skills that i should get though for PVE. Like everyone if thats not too much to ask =/
  • Mohkano - Sanctuary
    Mohkano - Sanctuary Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Blazing Heirgram 10
    Spring Gush 10
    Stone Rain 10
    Sandstorm 10
    Stone Shield 10
    Glacial Embrace ? (Optional and a matter of preference)
    Rising Phoenix 10
    Cryonite Dragon 10
    Earth Mastery ?
    Wellspring Quaff to your liking
    Essential Sutra 1

    My father had a level 6x mage and said Roasting FireArray was good, but he's not exactly the best player, so I dunno if I'd believe that. >_>

    Also, note that you'll need to get one level in the pre-requisite skills for all of these. I doubt this is anything close to a finalized build, but it should keep you busy for a hella long time.
  • Amour - Lost City
    Amour - Lost City Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Pyrogram - 10
    Gush - 10
    Stone Rain 10
    Sandstorm 10
    Stone Shield 10
    Glacial Embrace ? (Optional and a matter of preference)
    Will of the Phoenix 10
    Black Ice Dragon Strike 10
    Earth Mastery ?
    Wellspring Quaff to your liking
    Essential Sutra 1

    My father had a level 6x mage and said Roasting FireArray was good, but he's not exactly the best player, so I dunno if I'd believe that. >_>

    Also, note that you'll need to get one level in the pre-requisite skills for all of these. I doubt this is anything close to a finalized build, but it should keep you busy for a hella long time.

    Translated for PWI names.
    For PvE, I would max the following;
    Stone Rain
    Earth Barrier
    Glacial Embrace (optional)
    Divine Pyrogram
    Wellspring Quaff level 5
    Essential Sutra
    Masteries (after everything else)

    from there I'd move onto pvp skills
    Blade Tempest/Black Ice Dragon Strike/Mountain's Seize
    Will of the Phoenix (Close range only)
    Glacial Snare
    Force of Will.
    "Amour is better suited to rainbow text, because he is a classy lady." - Nakhimov
  • Plarzay - Sanctuary
    Plarzay - Sanctuary Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Unsure but I belive Morning Dew is also recommended so as to heal if your too low on health and you've lots of mana, hope that helps :)
    I Can do magic me! b:laugh
  • Mohkano - Sanctuary
    Mohkano - Sanctuary Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Yes, I took a level of it, and it's nice if you're just grinding or something, but you should never seriously rely on it in combat though because it takes so long to cast.
    I'd say it's one of those "take it if you have extra points" skills rather than a necessity.

    It's also useful to give yourself some vigor before engaging in combat.

    You're going to have to take a single level of basically everything anyways.
  • Eshe - Sanctuary
    Eshe - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Quote: Im making a pure wizard in a PVE server. Please post some advice on what skills to get and not. I would appreciate it.

    i got pyro/gush/stone MAXED.
    then sandstorm(good),phoenix(good) and divine pyro. if spirit+coins available.
    raised stone barrier then next water then fire. if spirit available

    im still waiting for my spirit cult Coal... for new skills...

    for starters stone,gush,pyro, gush, crown or pitfall for finish...

    silenced... by Elementx
    b:cute *** Life can be bittersweet...
    but it is always Beautiful ***
  • Elementx - Lost City
    Elementx - Lost City Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    i got pyro/gush/stone MAXED.
    then sandstorm(good),phoenix(good) and divine pyro. if spirit+coins available.
    raised stone barrier then next water then fire. if spirit available

    im still waiting for my spirit cult Coal... for new skills...

    for starters stone,gush,pyro, gush, crown or pitfall for finish...


    stupid size color...try using what others use, didn't have much to say anyway.
    "If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut."b:shutup
  • Jrudora - Lost City
    Jrudora - Lost City Posts: 445 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Blazing Heirgram 10
    Spring Gush 10
    Stone Rain 10
    Sandstorm 10
    Stone Shield 10
    Glacial Embrace ? (Optional and a matter of preference)
    Rising Phoenix 10
    Cryonite Dragon 10
    Earth Mastery ?
    Wellspring Quaff to your liking
    Essential Sutra 1

    Will of the Phoenix is better saved for higher levels when pvp becomes very important (that is if you're on lost city). Otherwise, this skill is useful only for pre-60 leveling, and knocking back. Its damage doesn't become anything amazing until you've maxed or nearly maxed it, so adding to it early doesn't do anything. If you're focused on PvE, this skill is almost useless for you after 60, since most mobs have a ranged magic attack. Their range is further than 10m, you'd have to run forward to knock them back.

    Black Ice Dragon Strike may seem to do the most damage, but its usually a secondary ultimate to level after Blade Tempest. For mages, our biggest worries are clerics, archers, and oddly, other mages. Blade Tempest gives us a chance to one hit these classes, since Blade Tempest offers its damage in the form of half physical/half magic. Overall, Blade Tempest is a better choice in TW, since you'd want to eliminate clerics faster than the other classes.

    Wellspring Quaff is NOT to your liking if you'd want Essential Sutra. You must level Wellspring Quaff to level 5 minimum before you can learn Essential Sutra.

    If you're pvping often and max out Sandstorm (Which you should), earth mastery should be your FIRST mastery to max out. Fire and Water masteries provide less benefits to their respective trees than earth mastery does to Sandstorm.
  • Eshe - Sanctuary
    Eshe - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    stupid size color...try using what others use, didn't have much to say anyway.

    thanks... b:sad i wished i read the rules for posting... size and color. what are they for anyway?

    b:cute *** Life can be bittersweet...
    but it is always Beautiful ***
  • Xerela - Heavens Tear
    Xerela - Heavens Tear Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    In terms of damage I rely mostly on Gush and Pyrogram. I find the cast time of Stone Rain a bit too long even though it provides better damage. Instead vs land mobs the range of Gush and Pyrogram combined with the 40% decrease in movement speed allow me to kill them before they reach to me. The bonus 200% matk increase that Spark Eruption gives is brilliant versus monsters with higher hp. In water however Stone Rain becomes a staple. Stone Rain is also a replacement for Pyrogram versus fire based monsters however I find it is only really useful as the opening skill before I revert to Gush and Pyrogram. The total cast time (channel+cast) of Stone Rain (3.4s) is still a bit too long for killing mobs before they reach you even though it does more damage. Versus fire mobs I open with Stone Rain and finish up with Gush and Pyrogram even though Pyrogram suffers a reduction in damage due to the fire mobs high fire resistance.

    Of the early DOTs (note my level) I find none of them to be useful. The time that it takes for Crown of Flame (17s) or Pitfall (17s) to complete their damage I can kill a mob spamming Gush and Pyrogram especially if I use Spark Eruption. I see people talking about using either as a finishing skill but to me I can live with the extra mp it takes to fire off another Gush. Pitfall has 2 benefits over Crown of Flame in a 15% movspeed reduction and a % chance to stun (3s) however once again Gush plus Pyrogram cleans house more eficiently. On the other hand with a full complement of mp and in a party versus a miniboss/boss Dragonsbreath provides good damage. In normal grinding however it is not a reliable skill due to the mana consumption and small range. On that note make sure that someone in your party grabs agro before using that skill.

    Now Hailstorm is one skill I just can't wrap my head around. Even in PvP (I do a bit of 1v1 here and there) I can't yet justify spending 3 seconds casting a spell that has a 33% chance to stun for a couple of seconds especially when if the stun fails to proc, the damage of the spell is far too low. Its like an all or nothing (or very little bit, if I am allowed to butcher the english language a little) spell.

    As for Divine Pyrogram, 4 seconds is far too long for me if a mob is coming in for the kill. Well I missed this point earlier, I am a pure int wizard (however I still manage 600+ pdef with Stone Barrier on, its the stones + bonuses if you are wondering, but a 32% physical reduction still is not a saving grace). Like Stone Rain it can make a great opening skill especially versus metal mobs but I don't use it at all.

    As for the other skills I have up to this point its all a matter of preference for example I seldom if ever need to use Distance Shrink, HOWEVER, its advisable to have it handy at all times in case you need a quick escape or simply to speed up your movement. WellSpring Quaff is a decent self buff but sp considerations force me to hold back on levelling it. At level 1 I get up to ~3800mp using it as opposed to ~3300mp. Of the shields Stone Barrier is the best. Sure, Glacial Embrace gives a extra bit of oopmh for mp regeneration especially when sitting but I find mp pots, crafted mp items and charms to be far more reliable than Glacial. It may save some money but it won't save your life, unless a magical water beast is pounding you.

    Finally (as far as the skills I have and can talk about go) I'll talk about Morning Dew. For me I can't always get guild members to help me and I am not about to spend the whole night/day waiting for a cleric. With a 5.7s total cast time its not great BUT its better than nothing at all. So far in my short perfect world life I have come to appreciate Morning Dew. Its not a primary healing spell and as with Glacial Embrace, charms, pots and other implements may be far more useful (for self) but I still keep Morning Dew on my skill bar at all times especially for those quick parties that have no cleric). I little bit of timing can go a long way to saving a life.

    Well thats it from your newb pure wizard. Have fun.
  • CeliaZ - Sanctuary
    CeliaZ - Sanctuary Posts: 901 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Very nice small skill guide. Ik agree with you with almost everything. I did level Divine Pyrogram till lvl 39 (dont know wich skill lvl that is), because it is a great opener. I now use sandstorm as my opening skill. Then just pyro-gush, just like u.
    I you really wanna go for PvP, you have to lvl Stone barrier and Stone rain, (and of course sandstorm), because they do the most damage and Stone barrier will save your ****. But if you wanna go PvE, like me, you better be off with Glacial Embrace and even Pyroshell. Glacial Embrace is perfect when grinding, it will save you alot of potions and charms. Same for pyroshell, dont get more then 5 levels, but then it will heal you really quick if you're down to 30 % hp, instead of having to use a pot or charm.
    Welspring quaff also is very usefull when grinding, cause you will be able to kill more mobs before you have to meditate.

    Good luck! Celia.
  • streaker
    streaker Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I like to mix my skills up often... whats the point in having this huge arsonal of powerful skills if your never gonna use em.
  • damani
    damani Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Hey pretty sure it's best to almost always open with gush, b/c it slows down the speed they can move/attack!
  • Mrbungle - Lost City
    Mrbungle - Lost City Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    damani wrote: »
    Hey pretty sure it's best to almost always open with gush, b/c it slows down the speed they can move/attack!

    i think its better to start with a hard hitter first followed then with a fast slow like gush (or both in 1 with GS :))
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