yeah why i got tired really fast

frisbee1234 Posts: 8 Arc User
edited December 2008 in Suggestion Box
i just stop playin atlantica for many reason still a kik **** game BUT

i came to try perfect world and it was truly perfect! i loved everything the wings the people on the flyin sowrds lawl and how everyone looked different

the only thing that turned me off from this game is "auto-move" i mean it tells me to go west and sometimes the monster im lookin for is on the east side

and plus i tried find one of those wonderin bosses like you HAVE to find well i spent a good hour lookin for him quite annoying.

and i dont know i think auto move would do wonders for this game make it alot more faster and efficient.

(what i mean by auto move is. u click on a quest and u click auto move and u move to the monster or the NPC that is needed to go)

thats why i quit D=
Post edited by frisbee1234 on


  • Amiris - Sanctuary
    Amiris - Sanctuary Posts: 1,167 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    If you click somewhere above ground (i.e. in the air, not clicking any ground whatsoever), you will keep moving in that direction until you choose to stop it. So automove is basically ingame already, it just doesn't stop automatically.
    Typo's in quests are in every free MMO.
    Credit to Symour for the signature.
    Amiris is my forum character. My actual main is Andralia.
    1,000 posts as of 10/01/09, which was also my birthday!
  • frisbee1234
    frisbee1234 Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    If you click somewhere above ground (i.e. in the air, not clicking any ground whatsoever), you will keep moving in that direction until you choose to stop it. So automove is basically ingame already, it just doesn't stop automatically.
    Typo's in quests are in every free MMO.

    yeah i know that but sometimes you cant really find the right monster or if u wanna go to a NPC tahts REALLY far away but to poor for a teleporter u could fly click auto move and work on other stuff

    and i hate typing in the coordinates in the thingy i dont understand why i dont understand why they dont put a big YELLOW arrow n the map showin where the NPC is

    and some guys cant find certain monsters auto move would be perfect (for people who dont game as much as other people it will keep them motivated)
  • Amiris - Sanctuary
    Amiris - Sanctuary Posts: 1,167 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Automove, as you see it, completely destroys every bit of challenge you should find in trying to get to a monster. If you can't find a monster, ask someone. Socialize. It's what an MMO is trying to do.
    1) Open questlog
    2) Click quest of choice
    3) Watch and follow big yellow arrow to NPC stated in the quest
    4) Happy people.
    Credit to Symour for the signature.
    Amiris is my forum character. My actual main is Andralia.
    1,000 posts as of 10/01/09, which was also my birthday!
  • radicality
    radicality Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Just go to the website if you can't find where mobs are.

    In the "Wiki's" section it shows you their exact Co-Ordinates, you just punch them in and you get an arrow telling you exactly where to go.
  • Amiris - Sanctuary
    Amiris - Sanctuary Posts: 1,167 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    For that matter, try which is, imo, even better to find monsters.
    Credit to Symour for the signature.
    Amiris is my forum character. My actual main is Andralia.
    1,000 posts as of 10/01/09, which was also my birthday!
  • frisbee1234
    frisbee1234 Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Automove, as you see it, completely destroys every bit of challenge you should find in trying to get to a monster. If you can't find a monster, ask someone. Socialize. It's what an MMO is trying to do.
    1) Open questlog
    2) Click quest of choice
    3) Watch and follow big yellow arrow to NPC stated in the quest
    4) Happy people.
    a MMO tends to do is make u anti social with ur outside world...

    well auto move would do i wonders as it did for Atlantica just made everything simple. why should it be a challenge? if it wasnt the the stuff would be alot easier and if u care that much SOCIALIZING ingame that much you ask for help to kill the monsters that are required for the quest

    and have auto move as a option is fine i mean its their choose to use it or not personally i would since i like to get where im going and not get lost and go searchin for hours on end
  • radicality
    radicality Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    well auto move would do i wonders as it did for Atlantica just made everything simple. why should it be a challenge?

    Because if there was no challenge, there would be no point to an MMO.

    If you don't want a challenge, hop onto a WoW private server that has 10x XP rates and get to level 70 in a day.
  • frisbee1234
    frisbee1234 Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    radicality wrote: »
    Because if there was no challenge, there would be no point to an MMO.

    If you don't want a challenge, hop onto a WoW private server that has 10x XP rates and get to level 70 in a day.
    what i meant by "why does it have to be a challenge" i meant finding the monsters

    and why would i want 10x rateS? all i want is that findin mosnters/npc in this game or any game should be simple.

    and yes their is a ponit of a MMO theirs no ponit in a MMO if the exp is 10x rates of exp.

    what i meant is that auto move will make the game simpler and more fun and it would allow you to do other things. minimize the game switch on auto move do ur taxes or sumthin come back and ur at the monsters. and some poeple dont even minimize they watch
  • radicality
    radicality Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Well if you read the posts that actually help, you will find out that it is very simple.

    Go to one of the fansites that we listed in above posts, and it will show you every monster location in coordinates for any quest.

  • frisbee1234
    frisbee1234 Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    radicality wrote: »
    Well if you read the posts that actually help, you will find out that it is very simple.

    Go to one of the fansites that we listed in above posts, and it will show you every monster location in coordinates for any quest.


    mmmmm ur really not gettin the point...... why are u so agianst the auto move thing? even it was just a option
  • radicality
    radicality Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Eh, it destroys the whole purpose of anyone buying their mounts, getting their flying mounts, everything..
    You can find the mobs and bosses quickly and easily.
    You just have to be more dedicated than just saying "I quit," once you get discouraged.
  • Amiris - Sanctuary
    Amiris - Sanctuary Posts: 1,167 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    We're not against it, we're saying it's not needed.
    Credit to Symour for the signature.
    Amiris is my forum character. My actual main is Andralia.
    1,000 posts as of 10/01/09, which was also my birthday!
  • frisbee1234
    frisbee1234 Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    radicality wrote: »
    Eh, it destroys the whole purpose of anyone buying their mounts, getting their flying mounts, everything..
    You can find the mobs and bosses quickly and easily.
    You just have to be more dedicated than just saying "I quit," once you get discouraged.

    dedicated? i see ur talkin about the hard core players.... well where not all hardcore most of us arnt

    well then how come i got this quest and it says head north east of -forgot the name- and kill this guy

    so i walk north west head threw moutains see nothin search all west and north still couldnt find him and then i go south west and find all this took me a hour and a half and i was really mad. really wishin they gave me detailed instructions and yes people have suggested auto move for this game. but since u HARDCORE people want the experiance of gettin stressed out lookin for a certain type of monster then fine dont use the auto move (if they ever put it in) just sayin findin monster is harder then u think since ur hardcore. and most of us DONT KNOW websites where and how to find this type of monster..


    how the hell does it destory the prupose of gettin a mount!??!
  • radicality
    radicality Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    You're only hearing what you want to hear.


    It is not that hard.

    Get over it.

    Sorry to be so blunt, but it needed to be said.

    It destroys the purpose of a mount because a mount is usually used to get to mobs/bosses etc.
    With this auto travel thing, you could just auto travel anywhere in 2 seconds and be right there.
    Some quests all it takes is to travel long distances.
    So, you just press auto travel 2-3 times and you get a lot of experience and rewards?
    It's not a good idea.
  • frisbee1234
    frisbee1234 Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    radicality wrote: »
    You're only hearing what you want to hear.


    It is not that hard.

    Get over it.

    Sorry to be so blunt, but it needed to be said.

    yes and that takes time and WOW it be easier to use AUTO MOVE-.- instead of lookin up a stupid monster coordinate. ESPECIALLY THOSE WONDERING BOSSES
    most people arnt people to go to a frikin fan site and lookin up a monster coordinates they rather just play the game and bein without stress. just because u got a stupid fan site of urs doesn't me WE ALL HAVE IT (for HARDCORE people dammit) for casual players like my self who play like once a day for like 2 hours and then get off and do sumthin else. we would enjoy the auto move function.

    and mabye ur right mabye it isnt to hard to find NPC's in the game and monsters. but mabye to some players its not ABOUT THAT! mabye its about doing sumthin else like MSN or searchin certain stuff on the internet while their auto moving to a spot where they already know where it is. and im just talkin about auto movin just for quests.
  • frisbee1234
    frisbee1234 Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    It destroys the purpose of a mount because a mount is usually used to get to mobs/bosses etc.
    With this auto travel thing, you could just auto travel anywhere in 2 seconds and be right there.
    Some quests all it takes is to travel long distances.
    So, you just press auto travel 2-3 times and you get a lot of experience and rewards?
    It's not a good idea.[/QUOTE]

    first of all its not 2 seconds its the same amount of time as if u did it manually.

    and those long travel distances are annoying. fly to ether blade form bamboo village?

    wats wrong with that? pressing auto move 2-3 times and get exp and quest its not like anyone reads the story lines. might as well 2 things at the same time. get the exp and rewards and go on youtube or sumthin.

    its the same as manual but you dont have to do anything to get to the npc. you can watch as ur character moves to the location alot of people would. mabye they could check what skills are next? while they fly to a location
  • Khristine - Heavens Tear
    Khristine - Heavens Tear Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    dedicated? i see ur talkin about the hard core players.... well where not all hardcore most of us arnt

    well then how come i got this quest and it says head north east of -forgot the name- and kill this guy

    so i walk north west head threw moutains see nothin search all west and north still couldnt find him and then i go south west and find all this took me a hour and a half and i was really mad. really wishin they gave me detailed instructions and yes people have suggested auto move for this game. but since u HARDCORE people want the experiance of gettin stressed out lookin for a certain type of monster then fine dont use the auto move (if they ever put it in) just sayin findin monster is harder then u think since ur hardcore. and most of us DONT KNOW websites where and how to find this type of monster..


    how the hell does it destory the prupose of gettin a mount!??!

    I'm not sure who you're speaking for there in the "most of us aren't" but I'm guessing it's people who've also given up as soon as it got hard. And me, I'm not that hardcore. But if this game were so simple that you just clicked and were automatically wherever you needed to be - i.e., no challenge whatsoever - I'd be the one moving on to other things.
  • Ident - Sanctuary
    Ident - Sanctuary Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    why i have the feeling that u are one of those who are using l2walker in lineage2? b:pleased

    you know now the websites for searching mobs, use it and tell to other "not hardcore" ppl...

    or simply join a faction (clan/guild) and ask for help there, you will get more help than u just can imagine.

    As we all can see that you can use a forum and waste ur expensive time here to post ur suggestions, you are able atm for search mobs on other fansites also.

    Enjoy the gameplay, and have fun with ur new knowledge about "how to find easly a mob's location" b:victory


    you should need a new button also for: autokill *.* :D