Need Help Obtaining The Tamer Skills For The Vecomancer

hienzhummer Posts: 1 Arc User
edited December 2008 in Dungeons & Tactics
I Don't Know Were To Find A Cage Or 20 Hay So The Pet Skill Trainer Expands My Pet Bag By 3 Slots And I Have No Idea How To Get The Tamer Skills

I Already Have The 3 Skill Books But I Have No Idea How To Use Them

Thanks For Any Help,
Post edited by hienzhummer on


  • Tailynne - Lost City
    Tailynne - Lost City Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I'm noobish too, but here's my best: To use the skill books go to the pet trainer, and one of the options is "learn pet skill" you buy the skills just like class skills. Or it's under "tame pet" not sure.

    As for hay and cage... you're kinda screwed unless you've got a higher lvl char who can wire you the money to buy hay from someone's cat shop. Hay has a stupid low drop rate, but it does drop from mobs, not sure which ones or if it's random. And the cage is a cash shop only item.
    Cheer up little chappy, take your face off my boot
  • jemima
    jemima Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Pet skills are under the tame pet option. At low levels on your first character you can easily manage with just two slots until you can farm hay, or afford to buy it.
  • DeadFriend - Heavens Tear
    DeadFriend - Heavens Tear Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    You need to be a certain level and you have to be Spiritualy Adept. Talk to the Venomancer or the Pet Master to get the skill, you need to buy it. Then in your skill panel there will be the new spell. Start attacking a beast and then click the spell to tame.