Classes and Drop Rates
I know the feeling FB runs for my own lvl always end up with me spending money even if there were really good drops for everyone else. The droprate isn't fair I am the first to admit that. All we can do is hope our squadmembers are nice enough to share drops so that everyone at least gets even.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
But then u end up arguing whats an even share.0
Hellcat - Heavens Tear wrote: »Have you any idea how soul destroying it is, to do ur best in a party, spam heal tanks, keep eveyone else buffed alive in some instances (TT1-3 ) costing your self in excess of 1gold spirit charm to walk away with 0 a few healing potions.....
After the boss is dead u see everyone getting stuff......and oh optimisum abounds, u think yes i must of got something this check your bag and a previous poster stated.....there it is standing all proud and alone 'Your receive a perfect healing potion' Whoopie dooo I can sell it and put it towards my replacemt spirit charm and dame to gear now lsts see........[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh0 -
there's always exceptions0
It's random... but there's things you can do to offset the 'imbalance of drops'.
It's really very simple.
When someone is getting all the good loot, call them a "loot hax" , ex: "omg you're such a loot hax". They will go a few mobs without a single loot item going their way.
Don't pick up loot. The sever senses the greed and over zealous attempts at getting the 'good loot'. If someone dives at a 'good loot' item, it will typically go to someone else, usually the one who says "I don't want that". Try not to waste too much time with "You pick it up..." "No... YOU pick it up!".
Say you want coins or nothing at all. "I really hope no molder drops". The mob will drop a molder just to spite you. (follow the other suggestions to have a increased chance at actually getting the dropped molder!)
Loot goes to those in fashion. Wear fashion, not horribly mismatched armor. Bikini are the best loot hax item to wear. Sorry guys b:chuckle . (inversely if your fashion is horrible you get nothing of any value...)
All Class pets tip the scales in your favor. When in a fb, HH, or generally grinding in a party, have your All Class pet out. It will act as sort of loot magnet and loot will gravitate toward it. However, the antelope pet is so annoying, the sever will not reward a player with this pet... (bunny pets are best because they are closest to the ground where the loot falls)
Attain zen-like disregard for material items, such as loot. This goes along with the "I don't want ____ ". Tanks seem to get more loot not because they have attained this level of thought, but because they're so punch drunk they only care about what's next on the 'To Kill' list... b:laugh
But in reality (not to say these suggestions don't help because they're proven effective!) to the OP:
Nothing needs to be 'addressed' by the devs. Get a grip and get a real party.
HH items should be imho distributed to who needs them, and people should help people in their guilds get what they need. Not "anyone going to TT (so i can get lootz to sell and make money while you have nothing?)"
Or at the least, when you make a PT to go into HH set it up as free mode and designate a quatermaster. And make sure everyone understands the item distribution and the reason you're going to HH in the first place....
BTW, if you set a group like this, screen shot it and if someone grabs loot when they're not supposed to, report them, that is a TOS violation isn't it? Also promptly eject them from the pt...
If you're going to go random pt, in the hopes of getting something, without doing any type of organization, then you get what you get. And if your a guild EP and the guild doesn't help you get your gear, you're in the wrong guild don't you think?0 -
Blancheneige - Heavens Tear wrote: »Generally, when we do TT runs, we divide the mats as best as we can between every members of the party, based on the need. For exemple, yesterday I did 2 runs with some friends. I did not needed most of the mats that dropped, so I asked for 2 of the apocalypse pages that we got + a level 90 mats. Others asked for the mats they had need for, and in the end everyone left TT happy, because we all ended up with something in our bags.
in the past 3 days ive had 2 really bad experiances (IMO)
1st I did 3 runs with much higher team in a TT 2-3 the leader was good made sure i was (over)compensated for the cost he gave me 600k in total, as all i had in drops was 3 Mirage Celestones over the 2 runs, he then left and the others decided to recruite aonther cleric (82 he/she was) and they decided to do a 1-3......though there was some specualtion if i would be any good(i was 69) at the time well my spririt charm usage was massive, when i heal i always spam heal if im not in BB mode (atm i havent invested in RB) there are 5 bosses in this run, I got 0 drops.........literaly 0 at the end of the run i was told there were 10 drops of value in total mine was a Chit.........value 25k? while all the others got 2 items and one must of got 3 valued at a min of 225k each, when i argued with the squad leader i was accused almost of lying as to my mana usage and that was all I was going to get..........even though this person is in my faction he is now on my ignore list..........sad state of affairs however I really like most in my faction.....
2nd thing was my FB69 run..........this was an unmitigatd disaster from the start, the tank was in a hurry(i dont blame him RL must take presisdence) I have toi admit a lot of it was my fault, i was in a foul mood (again RL) and wasnt concentrating, at the start I stated "this is my FB would it be ok if I kept any mold and 3* drops (to which only one bothered to reply) I thought we go..... any way we killed 1st boss fine and arrived at the 2nd two, I tabbed both and we started after about 5 seconds i died, yeah lame i know and and even more plame i hit respan at town, dont ask me why I have no idea......needles to say i didnt make it back intime fo rthe kill, the 3rd boss went off ok with out a hitch.........any way the up shot of this 0 drops no one passed me anything, one person offered...but by then i was soo upset id disconected and was on the verge of deleting my account.......
Any way it was those 2 experiances that prompted this post, 'IF' the drops were fair, i wouldnt have to rely on others to be honest.........because the facts speak for themsleves a lot of people arent, if they have that 250k-500k* drop in their bag they are loath to share it with anyone.....i dont blame them i know i would be loath to as well...........
So please PW redress this finding increasingly I cant afford to play this game anymore, either that or i demand payment before i do a TT Zhen or FB run, if thats the case I forsee a very lonely gaming time for myself in the future.........0 -
aryannamage wrote: »This is what happened to myself ingame it is in no way an opinion of PWE staff!
As I am a veno when ingame I solo alot though when on FB runs I of course get help just like any other person. In my experience the clerics got the best drops in FB's. Once three moulds dropped in an FB run with my tabs. All three of those moulds went to the same person -A cleric-. She kept them all even though it was not her run. Fair? The same thing had happened with all the moulds and 3 star items we got in FB runs doesn't matter the lvl of the FB. Cleric got it. Fair?
seems like you just proved us right... you are a veno, you solo alot. that means you are the "pet tanking" in FBs and your cleric friend is doing all the damage...
as a esult, he/she do the most damage, so all the good stuffs went to him/her.
time to change that abit, maybe?0 -
seems like you just proved us right... you are a veno, you solo alot. that means you are the "pet tanking" in FBs and your cleric friend is doing all the damage...
as a esult, he/she do the most damage, so all the good stuffs went to him/her.
time to change that abit, maybe?
Wrong in the FB's for my own lvl someone else tanks I never do in that particular party setup.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Yes...drop rate for BM is really high like i said I went on a FB69 Run sorry hellcat...but there was alot of drops 3* an MOLD i got most of the 3* an maybe 2 mold the cleric didnt get anythin so i Gave him one MOld which i found was fair...but still yet the randomness is pretty much to Trigger the Unbalance of this Loot.. when it pass ur turn Pick up alot of coins so it skip the next person i find it to work Findly since i got alot of loot0
I've gone 3 hh 2-2 full runs (6 bosses + a bunch of mobs) with no drops, then 1 hh1-3 with all mirage stones that dropped with nothing else. It's really random and eventually you would have as many drops as the others, but the problem is how long that would take. Random drop should give everyone equal share of drops within like 30 mins, but really it prob just says give 100/party size chance of distributing to each person and sometimes it ends up **** ppl over.0
Ok ive just completed a 2hour xp session with my BM friend (77) he killed i healed and did occasional Tempest.......i picked up 90% of the loot and at end of 2 hours it was pretty even distribution.....i ened up with approx 154k of DQ items 24k of manafact items and 35k of Armour to sell...........which for me is amasing, my repeair cost was 4k.........oh nd i got 12% exp
now make the FB, Zhen & TT like that and I'l be more than happy!!0 -
aryannamage wrote: »This is what happened to myself ingame it is in no way an opinion of PWE staff!
As I am a veno when ingame I solo alot though when on FB runs I of course get help just like any other person. In my experience the clerics got the best drops in FB's. Once three moulds dropped in an FB run with my tabs. All three of those moulds went to the same person -A cleric-. She kept them all even though it was not her run. Fair? The same thing had happened with all the moulds and 3 star items we got in FB runs doesn't matter the lvl of the FB. Cleric got it. Fair?
Only 1 mould dropped for all the FB i have done, and it goes to the Cleric in the team. Personally I think it is fair because they are helping me and the loot is distributed randomly, I am not entitled to have the drop even I am the tab holder. all my point is Cleric does get drop.0 -
Alltogether we had around 10-12 by now I spoke to some of the people I normally do them with. And I never realised before but the cleric got them all. Every single one. Funny thing is normally everyone gives to tabholder in that party only she doesn't. And her real life boyfriend told us that she has made around 15 million from all of that even if she couldn't use the moulds for herself instead of giving it to someone who could she sold. By now, from the convo we had well her own rule which she enforces on when her FB run is to give moulds to tabholder which she doesn't hold herself to...Well we will look for a different cleric next time or just go with the other one who is with us anyway.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
I'm a blademaster and I hardly ever get the drops when it's set to random.
Out of my traditional fb run party I'll come away with maybe 2 dq items, a potion or two, and some arrows. While everyone else always gets the 3*, lots more dq items, and all that other good stuff.
I'm lucky to make 10k on an fb run while most of the other members make well over 100k easily. Yeah, random? I don't think so.
For the record my standard fb run is 1 varying tabholder, myself, 1-2 blades, 1-2 clerics, and 1 barb. Varying depending on who's on of course.
One run I got a cloak of blaze and 1 potion. And the tabholder had a fit until I gave up the cloak because supposedly someone had dropped it for them and it had somehow randomed to me. So I cam out of that run with... a potion. Yeah. So it's not just clerics who get jipped drops I promise.0 -
Here's a stupid idea : could what you get or don't get when in a party be influenced by your position in this party?
Like the 3 or 4 first one listed get most of the stuff and the last ones almost nothing?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh0 -
Ok just comleted a TT1-2 run
6 people
Barb got Chit x 2, 3 x Mirage
Veno got Chit, Chit Sword, 2 x Mirage
BM got Soul Tenticle, Mirage x 2, Gold Armor Shard
Archer got Mirage, Drum Frame
Cleric me got 0 (what a supprise)
Cleric got Skin, though the tank had died at this stage, so if he was alive would he of got the skin?
Dunno but yet again I walk away with 0 drops (the BM did give me the Gold Armor and 2 Celes) however that doesnt detract from the fact I still got 0 drops.....I dont want to have to rely on other players generosity, i just want a fair crack of the whip
Come on PW its not asking much to make these drops fairer......0 -
Temerayn - Sanctuary wrote: »I'm a blademaster and I hardly ever get the drops when it's set to random.
Out of my traditional fb run party I'll come away with maybe 2 dq items, a potion or two, and some arrows. While everyone else always gets the 3*, lots more dq items, and all that other good stuff.
I'm lucky to make 10k on an fb run while most of the other members make well over 100k easily. Yeah, random? I don't think so.
For the record my standard fb run is 1 varying tabholder, myself, 1-2 blades, 1-2 clerics, and 1 barb. Varying depending on who's on of course.
One run I got a cloak of blaze and 1 potion. And the tabholder had a fit until I gave up the cloak because supposedly someone had dropped it for them and it had somehow randomed to me. So I cam out of that run with... a potion. Yeah. So it's not just clerics who get jipped drops I promise.
Lol similar experience, except for 2 fb runs. One is a fb19 which I take a bunch of lvl20's I got about 1/3 of the drops (gave them off to the leader); the other time is during a fb51 run where I was the highest lvl BM in the group, I got 2 darkness stamps there (I think there were 6 stamp drops) and a fair amount of drops. But other than that....0 -
Hellcat - Heavens Tear wrote: »I've heard lots of moans and groans from class RE: drop rates, my own exeriance as Cleric (DD) when in support mode as I am mostly on TT runs and FB runs or Zhening, I get almost no drops whether items as in *** things or DQ items, however when Im DD in a party I'm getting well all seem to share equaly.
Now the random drop is supposed to be just that randon, my experiance is it far from that, its seems heavily biased to DD/Tanks in deferance to Support class..................
I can give numerous examples of Zhen, TT & FB runs where ive literaly walked away with nothing, one dire time a 1-3 run(5 bosses) where 10 items of value droped, I got nothing, prior to that 2 2-2 runs provided numersous drops of which I got 3 Mirage......Vs everyone else having several Hi value items.
Most times when you have a faction or a semin honest team (sadly ive been lacking those of late*) the drops are shared fairly and honestly....but that shouldnt be the point, the drops should be RANDOM not biased to Tanks or DD's
Wonder if anyone else has had the same experiance or am i just damned unlucky or imagining it?
*Even though ive asked on all my FB ive never once recieved any of the drops, all ways had the excuse its random you have as much chance as everyones else............i cant beleive ive had 70 levels of bad luck......well i suppose antythings possible........b:angry
I have to say... today I ran a TT 1-2, and our one and only cleric got EVERY SINGLE DROP. No joke. He was lvl 75 (we had from lvl 72 to lvl 78, so he was in the middle), and because he was our only cleric all he really did was debuff and heal, almost no DDing. He got like 2m in drops (yes he shared them, but it was on random drop sharing and he got all the drops), and the most anyone else got was a mirage or two.
Somehow I don't think this theory is very accurate b:chuckleHT clerics at their finest:
hari: can you do mdef debuffs? makes the fight go faster
naughty_x: waste, I do more damage without them
hari: do more damage in 2 seconds than reducing mdef by 35% for 4 casters does in 20 seconds?
naughty_x: is waste, i do more damage
hari: 3-3 BH goes a lot faster with a sin
naughty_x: no, only a difference of like 3 minutes
hari: ...we've been in here a lot longer than 3 minutes already
naughty_x: your opinion0 -
Well i dont know whats going on then...........yet again i ran a TT 1-2 and got 0 and then I did 2 FB69's and got 0 then again just now I did a FB51 and got 0
You srre ur cleric wasnt a Barb in disguise?0 -
I'm gonna faint just did a TT 1-1 and got my 1st ever drop a chit Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee0
Did a FB59 earlier this week.
Ended up with :
- 1 jade
- 1 DQ item
4 bosses dropped items out of 5.... I was also the highest level in the party, wondering if that have anything to do with drop distribution....[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh0 -
Did FCC got gold weap from last boss lol b:laugh droprate good for me0
You should think of changing your name to NecroKing b:pleasedMadness?
Why is it always the same people necroing threads? Kritty, could you please just get a ban on these guys already? b:laugh0
ChloeAgave - Archosaur wrote: »Why is it always the same people necroing threads? Kritty, could you please just get a ban on these guys already? b:laugh
Mods can't ban b:quietMadness?
Damn, that was an old-*** thread too, lol
Dec '08 b:cool0 -
odd...i find my cleric and mystic have over i million, without even trying, while my veno is dirt broke all the time, and always has been. the only thing i can figure is perhaps repair bills are part of the problem with my venoHellcat - Heavens Tear wrote: »I've heard lots of moans and groans from class RE: drop rates, my own exeriance as Cleric (DD) when in support mode as I am mostly on TT runs and FB runs or Zhening, I get almost no drops whether items as in *** things or DQ items, however when Im DD in a party I'm getting well all seem to share equaly.
Now the random drop is supposed to be just that randon, my experiance is it far from that, its seems heavily biased to DD/Tanks in deferance to Support class..................
I can give numerous examples of Zhen, TT & FB runs where ive literaly walked away with nothing, one dire time a 1-3 run(5 bosses) where 10 items of value droped, I got nothing, prior to that 2 2-2 runs provided numersous drops of which I got 3 Mirage......Vs everyone else having several Hi value items.
Most times when you have a faction or a semin honest team (sadly ive been lacking those of late*) the drops are shared fairly and honestly....but that shouldnt be the point, the drops should be RANDOM not biased to Tanks or DD's
Wonder if anyone else has had the same experiance or am i just damned unlucky or imagining it?
*Even though ive asked on all my FB ive never once recieved any of the drops, all ways had the excuse its random you have as much chance as everyones else............i cant beleive ive had 70 levels of bad luck......well i suppose antythings possible........b:angry[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
(and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
"Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.
Playing here since '08b:heart0 -
Blancheneige - Heavens Tear wrote: »From my own experience, I can assure you I seldom get drops. Most of the time I end up with arrows and DQ items, while the barbarians and clerics gets all the good stuff...
In my experience. If squad leader set squad to random, it will be totally random. If he set it to free, of course tank and DD will rush to pick up anything of value, leaving you..well..arrows and stuff...Proud supporter of the new expansion. Sure it has it's share of bugs, like any games. But for a pure farmer/grinder, that's a whole lot of new mobs to go beat up b:chuckle0 -
Lol, this is BS. When I duo TT with my wife on her cleric. She almost always without fail gets most of the mats, being the green/gold TT mats or the OHT mats. It's completely random, sometimes you get a lot, sometimes you don't. Remember each time an item is picked up, if it truly is completely random you have a 1/6th chance to get the drop, ~17% chance to get a drop. Which isn't awfully high. People just tend to notice when they DON'T get the drops, but they'll always oversee when they do get the drops.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Still trying to move your cursor, eh?0
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