Informative Forum turned into Petty Squabbling

irishchick Posts: 6 Arc User
edited December 2008 in Cleric

Im new to PWI and was hoping to get some info from some players currently playing cleric who might help me and give me some insight into the class.

Instead what I have found is a forum where almost every single thread degenerates into some petty, pathetic, flaming match over FAC Vs FSC with such winning arguments as your opinion doesnt count because you're a lowbie/noob/idiot"/(whatever)

Its almost impossible to read through multiple pages of threads filled with total rubbish in the hope of finding one single post with useful information.

Would it be possible to sticky this stupid and pointless debate so that people who want to be a part of this "discussion" keep to it in one thread rather than ruining the ENTIRE Class Discussion on Cleric.

That way the rest of us who actually want to use the forum to get information on this class can actually do so?
Post edited by irishchick on


  • tankhunter
    tankhunter Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Which, the best informative posts on the class happen to be stickies.

    Perhaps, more newer people should look to the stickies first since they are generally guides on the multiple aspects of the classes?
  • irishchick
    irishchick Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Stickies? Why didn't I think of that? Me so stoopid.

    Of course I read through the stickies first, I'm looking more for info on relevant quests/items etc rather than an overview - though the clerics guide for newbies should be made into bible form :D

    Basically I was hoping for views on the class which consist of more than paraphrases of "youre an idiot" and "No YOURE an idiot" etc etc.

    Cant the Pro/Anti FAC "You're an idiot" spam be kept in one thread if even for nothing more than tidiness sake?
  • andyboi
    andyboi Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    it's a heated topic at the moment. it might be better to just post a new thread asking specifically what you want to know about the cleric class.
  • tankhunter
    tankhunter Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Well, most of the people who show up seemingly do not read the stickies and mysteriously find them when someone links it to them. No offense meant.

    The thing is, the FAC vs FSC debate cannot be kept to one thread, it will naturally spill over everywhere in the forum. It would take some serious moderator coverage to do that. Which would probably result in bans being handed out more easily around.

    When it comes to quests, the Cleric has no special quests of note, so they are all bundled together in the Quests forum. Along with all the other quests. Items that the Cleric uses are also generic with the other magic classes and come down to just a matter of taste on what equipment to use. Much like other MMOs you essentially have a next "set" of armor that you get/make and a next weapon you can pickup/make/get from quest.

    So the Class forums just come down to skill builds and stat builds. All you will find here besides combat between FAC and FSC discussions.
  • irishchick
    irishchick Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Thanks for taking the time to explain so clearly Tank - that was pretty helpful :)

    Glad to see it is still possible to get a response like that on one of these threads lol!

    I did want to post a question about stats that hasnt really been addressed/ I'm a bit confused about but dont really want it to get hijacked or inadvertantly add fuel to flames :P

    Mebbe I'll just come back in a few days and see if its all blown over?

    Meantime Ill have a look at some of the other areas you suggested. TY :)
  • Amiris - Sanctuary
    Amiris - Sanctuary Posts: 1,167 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Ask your question. Should this thread get hijacked, it's not your fault. I can easily contact a mod to lock this for you if you want me to.
    Also, I doubt the discussion will end any time soon. Mods have already stated they don't like it, but they have no right to close the topics or ban the posters or something, as they haven't done anything entirely against the rules.
    If you really don't want to ask btw, send me a pm. I'd be glad to help out.
    Credit to Symour for the signature.
    Amiris is my forum character. My actual main is Andralia.
    1,000 posts as of 10/01/09, which was also my birthday!
  • irishchick
    irishchick Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Thanks very much Amiris - I'll take you up on that and send ya a wee pm later if thats okay!

    Tis a shame it wont end soon as it really is so boring :P It would still be great if there was one spot for them all to yell their heads of at each other but none of the rest of us had to read it :P

    Thanks for all your help guys you have been such a welcome and relief to a new player :D
  • Scentsiella - Sanctuary
    Scentsiella - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2008

    The FAC vs. Hybrid vs. Support debate is a valid one, and the cleric boards are the appropriate place for it. This discussion, however, often turns into a giant flame war rather than being cordially argued. A couple of recent threads come to mind.

    However, there are plenty of really nice, helpful people around here. Fire off a post and I'm sure you'll get some help quick. I know Amiris has already offered, but you can PM me too with any questions you might have about playing the class.
  • aryannamage
    aryannamage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Most of the GM's seem to be mostly in three forums -Tech support, General discussions and Suggestion box- with gattsuru (Moderator) and shnuggles (Administrator) also in the Cash shop huddle. Personally I look in nearly all but admit I have not really been in the class discussion either and from what I hear and see now neither have any other Mods/Admins.

    All I can do is apologise and at the very least try now to have a look and maybe speak to the other moderators and try to have someone in here everyday. For the future though depending on current events we may not be able to look through every thread. Personally I have been quite busy in the last couple days with the new patches. If you have any concerns whether it is flaming or just a question or even just asking to look at a thread please send any Moderator a private message here on the forum. Whether or not we can personally help we do have ways to get the help needed to you even if we just make sure a GM is aware of the issue we will try our best to help. That is a promise.
  • kantorek
    kantorek Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I like turtles.
    Maintenance is my Constant. b:surrender
  • doalover
    doalover Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    kantorek wrote: »
    I like turtles.

    That was kind of random and pointless but oh well. At Least a GM is reading some of the threads in the cleric section of the forum.
  • aryannamage
    aryannamage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Yes he did after I asked him to have a look at this.. Didn't think he would be so pointless and random. b:bye

    Maybe it is time I go after him to beat some sense into him? :P
  • bobzilla21
    bobzilla21 Posts: 694 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Yes he did after I asked him to have a look at this.. Didn't think he would be so pointless and random. b:bye

    Maybe it is time I go after him to beat some sense into him? :P

    That's a great idea!b:laugh
    The arguing is annoying, though, so please try do something about it. It's really pointless, and it's not like anyone's accomplishing anything. It's just a waste of forum space.
    I figured I should do something with my sig, so I made this for fun. My very first (poorly made) animation. b:victory
    As for why Luffy is murdering Naruto, I have no idea either, but it looks cool.b:laugh
  • gattsuru
    gattsuru Posts: 3,184 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I try to read class forums, but I hesitate before nuking a thread due to a vocal but impolite portion (and I'm not too familiar with the Cleric class). There's a lot of potential to give out a heckler's veto by doing that. Likewise, I don't think providing an incentive toward being impolite is a good idea, and stickying the most impolite is a rather unfortunate incentive.

    If you do have a thread on a specific subject hijacked, do not hesitate to PM me; I can very easily split off a tangent if need be.
  • Envy - Lost City
    Envy - Lost City Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    kantorek wrote: »
    I like turtles.

    The level of respect you just earned is epic.
  • Kusaku - Lost City
    Kusaku - Lost City Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    The level of respect you just earned is epic.

    yep yep ^^
    So for my bad spelling ^^
    Dieing with style and skill since 1989

    Frav Qoute :
    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."
  • cryucry
    cryucry Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    kantorek wrote: »
    I like turtles.

    My personal hero of the week.
  • irishchick
    irishchick Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Thanks Gattsuru for the reply!

    I agree with the non stickifying - maybe you could just give out idiot badges to repeat offenders? :P

    I really appreciate you looking into it as its really offputting to wee newbies like me - so Im flinging some thanks across the water to ya :D

    Unless you're in ireland too in which case I can just hand it to you :P
  • Deadbone - Lost City
    Deadbone - Lost City Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    sorry that u have to work more now because of me @aryannamage b:sad
  • calmwinds
    calmwinds Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Actually as a new player I have found most of the arguing quite informative. The people who throw name calling and misuse the word logic are easy to see and ignore. When I first looked at this forum it looked like a heavy FAC bias, but know at least I can see two sides of the story.
  • Kusaku - Lost City
    Kusaku - Lost City Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    There are many people who r trying to help and i can see what the flames wars are about but theres definatly good content in here so dont be put off

    gd luck
    So for my bad spelling ^^
    Dieing with style and skill since 1989

    Frav Qoute :
    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."