Classes and Drop Rates

Hellcat - Heavens Tear
Hellcat - Heavens Tear Posts: 22 Arc User
edited May 2011 in General Discussion
I've heard lots of moans and groans from class RE: drop rates, my own exeriance as Cleric (DD) when in support mode as I am mostly on TT runs and FB runs or Zhening, I get almost no drops whether items as in *** things or DQ items, however when Im DD in a party I'm getting well all seem to share equaly.

Now the random drop is supposed to be just that randon, my experiance is it far from that, its seems heavily biased to DD/Tanks in deferance to Support class..................

I can give numerous examples of Zhen, TT & FB runs where ive literaly walked away with nothing, one dire time a 1-3 run(5 bosses) where 10 items of value droped, I got nothing, prior to that 2 2-2 runs provided numersous drops of which I got 3 Mirage......Vs everyone else having several Hi value items.

Most times when you have a faction or a semin honest team (sadly ive been lacking those of late*) the drops are shared fairly and honestly....but that shouldnt be the point, the drops should be RANDOM not biased to Tanks or DD's

Wonder if anyone else has had the same experiance or am i just damned unlucky or imagining it?

*Even though ive asked on all my FB ive never once recieved any of the drops, all ways had the excuse its random you have as much chance as everyones else............i cant beleive ive had 70 levels of bad luck......well i suppose antythings possible........b:angry
Post edited by Hellcat - Heavens Tear on


  • B_O_N_D - Lost City
    B_O_N_D - Lost City Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Corect me if i'm wrong but.. i'm thinking that who ever helps like contributing to w/e ur killing ( usualy cleric heal) usualy get the drops, wich always happends when i do fbs i do agree with you i never see the cleric get a drop
    Thanks Forsakenx
  • Hellcat - Heavens Tear
    Hellcat - Heavens Tear Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Well im glad someone else has im not totaly mad b:laugh
  • Leolf - Heavens Tear
    Leolf - Heavens Tear Posts: 380 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    It may also have something to do with your level. Me and a friend of mine decided to raid (or whatever term you use here) FB19 for the heck of it, and I got almost all the drops. I THINK I was level 37 and he was level 45.
  • ahzu
    ahzu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    finally someone come up with an idea i been having same thought as.

    Yes, I ALSO noticed that the one who do the most damage gets the rare drops or most drops...

    having this thought, i decided to keep all the sparks to myself instead of "lending" to barbs to keep hate... i rather use it to do more damage and in turn get some drops, instead of being total supportive... and i'm also more relactant to help do unwined fb39 anymore. cause i will be healing my pet (pet tank boss) and not do the maximum damage i should be doing... =X
  • Hellcat - Heavens Tear
    Hellcat - Heavens Tear Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    It may also have something to do with your level. Me and a friend of mine decided to raid (or whatever term you use here) FB19 for the heck of it, and I got almost all the drops. I THINK I was level 37 and he was level 45.

    i'm pretty sure its not level based, if it is, its some obscure formulae that i havent worked out yet or noticed a pattern too......

    I think Cleric's should unite and stand together refuse to do any healing in TT/FB or Zhen until PW redresses the balance................

    Brother and Sister Cleric's Stand firm against this injustice..........we will WIN through in the end :p
  • Celestite - Heavens Tear
    Celestite - Heavens Tear Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Personally, i think that PWI missed the fairest and most useful loot distribution option. Which would be set in order meaning everyone would get a item in a orderly fashion making sure nobody would be left out from drops.
  • Kazue - Heavens Tear
    Kazue - Heavens Tear Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    from my experience, drops favor lvl, tank, then dd. lvl is pretty much set in stone. otherwise, if i want any drops, i gotta spike damage (enough to take aggro from tank).
  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Personally, i think that PWI missed the fairest and most useful loot distribution option. Which would be set in order meaning everyone would get a item in a orderly fashion making sure nobody would be left out from drops.

    drop counting makes this soo easy to exploit, especially since there are ranged and close up classes.
  • Hellcat - Heavens Tear
    Hellcat - Heavens Tear Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    drop counting makes this soo easy to exploit, especially since there are ranged and close up classes.

    Maybe so, but how is 0 drops or very few fair on the Cleirc, I usualy after a FB39 run sell 5-7k* worth of drops my rep cost would be around 12-14k

    * usualy made up of arrows bolts and DQ items
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    drop counting makes this soo easy to exploit, especially since there are ranged and close up classes.

    It's not a lot of extra coding to make it random, but keep a counter for each party member so nobody gets more than 2 drops ahead (or behind) of anyone else. So the distribution is random, but if someone pulls 2 drops ahead of anyone else, they have no chance of getting the next drop. If someone falls 2 behind of everyone else, they must get the next drop. When you add a new party member, set their counter at the average of the other party members'.

    You could even get really fancy and weight each person's probability of getting a drop according to how many they've gotten so far. So if you're 2 drops ahead of everyone else, your chance for a drop is not zero, but it's less than everyone else's. If you're 3 drops ahead, your chance is even smaller. If you're 2 drops behind it's higher than everyone else's. etc.

    IMHO the loot distribution probably really is random. But when you get millions of people playing a game, just by pure chance alone some of those random distributions will have results that appear very un-random.
  • Blancheneige - Heavens Tear
    Blancheneige - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,494 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    From my own experience, I can assure you I seldom get drops. Most of the time I end up with arrows and DQ items, while the barbarians and clerics gets all the good stuff...

    Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh
  • Sir_walter - Heavens Tear
    Sir_walter - Heavens Tear Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I can say it has nothing to do with damage delt or weather your tanking. Having taken people through FB19 solo and me killing everything I walk away with 2-5K in coin and loot combined getting almost 0 drops. I'm not sure how "random" is calculated but it always seems to go in others favor when I party with them.
  • weena
    weena Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Im a cleric and the only time I see drops is when another cleric is healing and Im attacking. I hate it.
  • Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear
    Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear Posts: 722 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    As a veno I very rarely get drops from TT also. Even tho my pet probably does a large chunk of total damage I usually get nothing from bosses.

    Unfortunately TT is just weird with its drops, you shouldn't even enter TT with a party of selfish ppl. The only easy solution is to see to it that drops are divided fairly by the party.
  • deshin
    deshin Posts: 123 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I will need to test this again but I know when run my cleric and BM in TT they both get drops. Other than for the bosses my cleric does nothing until after the mobs are killed and still get drops doing nothing but follow. On the bosses the cleric just spams heal for the 10 boring minutes it takes to grind them down. It hard to say if its divided 50/50 but both get drops even on the boss.
  • Kimyrielle - Heavens Tear
    Kimyrielle - Heavens Tear Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    It's hard to tell, really - because obviously we all tend to immediately switch on the "everyone except me gets the good stuff" mode, whenever our party mates get those 3*** and molds. However, as far as I can tell, loot distribution is never truly random in any RPG. There is always more stuff being factored it. But except we'd start to approach this in a scientific fashion (read: with s a spreadsheet), we won't be able to tell for sure.

    I am a support Cleric who usually doesn't use many damage skills when in a group. My personal experience: I never got any mold, ever. I had exactly one 3*** item drop for me, ever. All my TT runs done in a group (I'd say around 25 of them) yielded me 3 Edges and 1 Drum, in total. Two of those Edges I got in two consecutive runs when I was NOT supporting for a change, but playing with an all Veno team who didn't need much of my healing. So I did add to the damage in those runs....

    So if you ask me if damage output is a factor, I'd clearly say yes, but as I said above, it's hardly a proof in scientific sense.
  • scridon
    scridon Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I am a Cleric and from my experience in FB I hardly get anything but in TT I get lots of junk. b:laugh

    The drops are random, but you must also remember that during fb and TT the regular mobs also drop junk, so that offsets the drop distribution on the boss's.

    As for party, zhen, or that sort of thing I think it is not to bad, I get lots of junk in those also.
  • Dianaria - Heavens Tear
    Dianaria - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    In regards to the initial post, I'm in total agreement. The so called random drops for Zhen's, FB's, etc., is pitiful for this cleric. Mind you I did not say all, I said for me. I set my new gold mana charm and spam the tank, and whomever else whose HP is dropping like a rocket...I've been on numerous runs, and if not for certain friends of mine being kind enough to share, I'd have several venom to sell...woo, now that makes it all worth while. I can surely run out and purchase a new mana charm with that...
    Now here's a real kicker, You're a lvl 62 cleric, you're doing FB51, and your main job is to do what? Cover the Tank? Well read on if you will.


    Your squad is halfway through the dungeon, the cleric is behind the tank, not to far, just enough space so the tank can fight, cleric can cover and hopefully not die.
    In the distance, the cleric sees the deadly "scrunchkin 2live crew members", (Dustwraiths) the battle begins.

    While the cleric is spamming the tank, he/she notice's the tab holder's HP begins to drop rapidly, and to make matters worse, the tab holder has now ran past the tank, and right into another batch of the munchkin 2live crew.
    "OMG!!" someone shouts, "What the hell is goin on" says another," Cover the tab holder", someone screams.

    As the chaos begins to unfold, the cleric continues to spam life around the tank who is still fighting several munchkin 2Live crew members.
    All of a sudden the tank turns, and moves with the quickness to try and save the tab holder, and while spamming ironheart on the tank, the cleric is automatically dragged along with the tank and the aggro'd mob.

    The ever faithful until the end cleric, quickly clicks on the tab holder's rapidly dwindling red line.
    Clicky Click Click, the cleric spams life to the tab holder, and then back to the tank as fast as the flap of an angel's wings.
    The cleric then proceeds without haste to cover all those whose red lines are suffering with that dreaded disease called dropsy. Thus saving each and everyone in the squad.
    At the end of the final battle, and the booty is dispersed randomly, the lone cleric watches the little window that shows what rewards he/she will receive.
    As the names and *** item drops roll by, the cleric sees their reward.
    " You Got 1 Large Health Potion*.

    b:chuckle I have to laugh just to keep from cryin b:chuckle D
  • tankhunter
    tankhunter Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    It always seems to me that the party leader gets more drops then me on random. In a Random party with another barb for one of those "kill x number of x critter" quests, out of all the loot dropped that I picked up, I got only a couple health potions. The other barb though, left to go sell all the stuff in their inventory.

    So, I seriously doubt that the distribution is random.
  • Celestyna - Heavens Tear
    Celestyna - Heavens Tear Posts: 629 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    i have found that in general when i am above ground just me and my partner grinding or whatever we get fairly even drops (he's a veno and myself a cleric) though alot of times its me me me me him him him me him for how the drops go

    in dungeons it does seem to be less fair though i have gotten drops now and again (few 3* which always go to tab holders anyways... ) i nearly always come out in teh negative when i do TT or FBs cost wise.
    FBs you can excuse heck your there for rep and xp..
    TT the xp is **** for the time, no rep, and you waste a mp charm worse then zhening you sit for hours without breaks unless the party as a whole stops you spam the same skill over and over and over and hope you dont get over zealous DD who steal agro all the time. then you walk away with a few DQ drops, a few skulls.. maybe a mirage... yay good waste of 2 hours .. b:angry
  • Shiningon - Sanctuary
    Shiningon - Sanctuary Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I totally agree with the post. I have found the same thing. you start to question your own morality after awhile. Am i just being greedy or what. But it definightly seems healers get a very very small percentage of the drop. One thing you could try until the situation is adresses properly is to take a second out of healing if you can, and get aleast one hit in on the boss. It just might address the balance as far as the programing goes. Reason: when grinding mobs sometimes i hit someone else's mob by accident, just one hit, but after they finish killing it, i still get some coins even though we are not squaded up.
  • Biggyluv - Lost City
    Biggyluv - Lost City Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Clerics sometimes out of range to receive drops after bosses kill. They stand at the max range sometimes to heal the tank. Try moving a little closer as the boss dies? Bet you get better drops. :P
  • aryannamage
    aryannamage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    This is what happened to myself ingame it is in no way an opinion of PWE staff!

    As I am a veno when ingame I solo alot though when on FB runs I of course get help just like any other person. In my experience the clerics got the best drops in FB's. Once three moulds dropped in an FB run with my tabs. All three of those moulds went to the same person -A cleric-. She kept them all even though it was not her run. Fair? The same thing had happened with all the moulds and 3 star items we got in FB runs doesn't matter the lvl of the FB. Cleric got it. Fair?
  • Hellcat - Heavens Tear
    Hellcat - Heavens Tear Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    This is what happened to myself ingame it is in no way an opinion of PWE staff!

    As I am a veno when ingame I solo alot though when on FB runs I of course get help just like any other person. In my experience the clerics got the best drops in FB's. Once three moulds dropped in an FB run with my tabs. All three of those moulds went to the same person -A cleric-. She kept them all even though it was not her run. Fair? The same thing had happened with all the moulds and 3 star items we got in FB runs doesn't matter the lvl of the FB. Cleric got it. Fair?

    WHAT? utter rubbish if thats the case I WANT TO BE IN EVERY FB TT AND ZHEN PARTY YOUR IN...........mine and every other healer says one thing and a lot of the other classes agree...........and what do u say? unbelievable [sigh] you mush have some unique Clerics in your friends list............cause they arent in anyone elses.......
  • Shiningon - Sanctuary
    Shiningon - Sanctuary Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    So basically what were all saying is Random is definitely not Fair it's bias.
  • aryannamage
    aryannamage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    It is the truth the cleric always got the drops. Unfortuanetly for you though I play on Sanctuary.
  • Kimyrielle - Heavens Tear
    Kimyrielle - Heavens Tear Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    As I am a veno when ingame I solo alot though when on FB runs I of course get help just like any other person. In my experience the clerics got the best drops in FB's. Once three moulds dropped in an FB run with my tabs. All three of those moulds went to the same person -A cleric-. She kept them all even though it was not her run. Fair? The same thing had happened with all the moulds and 3 star items we got in FB runs doesn't matter the lvl of the FB. Cleric got it. Fair?

    Maybe it's a secret "moderators never get drops, ever" feature... b:chuckle
  • aryannamage
    aryannamage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Maybe it's a secret "moderators never get drops, ever" feature... b:chuckle

    Lol! That happened already before I ever was one. Though I must admit I always do my own runs with the same group and the same clerics...
  • Hellcat - Heavens Tear
    Hellcat - Heavens Tear Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Have you any idea how soul destroying it is, to do ur best in a party, spam heal tanks, keep eveyone else buffed alive in some instances (TT1-3 ) costing your self in excess of 1gold spirit charm to walk away with 0 a few healing potions.....

    After the boss is dead u see everyone getting stuff......and oh optimisum abounds, u think yes i must of got something this check your bag and a previous poster stated.....there it is standing all proud and alone 'Your receive a perfect healing potion' Whoopie dooo I can sell it and put it towards my replacemt spirit charm and dame to gear now lsts see........

    thats mana charm @ 300k
    damage to gear @20k(ish)
    minus perfect potion @2k

    equals...............omg what a supprise it equals a heap of money to PW as we have to replace spririt charms as we USE THEM TO STOP OTHER CLASSES FROM USING that is a really fair situation

    Can you imgaine how annoying to have happen (as it did to me a day or so ago) after a particulalrly long battle with a boss with 3mil health(ish) being told by the tank............'please try to keep me healed in future, my charm ticked twice during that battle and i cant afford it'..................omg if i was in actualy physical proximity to the person, id be up for manslaughter(justifiable homicide)
  • Hellcat - Heavens Tear
    Hellcat - Heavens Tear Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    It is the truth the cleric always got the drops. Unfortuanetly for you though I play on Sanctuary.

    right start a char on heavens want to stick to you like youve just won the lottery.........

    any way on a serious note.......from now on where ever possible im going to record drops and try to do a proper analysis see what intresting results they come up with.............i know without a doubt what the drops are for me........