General PvP Tactics
Xangelx - Lost City
Posts: 116 Arc User
I don't know what it is about PvP, but it excites me when I kill another player, especially kill him / her before they even react. This guide is created using ideas from what I have read and also from my own personal experiences.
Just FYI:
I shed blood, tears, and lots of items to test out PvP in this game and I'm sharing my insight with everyone. Altogether, I lost a necklace (from equip), 20 perfect mana potions, a shabby shard (not too important), and a armor (from inventory). It was well worth it in my opinion. I never complained about losing, and neither should anyone else. Better lose those items now than latter in the game when everything is worth much more.
On the bright side, I got 20 element fragments, a armor of dawn, and some soft fur (obviously does not outweigh what I lost).
First of all, I am someone who believes that to be successful in PvP, you have to be a ranged class. I'm glad Rage Quit's leader agrees. So that means in this game, you will choose between a mage, archer, or cleric. Hmmm...possibly a venomancer.
Cleric? Yes, I have personally played my own and I think they are good PvPers. They have very good spike damage, better so than archers (not counting crits). I would say they are very good early game, and decent endgame compared to archers because in the biginning your magic powers deal way way way more than an archer. However, later on when archers crit chance is so high and nearly 1/3 their attacks are crits, that is when it starts to get nasty.
Pros and Cons:
-sky high physical and magical attacks (mostly metal)
-sky high dodge rate
-low physical and magical defenses (you sacrifice defense for heavanly crits from above ^^)
-leveling up is a pain in the ****
-high learning curve
-sky high magical attacks
-no physical attacks (O.o)
That means anyone with robes is a hard target
-high magical defense
-low physical defense
-leveling up is easy
-learning curve normal
-sky high magical and physical attacks (mostly metal)
-very high magical defense
-very low physical defense
-extreme low hp pool
-slowest running rate in the game (this means that you won't be running away from a fight)
-lots of buffs and heals and nukes
-learning curve super hard (you have to pick your targets, know what skills to use against each type, you have very low hp and survivability)
-high physical and magic attacks (very flexible with that)
-high magical defense (assuming you are a magic build)
-low hp pool
-low physical defense (not needed really since you have a pet, but a big issue when fighting an archer)
-cool debuffing skills
-ripping bite = win
-nearly 0 learning curve (just spam magic while sending your pet)
Pure dex unfortunately is the way to go. I have made the mistake of putting some points into magic and vitality at lower levels and I regret it. Every level, no questions asked: 1 str and 4 dex.
Wear light armor and socket hp gems.
I would say 9 magic and 1 str every two levels so that you can wear your robes without sacrificing your nuking power.
Same as mages.
Uhh...I put 9 magic and 1 str every two levels just like mages and clerics.
Picking Targets
Steps to picking your targets:
I am a person who plans my attacks. I do not attack random people, and you shouldn't either.
1. Fly overhead your target
2. As you pass by them over their head, click player info from the character menu
3. As you APPEAR to fly away, take that time to analyze their armor closely.
-Do they have super physical defense? If so, you better lead with a magic attack.
-Do they have super magical defense? If so, you better lead with a physical attack.
-Do they have both? If so...wait for them to fight a monster.
-Are they over 10 levels higher than you? If so, bye bye, c u another day.
-they are five levels lower than you? Don't be an ***. Ganking them while you already have the advantage makes you an ***, don't do it noob.
4. You think you can win? If yes, turn back and plan. If no, cya.
5. The plan:
-(best thing you can do if it is available at the terain you are in) If they are fighting mobs on top of a small hill (mount bluff or whatever it's called where that boy is standing near the pillar) begin your attack at the bottom of the hill. This way, you are sure to be undetected and even if they have fast reactions, sorry, but they can't select you lol. You can attack them, but they will have to jump up to select you. Before they even get a chance to select you, you should have already stunned them.
-use a stun by your third attack (there is no need to start with one unless you are already discovered)
-Be virtically on top of them. That sounded ****, but don't take it literally. I mean you should be overlapping your opponent's "dot" on the map while being at a higher altitude. This makes you very hard to spot and it's even easier because you can check out the person's stats while just using the follow option.
Press the down arrow key to get to his level and there you have it, heavanly crits from above. =d
Player Killing
Against heavy armors, lead with thunder bolt, thunder into stun into more thunder after that. Always start with that against heavy armors because they already have low magical defense, using thunderbolt makes that EVEN lower. Then exploit that weakness with your two super awesome thunder attacks and destroy them for having that weakness.
Against light armors, I would stick to starting with the thunder combo, and then stun. After that, I tend to stick with physical attacks unless thunder attacks are really taking good effect against them.
Against robes, you should be at maximum distance (well you always should to begin with). Lead with take aim (I have a level 1 take aim and it does twice the damage my normal attack does (those of you who level that skill, congrats, even more damage) and has a decent chance to crit). If you crit, GG, you probably took out 3/4 their hp right off the bat. So start with take aim into quick shot into aim low. Then whatever you need to do to finish them off.
Haven't used a mage before, just the others. All I have to say is GOOD LUCK with robe users and run away from Clerics as fast as you can. You should never attack a cleric unless they attack you first. No I take that back, if they attack you first, you RUN!!!
Against heavy armors, considering that these will mostly be warriors and warebeast, I would personally kite them with "great cyclone" the tornado thing. If they get up close to you for some reason, don't run, don't put up plume shell either. Most people like to put up plume shell, but don't (unless you have maxed it) because the time it takes you to cast it will be your doom as well as it doesn't take all the damage. Even maxed it does not take all the damage. Not to mention that it drains your mp a lot while not taking all the damage. What I recommend is sleep if you have it, if not, use your biggest healing potion, while casting iron heart blessing. Did you know that you can stack iron heart blessing? You might or might not have known that. So you can stand there and double stack it with a healing potion minimizing the majority of the damage. If you die while doing that, it was inevitable, you picked the wrong opponent.
Jump over the person's head (behind him / her) using a healing potion at the same time. When you land, continue kiting with great cyclone. You are hoping that during the time the person realizes that you just jumped over their head, you can take advantage of the time that it takes them to move the camera around to take the upperhand of the battle.
Warning, this takes a lot of skill and do not attempt this in PvP unless you have mastered this like me. There is a glitch in perfect world where you can jump and do something. You can jump and meditate, jump and attack, jump and do anything. The good thing about this is that when you jump and do an attack, you will hover in the air while attacking. This means that the warrior that's attacking you will have to get on their aerocraft to attack you, and you can watch them get on / off because you are using a glitch. How do you do it, it's really counter intuitive if you ask me. You have to press the skill you want to use, and press the jump button a fraction of a second after. If you have done it correctly, you will have jumped up, and stood on an invisible platform, while making your attack. In this way, your warrior or warebeast will be like wtf? what is going on, this guy is hacking, wait, i'm being attacked, oh noes, nuke, dead. then he pms you, u r a hacker, cheater, ...........................................................good times lol.
Here is a video if you need to see what it looks like:
Light armors, great cyclone, plume shot, over and over again. Use potions when necessary.
Robes, Plume shot over and over again. Use potions when necessary.
In all of these, I don't need to mention that you should have a PvP pet. Meaning, all your pets have ripping bite right? Good. Make sure that is the first thing you do when you begin a pk.
Heavy armor: Send your pet anyways even if it doesn't do much. All damage counts in PvP / pk. The main damage will have to come from you. You have to make sure to use all of your elemental scarabs, and spam them like crazy.
The reason I don't recommend venomancers for pk / PvP is because it kills your reactions. What I mean by this is, their whole time when they grind, they don't need any reactions, just send pet, and spam magic. Nothing is going to interfere. However, when someone decides to come into the picture, you have no clue what to do because how often does that happen when you are grinding? none. At least for the other ranged classes, you have to watch around you. For a veno, you just stay put, send pet, and spam magic. This feels repetitive, so anyways, if you have already made a veno, stick with it if it's at a high level, if it's 30 or below, I would suggest you pick another class.
Support my claim:
I have pked a level 54 Venomancer? (about that level) and I found out because I chatted with her after I killed her. I was like omg I killed someone 20 levels higher than me, what's going on? It turned out that she was (about) level 54, and she did not even know that she was on a PvP server and she has never been pked before and did not know how to turn pk mode on.... ... . . .. . ... . . . . . . . .. . . . ... . .. ya. I killed her before she even finished the monster (i kinda waited until she agroed two (and btw she was the very first person I tested pk on). She had zero clue what happened until I explained everything and became friends with her.
Another example was with another veno with a heirogram. This is one of those times that judging by her armor, I knew she was at my level, I did not even scan her at all (you should in most cases if you don't want surprise counterganks). She had absolutely no clue (she knew how to kill because she killed me) that I was attacking her. I was just shooting regular arrows, when I saw her heiro tick. Then I was like oh, she's got one. Then immediately spark eruption, quickshot, regular attacks (this one was around my level, maybe one or two levels higher). Ya she only reacted after seeing my bright light. She jumped up, and the second she landed she was dead. No apolagies for this kill. You never should anyways, but I do because I'm kinda-somewhat carebear. Actually, I don't pk white names anymore because I'm done with learnin pking, I've suffered enough lol. The reason is because she pked me for no reason. I was talking to her, having a conversation, and she all of a sudden decides to pk me. I let her, then ask a couple people to look out for her name. Someone found her, and so I scouted high high high up in the sky and found her. She was at a safe zone, and the second she left...drop down to the ground...begin pk. Another good example of why you should never leave a safe zone when your name is red. She gave me 20 element fragments. Yay. The hunting her down part was difficult, but well worth it.
Light armor: This is very lol. I am going to say, fight them like you are grinding.
Both physical and magic damage do well against them, so double the damage should take them out before they take you out.
Robes: Let your pet attack them, and run away. =D
If they decide to attack you, start crying in laughter because you run away while letting your pet kill them. If they attack your pet, run behind them. For some reason, running behind your enemy gives them some insecurity and therefore they turn around and attack you instead. Very wierd mind game, but it works 90% of the time. I have a 31 veno, and it works wonders every time.
The only time your name will be blue is if you are below level 30. When your name is in this color, you cannot attack or be attacked.
Your name becomes white the second you hit level 30. This is when your name can start to change colors. Before level 30 your name will always be blue. The chances of you dropping an item while your name is white is highly unlikely. I have died 5 times while my name was white and I never dropped anything.
Pink / Purple
This means that you have initiated an attack on someone. You have attacked someone else, and your pink name will go away in a minute or less once you stop attacking. In this mode, you have a very small chance of dropping items. I would say about 1/10 times you might drop one item.
This means that you have attacked AND killed at least one or two people. In this mode, judging from my experiences (not looking at the chart--personally I think that chart is inaccurate), you have a 50% of dropping one item, 30% chance of dropping two, 10% chance of dropping 3 items, and a 10% chance of dropping no items. If you kill someone, I suggest you immediately go set up your player shop and do not show your face outside of a safe zone. If you need to, it's mandatory to go out with a party to get your pking ****.
Dark Red
If your name is this color, you hide and never show yourself ever, even in a party. NO. You stay in town and set up your shop forever until your name is cleared. In this mode, you have (again judging by personal experience----yes i had to try dark red mode) about a 100% chance to drop 1 item, 70% chance to drop 2 items, 60% chance to drop 3, and 40% chance to drop 4. I know that does not add up to 100, but I just wanted to make it clear that it is guaranteed that you will drop at least 1 item.
What you do if you get ganked:
Dark Red
Remember what I said about being Dark Red? Hope so. If you did not take my advice..... ....... ... .. . .. .. . .. ... .. .. . .. . ......................
If you don't feel in the mood of loosing items, I would suggest that that if you are fighting a monster, kill it, and let the attacker kill you. This way all you have to do is run back and grind again. Nothing to get too upset about. If you fight back and lose, you are almost guaranteed to drop items. If you don't have restricted playing or you can turn on the computer whenever you want, I would suggest once you get a red name, don't show yourself outside of a safe zone. If you really want to finish your quest or whatever, make sure you go outside as a group with plenty of higher level than you players. Most of the time, if you are in a group, it will dissuade pkers. Then again if they are level 80's and can take on your whole party for kicks, you are still screwed, but at least you didn't attack back right? No item loss.
If the pker has no honor and kills you because you are many levels lower than him / her. What can I say, that sucks. If it's someone around your level though (judging by how much damage the person is doing to you per hit), make sure to turn around and use your healing potions. Try stunning the person or if you are a cleric, try to sleep the pker. If your stun does good damage, I would stay and fight. If it doesn't, I would use the stun to my advantage and run away. Easy for an archer, difficult for a mage, and I think if you are putting points into winged mastery, it shouldn't be too hard for a cleric, idk for a veno.
Just FYI:
I shed blood, tears, and lots of items to test out PvP in this game and I'm sharing my insight with everyone. Altogether, I lost a necklace (from equip), 20 perfect mana potions, a shabby shard (not too important), and a armor (from inventory). It was well worth it in my opinion. I never complained about losing, and neither should anyone else. Better lose those items now than latter in the game when everything is worth much more.
On the bright side, I got 20 element fragments, a armor of dawn, and some soft fur (obviously does not outweigh what I lost).
First of all, I am someone who believes that to be successful in PvP, you have to be a ranged class. I'm glad Rage Quit's leader agrees. So that means in this game, you will choose between a mage, archer, or cleric. Hmmm...possibly a venomancer.
Cleric? Yes, I have personally played my own and I think they are good PvPers. They have very good spike damage, better so than archers (not counting crits). I would say they are very good early game, and decent endgame compared to archers because in the biginning your magic powers deal way way way more than an archer. However, later on when archers crit chance is so high and nearly 1/3 their attacks are crits, that is when it starts to get nasty.
Pros and Cons:
-sky high physical and magical attacks (mostly metal)
-sky high dodge rate
-low physical and magical defenses (you sacrifice defense for heavanly crits from above ^^)
-leveling up is a pain in the ****
-high learning curve
-sky high magical attacks
-no physical attacks (O.o)
That means anyone with robes is a hard target
-high magical defense
-low physical defense
-leveling up is easy
-learning curve normal
-sky high magical and physical attacks (mostly metal)
-very high magical defense
-very low physical defense
-extreme low hp pool
-slowest running rate in the game (this means that you won't be running away from a fight)
-lots of buffs and heals and nukes
-learning curve super hard (you have to pick your targets, know what skills to use against each type, you have very low hp and survivability)
-high physical and magic attacks (very flexible with that)
-high magical defense (assuming you are a magic build)
-low hp pool
-low physical defense (not needed really since you have a pet, but a big issue when fighting an archer)
-cool debuffing skills
-ripping bite = win
-nearly 0 learning curve (just spam magic while sending your pet)
Pure dex unfortunately is the way to go. I have made the mistake of putting some points into magic and vitality at lower levels and I regret it. Every level, no questions asked: 1 str and 4 dex.
Wear light armor and socket hp gems.
I would say 9 magic and 1 str every two levels so that you can wear your robes without sacrificing your nuking power.
Same as mages.
Uhh...I put 9 magic and 1 str every two levels just like mages and clerics.
Picking Targets
Steps to picking your targets:
I am a person who plans my attacks. I do not attack random people, and you shouldn't either.
1. Fly overhead your target
2. As you pass by them over their head, click player info from the character menu
3. As you APPEAR to fly away, take that time to analyze their armor closely.
-Do they have super physical defense? If so, you better lead with a magic attack.
-Do they have super magical defense? If so, you better lead with a physical attack.
-Do they have both? If so...wait for them to fight a monster.
-Are they over 10 levels higher than you? If so, bye bye, c u another day.
-they are five levels lower than you? Don't be an ***. Ganking them while you already have the advantage makes you an ***, don't do it noob.
4. You think you can win? If yes, turn back and plan. If no, cya.
5. The plan:
-(best thing you can do if it is available at the terain you are in) If they are fighting mobs on top of a small hill (mount bluff or whatever it's called where that boy is standing near the pillar) begin your attack at the bottom of the hill. This way, you are sure to be undetected and even if they have fast reactions, sorry, but they can't select you lol. You can attack them, but they will have to jump up to select you. Before they even get a chance to select you, you should have already stunned them.
-use a stun by your third attack (there is no need to start with one unless you are already discovered)
-Be virtically on top of them. That sounded ****, but don't take it literally. I mean you should be overlapping your opponent's "dot" on the map while being at a higher altitude. This makes you very hard to spot and it's even easier because you can check out the person's stats while just using the follow option.
Press the down arrow key to get to his level and there you have it, heavanly crits from above. =d
Player Killing
Against heavy armors, lead with thunder bolt, thunder into stun into more thunder after that. Always start with that against heavy armors because they already have low magical defense, using thunderbolt makes that EVEN lower. Then exploit that weakness with your two super awesome thunder attacks and destroy them for having that weakness.
Against light armors, I would stick to starting with the thunder combo, and then stun. After that, I tend to stick with physical attacks unless thunder attacks are really taking good effect against them.
Against robes, you should be at maximum distance (well you always should to begin with). Lead with take aim (I have a level 1 take aim and it does twice the damage my normal attack does (those of you who level that skill, congrats, even more damage) and has a decent chance to crit). If you crit, GG, you probably took out 3/4 their hp right off the bat. So start with take aim into quick shot into aim low. Then whatever you need to do to finish them off.
Haven't used a mage before, just the others. All I have to say is GOOD LUCK with robe users and run away from Clerics as fast as you can. You should never attack a cleric unless they attack you first. No I take that back, if they attack you first, you RUN!!!
Against heavy armors, considering that these will mostly be warriors and warebeast, I would personally kite them with "great cyclone" the tornado thing. If they get up close to you for some reason, don't run, don't put up plume shell either. Most people like to put up plume shell, but don't (unless you have maxed it) because the time it takes you to cast it will be your doom as well as it doesn't take all the damage. Even maxed it does not take all the damage. Not to mention that it drains your mp a lot while not taking all the damage. What I recommend is sleep if you have it, if not, use your biggest healing potion, while casting iron heart blessing. Did you know that you can stack iron heart blessing? You might or might not have known that. So you can stand there and double stack it with a healing potion minimizing the majority of the damage. If you die while doing that, it was inevitable, you picked the wrong opponent.
Jump over the person's head (behind him / her) using a healing potion at the same time. When you land, continue kiting with great cyclone. You are hoping that during the time the person realizes that you just jumped over their head, you can take advantage of the time that it takes them to move the camera around to take the upperhand of the battle.
Warning, this takes a lot of skill and do not attempt this in PvP unless you have mastered this like me. There is a glitch in perfect world where you can jump and do something. You can jump and meditate, jump and attack, jump and do anything. The good thing about this is that when you jump and do an attack, you will hover in the air while attacking. This means that the warrior that's attacking you will have to get on their aerocraft to attack you, and you can watch them get on / off because you are using a glitch. How do you do it, it's really counter intuitive if you ask me. You have to press the skill you want to use, and press the jump button a fraction of a second after. If you have done it correctly, you will have jumped up, and stood on an invisible platform, while making your attack. In this way, your warrior or warebeast will be like wtf? what is going on, this guy is hacking, wait, i'm being attacked, oh noes, nuke, dead. then he pms you, u r a hacker, cheater, ...........................................................good times lol.
Here is a video if you need to see what it looks like:
Light armors, great cyclone, plume shot, over and over again. Use potions when necessary.
Robes, Plume shot over and over again. Use potions when necessary.
In all of these, I don't need to mention that you should have a PvP pet. Meaning, all your pets have ripping bite right? Good. Make sure that is the first thing you do when you begin a pk.
Heavy armor: Send your pet anyways even if it doesn't do much. All damage counts in PvP / pk. The main damage will have to come from you. You have to make sure to use all of your elemental scarabs, and spam them like crazy.
The reason I don't recommend venomancers for pk / PvP is because it kills your reactions. What I mean by this is, their whole time when they grind, they don't need any reactions, just send pet, and spam magic. Nothing is going to interfere. However, when someone decides to come into the picture, you have no clue what to do because how often does that happen when you are grinding? none. At least for the other ranged classes, you have to watch around you. For a veno, you just stay put, send pet, and spam magic. This feels repetitive, so anyways, if you have already made a veno, stick with it if it's at a high level, if it's 30 or below, I would suggest you pick another class.
Support my claim:
I have pked a level 54 Venomancer? (about that level) and I found out because I chatted with her after I killed her. I was like omg I killed someone 20 levels higher than me, what's going on? It turned out that she was (about) level 54, and she did not even know that she was on a PvP server and she has never been pked before and did not know how to turn pk mode on.... ... . . .. . ... . . . . . . . .. . . . ... . .. ya. I killed her before she even finished the monster (i kinda waited until she agroed two (and btw she was the very first person I tested pk on). She had zero clue what happened until I explained everything and became friends with her.
Another example was with another veno with a heirogram. This is one of those times that judging by her armor, I knew she was at my level, I did not even scan her at all (you should in most cases if you don't want surprise counterganks). She had absolutely no clue (she knew how to kill because she killed me) that I was attacking her. I was just shooting regular arrows, when I saw her heiro tick. Then I was like oh, she's got one. Then immediately spark eruption, quickshot, regular attacks (this one was around my level, maybe one or two levels higher). Ya she only reacted after seeing my bright light. She jumped up, and the second she landed she was dead. No apolagies for this kill. You never should anyways, but I do because I'm kinda-somewhat carebear. Actually, I don't pk white names anymore because I'm done with learnin pking, I've suffered enough lol. The reason is because she pked me for no reason. I was talking to her, having a conversation, and she all of a sudden decides to pk me. I let her, then ask a couple people to look out for her name. Someone found her, and so I scouted high high high up in the sky and found her. She was at a safe zone, and the second she left...drop down to the ground...begin pk. Another good example of why you should never leave a safe zone when your name is red. She gave me 20 element fragments. Yay. The hunting her down part was difficult, but well worth it.
Light armor: This is very lol. I am going to say, fight them like you are grinding.
Both physical and magic damage do well against them, so double the damage should take them out before they take you out.
Robes: Let your pet attack them, and run away. =D
If they decide to attack you, start crying in laughter because you run away while letting your pet kill them. If they attack your pet, run behind them. For some reason, running behind your enemy gives them some insecurity and therefore they turn around and attack you instead. Very wierd mind game, but it works 90% of the time. I have a 31 veno, and it works wonders every time.
The only time your name will be blue is if you are below level 30. When your name is in this color, you cannot attack or be attacked.
Your name becomes white the second you hit level 30. This is when your name can start to change colors. Before level 30 your name will always be blue. The chances of you dropping an item while your name is white is highly unlikely. I have died 5 times while my name was white and I never dropped anything.
Pink / Purple
This means that you have initiated an attack on someone. You have attacked someone else, and your pink name will go away in a minute or less once you stop attacking. In this mode, you have a very small chance of dropping items. I would say about 1/10 times you might drop one item.
This means that you have attacked AND killed at least one or two people. In this mode, judging from my experiences (not looking at the chart--personally I think that chart is inaccurate), you have a 50% of dropping one item, 30% chance of dropping two, 10% chance of dropping 3 items, and a 10% chance of dropping no items. If you kill someone, I suggest you immediately go set up your player shop and do not show your face outside of a safe zone. If you need to, it's mandatory to go out with a party to get your pking ****.
Dark Red
If your name is this color, you hide and never show yourself ever, even in a party. NO. You stay in town and set up your shop forever until your name is cleared. In this mode, you have (again judging by personal experience----yes i had to try dark red mode) about a 100% chance to drop 1 item, 70% chance to drop 2 items, 60% chance to drop 3, and 40% chance to drop 4. I know that does not add up to 100, but I just wanted to make it clear that it is guaranteed that you will drop at least 1 item.
What you do if you get ganked:
Dark Red
Remember what I said about being Dark Red? Hope so. If you did not take my advice..... ....... ... .. . .. .. . .. ... .. .. . .. . ......................
If you don't feel in the mood of loosing items, I would suggest that that if you are fighting a monster, kill it, and let the attacker kill you. This way all you have to do is run back and grind again. Nothing to get too upset about. If you fight back and lose, you are almost guaranteed to drop items. If you don't have restricted playing or you can turn on the computer whenever you want, I would suggest once you get a red name, don't show yourself outside of a safe zone. If you really want to finish your quest or whatever, make sure you go outside as a group with plenty of higher level than you players. Most of the time, if you are in a group, it will dissuade pkers. Then again if they are level 80's and can take on your whole party for kicks, you are still screwed, but at least you didn't attack back right? No item loss.
If the pker has no honor and kills you because you are many levels lower than him / her. What can I say, that sucks. If it's someone around your level though (judging by how much damage the person is doing to you per hit), make sure to turn around and use your healing potions. Try stunning the person or if you are a cleric, try to sleep the pker. If your stun does good damage, I would stay and fight. If it doesn't, I would use the stun to my advantage and run away. Easy for an archer, difficult for a mage, and I think if you are putting points into winged mastery, it shouldn't be too hard for a cleric, idk for a veno.
Post edited by Xangelx - Lost City on
I really wouldn't suggest doing the "Invisible pedestal" to a WR..AOE's will still get you...including the stun.It takes a big man to cry, but a bigger man to laugh at him.
Guild: Outlaw0 -
That is pk, not pvp. There is a big difference. Good guide for it though.Main characters
Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
Sage Barbarian Malego - 910 -
I must say a well though out guide but it makes me sad that all this planning is done on opponent selection. Too many people follow one set strategy and only take on people they are sure to win.
Being able to see what type of armor/items someone has or if they have charms is too much of a advantage to the attacker. The ability to attack from directly above although a very valid tactic relies mostly on game mechanics for the advantage . Just because it is hard to set the camera to look straight up and then the image rendering makes it hard to tell what you are seeing should not give the attacker a advantage. Without autotarget you end up giving the attacker another couple of seconds while the defener has to fumble around tring to click on something he can't see.
I would very much prefer that you had to observer what spells a person was casting and the graphical representation of their weapons and armor to determine the class and possible level.
I always found it much more fun when you could attack someone and find out that it was really a higher level farming and get your butt kicked. Being able to know exactly what opening spell to cast against almost ensures a win. It is much more fun to take the risk and sometimes get a suprise because the person is not using a standard build.
Now you may think i am being a carebear but its more I want PVP to be more based on my skill to learn and observe my targets rather than using guides and math to ensure my win. You end up with nobody even bothering to fight back because they assume everyone has already done the math and only attacks when they are sure to win.0 -
When I first started PvP at level 30, not too long ago lol. I decided to try out the whole PvP system. I'm not someone who will just take all the pictures and guides for face value. I need to experiment and try it out. I highly suggest that you don't take my guide as an alternative to actually practicing pk / PvPing. Use it as a supplement.
Anyways, when I first started testing the system out, I learned a whole bunch of stuff (most of it I just needed to confirm since someone in the forums has already mentioned it before). I learned that:
1. You will only get a red name if you kill a white name.
2. If you kill a red name, you will get a pink name that goes away in like a minute.
3. Even if your name is the darkest red, if you don't attack back (you don't have a cross sword by your name), you won't lose any items.
4. If your name is red, forget all of your quests, just hide, you are fair prey for anyone because you are suceptable to losing items.
5. No point in killing white name people because no drops and your name becomes red. Two negatives = why do it. I needed to in the beginning to test the system, but I'm done, I understand it now and your objective is to hunt down red names. If you are red, you really should just hide.
6. I even tested the guards. I never got hit, but I know that they do chase you. They chase you at literally 20 meters per second. I jumped near them and they were underneath me in a fraction of a second. I don't exactly want to know how much damage they can do so I flew away. ALWAYS fly over the guards. They have short agro distances, but I'm not sure about at plume city, I think the guards there are archers, so, good luck with that.
It is an advantage looking at your opponent's armor. That is what you should always want if you want to gank someone. What's the point of a gank if it's not successful? The suggesstion you said about looking at their armor, I thought it was the best idea, until I found out two things:
1. You can see what armor they are wearing.
2. They can equip their special clothes so you can't see their armor.
If you like to take risks during a gank, that is up to you, but after losing my awesome necklace, 20 perfect mana potions, and a shard, I think I'm done with risks. I understand the system now, and I think it was worth it to lose a couple of items to have the advantage later on in PvP and pk.0 -
Xangelx - Lost City wrote: »It is an advantage looking at your opponent's armor. That is what you should always want if you want to gank someone. What's the point of a gank if it's not successful?
If you like to take risks during a gank, that is up to you, but after losing my awesome necklace, 20 perfect mana potions, and a shard, I think I'm done with risks. I understand the system now, and I think it was worth it to lose a couple of items to have the advantage later on in PvP and pk.
This is why I have given up on pk. Nobody wants to risk anything so a large effort is spent to make sure you get as unfair a fight as possible. This is where GANK and GRIEF get to mean the same thing. You really get nothing for killing someone. This is the play style I never understand in PVP. The main fun of PVP is you do not get a scripted response. A player who knows that it is to his disadvantage to even attempt to fight back in a battle is worse than a pve mob. At least they do something other than just stand there.
I guess my definition of fun is different. Having the player fight back because he too thinks he can beat me and make me pay a price for attacking him. We both have fun win or lose but when one side always wins I can't really see the fun in that. Still there is the small group that in their own mind think that winning makes them better and somehow make the game "fun?"0 -
This is why I have given up on pk. Nobody wants to risk anything so a large effort is spent to make sure you get as unfair a fight as possible. This is where GANK and GRIEF get to mean the same thing. You really get nothing for killing someone. This is the play style I never understand in PVP. The main fun of PVP is you do not get a scripted response. A player who knows that it is to his disadvantage to even attempt to fight back in a battle is worse than a pve mob. At least they do something other than just stand there.
I guess my definition of fun is different. Having the player fight back because he too thinks he can beat me and make me pay a price for attacking him. We both have fun win or lose but when one side always wins I can't really see the fun in that. Still there is the small group that in their own mind think that winning makes them better and somehow make the game "fun?"
Hmmm...I think you have the wrong idea. If you want to have fun to see who is better, then you should be dueling people. If you do that kind of stuff you were talking about in PvP, you risk items. Many people are not willing to RISK. Therefore, they plan and take out other people. Even so, 1/5 times I do not read the person correctly and get counterganked. I have made sure to read properly now though. I die, but I never complain. I don't appreciate the person saying stuff like "that will teach u b i t c h. don't mess with -insert guild name here-" and stuff like that, but that's the way it is in PvP, just suck it up. However, I'm not saying that you should not fight back. I'm just saying that judging by how much damage the person is doing to you, decide wisely if you want to stay and fight (what I do sometimes) or (what I prefer to do) run away, but if they kill me, no problem, they get a red name. You would be surprised how many people are dumb enough to poke their heads out of safe zones and grind even while red. That is when I hunt them down and get nice drops. When they don't get anything. This is what I've learned. If you are on the opposite side doing the killing, you will be the one to suffer item loss.0 -
Everyone forgets the fox people...
Squish killing: Ironwood scarab FIRST! This will lower their already ridiculously low physical defense by 30% when maxed, then have pet use flesh ream (Did I mention to teach a low level flying pet flesh ream and raise it to your level? Do that). Then use Lucky Scarab to stop them for a lame half second, venomous, venomous, ironwood again, dead, etc... :]
If your pet knows howl.... b:sin. That's even better, use it before you use ironwood.
As for heavy armor, high HP people...panic, jump around stuff, do anything, it usually works. I haven't found a good tactic for high level fox vs BM/Barb yet.88 FIRE! An "anti-tank" projectile, accompanied by an AC-130 are on their way to ensure insanity.
Let's not one beats a cleric 1 vs 1 after 60....
That lame plumeshell, sleep, ironheart spam, defense debuff, spark, weild thunder thing/plume shot thing. -. -
For some reason, I'm not sure if it was lag, but veno pets don't attack while you're asleep? Don't think light armor will save you from plume shot, it makes almost no difference when you're asleep. b:spit88 FIRE! An "anti-tank" projectile, accompanied by an AC-130 are on their way to ensure insanity.
Clerics are already OP as is (nuking build). Not mentioning they really don't have any weaknesses if you see it the way I do.
lol, I have to mention it.
For physical defense, just socket defense items. In this way, your +x% defense from vanguard spirit will give you a bigger boost.
For magic defense: .
For both magic and physical defense, socket hp gems. They come in large amounts so don't sacrifice nuking powers for hp.0 -
wat exactly does ironheart do? compared to wellspring surge and blessing of the purehearted???Previous GE player. Pretty dissapointed. So hope PWI is better at controlling botters ^^
well, ironheart heals overtime and can be stacked on top of each other so what I mean by that is...if you cast it over and over again, you will get x times 2 healing everytime. wearas wellspring surge has a short cast time and heals a low amount of hp. and blessing of the purehearted heals a lot but has a veeerrrryyyyy long channeling time.0
Xangelx - Lost City wrote: »Not mentioning they really don't have any weaknesses if you see it the way I do.
On the contrary, venos may say, "All your buffs are belong to us!" b:chuckle0 -
Tell me why i should run from a ep.Blade Tempest solves that prob or you just properly **** him a GOOD mage is hard to kill and can kill most classes cept wbs(stupid meat tanks)Xipox-7X MG-LC-#3 in pvp rankings-b:pleased 3198 hp unbuffedb:victory0
I have some news for everyone. On a private server I got level 100s of all the classes (I finally got the client to work), and on the regular server I have level 30s of all the classes, so this is what I have experienced.
They are bad starting out because their dex is not fully developed and doesn't help enough. Mana issues, hp issues, etc. At late game, they get better and do better damage, and at level 105 they kick some serious butt. Deadly shot is painfully awesome BTW.
Start out great. If you are full mag build, you have problems with survivability. Endgame with chromatic seal which is god mode for you. I think at max you have all the time in the world to heal your self ironheart to max healing power, you have all the time in the world then you can nuke them with tempest or something. BTW tempest is pure awesomeness except for the fact that it takes 1 spark.
idk. I like to pvp, so I have a lvl 100 barbarian, but don't really use it so I can't tell you much.
Assuming you are a full mag build, you have problems with survivability. Start the game out great. You can tank everything with your pet. If you like to PvP, and you don't have a pheonix or a hercules, I suggest that you don't. To kill even the best venos, all you have to do is wait for them to fight a monster and lock down the veno with stuns and strong attacks (from above, that's very important because they won't be ready to swing their camera up when fighting a monster). This can be difficult if they have a hiero though. Then again, I think everyone (that's on a PvP server's got one endgame anyways). If you have the money to buy the pheonix, I'm telling you I got one on the private server and it can tank AND kill monsters 7 levels higher than itself AT THE SAME TIME. That awesome pheonix has more dodge, attack, defense, and magic defense than my archer 5 levels higher than it. IT is absolutely rediculously OPOPOOPOPOPOPOPOPOPO. OVER POWERED. Get it if you are going to PvP. I get oneshot by them on the private server most of the time. Well...that may be contributed to my not up to date armor probably. I am wearing the level 90 set. Most people around my level are wearing the lvl 105 set. Oh well, I will find armor later when I need it.
Start out great. Endgame with awesome nuking spells. However, still very squishy
when physical attacks come their way. If an archer gets first hit (assuming the archer is smart and uses stun shot), it's easily over for the mage already.
They are good when they start out and are insane endgame with their physical attacks and physical defense. I'm not too sure about magic defense though.
Overall I think all the classes are pretty balanced, so you have to decide which class is best for you. All the classes are good at one thing at suck at another so, it's up to you what you want to be good at. I'm still debating about the cleric though because at endgame their buffs will make them take very little damage from both physical and (magical damage is going to do nothing to them, it might prickle their toes maybe). Personally I think a cleric is the best class in the game...but I still use an archer because it's much easier and has a lower learning curve than a cleric. Alright, I'll talk more about this after class.0 -
I can't seem to find this anywhere, or I just suck at searching but, do you know if you lose equipped items when you are white name or just when you are pink or more red?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Revolt.0 -
you lose items if your name is red, not the other colors. and yes those items can very very much be straight from your inventory. In fact, a lot of the time it is from your inventory if you are red. i have not personally dropped items when i was pink that i can remember of and i doubt that you can drop any items at all if your name is white.
hope i answered your question.0 -
lol the guard does like 20k damage >.<0
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