HELP with Soloing FBs

Gpanda - Lost City
Gpanda - Lost City Posts: 8 Arc User
edited December 2008 in Cleric
I seem to have a problem with soloing fb19s at lvl 55 without heiros and within 10min.

Usually my I two problematic situations:

1) 3physical attack mobs attack me.
I can only seem to kill two of them with about 2-3 shots a mob. The only thing that seems that might work is
plume shell --> ironheart three times --> kill 2 mobs ---> run and kite the last one. But this burns through my mp and only seems to work if I'm lucky.

2) the boss.
I have to spam ironheart 10 times then pull of one cyclone. and repeat this over and over again till the boss is dead. And then I have to use concentrate powder with jade powder and mp pots to supplement. And if I run out of cool down time I just run and hope I don't get killed too soon.

Sadly, I've only soloed two fb19s and even then I died about 7times the first time and 2 times the second time.
Post edited by Gpanda - Lost City on


  • _WillFire_ - Sanctuary
    _WillFire_ - Sanctuary Posts: 563 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    And you were expecting...?
    Mark 12:29-37
    _WillFire_ 8x Combat Medic
  • Lahnora - Sanctuary
    Lahnora - Sanctuary Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I don't think clerics can truly solo FBs...
    You can however, find a BM or WB and do the dungeon together... making it quite quick.
    Do TT runs like that and it'll be good.
  • Kusaku - Lost City
    Kusaku - Lost City Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Dont solo get another cleric to help u

    If ur on lost city server pm me some time i LOOOOOOOOOVVVVV FB's

    Daily quest = primy exp income

    Fb's = secondary exp income ^.-

    Quests just dont get me exp (die to much cause im true FS ^^)
    So for my bad spelling ^^
    Dieing with style and skill since 1989

    Frav Qoute :
    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."
  • Angelle - Heavens Tear
    Angelle - Heavens Tear Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Pfft, soloing least 19 ones is easy for a cleric when you reach some level or whatever. I soloed my first one at like level 52, I think, just for the hell of it. (I'm sure a few others probably succeeded in lower levels, too.)

    Since it was a test run, I brought HP pots with me just in case I couldn't squeeze in Ironheart Blessing on time to save myself. Brought MP pots just in case, too, for when my mana goes low when I am in need of it. I rest in between fights so I don't burn up all those pots.

    As to fighting three mobs at a time, if they were all lined up like this:
    mob one
    mob two
    mob three
    Don't aim for mob two, lol. That'll just attract mob one and three to you too. Instead, go after mob one so that way that one and mob two goes after you or likewise with mob three/two. Dunno if that's confusing lol. Probably easier just showing you in person in game. XD

    But yeah, I never used Plume Shell, even if my HP was low. I run until I can pop another pot, then Ironheart, etc until I can fight again.

    With the boss, again, I used HP/MP pots for my level. I did Ironheart x4, attacked 3-4 times, and repeated, using pots when necessary.

    So, it is possible to solo it. Probably will take more than ten minutes, but it's still possible to do.
    Former Leader of 卓越的 {Transcendent}
    -- DoIl - Venomancer - 6X

    ;D You can call me Minny.
  • _WillFire_ - Sanctuary
    _WillFire_ - Sanctuary Posts: 563 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Pfft, soloing least 19 ones is easy for a cleric when you reach some level or whatever. I soloed my first one at like level 52, I think, just for the hell of it. (I'm sure a few others probably succeeded in lower levels, too.)

    Since it was a test run, I brought HP pots with me just in case I couldn't squeeze in Ironheart Blessing on time to save myself. Brought MP pots just in case, too, for when my mana goes low when I am in need of it. I rest in between fights so I don't burn up all those pots.

    As to fighting three mobs at a time, if they were all lined up like this:
    mob one
    mob two
    mob three
    Don't aim for mob two, lol. That'll just attract mob one and three to you too. Instead, go after mob one so that way that one and mob two goes after you or likewise with mob three/two. Dunno if that's confusing lol. Probably easier just showing you in person in game. XD

    But yeah, I never used Plume Shell, even if my HP was low. I run until I can pop another pot, then Ironheart, etc until I can fight again.

    With the boss, again, I used HP/MP pots for my level. I did Ironheart x4, attacked 3-4 times, and repeated, using pots when necessary.

    So, it is possible to solo it. Probably will take more than ten minutes, but it's still possible to do.

    So what are the benifits of doing this without the tabs?
    Mark 12:29-37
    _WillFire_ 8x Combat Medic
  • Amiris - Sanctuary
    Amiris - Sanctuary Posts: 1,167 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Drophogging. You can keep every single drop, instead of dividing them over a full squad. People do this hoping to get molders.
    Credit to Symour for the signature.
    Amiris is my forum character. My actual main is Andralia.
    1,000 posts as of 10/01/09, which was also my birthday!
  • _WillFire_ - Sanctuary
    _WillFire_ - Sanctuary Posts: 563 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Drophogging. You can keep every single drop, instead of dividing them over a full squad. People do this hoping to get molders.

    Really? I was under the mistaken assumption that you wouldn't get taco going in without tabs. Cool.
    Mark 12:29-37
    _WillFire_ 8x Combat Medic
  • Lahnora - Sanctuary
    Lahnora - Sanctuary Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Well the tabs just give an exp/sp reward and the xenobeast blood for FB19.
    To most the drops are probably much more valuable.
  • Angelle - Heavens Tear
    Angelle - Heavens Tear Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    But higher level up, I think you'd find it useless. I tried a few times and I only got coins. XD Or maybe I just have bad luck, who knows?
    Former Leader of 卓越的 {Transcendent}
    -- DoIl - Venomancer - 6X

    ;D You can call me Minny.
  • Gpanda - Lost City
    Gpanda - Lost City Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Pfft, soloing least 19 ones is easy for a cleric when you reach some level or whatever. I soloed my first one at like level 52, I think, just for the hell of it. (I'm sure a few others probably succeeded in lower levels, too.)

    Since it was a test run, I brought HP pots with me just in case I couldn't squeeze in Ironheart Blessing on time to save myself. Brought MP pots just in case, too, for when my mana goes low when I am in need of it. I rest in between fights so I don't burn up all those pots.

    As to fighting three mobs at a time, if they were all lined up like this:
    mob one
    mob two
    mob three
    Don't aim for mob two, lol. That'll just attract mob one and three to you too. Instead, go after mob one so that way that one and mob two goes after you or likewise with mob three/two. Dunno if that's confusing lol. Probably easier just showing you in person in game. XD

    But yeah, I never used Plume Shell, even if my HP was low. I run until I can pop another pot, then Ironheart, etc until I can fight again.

    With the boss, again, I used HP/MP pots for my level. I did Ironheart x4, attacked 3-4 times, and repeated, using pots when necessary.

    So, it is possible to solo it. Probably will take more than ten minutes, but it's still possible to do.

    thx for the advice. I Didn't know about the mob 1,2,3 thing.
    But for bosses, I don't know if the 4x Ironheart works so well for me. I have low HP
  • Eliathel - Lost City
    Eliathel - Lost City Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Why are you soloing fb19? Theres no point.
    Not to make tanks mad, but if you just heal on fbs you dont get your equip to damage, and you come out of fb even earning money, xp and rep, different from tanks that have to spend lot of money on reapairs.
    If youre FAC, well, dont solo fb, theres no point, just bring a barbs or bm and kill mobs faster... Ive never seen the true reason of saying "I can solo a fb", no point for me
  • Sylvae - Sanctuary
    Sylvae - Sanctuary Posts: 1,018 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    You do realize a FAC will kill faster than a barb or BM, right? Whenever I group up, I have to spend time healing, or just standing around, to prevent grabbing aggro from over damaging just using Cyclone and Plumeshot. This is with similar level group.

    And they gave a reason for why people do it. Read the posts.
  • _WillFire_ - Sanctuary
    _WillFire_ - Sanctuary Posts: 563 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    thx for the advice. I Didn't know about the mob 1,2,3 thing.
    But for bosses, I don't know if the 4x Ironheart works so well for me. I have low HP

    Just remember that Ironheart stacks ( even on yourself ) and it's healing is directly based on how much damage you do. A FAC will heal more with Ironheart ( the spell..not in general ) than a support cleric of the same level.
    Mark 12:29-37
    _WillFire_ 8x Combat Medic
  • Stuvort - Sanctuary
    Stuvort - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    im new to this game, may i ask what 'fb's are as i keep hearing about them and have abosolutly no idea what they are.
  • _WillFire_ - Sanctuary
    _WillFire_ - Sanctuary Posts: 563 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    im new to this game, may i ask what 'fb's are as i keep hearing about them and have abosolutly no idea what they are.

    "FBs" are special "dungeons" that you get at certain levels ( well...mostly ). When you hit a certain level you'll get an automatic quest pop up. It's closely tied in with your spiritual cultivation. All in all don't worry about it over will become self explainatory once you get one.
    Mark 12:29-37
    _WillFire_ 8x Combat Medic