Tales of Virtual Tavern "Sanctuary" - a roleplay story thread

Oldbear - Sanctuary
Oldbear - Sanctuary Posts: 486 Arc User
edited April 2009 in Twilight Temple (West)
Lets write something together. The scene is a night at the tavern and just go ahead and describe us how your character would enter the tavern....what he/she likes to have... favorite place to sit. and of course tales of adventures.
Some of you are really good at writing, creating quite good scenes into the other threads. Even so good that I'd like to read them daily when work hours are long and fed up with newspapers.
OK here we go then.

Tales of Tavern "Sanctuary"

"I'm done for today" thought Old Bear ans he finished skinning his last kill - a wildstar wolf. "All that's left to do now is to sell the pelts to the merchant, get the coins and relax at the fire in "Sanctuary".

Today Old Bear was the first customer. Tables were still empty and fireplace unlit.

- "Give me one of your special Giant Beer. And make sure you don't run out."

few large gold coins fell on the counter.

- "Miss, please be dear and lit the fire for an old man" he said to the serving maid.

Soon friendly flames started to illuminate whole room and Old Bear, having moved a large oak chair to his favorite place - right next to the fireplace, returned to his seat with large mug of taverns special - the "Giant Beer"

Stretching his legs and enjoying the warmth of roaring fire, Old Bear took a sip of his favorite beer and wiped off big white moustage which had suddenly appeared over his grayish natural ones.

"This shall be a very cousy night" he thought.

Post edited by Oldbear - Sanctuary on


  • Deathsscion - Sanctuary
    Deathsscion - Sanctuary Posts: 325 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    The fire was dieing down and the patrons were wandering off to there rooms as Scion appeared in the doorway. Old Bear was slowly drifting off to sleep by the fire and the members of the Alliance were finishing there drink. No one gave this silent drifter a second look as he walked towards the fireplace and took a seat beside Old Bear.
    "What you doing wandering around at this time of night," said Old Bear with a large smile.
    "Working," said Scion. His voice was barely a whisper.
    "Hard work?" asked Old Bear.
    Scion responded by gazing into the fire as if he were trying to see something hidden beyond the flames. The light of the fire dancing in his dark eyes.
    "Not much of a talker are you," said Old Bear "You at least have a name?"
    "Deaths's Scion but just call me Scion."
    "A man born of the dead. Tell me, what is it that ma...." Old Bear started to ask before noticing the smell coming from the mysterious man beside him. "Is that..."
    The inn shuddered as the waves of the explosion charged through the city. Windows shook and the guards rushed to their posts. Paniced citizens searched the streets looking for the source of the blast.
    "WHAT IN GOD'S NAME WAS THAT!?" shouted Old Bear.
    Scion just gave him a small smile and said "A suprise attack just received a little suprise." Producing a flask he took a large drink before offering some to Old Bear.
  • Oldbear - Sanctuary
    Oldbear - Sanctuary Posts: 486 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    "You mages and your jokes!" Old Bear shook his head.

    And peeking outside "Well at least guards are now 100% awake. That's good thing I guess."

    "Well from the man of that sense of humor I expect this wine to turn me into pumpkin-head or grow me a 3 feet long nose. So I hope you pardon an gray-haired man to let you test it on somebody else first. It's damn hard to drink beer having 3 feet long nose "

    Old man smiled. "Good that you didn't try it inside. I see we have some barbarians in here as well. and if there's ever a certain way to enrage a Tiger Warrior then burning his whiskers most certainly does it."

    "Interesting that you see a lot of them lately around the Plume as well. For a race that has been in series of wars with elves since the beginning, this truce between them right now is amazing. Yesterday when i was traveling on foot to Plume with a mage friend I saw one of these tiger-boys running on the field in his underwear. The lady mage of course gave a long stare. Well it was her first time to take that route and on foot. But I said - don't worry this is normal they do it all the time. Heheh."

    As he told the story he had started another beer to make sure his voice don't get the "dry" tone.

    "Well we made it to Plume alright and got our business done. And... that was that."

  • Deathsscion - Sanctuary
    Deathsscion - Sanctuary Posts: 325 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    "Hey, Scion," called a group across the room. "What have you done this time?"

    Leaving Old Bear to his beer and his stories, Scion glided across the room to where the others had gathered beside the door. Two young elves sat in the corner. Talking about what could have caused the explosion while a blademaster tried to get closer to them. A second blademaster ,who was unable to get the attention of the two elves, sat beside the door already haggling with the new arrivels over the price of a pair of swords.

    "So easy. I actually thought one of them would notice something, but since none of them have arrived they must have all been caught in the blast." said Scion.

    They all turned towards Scion as he approached and waited for him to continue.

    "Care to explain," said one of the elves When Scion sat down without saying a word.

    "A few bombs, a fake guard, and an idiot," said Scion. "After that all I had to do was make it so that when they attempted to sneak in ,which requires they remove the guards silently, they would detonate the bombs. I had also set them in a circle so if they were not killed by the blast they would be left in the middle of an inferno."

    "Well, at least you brought a little excitment here," said the young blademaster giving up on his attempts to attract the attention of the two elves. "That really was some blast. Does the word "overkill" mean anything to you?"

    The guard walked down the street as the group in the tavern was talking. They cleared the streets and sent everyine back to their homes so they could deal with the situation without the mobs of citizens looking for answers. A group of venos rushed into the tavern, their clothes were ripped and their faces were a mixture of shock and anger.

    "What happened to you?" asked one of the patrons.

    "You won't believe it," said the first."We saw this large army coming here under the cover of darkness and we hurried back to warn everyone. After we passed through the valley we looked back and saw this guard standing there at the entrance of the valley."

    "We turned around to try to warn him but the wraiths were already there," said the second. "We could only watch as this giant took a rock and hit the guard's head with it. He was so strong he removed his head with one strike."

    "Suddenly we were all thrown of our feet by some massive force," said the third. "When we realized what was happening we were sitting infront of a solid wall of flames. The heat of the fire was beating down on us and we knew anything in that had no hope on surviving."

    "Our boss is right," said one of the elves. "You have no idea what overkill is."

    "You did this?" said one of the venos."YOU NEARLY KILLED US WITH THAT TRAP!"

    Scion already knew where the conversation was going and was already standing in the doorway. When they all turned towards him he quietly turned and walked out into the dark night.

    "Hey Scion," said the older blademaster. He quickly ran out the door after him followed by the three venos.

    "Scion?" He said as he looked up and down the street but the only people outside were a few guards herding the remaining people back to their homes. Scion was gone.
  • Oldbear - Sanctuary
    Oldbear - Sanctuary Posts: 486 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    A serious thoughtful look suddenly appeared on the face of the old man who minute ago looked rather slushed.

    "I'll remember that name."

    He was just witnessing something that appeared like one man has just had and won a wraith attack single handedly. It's true...wraiths can be affected with fire and force. Tactically well placed demolitions would wreak a havoc in the lines of wraiths. But till now it was impossible tell the time direction and the size of the wraith force.

    If Scion was telling the truth then only way he could've done it was that he knew before from where and when wraiths would attack. For ordinary humans this was impossible since wraiths don't chatter with humans. Something surely wasn't right here.

    "How on earth did he knew about the attack?"

    He has said it out aloud, while in thought. And noticed Patron, who has placed another large mug before him.

    "Sorry old chap but take it over there to that big guy in silver armor. With compliments from Old Bear. But I need something else- be a kinda and make me some coffee will you. Here's some ground coffee if you're short of it."

    "Hey foxy one, did you say you were caught by that blast?" he addressed to the young Venomancer

  • sqloc
    sqloc Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Jin's large panda bear figure catchs the eyes of a few patrons while he pushs open the door to the tavern. Looking soemwhat like a buddest monk, Jin is wearing his wide brim straw hat, in its tilted down fashion. Around his waist is a long one piece orange robe, with his staff, a six foot wood pole with a golden ring attached to one end, across his shoulders.

    Yawning Jin sits on one of the bar stool, ordering a strong tea from the tender, and turning his body around to stare at the actions going on. "Another strange, but peacefull, inn" His green eyes slip down to look at the potential fight with the elfs and the other patrons. "Or maybe I'm wrong"

    He mutters a warm thanks and a smile to the Tender when his tea arrives in a large mug. Slipping the steaming tea he waits for some sort of action between the multiracial crowd around him.
  • Bobncut - Sanctuary
    Bobncut - Sanctuary Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Jin is relieved to see that the night has progressed without any events in the crowd. It is amazing, as always, to see the three races mingling without any sign of the violence among them that was so common prior to the Wraiths' return. Now, a quiet evening in a tavern is too precious and the old animosities too trivial for anyone to even consider disturbing the peace. As Jin contemplates his cooling cup of tea, though, he becomes aware of the human swordsman sitting at the stool beside him. Jin had taken this human for a quiet individual absorbed in his own thoughts. But, the human disturbs Jin's sense of the balance of nature and Jin notices that the human is alternately muttering into his mug, giggling in quiet hysteria, and fighting back tears. If he was further away, Jin could ignore this tortured soul, but sitting right next to him, he cannot. The choice is to either leave or try to restore some balance to this poor soldier. Jin does not back away from a fight - even when it is a spiritual battle. "Pardon me, stranger, but you seem to be struggling with some inner demons. Can I help you?" The swordsman slowly lifts his head. Jin notices the thousand-yard stare. "Oh no, is this another spiritual casualty of the constant conflict," he thinks. BUt when the swordsman speaks, he is remarkably soft-spoken and centered. "I don't know if you can help me. I don't know if anyone can. What they ask is so much. And, it seems there is never any end to the list of things that have to be done." Jin senses that the storm of imbalance has been trapped behind this swordsman's facade of self-control and waits to hear how the situation will resolve. "I've been trying to do everything I can for the defense of the world. I've never shirked from duty. But now, they have set me to an impossible task and I know that if I manage to somehow accomplish it, there will just be more and it will always be harder until either I break or the Wraiths break - and I don't see them breaking. Do you?" Jin has no answer to that question and the swordsman goes on. "I saw a lot of good heroes fall to Stormhaven. It took ten of us to eventually bring the beast down. And now, I'm supposed to go out and rid the world of Khewy the Rattus Lord and if I survive that, I'm to take on Jewelscalen, and somewhere I must find a way to free the Sumor Camp of the plague of wolves by defeating Suzerix the Adalwolf Elder. It is too much, isn't it? One person cannot do all this. We need an army of heroes and instead we have just a few people who must take on so much until they must break." Jin paused in cautious thought before trying to speak. "What you say is true. We do need an army. But what is an army except a lot of good men and women each giving as much as they possibly can? Yes. We will probably each meet our fate in some cold field somewhere, but if we let the certainty of that knowledge deter us from facing the Wraiths we have lost even more certainly." Jin could sense the chaos in the troubled swordsman being eclipsed by a rebirth of his inate devotion. "Thank you. You have opened my eyes again to the reason I am here." As the swordsman raised himself off the bar stool and walked slowly out into the night, Jin could sense his stoic determination to duty filling him and pressing the chaos out of his spirit. The swordsman would likely be dead in a day or two with a to-do list like that, but Jin ordered another cup of tea with an easy heart knowing he had accomplished more in this short conversation than in his whole day in the field.
  • LunarStorm - Sanctuary
    LunarStorm - Sanctuary Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    *LunarStorm walks into the tavern*
    *He leans up a nearby wall and places his weapon next to him*
    He begins to look around at all the people deep in conversation with each other and mumbles to himself "Where is he?"
    The tavern owner shouts to him "Do you want a drink or not!?"
    LunarStorm just glares at him staring into his dull cow eyes.
    The tavern owner quickly looks away and carries on with his duties.
    Lunar picks up his weapon and throws it onto his shoulders and heads to the door, he takes one last quick glance around and leaves.
  • Altihnkai - Sanctuary
    Altihnkai - Sanctuary Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    once outside LunarStorm says to Altihnkai; "No big deal, if this is all we can take em." Altihnkai smiles, writes something down on a piece of paper, walks to the door nd attatches the paper on the door with a dagger. "Lets move before the guards notice us"; he said. And there LunarStorm nd Altihnkai dissapeared in the fog coming out of a strange dark forrest.
  • WuSuang - Sanctuary
    WuSuang - Sanctuary Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    WuSuang walks into the Tavern, tired and cold from fighting against the vicious wraiths.
    She sees a note on the door, held by a dagger. Too tired to take a look, she opens the door and is relieved she made it to a Tavern.
    She walks to the bartender, simply asking for a glass of water.
    The bartender walks into the back and returns with a refreshing cool glass of water.
    She pays for the water and takes it in her hand.
    WuSuang gulps it down and walks to a corner where no one is near and she takes a seat and puts the empty glass on a table.
    She hears voices, loud voices coming from outside. She walks to a window and what she sees sparks her curiosity.
    There was a huge commotion outside. Villagers shouting at the guards. Guards telling the villagers to return to their homes. She turns from the window, walks to a chair and sits down. She lays her arms on the wooden table with her chin resting on her arms. Trying to think to herself on what had happened, she falls asleep without knowing it

  • General_Tso - Sanctuary
    General_Tso - Sanctuary Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    The door to the tavern opens and a mess of an Untamed named Tso steps in, his footsteps loud on the wooden tavern floor from the combined weight of his large body and heavy armor.Most of the patrons looked back to see who.....or what was taking the heavy steps. Most just turned back to their drink. A few snarled their nose probably more from the smell than the fact he was an Untamed.

    Tso glanced around the room, to check things out before he got too far in or too comfortable, this was pure instinct from his training in the Untamed army and many nights spent in less than hospitable towns.He noticed an older man warming his bones by the fire, and Tso thought the fire looked very inviting but decided not to go over. The older man looked to be in conversation with a mage who looked deep in thought, and he didn't want to impose. So Tso header toward the bar.

    When he reached the bar before taking his seat he stripped off the heavy chest plate,shoulder plates and gauntlets.Breathing a sigh of relief from the loss of the wait he took his seat.Tso was a rough site indeed, where the heavy armor had been his fur was all pressed down from the weight of the armor. The rest of him did not look much better. The exposed parts of his fur that had not been mashed down from the armor was mostly stiff and covered in enemies blood, with a few healing wounds here and there.

    Tso handed the barkeep his armor and maces to put behind the bar for safe keeping as he ordered a beer.While waiting on his beer, Tso looked down and seen just how badly he needed a good cleaning,it was apparent that he had not seen the comforts of a town for a long while.He was thinking of going to get a room and bathe then come back to his beer. Tso was brought out of thought by the clumsy barkeep who spilled a little beer on him when sitting his mug down.Tso licked the beer from his wrist and decided to have a few before going for a room.Who knows....with any luck he might could find a naughty venomancer to help with the bathing.

    As Tso turned his mug up to finish off the last sip there was a huge explosion from outside.The battle hardened veteran turned to scan the room, without the slightest flinch.There was a little commotion afterwards.As the barkeep sat down a fresh mug Tso overheard something about wraiths.As he turned for his fresh mug the warrior motioned to the barkeep for his armor and weapons.As the barkeep handed over the heavy belongings Tso threw some coin on the bar with a nice tip added and a little extra for the mug. Then mumbling something about "there will be no rest tonight" he headed out the door with a sigh. Armor, maces.......and mug in hand Tso went out to make sure there were no Wraith stragglers who survived the blast around to make trouble. Maybe tomorrow night he could find that naughty veno and a warm bed.
  • Danji - Sanctuary
    Danji - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Danji walked into the tavern, His face printed with a calm, collected expression as his eyes glided over the Inn. noticing various activies. The old man by the fire with the mage for such instance.

    He took a gentle grip of his blade, his grip seemed to show more of a cautious grip rather than an aggressive one as she slowly and calmly began to stride towards the bar. his eyes shifting across the room noticing the various untamed in the room, though he made nothing of it as she walked pasted them.

    upon reaching the bar he gently placed himself upon a stool, quickly moving both of his arms bfore slowly resting his palms upon the counter, waiting patiently to be served.