Hercules Vs Phoenix

Posts: 8 Arc User
I myself am having a hard time deciding. I play on a pvp server so the phoenix would probly be more useful in pvp, but i can just imagine soloing some high end content with that herc being preety sweet to.
37 wf
Lost City
I myself am having a hard time deciding. I play on a pvp server so the phoenix would probly be more useful in pvp, but i can just imagine soloing some high end content with that herc being preety sweet to.
37 wf
Lost City
Lost City
Post edited by rush13 on
I myself am having a hard time deciding. I play on a pvp server so the phoenix would probly be more useful in pvp, but i can just imagine soloing some high end content with that herc being preety sweet to.
37 wf
Lost City
phoenix: best in pvp, it can fly, good mag tanker,
hercule: best in pve, it can't fly, and not that usefull in pvp
i would prefer a phoenix, but still, it's up to uIGN: JusT_CooL
Server: Lost City
Guild: ex-Conqueror
Follow the example of good GMing
[SIGPIC]http://photos1.hi5.com/0044/475/618/k97TDv475618-02.jpg[/SIGPIC]0 -
well this is what i see out of it..
For FBs and high end content herc would own. could make alot of money off that herc
For pvp and the fact that he can fly, phoenix is nice
I think if i could just have one, id have to go with the Phoenix, at lvl 90 according it ecatomb.net's stat sheet the phoenix is a better tank then any other lvl 90 pet except the herc + it can fly + good in pvp. So in my opinion if u can just have 1, get the phoenix.... But a phoenix cant go in FB's cuz it cant fly right? ( i could be wrong, i just started this game a week ago, so correct me if i am wrong)
Im still thinking tho, if u got a herc and farmed some high lvl Fb's with it..u in time could buy a phoenix with the cash u make.. heh i duno. very hard decision. I got about 2/3 the feathers/force i need..havent decided which to get when i get the rest yet. Tough decision, anyone else got insight on this.
Lost City0 -
I might get the Herc, I mean for one thing there could be much less waiting for certain weaker bosses because if it's true that it has a similar defense to a WB of the same level then theoretically all I have to do is heal it and voila: WB/EP simulation FTW.
I've still got 4 levels left to think about it (well, 3 by the end of today), but once I hit 60 I'm going to sell a ton of gold at the auctioneer and then start stocking up on feathers or force. (Yay for West Archosaur)
Anyone with an actual legendary want to tell us what they're like so far? One of the things that puts me off a Phoenix is that if I grind with it, it might get the same problems as the sawfly with attacking ground mobs, when they run up a hill then it could get stuck and I have to fly up, make it follow me, then send it back from a higher point, while it's taking damage the whole time.Mua - 8x WF - Conqueror0 -
yea i was hoping someone would give some insight that has experience with them, i have seen alot of people with them both.
Lost City0 -
If I had to get only one, I guess it would be Phoenix. But since you can get both, IMO, I think it may be worth it to get Hercules first. You can use that to do solo runs in TT and etc. to make money to get the Phoenix.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
[QUOTE= problems as the sawfly with attacking ground mobs, when they run up a hill then it could get stuck and I have to fly up, make it follow me, then send it back from a higher point, while it's taking damage the whole time.[/QUOTE]
controlling pets>>> learn to use the collar button .. or the paw
you can control what your pet does... dont let it run off somewhere you dont want... when it starts to head where you dont want it to go... make it return to you by using the collar or even the paw (follow) button ...either will work.. follow button to come back where you are... collar button will stop it in it's tracks...
YOU control the pet.0 -
ShadowKate - Heavens Tear wrote: »controlling pets>>> learn to use the collar button .. or the paw
you can control what your pet does... dont let it run off somewhere you dont want... when it starts to head where you dont want it to go... make it return to you by using the collar or even the paw (follow) button ...either will work.. follow button to come back where you are... collar button will stop it in it's tracks...
YOU control the pet.
Except that those things don't always work.
Stylewise, I like the phoenix but i would probably get the Hercules first.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I'm just a vagabond with flowers for Algernon...0 -
ShadowKate - Heavens Tear wrote: »controlling pets>>> learn to use the collar button .. or the paw
you can control what your pet does... dont let it run off somewhere you dont want... when it starts to head where you dont want it to go... make it return to you by using the collar or even the paw (follow) button ...either will work.. follow button to come back where you are... collar button will stop it in it's tracks...
YOU control the pet.
That's exactly what I'm talking about. If Flying pets worked perfectly it'd have the sense to just travel up the hill and fight the mob. But as it is atm, I have to use those collar and paw buttons to get it to follow me before sending it a second time from a higher point. If i'm up against a ranged mob, which is often, they'll be taking damage the whole time. >.<
Oh and talking of style, I saw a Phoenix up close today. I was quite disappointed by it's appearance, instead of some awesome majestic bird it looked more like a translucent chicken with overgrown tail feathers. The Hercules is supposed to be ugly but I knew that already.
EDIT: Phoenix number two, and picture supplied.
It's a freaking chicken!Mua - 8x WF - Conqueror0 -
well it does looks like the phoenix in my mind(look at some chinese calender or illustration?)
and you will see it is looks like chinese ones0 -
GuangRiona - Heavens Tear wrote: »well it does looks like the phoenix in my mind(look at some chinese calender or illustration?)
and you will see it is looks like chinese ones
That must be the problem, it's probably just a perception thing, what with the phoenix being mythical and all.Mua - 8x WF - Conqueror0 -
I personally picked up the Hercules and never looked back at the Phoenix. The Hercules can go into any FB and solo TT pretty well. I've gone through more solo mode TT 2-1's than I can count over the last few days and I'm doing more runs for Guildies as they come up with the substance. Herc also takes some of the burden off of our Faction Tanks since Herc can pretty much tank any physical bosses. Herc still has a problem with some Magic bosses like Krimson Eyes but he still lasts a few rounds. My Herc is currently level 75 and I soloed all the bosses up to the fb79 mobs to complete the Generals quest line before allowing me to enter the Lost Empire expansion. The Phoenix may be a better PvP pet and it can fly but when everything is said and done I'd much rather have my Herc. In fact I may pick up yet another Herc for a Herc backup tank before picking up a Phoenix.0
Still new here...only 2 weeks. After trying to learn about the new purchase pets...why would you want two of the same? You said a back-up herc...what does that mean and how would you use that method?
Thanks in advance...just trying to learn. GL wit your Herc!Lost City - New resident:)0 -
Got my Herc today, and although there's no way I could raise the SOF for another one, I can sorta see why you'd want a second as a backup tank. They are brilliant PVE pets, so far the most crazy thing i've done with him is had him bouncing around keeping aggro on several level 39 mobs. He was level 19.
Oh and Warbound, because venos are so easy to kill without a pet, many of us have "backup tanks", which we keep around so if your Herc actually dies, you just pull out the back up and continue fighting.Mua - 8x WF - Conqueror0 -
When your soloing and your tank goes down you will either have to pull out another pet or run. You really do not have time to rez your pet, summon him, heal him and then have him attack the mob that is already been chewing on your hind quarters for the last few minutes. However, if you had a back up tank pet that you could pull out if the first one drops it would save you a dirt nap most likely. The Magmite is an awsome pet to be sure but it is weak against magic attacks. In my current line up I have Herc, Magmite, Kowlin, scorpion and a few flying pets. After using the Herc for a bit and finding that he is far superior to that of my Magmite then I would much rather use another Herc as a back up tank than my Magmite. The Magmite does have one thing going for it though... My Magmite has Bash 4 on him right now and he can pretty much retake aggro pretty quickly if the need arises. Herc's Pounce 2 is good but it's not AS good as Bash 4. I'm not sure when I will be able to upgrade Pounce 2 to Pounce 3 but so far at level 76 it cannot be done. Personally at this point in time I find a ground based tank much more useful than a flying based pet. I'm not very PvP orientated but love to grind in FB's and TT. Therefore with my particular play style the Herc is an ideal match for me. I still may pick up the Phoenix first but I'll have to decide on that soon as I get enough coin saved up to get the feathers or force again. At a tune of 20m for a pet or there abouts it something you need to think about before you commit.
After thinking about it again... If I upgraded my Magmite to Bash 5 then he could at least hold off what ever mob that was going to have me for lunch long enough for me to either fly away or run way to a instance zone in line. I just may do that... but another Herc is still very tempting.0 -
ok.Well i got a phoenix, i am only lvl 43 so i have alot of grinding to do and knew the phoenix would help more with that (has more hp then golem but hits much faster and harder)..plus i play on pvp server so that will help out on the occasion someone tries to gank me.. I plan on getting a herc when i get closer to 70 to solo fb's. So far the phoenix is amazing.
Lost City0 -
I will prefer Hercules than Phoenix though....
Though Phoenix is much more pretty than the ugly Hercules =P
Hercules can help in FBs or even TTs... while phoenix cant enter....
And perhaps I don't really like PvP (That's why I chose the PvE server), hence I will prefer Hercules...0 -
well if i played on a PvE server then herc all the way, but being that i am on pvp,phoenix is the way to go if u can just have 1..Cant tank the FB's but great pet and great for grinding too, due to flying mobs giving most xp. Phoenix is a great pet for grinding, better tank then any pet except the golem, but much higher dps then any pet out.
Lost City0 -
Got my herc to level 83 today......well impressed
So far so good,tanked lvl 85 wraith chief (new culti boss) with me healing,hitting,healing,
Tried this with my lvl 83 golem and failed badly,but the herc reflected an average of 2.6k damage every time it was hit.
Going to do some TT with it after maintenence
1 complaint though.....its stats dont change when its buffed itself,pdef,mdef stays the same and the 150% buff increase doesnt show on its stat screen
Not a big problem but my maths sux and i hate working stuff out XD
In conclusion Herc roxfoxygoth-lvl92- arcane veno
ElfyGoth-lvl 65-support cleric0 -
I find this whole topic pretty interesting. I'm definitely going for a phoenix though. PVP is too much fun and I can't pass up on the best pvp pet I can get.
I can see where you guys are coming from with the hercules though. Maybe if i can make some money off good pvp drops I'll get that as well.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
The pheonix kills mobs so fast that it's also useful in solo grind b:chuckle[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
I myself am having a hard time deciding. I play on a pvp server so the phoenix would probly be more useful in pvp, but i can just imagine soloing some high end content with that herc being preety sweet to.
37 wf
Lost City
Well. Thats up to you.. but if you want it for caves and dungeons take the herc!0 -
You realize that post was made nearly 2 freaking years ago? She's already got both, or quit the game by now.
In other words, don't necro.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic
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wow nice necrob:shockedb:laughCollector of pet eggs, armor, weapons, fashion, and mountsb:chuckle0
inb4lock0 -
I am on PVE server so a Herc would come in more usefull for me as it can handle instances and persistent areas.It is also very much in demand for instances.
why do i fall for these threads.Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.0 -
Mezzy - Lost City wrote: »The pheonix kills mobs so fast that it's also useful in solo grind b:chuckle
^ agreed. b:pleased
inb4block.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Well, I do have one. I got the herc.
I'll admit I wasn't very interested in pvp when I got him, and now really wanna pvp, so am trying to save up for the nix. Everyone tells me I can make money off the herc.... I'm not seeing it. Hercs are ANNOYING. Why? They don't keep agro! So wtf? You have to wait an hour for a boss to die because you can't hit it or you take agro. Yes, you can get rid of the herc's stun and get yourself a nice agroing skill like roar or bash.... But its not enough. I'm only level 76 though, and so maybe when I start doing more runs my little hercy will pay off.
I have a friend who has both, and she thinks the nix is better. Which I can believe. I'd say get a nix first and just level yourself up a good walker. Ya never know your pvp drops might get you towards that herc anyway.
Thats just what I think.
... I have made the herc sound bad here... He is great, mini bosses etc... Are a breeze.
Its also nice when the tank or cleric dissapears half way through a fb/bh/tt, and so you just tank it yourself till they get their **** back there. (or if the cleric or tank dies!)
Both are good. If you don't wanna pvp, get a herc. If your a lower level, get a herc. If your high and wanna pvp, get a nix. Thats my adivce.b:pleased0 -
Ya phoenix is good in pvp you should take phoenix because phoenix is better than Hercules in pvp0
woot! necro'd again!0
MystiMonk - Sanctuary wrote: »don't waste your money on it, you'll never use it once you get a Herc.
Wait a minute...0
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