
mecurial Posts: 0 Arc User
edited December 2008 in Blademaster
Hi guys, let me get straight to the point...
-I am a lvl 50 bm currently wielding dual blade... and i would like to change to axe build coz dual blade can't lvl as fast as axe bm (lack of aoe skills)..
-my current points are Str 143, Dex 90, MAG 5 and the rest on VIT.
-I do some calcuation and found that I had just enough spirits n money to learn latest AXE skills for my lvl.

What i want to ask is that IS it too LATE for me to change build now? would it messed up my points for the rest of the game? OR should I stick with my blade build??

Helps and suggesstion are welcome:)

P.S I am planning to use 1 reset scroll to add in more STR
~~~~la la la~~~~~~
Post edited by mecurial on


  • stewiepeanut
    stewiepeanut Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    even though im not lvl50 i can say that dual blades aren't that great but they aren't bad either. but dual axes do do (no pun intended) WAY more damage but require more str and less dex.
  • Lyndura - Lost City
    Lyndura - Lost City Posts: 829 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    No, it's not late for you to change to Axes.

    Even easier because you will use a restat for STR. Level 51 Axe requires 152 STR, so make sure to get that amount of STR (without any equipment). You could take the points from DEX or VIT, depending on the amount of the last one.

    Good luck with that, I think you will enjoy more using Axes than Swords :P
  • mecurial
    mecurial Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    even though im not lvl50 i can say that dual blades aren't that great but they aren't bad either. but dual axes do do (no pun intended) WAY more damage but require more str and less dex. far as i know, blade aren't that good in early lvl, we can't take on muliple mobs in 1 time for the lack of enuf aoe skills. but i m not sure abt the end game since i hvn't reached around there yet b:laugh
    No, it's not late for you to change to Axes.

    Even easier because you will use a restat for STR. Level 51 Axe requires 152 STR, so make sure to get that amount of STR (without any equipment). You could take the points from DEX or VIT, depending on the amount of the last one.

    Good luck with that, I think you will enjoy more using Axes than Swords :P

    thanks least i got some motivation to transform to axe user...
    P.S sorri for the ambiguity.. what i mean by AXe is Dual axe or hatchet
    ~~~~la la la~~~~~~
  • Clickhere - Lost City
    Clickhere - Lost City Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    you are just fine. just pop all str you need for axes the next levels and you'll be fine. im 81 and got 95 dex which is still low since 950 accuracy is too low for PK. I'd say im a carebear cuz of that even though in the few time i play i PvP when i have to without really major problems.
    BTW for leveling try to always max the cheapest axe skill instead of max 1 skill to full fisrt. Only need constant AoE dmg. b:bye
    Raven:"...Don't joke with my intelligence"b:laugh
  • mecurial
    mecurial Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    BTW for leveling try to always max the cheapest axe skill instead of max 1 skill to full fisrt. Only need constant AoE dmg. b:bye

    thanks click...i just have to put every point gained per lvl to my str..(may b i could save the scroll :P)
    btw is Drake Bash skill useful?? i looks like "Mage Bane" skill of my dual blade which i rarely use. IMO i would rather use 1 spark on SEruption or Sutra.
    ~~~~la la la~~~~~~
  • Blksunrising - Lost City
    Blksunrising - Lost City Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I'm still a lower level axe/hammer BM and I was just wondering exactly how this AOE leveling worked for my class.

    My vit is incredibly low at this moment. I assume I should raise more vit to tank for aoe?

    At what level should I stop my 1on1 and start to AOE, and what stats required?

    Current Stats are 202 Str 29Vit 32Dex / It's a complete PvE only build.
  • Lyndura - Lost City
    Lyndura - Lost City Posts: 829 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Well, if you want to start AoE'ing efficiently, you will need at least 50 base VIT, or so. You will start that way of training around 6x levels, at mid 6x's if you have good equipmet, you can go to AoE at NightScream Isle, that are level 76 mobs.
  • Blksunrising - Lost City
    Blksunrising - Lost City Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    thank you and which AOE would i be using? highland cleave? or the dragon aoe?
  • Garalian - Lost City
    Garalian - Lost City Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    highland is the way to go. but get all of them. the more AOE's the better
  • complexx
    complexx Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I switched at 74 from Blade to Axes.

    Of course I used reset scrolls.

    Sinnerz Lost City PvP.