Girl being able to carry girls

janis Posts: 1 Arc User
edited August 2009 in Suggestion Box
I think u guys should make it so girls can carry girls but only if they can fly or have a mount/ flyer I mean yea its good that the guys can carry girls but Girls can carry girls too. Think about it K ty
Post edited by janis on


  • geegeetee
    geegeetee Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Any kind of a compromise in this area would be great.

    I see this as an actual problem in game.

    Yes people can "follow you"

    But, many a times in my early levels, asking for help or someone offering to help, the males quickly offer to "carry" you. and bam! of you are on the back of a tiger, or in someones arms heading right to where you need to be or asked about.

    Today I spent 2 hours flying around trying to find a spacific creature, asked a friendly tiger fellow, he said Hop on, I know right where to take you.. a few minutes of running, we were there.

    It would be rather nice, for us gals to be able to do the same. I get the "weaker sex" suggestion, and we could always have a battle over that.

    I know my husband can carry me alot further in his arms then I could ever carry him. Yet there are some women that could carry my husband a lot further then he could carry me.

    But ok, so I get the 'weaker sex" idea behind it, But it's a great aspect of the game and I would greatly enjoy the game and helping lower levels alot more, if I could say.. Grab a hold.. I'll take you there.

    So yes yes, if we can't carry anyone as females, maybe some sort of compromise so that we can anothe girl if nothing else.... men pretty much are spent getting help on the quests for the treasure boxes in the cities, if they aren't flyers.

    Would be nice to be able to help a fellow out.

    Spiderman 3, spidey jumped on the board with old Harry and they flew around together, so lets even this aspect in the game up a bit, so men can be assisted, as well as girls can help other girls :)
  • mystic
    mystic Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    It seems like every day this is posted again.

    And it won't change.

    The people who read these threads aren't developers. They don't choose what goes into your game. The best they can do is say "Hey guys... Uh... A lot of guys on the forum would like to see this so er... Think about it... Okay?"

    And if it even gets to the developers, it gets filed under the "Ha-ha, yeah right, if we ever have way too much time and money on our hands" section.

    The system works as it is, they're going to focus on things that DON'T work or are profitable before they go making things that do work better.

    It's not that the GMs don't want us to have the game shaped the way we want, it's that it's not in their power.

    Selfish blood runs through my veins. I gave up everything for fame.

    Pandora - 8X Mage - Lost City (PvP - The only server worth playing.)
  • Frodus - Heavens Tear
    Frodus - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    mystic wrote: »
    It seems like every day this is posted again.

    And it won't change.

    The people who read these threads aren't developers. They don't choose what goes into your game. The best they can do is say "Hey guys... Uh... A lot of guys on the forum would like to see this so er... Think about it... Okay?"

    And if it even gets to the developers, it gets filed under the "Ha-ha, yeah right, if we ever have way too much time and money on our hands" section.

    The system works as it is, they're going to focus on things that DON'T work or are profitable before they go making things that do work better.

    It's not that the GMs don't want us to have the game shaped the way we want, it's that it's not in their power.

    wow.. so i guess this suggestion box forum is pointless?
  • geegeetee
    geegeetee Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    They put the topic in the forums For people to give suggestions and ideas...

    Not to have people slap us in the face when we do just that, Even if the developers wet their pants in hysterical laughter, by reading the ideas, SO WHAT!!?? Makes people happy having a place to give ideas and offer suggestions.

    So step off a bit.. The forum is for suggestions, and that's what she did, no need to snap off at someone or try to make them feel belittled for doing EXACTLY what the forum asks people to do.
  • Fireblossom - Heavens Tear
    Fireblossom - Heavens Tear Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Last I heard, this was done to avoid the appearance of condoning homosexuality. But I personally don't think that a male character giving another one a lift is ****, it's just practical; and the same for female characters. More than that, this is a game, an imaginary world, where we should be able to be whatever we want, so I think there should be male and female versions of every class as well. I think that politics and cultural differences, especially in an international game, should be left behind at the log on screen.
  • Ainen - Sanctuary
    Ainen - Sanctuary Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Yes, this is annoying. People should be able to carry others around irrespective of gender. b:angry
  • castie
    castie Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    From the point of practicality to the fact that in a fantacy world you should be able to do whatever makes your pants dance. If it is to much of an issue though why not a firemans carry for two males and a piggy back ride for females. I think that this feature could enhance the relationship dynamic and cross race romance in game. Same gender carry could also tighten faction bonds and give new levels of stratagy in a battle type situation.
  • Firecharm - Sanctuary
    Firecharm - Sanctuary Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Last I heard, this was done to avoid the appearance of condoning homosexuality. But I personally don't think that a male character giving another one a lift is ****, it's just practical; and the same for female characters. More than that, this is a game, an imaginary world, where we should be able to be whatever we want, so I think there should be male and female versions of every class as well. I think that politics and cultural differences, especially in an international game, should be left behind at the log on screen.
    well if that is what they think that it will need to homosexuality then make the embace button do somthing other thne have the two kiss like if they huged then it might make ppl think oh thats ok if they hug!....and to the one guy mystic i think his name is if this forum thread is called suggestion box and they wnat our ideas to make the game more injoyable and what we want to see then y do they ask for our ideas and have this forum thread?
  • mistix
    mistix Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    i think all should be able to carry all (cept for guys carrying guys) im not trying to be mean to g@ys or anything but i just dont wana accidently carry a guy >.> lmfaololwtflol
  • Ocane_II - Heavens Tear
    Ocane_II - Heavens Tear Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    then you just drop them

    besides if your wanting to carry a girl being a birl then you probably wont have to worry as much as being aguy carrying a guy seeing as how your toon would be a girl

    but i do agree

    however i think it should go for guys too

    i garantee you many people in this game are ****, even guys

    so its not fair to be biast about it
  • asap
    asap Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I just want to post this one time. Nothing more. xD
  • Crystalfall - Lost City
    Crystalfall - Lost City Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    yea i agree more interaction with players would be FANTASTIC, like you can kiss but no hug =[ or snuggle up, or hold hands or anything, it would be unique to see one like that. b:surrender
  • Ultimalozza - Heavens Tear
    Ultimalozza - Heavens Tear Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    i don t like the idea of watching men hug and kiss eachother but it wouldbe usefull if males could ride tigers and stuff i mean thats not **** and it would be helpfull to be able to carry injured people away from danger but the hold that have is too romantic
  • gustavomesquita
    gustavomesquita Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Something tells me that this thread will be exapanded to more future ideas, such as like that venos' in foxie form are supposed to bark like doggies while running around, barbarians in tiger form should climb up walls due to their sharp claws, and that we need new icons to do real tea parties on PvE servers, to make it look "realistic".

    Yeah this was a random statement but you got what I mean.
    [Add smth cool here]
  • ailec
    ailec Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I totally agree. Girls should be able to carry girls, and for guys to carry guys, it would be a lot easier for different classes of lower levels to travel together.

    regarding the whole homosexual thing.... people its just a game... chill.
  • Evoken - Heavens Tear
    Evoken - Heavens Tear Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    It's not happening

    No matter how strong, for a human to fight a monster means he has submerged his humanity and transformed himself into a greater monster - Berserk

  • Wotsmaleus - Heavens Tear
    Wotsmaleus - Heavens Tear Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    This subject always upsets me.

    Mainly because well, lets get it straight, I'm in a same sex relationship IRL.

    But this also upsets me because it's suggested SO often, and people apparently are bloody well clueless as to why only opposite genders can hug.

    Lets break it down into the forms of duality, the Ying and the Yang. If ANYONE had read my dissertation in the PWI forums they would know that males and females possess different life essences, which is called Chi or Ki. Also known as the Breath of Life.

    Now, you MAY have noticed you have a Chi Meter. Chi energy is stored here for use in spells and sometimes Spark Eruptions (you'll find out when you get there). In order for this chi meter to be filled, you either do activities reflective of these two powers; Kill or Love.

    As same gendered individuals possess the same kind of life essence, it does not fulfill the cycle of the Yin and the Yang. Therefore it was most likely not considered based on this principle of Duality and Life Energy.

    So really, my frustration is pretty much over some players being rather thick headed in not understanding simple concepts in a game based of Chinese mysticism. You want to get embraced? There's nothing stopping you form playing a female, and nothing form stopping your friend/lover/acquaintance from being male.

    Actually, I'd wish that the moderators would gag threads on this topic. They are pointless and terribly frustrating.
    "Everything is worth what the purchaser will pay for it." -Publius Syrius

    "If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal." - Emma Goldman

    "The Bible is a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish, no interpretation no matter how subtle can (for me) change this." -Albert Einstein

  • Kusaku - Lost City
    Kusaku - Lost City Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    ITS A GAME....
    I dont realy care about this chi ki thing....
    I dont even care about same sex ralationships (although it is kinda unfair for those that do)

    i juts wanna carry my slow friends around so i dont have to spend ages waiting for them to run around half the map to get to the questing area

    I would like to carry guys and women to.... cause guys r slow as well

    And for realism why dont u have a carrying spell (like embrace but uses mana based on class)
    Also its not liek were playing the most realistic game in the world ^.-

    Also i kinda hope the dev's will look at our suggestions otherwise they should just delete this forum here and now
    So for my bad spelling ^^
    Dieing with style and skill since 1989

    Frav Qoute :
    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."
  • flare324
    flare324 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Also I was in a town I can't remmember with my venomancer a little below archosaur and a lvl 9 blademaster was there asking me were he is. I told hm and he told me his lvl and if I can take him to etherblade. But since venom are all girls I couldn't carry him and he was to scarred with all lvl 40 or so monsters around him. So I told him I didn't know what to do and he left and I have know idea what happened to him.
  • Antelope - Lost City
    Antelope - Lost City Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Only problem about it is that the PWE staff are greedy and just want our money to play this game. Reminds me of Zhoephast from Fake Perfect World (Private server, pls shut it down), he is a stupid GM dosnt know what a server is and it pisses me off...

    So if we cant embrace same-sex, then we should have flat butts just like Werebeasts b:victory.
    Level 1x WF. Harshlands (PvP)
  • Akutskisan - Lost City
    Akutskisan - Lost City Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    but boy and boy is a **** thing
    anyway im lookin for any singles who want a bf '_'
  • andracil
    andracil Posts: 2,949 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Dangit, stop necroing!
This discussion has been closed.